Grid reference NY3605
near to Rydal, Cumbria, England
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The Stepping Stones over the River Rothay near Ambleside
Earlier in the year in June there were only two stones left, the others having been washed away. Now all stepping stones are back in place. Only one member in our party was brave enough to walk across all of them !
River Rothay
Here the Rothay has left Rydal Water on its way to Windermere. In the distance are the peaks of Low Pike and High Pike.
Barn by the Rothay
Parking control by River Rothay
Parking in the popular areas of the Lake District is fairly tightly controlled. The place gets busy and the car parks are quite expensive, so people will be looking for alternative areas to park.
The River Rothay
A walk around Rydal Water [1]
The rather expensive car park at the beginning of the walk.
From near Rydal village, the walk circumnavigates the beautiful Rydal Water. The lake is both supplied and drained by the river Rothay, which flows from Grasmere upstream and... (more)
Pelter Bridge
Over the River Rothay.
Stepping Stones, River Rothay
River Rothay
At Pelter Bridge
Barn alongside the River Rothay.
Minor road at Pelter Bridge
This is the lane from Ambleside to Rydal to the west of the main road, which is joins just beyond Pelter Bridge, which can be seen to the right crossing the River Rothay. There is often an ice-cream seller here.
Pelter Bridge Car Park
Pelter Bridge Car Park lies to the west of Pelter Bridge itself, also south of Rydal and the River Rothay.