Grid reference NS2540
near to Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, Scotland
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We have
7 images
for NS2540
Stevenston Shore
This is the shore between Stevenston and Saltcoats. Looking towards Inner Nebbock and Saltcoats. Arran is just visible under a winter sky.
East Shore
Looking towards Ardeer Point
Tide's Out at Saltcoats
This family were enjoying a walk with the dogs at the edge of the sands between Saltcoats and Stevenston while the tide was fully out.
Stevenston Shore
Looking towards Saltcoats with Arran beyond
East Shore
Looking towards Ardeer Point
East Shore
Looking towards Ardeer Point
A Spring Dip At Saltcoats
The tide was well out on the beach between Stevenston and Saltcoats though, being only mid-May, the water was still chilly.