near to Crawfordsburn, Co Down, Northern Ireland
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31 images
in grid square J4880
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The Belfast Road near Clandeboye, Bangor
The dual carriageway section of the Belfast Road, on the Bangor side of J4880 : Speed limit sign, Bangor (1), showing another of the average-speed cameras used to enforce the 60mph speed limit.
Orlock Gardens, Bangor
Located in the Kilcooley Estate,
Tesco, Bangor
by Rossographer
Interior of the Tesco store at Springhill, Bangor. Taken late in the evening - hence few other shoppers around.
Looking at old maps, the centre looks to be named after what was a farm or large house called Spring Hill which sat close... (more)
Bus stop and shelter, Rathgael Road, Bangor (July 2015)
A bus stop, with shelter and seat, close to Fern Grove on the Rathgael Road. Used by some Ulsterbus town and Belfast services. J4880 : Bus stop, Rathgael Road, Bangor (July 2015) shows the corresponding stop on the other side of the road.
Sculpture, Kilcooley, Bangor [2]
by Rossographer
Closer detail of the 'Kilcooley Obelisks' described in J4880 : Sculpture, Kilcooley, Bangor [1].
Slip Road at Springhill
This is the slip road from the A2 Belfast Road onto the Bangor Ring Road and the Springhill Road.
Brexit banner, Bangor
by Rossographer
More evidence of the discontent with the Northern Ireland Protocol Link
Bus stop, Rathgael Road, Bangor (July 2015)
See J4880 : Bus stop and shelter, Rathgael Road, Bangor (July 2015). The stop on the other side of the road - no shelter or seat just a small area of tarmac and a dropped kerb.
Kilcooley Wood, Bangor - October 2014(3)
Part of the wood, close to the Rathgael Road, to the north west of Drumhirk Drive.
Letter box and drop box, Bangor
Drop box and post-mounted EIIR letter box, on the Old Belfast Road, close to Rathmore Road (out of picture, behind me, to the left).
Sir Edward Bingham Mural, Kilcooley
This mural was painted in September 2009. It depicts local war veteran Sir Edward Bingham O.B.E. - a sailor who was awarded the Victoria Cross for courageous actions in the Battle of Jutland. Located at Orlock Gardens in Bangor's... (more)
Bus stop, Bangor
Appropriately-named stop on the Bangor side of the ring-road flyover J4880 : Flyover, Belfast Road, Bangor.
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