near to Rothbury, Northumberland, England
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30 images
in grid square NU0603
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images taken from NU0603 [1]
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for NU0603
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Bridged with style
by Leanmeanmo
A lot of thought and craft has obviously been put into this design and no expense spared, all for a humble bridge over a small burn.
Boundary stone with benchmark
by Russel Wills
Beside the track to Primrose Cottage.
'R' for Rothbury?
Cragside Estate track
by Chris Morgan
Cragside Country Park
by wfmillar
Part of the estate drive.
Track to Debdon Farm
by Derek Harper
The track curves away along the side of the Debdon Burn valley, with Primrose Wood on the left. Taken from the footpath which crosses the valley to the left.
Old Milestone by the B6341, Debden Forest, Cartington parish
by IA Davison
Carved stone post by the B6341, in parish of CARTINGTON (ALNWICK District), Cragside, Debden Forest, on grass verge, on West side of road. Alnwick number stone, erected by the Alemouth & Hexham, eastern part turnpike trust in the 19th... (more)
Conifers, Debden
by Richard Webb
The one way Carriage Drive through Cragside estate
by Martin Dawes
This six mile route around the estate is worth doing, it has a number of car parks along its route all with walking routes of various lengths
Debdon Plantation
Clearing in Debdon Plantation.
Boundary Stone 'R'
by David Clark
This one faces in the direction of Rothbury, to the west.
These stones are placed along the edge of one of the carriageways constructed by Lord Armstrong to enable visitors to drive around his Cragside Estate.
Reflections on a Muddy Track
by Mick Garratt
Access to Debdon Plantation
by Russel Wills
Off the B6341 north of Rothbury.
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