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    • #185226

      So… where do I start? Hmmm…
      I found this forum in late 2021, there were two links on a gambling site, one of them led to GT. Funny enough, isn’t it?
      Actually, my gambling history started a “bit” earlier, in January ’21. It all begins with a $3 deposit. The amount you “can afford” to lose, right? Then comes a line of wins and loses, eventually ending with a zero balance. “But I made $20 out of $3!!! Let’s deposit again, surely this cannot go wrong!!!”
      It’s frightening me how much money I lost since then. What’s really awful, is the fact that I have no job yet. It’s my 3rd year of university, but I’m still living with my parents. They know nothing about that disgusting side of mine.
      I’ve read many stories of people here. Countless posts of hopes, struggles, ups and downs. These helped me a lot at the moments of total despair. Especially kin’s journals.
      Lots and lots of times I was crying, screaming, beating myself up with the thoughts of “no more”. Yet, I came back again and again, forgetting all the things happened before. Lately, I’ve had a rather long recovery period since March ’23. It all went to nothing with my another “first” bet three weeks ago.

    • #185230

      Hi asd,

      Well done on looking for help.

      You have had a gamble free period so the good news is that you know you can stop. The trick is to stay stopped!

      Barriers will help, where has your recent gambling been? You can get yourself excluded, if it is online then you can get a blocker for your devices. How have you funded it? Accountability and removing minstant access to funds helps, it means we can no longer act secretly and quickly if we get an urge. Who could help with that?

      Most importantly of all is support. If we need it to stop gambli9ng then we should keep using it to help maintain recovery. Whether that is posting here regularly, getting to Gamblers Anonymous meetigns or other support. If we could do it on our own then none of us would be here in the first place.

      Keep posting.

    • #185244

      You will be experiencing the fight between two voices in your head.
      One tells you “No more gambling”
      Another tell you to do it “One more time”
      And there will be a tug of war inside your head.

      Wolf Parable

      An elder Apache was teaching his grandchildren about life.
      He said to them,”A fight is going on inside me; it is a terrible fight
      and it is between two wolves.

      One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
      self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.

      The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

      This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too.”

      They thought about it for a minute
      and then one child asked his grandfather,
      “Which wolf will win?”

      The old Grandpa simply replied, “The one you feed.

      Are you feeding your addiction or your recovery?

      • This reply was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by kin.
    • #186386

      Happy New Year to all visitors and posters in this forum, especially to kin.
      I’m staying gamble free since November 16th 2023, ended this year on a relatively good note.
      I finished almost all of my university tests of December, from 13th of January my exams will start.
      You could say I’m too busy to gamble, in the meantime I just play videogames.
      In the new year I want to find a job, that basically has to be my only goal now, but I keep delaying inevitable.

    • #186706

      Hey there, your journey echoes with many of us here. Acknowledging the struggle is a significant step. Remember, recovery is not a linear path, but you’ve shown resilience before. Reach out when you need support; this community is here for you. Let’s build on the progress you’ve made and focus on the steps forward.

    • #190383

      I failed again today. “Finally” unblocked an old account with a certain amount being left there for months about two weeks ago, played with it for 2-3 days before hitting zero balance. Thought I would stop after that? Nah, it just fed my addiction after almost 4 months of staying away from gambling. Eventually, it happened and now I’m here again. The Day One… no, more like Day Zero. What the f***.

    • #190388

      Autobiography of an addict in 5 short chapters

      Chapter 1

      I walk down the street, there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
      I fall in, I am lost, I am hopeless.
      It takes forever to find a way out.

      Chapter 2

      I walk down the same street, there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
      I pretend I dun see it, I fall in again.
      I can’t believe I am in the same place.
      But I believe it isn’t my fault.
      It still takes a long time to get out.

      Chapter 3

      I walk down the same street, there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
      I can see it is there, I still fall in, it is a habit.
      I know where I am. It is my fault.
      I get out immediately.

      Chapter 4

      I walk down the same street, there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
      I walk around it.

      Chapter 5

      I walk down another street.

      …THE END…

      • This reply was modified 4 months ago by kin.
    • #190393

      Hi asd,

      The stonecutter may strike a rock 99 times with no apparent effect. Yet with the 100th blow, the rock splits in two.
      That doesn’t mean that the first stroke is useless. Success is the result of continuous efforts.
      It was not the final blow that did the trick but all that had gone before.

      Don’t lose heart!

      Just because you lost a battle does not mean you lost a war.
      You may have to fight the battle more than once to win the war.
      Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war.
      Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.

      Don’t give up on yourself
      you will find a way; you can do it.
      It won’t be easy but it will be worth it

      When life gives you a second chance
      Don’t take it for granted
      Don’t waste the chance
      Don’t repeat the same mistake.

    • #190423

      Hi kin,

      Thank you. Today was not a good day but it was better than yesterday. Because I didn’t gamble today.

      I’m walking down the same street for about three years now, with varying success. The first time I fell down that hole I didn’t even acknowledge the fact it exists.

      • This reply was modified 4 months ago by asdfghost.
    • #190970

      Today I’ve tripped over and fell down the same hole after just a week and a few days from my last lose. I hate myself.

      I couldn’t abstain from betting just as a drug addict who can’t abstain from substances.

    • #190977

      Hi asd,

      I am so sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident.
      We need help from the professionals to deal with problem in the brain.

      You are still so young and you have a bright future ahead of you
      but you are at risk of losing all your future earning whenever you lose your self-control.

      Please seek help.

    • #190999

      Hi kin,

      Thank you for your support, unfortunately I have no idea where to seek that help. I won’t be able to tell my parents, or any people I know irl about my problem.

      What “saves” me now is the fact I do not have a considerable amount of money as I have no job, so I cannot spend my whole monthly salary, for instance. It’s kind of blessing and a curse. I constantly remind myself and am getting reminded by my parents for that reason. My family situation is also rather complicated…

    • #191031

      Gambling Therapy live support is a text-based service that allows you to speak directly with an experienced advisor. Whether you are concerned about your own gambling, or if you are worried about someone else – talking about it can be a relief.

      Speaking to an advisor can help you find a new perspective on your situation and can help you take meaningful practical steps forwards.

      Gambling Therapy advisors will listen to you without judgement and can talk through any questions you may have about problem gambling. Your advisor can also help you to find local resources such as counselling services or groups if these are available in your area.

      Support is provided in any language using automated translation, with native language support offered in many common languages. Just start typing, and an advisor will respond in the same language.

      The service is confidential – although other advisors within the Gambling Therapy team will be able to review the conversation in order to provide the best possible service. Visit the privacy policy page for a more detailed explanation on confidentiality and how we handle your data.

      Live Support

    • #191210

      Here we go again. That didn’t take a long time. I fell with my face down in the dirt. Is it over? I don’t know.

      I’m feeling awful these days. Things just aren’t going right at all. Isn’t it pathetic to have a negative self-control value?

    • #192186

      I’m f***ing stupid. Thought I could make it to May without any problems, just because I started to feel a little bit better…

      I have no idea. Not a small grain of idea. Why my own brain works maliciously like that.

      I have so many things to care about, and yet. It forces me to stay carefree, and then the addiction catches me in the most vulnerable state.

      I want to cry. It’s been a long time since I did it last time, for the same reason as now. Why can’t I just stop being so reckless, why can’t I get rid of these awful thoughts.

    • #193207

      Been gambling again today. And the day before. And on 8-9th May a week ago. It’s getting worse and worse. I have no real money, and that’s really good so my losses each time do not exceed $15-20 which is still kinda lot for me though. And it’s not even my own money, I’m getting everything from my parents as allowance.

      It’s starting to get sick. I can’t stop wasting my time on games and money on nothing. I’ve been here, two or three years ago when I had suicidal thoughts related to the insane amounts I lost that time. And my mental condition overall was shitty to put it mildly. I don’t want to be there again. Not this time.

    • #193286

      I want to end this nightmare. I just can’t stop ruining my f***ing good for nothing life. I know what I’m getting punished for, honestly. Lack of confidence, procrastination 90% of the time, stupid decisions and losing faith in myself. That’s all symptoms you could say, I’m surely in a bigger trouble than all that put together. I have no real interest in anything but videogames. It may be a stretch, and I have an ability to concentrate on work or study, but I don’t use it very often as I should do. I’m so, so tired of all that shit. I’m at risk of being expelled from university due to tons of academic debts. Not right now, sure, after this summer I’ll have the last chance. If not, three years wasted for nothing. And then the real danger comes. I live in a piece of shit country with conscription. Not only that. There’s ongoing war. If I get drafted I’m dead for sure.

      A messy situation don’t you think? I wish I had more abilities to change my life perspectives for at least alright. I’m constantly trying to escape reality by getting into imaginary world. That’s what my parents always told me. I don’t wanna look at this dirty, stinky, garbage reality. It’s painful, and becomes even worse each freaking day. You could say I’m exaggerating. I have no pictures to take from to compare with mine. But that’s what it is for me.

    • #193540

      Yesterday and today it happened again. I wasted my time and money on this disgusting addiction. To think I somehow lived more than half of the year in ’23 without any problem. I don’t know. I just feel myself as a pathetic subhuman being that cannot control its impulses, emotions, bad habits, etc.

      It all cuts off, little by little, that tiny bit of hope I had at some point, and still have, but it becomes nothing more quickly than slowly. I wish, I really wish it didn’t come to this. But our wishes, you know, they aren’t real. Actions need to be taken for them to come true. And in this case, these actions have never been so obvious. Just stop betting. Pretend you have never done that. Tear up that dirty page of your life away from the book. Start improving yourself.

      I want to cry. Again.

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by asdfghost.
    • #197379

      I’m very close now to the conditions I was back then, at the time I seriously considered suicide. I don’t want to think about it. I want to threw these goddamn thoughts away. They are awful and unreasonable. Nobody including me would ever benefit from that. This addiction has been killing me mentally for so long, and I need to cut it off me. But I can’t. What to do? I don’t know. It’s fucking impossible. It’s no use. I have no escape ways. I’m done.

    • #197380

      Please, help me. Somebody. Anybody. Please. I know no one cares or would read this. I don’t care either. Help me.

    • #193352

      Hey asdfghost,

      Sorry to hear you’re struggling, but I have some positive news for you. First off, you can’t be drafted if you’re under 25 years old (I believe you are). Second and most importantly, as long as you’re a university student, you are exempt from mobilization. After your Bachelor’s degree, you can pursue a Master’s degree, so if you’re in your third year of university, you can relax for at least three more years.

      So, your biggest fight now is against gambling. I believe you can succeed, but you definitely need new strategies, bro. Here’s a suggestion, and you can take it or leave it: If your parents send you $20 at a time and you end up gambling it, try buying a few books with that money instead. Order them in advance so you spend the money before you have a chance to gamble. As a result, you’ll have a few books to read and no money to gamble. Anna Lembke’s book “Dopamine Nation” would be a great read.

      Stay strong!

    • #197858

      Hi asdfghost
      You can turn things around. Try and keep your mind off gambling, as soon as a little urge comes along do something else quick – even if it is taking a cold shower.
      Put up good barriers like gamban on whatever devices you may use, self exclude from any casinos etc.
      Just take things hour by hour then day by day. It soon mounts up.
      Sounds like you are young? You can save a lot more of wasted time and money if you can quit right now.
      Best wishes

    • #198116

      Tomorrow is my Day 1.
      Enough said.

    • #198259

      Two and a half days without gambling. It’s deadly hot today out there, and I go to uni every day this week because of the tests and stuff.
      I’m having enough troubles to spend my time to. That’s good.
      I’m still feeling anxious. Better than a week ago, sure. I’m not going to give up.

    • #198686

      Shitty day today. Lost a lot of time to you know what.
      First time didn’t lose any money. As if it’s something to be glad about.
      I’m a disgusting unhuman being. Installed old ass betting app on my phone even though I’ve blocked my account in another, almost two weeks ago.
      I’ve deleted it now. I can’t recover my nerves and time. I can’t get back lost opportunities through the years of addiction,
      can’t repair broken mental health, can’t live my life as if I’ve never placed a bet.
      I want to cry.

    • #198750

      The next time your mind tells you it is ok to gamble or your heart tells you to gamble
      Following your mind or heart, both will lead you to act out in gambling
      What are your plan or strategy when this happen next time?

    • #198805

      Hi kin,

      I wish I knew. To this moment my strategy was to distract myself from that by doing something else.
      It didn’t really help in the end of day as we can see. My longest gamble-free period was 9 months from March to December last year.
      Was it just a coincidence?

    • #198824

      I don’t want to write it, because of the deepest shame.
      But I should. I should write it down here every time it happens.

      So I gambled again. Was it a sudden impulse or inevitable desire? It does not really matter after all.
      I consider myself a deeply sick in the head human, and I cannot help but feel this sickness is gonna be with me forever, my whole life.
      It is a pretty terrible disease.
      How can I deal with it?

      To kin,

      Like many times before, your words told me exactly what would happen to me, and I ended up in the same pit again.
      Am I not teachable? There’s been years of doing the same thing. Failing every time.
      I need to reconsider my so-called strategy or whatever I’m just using to avoid gambling because it seems like nothing works at all.
      There’s not even a little light of hope in the end of this damn tunnel. Only misery, disgust and suffering.
      I appreciate you writing something here in my thread, trying to give an advice.
      I know it’s no use before I take a step myself. Nothing will happen before I do it myself.
      And honestly, it needs to be done as fast as possible, otherwise… at some point I will end up in a pit so deep, that I won’t have any option such that I still have right now.

    • #199026

      Glad to see the site being fixed.
      Unfortunately, I slipped again. I’m writing this today, 19th June, at 12:35 am.
      I managed to stay away from gambling for barely 3 days. That is pathetic.
      I should be ashamed of myself for being so reckless. So dumb and careless.
      That’s insane how I cannot control myself no matter what. IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE.
      I cannot explain it to myself at all. There’s no logic involved. Pure idiocy.
      I would give anything to cure from this sickness. Give me a break.
      I’m feeling so ashamed in front of anyone who reads this.

      This place slowly becomes more and more quiet and abandoned, there’s hardly any activity here.
      That feels awful. No more groups, even though I’ve had a chance to take part in them last year, I haven’t even tried… and then they closed, after many and many years of existing.
      No more online services such as “GT live support”, nothing left here working but forums.
      And they are dying too. Spam attacks, occasional breakdowns. And less and less activity with each passing day.
      It’s heartbreaking to witness. I’ve had and still have such a great respect for people who kept this place alive for an insanely long time.
      From the moderators to regular visitors and posters.
      I want the forum to stay. Three or four days ago, when it broke, I’ve had such terrible thoughts that it all just ended like that.
      Now, even though it’s available again I can’t help but think we’re close to an end.
      Maybe I’m exaggerating. Dunc or someone else from moderation team could correct me. I wish I’m wrong.

      • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by asdfghost.
    • #199039

      Do you like to stop your gambling or the problem that leads you to gamble?

      If you stop your gambling, those problem that leads you to gamble are not going to stop

      What are those problems that lead you to gamble?

    • #199509

      9 days have passed since my last bet. I managed to stay away and not gamble.
      I passed my last exam five days ago. I was exaggerating honestly when I said about “tons” of my academic debts in uni.
      I finished pretty much everything, expect one subject that consists only of “laboratory tasks” aka labs, and not require an exam or even a test. I’m gonna finish it off in September.
      Today I came to job interview for internship for first time in my life. I can’t say I did well, neither messed up. The results will come soon in a span of one week.

      Have I cleaned myself from the mud that I’ve got into while betting again? Yes.
      Have I cured myself from the deeply placed disease called addiction? No, and it seems I will never properly do that.
      To live in constant fear and anxiety, to suffer from these compulsive thoughts from time to time, or even every passing moment.
      A destiny of an addict, truly dreadful.

      I still have a light of hope. That I wake up some day. And tell myself: this is it. This is the end. You’re free.
      No more addiction. No more struggles and beating yourself up. No more suicidal thoughts. No more fear, no more freaking gambling.
      It’s okay to have a dream sometimes.

    • #199521

      Congratulation on passing your examination!

    • #199555

      Thank you, kin!

      Gotta find a way to pass the next challenge now.

    • #199752

      I wish I had no real reason to write here. I wish.

      Here we go again. I fell for the bait of “freebets”, you know these?
      They want you to deposit a small amount like $5 to get a “freebet” which is a virtual number that you can bet and if you win, you’ll have the profit (not including the amount of “freebet”) on your record.
      Yesterday, or well, two days ago I downloaded a new betting app, and they gave away that stuff to me.
      And I managed to keep it. The amount I won. Not for long.
      Today, presumably because I did a cashout operation, they sent me another “deal” which was a “freebet” that equals to the amount you deposit.
      You can think ahead what has happened next.
      Yes, I lost everything again. That’s not a rocket science. That’s freaking gambling. It always ends the same. ALWAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS.
      Why can’t I understand matter that simple? Why, why, why, why?
      Why I have to keep coming back and hurt myself, not being able to stop, always rushing with my brainless, empty head, into void.
      Into places I will never come back from. Even to the place I’m being right now. Let alone these wet dreams of “full recovery” and such.

      I’m very angry at myself now. I’m not afraid. But I’m really depressed at the same time, and that feeling seems to overtake my anger.
      No. Just no. I need to remind myself every day. Not today. You don’t bet today.
      Imagine how pathetic that sounds for a normal person to read.

      • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by asdfghost.
    • #199763

      I read your post today. I feel your pain. I have had a 2 month relapse and I have lost it all. I feel so weak right now. Hope that we can find the strength to beat this.

    • #200410

      Hi all,

      Stop when you can and when the lost are low. When you grow older you can have a period without gambling but then be carefull…

      This is an adcit for life!! Stop and dont bet a 1eur… because then the roalercoster will start and you will continue. And when older you have more money, and when loosing you will want to recover. Credit is very easy to obtain

      I’m fighting this fight and losing allways on the last years and now with debts larger than 75k. Its not blocking the websites because there’s allways one that’s not blocked!

      Allways in my mind is the stupid that I’m and how life it would be without that debt. I’m allways praing to get luck a clearer my debt… to be clear of this gambling problem.

      Yesterday was again my last fight… and it could be the 3rd time that i need to tell my wife, and she has been so supportive that this disappointing is making me even more sad and stupid… I dont know if she can take it!

      Just want to share my experience and you’re young so be very afraid with this adict and seek help, friends, family and doctor’s

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