Grid reference NY8813
4 km E of South Stainmore, Cumbria, England
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4 images
for NY8813
Beldoo Moss
Probably the most interesting thing about this square is the name. We are looking towards Beldoo Hill which doesn't show from this angle.
Wall on Beldoo Moss
The only feature in the square and only just in it.
Heather moorland with stream groove and trap
The location is an area known as Beldoo Moss which lies to the north of the A66 close to the Stainmore Gap.
The trap is intended to catch and kill stoats; it's of a new design following the outlawing of Fenn traps in April 2020.... (more)
Modern fence on Beldoo Moss
The drystone wall along the southern edge of Beldoo Moss overlooking the transport corridor now followed by the A66 and formerly by a Roman road and the South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway, ends abruptly with no sign that it ever... (more)