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Organizational Links
  • The National Rifle Association
    Offering America's preeminent shooting, training, education and public service programs that foster the safe, responsible ownership and use of firearms.
    NRA website

  • National Shooting Sports Foundation
    The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industry. Formed in 1961, the National Shooting Sports Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a membership of more than 4,000 manufacturers, distributors, retailers, sportsmen's organizations and publishers.
    NSSF website

  • Ducks Unlimited
    The vision of Ducks Unlimited is wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.
    Ducks Unlimited

  • Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
    The mission of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat. Our top priority – protecting and enhancing elk country – has never changed. The RMEF is a wildlife conservation organization with an emphasis on elk. We define conservation as a balance between people, land and wildlife. We strongly advocate hunting and sustainable, ethical use of natural resources. We seek common ground among stakeholders and we celebrate outdoor and rural lifestyles and values amid an American culture growing ever more distant from the land.
    RMEF website

  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Management
    The US Fish and Wildlife Service works in partnership with many organizations and individuals. Fish and wildlife conservation requires coordinated efforts by the states and the territories, as well as private landowners, tribes, and other countries besides the Unites States.
    US Fish and Wildlife Service website

  • Single Action Shooting Society
    The Single Action Shooting Society® is an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS® endorses regional matches conducted by affiliated clubs, stages END of TRAIL®, The World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting, promulgates rules and procedures to ensure safety and consistency in Cowboy Action Shooting™ matches, and seeks to protect its members' 2nd Amendment rights. SASS® members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting.
    SASS website

  • National Wild Turkey
    In 1973, Tom Rodgers founded the National Wild Turkey Federation in Fredericksburg, Va., as a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization with a mission dedicated to conserving wild turkeys and preserving hunting traditions. Shortly thereafter, Rodgers relocated the NWTF to Edgefield, S.C., where it's still headquartered today.
    NWTF website

  • WomenHunters™ Club
    The WomenHunters™ Organization is dedicated to the encouragement, education and promotion of women and youth in the hunting traditions. We strive to instill the importance of ethics, responsibility and sportsmanship in hunters. We will share our knowledge and experience while encouraging participation in the outdoors. Women Hold the key to the future of hunting and WomenHunters™will contribute to the positive growth of hunting for future generations.
    WomenHunters™ website

  • Safari Club International
    Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. That’s why SCI Members are active in more than 100 countries, and why you’ll cherish your involvement with SCI. SCI fights tirelessly to protect the hunting heritage enjoyed by 15 million Americans and 45 million families around the globe.
    SCI website

  • International Ammunition Association
    The International Ammunition Association is a non-profit corporation whose objectives are to advance all facets of knowledge and interest concerning ammunition of all types and forms, and to provide mediums for the exchange of information and specimens thereof. Formed in 1955, the IAA meets these goals by providing members with a subscription to the bimonthly publication, the International Ammunition Journal; special member discounts to various goods and services, and by informing the membership of current industrial, political and historical trends.
    IAA website

  • FFLGuard
    FFLGuard is an innovative program offered by firearms-trained litigators, The Chiafullo Group, LLP, where the Group acts as a cooperatively financed, de facto “general counsel” to participating clients. The framework of the FFLGuard program is designed to provide participating Federal Firearms Licensees cost-efficient access to legal professionals – specifically-trained firearms lawyers and other qualified legal personnel – whom deliver both educational training and rapid response services, all with a sharp focus on safeguarding the viability of the client’s FFL. In addition, the majority of the client’s retainer to the Group for participation in the FFLGuard program is held in trust with other participant’s retainer fees. Should it be necessary to access that money to pay for that client’s legal fees in a time of need the funds will be available for the use by the collective.
    FFL Guard Website

  • Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
    Since 1989 the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) has maintained a singleness of purpose that has guided the organization to become the most respected and trusted sportsmen’s organization in the political arena. CSF’s mission is to work with Congress, governors, and state legislatures to protect and advance hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping. The unique and collective force of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC), the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) and the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC), working closely with CSF, and with the support of major hunting, angling and recreational shooting and trapping organizations, serves as an unprecedented network of pro-sportsmen elected officials that advance the interests of America’s hunters and anglers.

  • The International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) - USA
    The International Hunter Education Association (IHEA) - USA is the professional hunter education association affiliated with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the 50 state fish and hunter education programs. The programs employ 55,000 instructors, many of whom are volunteers, that teach hunting and shooting safety and responsibilities throughout the United States. Throughout 2014, Gallery of Guns is proud to sponsor “Champions of Hunter Education” designed to recognize and reward instructors and students.
    Details can be found at

  • TrainMeAZ
    The resource for firearms training for Arizona.
    Arizona is a gun-friendly state. Safety & marksmanship matter. Get trained.