near to Killinchy, Co Down, Northern Ireland
We have
12 images
in grid square J5062
We have
12 images
for J5062
River in spate
by Brian Shaw
Like much larger rivers in Ireland, this one is called the Blackwater. It drains into Strangford Lough in the same square.
The Oyster Yard, Ardmillan
by Oliver Dixon
Like many modern developments, the name has been chosen to imply a rustic (or in this case a maritime) setting.
River Blackwater at Ardmillan
Along the Ardmillan Road.
Killinakin Road
by Robert Ashby
Farm near Whiterock
The Mill Pond, Ardmillan
A new development on the Ardmillan Road, Killinchy.
The Oyster Yard, Ardmillan
New apartments, presumably with view over Strangford Lough.
Valerian, Ardmillan near Comber
Valerian growing in a grass-covered wall beside the Ardmillan Road.
Direction signs, Craigarusky, Ardmillan near Killinchy (February 2017)
Surviving, but well past their prime, blue-bordered direction signs opposite the Killinakin Road. The Craigarusky Road is to the left, the Ardmillan Road to the right.
Direction sign, Craigarusky, Ardmillan near Killinchy (February 2017)
A blue-bordered direction sign at the corner of the Killinakin Road (left) and the Craigarusky Road to Balloo J4960 : Killinchy post office. Both are minor roads running through undulating drumlin country.
National cycle network signs, Craigarusky, Ardmillan near Killinchy (February 2017)
Signposts for Route 99 at the north western end of the Killinakin Road (just out of picture to the left in J5062 : Direction sign, Craigarusky, Ardmillan near Killinchy (February 2017)).
Ardmillan Rd
by N Chadwick
Road junction near Ardmillan
by Rossographer
Junction of the Craigarusky Road (ahead) and Killinakin Road (left) south of Ardmillan.