This jewel, near Ballycultra, is the most impressive museum of its kind in the British Isles. Real houses, cafes, shops, court, police station, churches, school and post office etc. etc. etc. Have been saved from demolition and removed... (more)
An NIR 80-class set heads through the closed Craigavad station with the 16.50 passenger service from Bangor to Belfast (Central).
Although closed some 10 years earlier, Craigavad's small signal cabin still stood in 1986. It was... (more)
A Victorian 'Penfold' pillar box located within the grounds of the Ulster Folk Museum at Cultra (BT18 155). The box, still working and collected during the week, was manufactured c1866-79 by Cochrane, Grove and Company of Dudley... (more)
See J4280 : The Bangor road at Cultra. This is the same view, in the evening, as the north Down commuters (left) head home. The autumnal mists and colours are starting to appear.
See J4280 : Cultra Manor (December 2008). An earlier view of the house built in 1902 to a design by Graeme, Watt and Tulloch. The full architectural description is available here Link.... (more)