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Bekah 's Reviews > The Idea of You

The Idea of You by Robinne Lee
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did not like it
Read 2 times. Last read June 15, 2018.

I’m just so disappointed in this book. I loved it the whole way through and then it is ruined by a unhappy ending. If a romance novel doesn’t have a happy ending there should be a warning!!!
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Finished Reading
June 12, 2018 – Shelved
June 12, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
June 15, 2018 – Started Reading
June 15, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Danielle I had the same feeling, and I think what it was for me was a case of accidental mis-marketing. Like, if I wanted to read gritty realistic literature I would not be reading something that is labeled as romance/chick-lit. The warning you're wanting could have been conveyed via how it gets categorized/grouped with other 'similar' books. To me, it feels a little like a romantic book where someone dies at the end - which is a genre! And its fine! But like, most reasonable people want know going in that they're reading one of "those" books, hahaha. It was so good! AND THEN...

Anika I agree completely. I loved it and if it had been marketed correctly I would not be so annoyed.

Clotilde Totally agree. Hated the crappy ending

Michelle Ruder She needs to write a sequel 5yrs later. Where the band has naturally taken a break. He is releasing his second solo album and during the press for that it comes out that he’s only been I love 1x before and all the songs he writes are about one person. Isabelle sees the interview and reaches out to Hayes to say my mom is still in live with you too. Isabelle is 18 and about to graduate college so she doesn’t care if they date anymore. Cuz no one at Harvard will know she is Sol’s daughter!

Phyl Agree I hated the ending

Megan Smith It’s not a romance book.

Carmen Great book awful ending! Totally agree with the sequel idea.

Marla Agree 100. It should’ve come w a warning like 500 days of summer. It is not a romance book it is a tragedy.

message 9: by Rrr 4 Romance (new)

Rrr 4 Romance Thanks you just saved me from picking up this book

Nikky Raney The ending made me so pissed off - we don’t even get an epilogue WTF

Rachel Chew Here for the sequel yasssssssss

Debby Great book. Awful ending. The movie ended much better!!!

message 13: by Anij (new) - rated it 1 star

Anij If it doesn't have a happy ending it's not even a romance novel. Even the film director realized this and thankfully changed the ending.

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