James Fields's Reviews > The Message of Daniel
The Message of Daniel (The Bible Speaks Today Series)
This commentary is not designed to be an in-depth analysis of history and culture like others are. Instead, Davis tries to write a book that could be read straight through and give you a whole and complete look at how your life should change as a result of reading Daniel. And I think he does this very well. He interweaves his book with tales from modern history that paint for you a more complete picture of what is going on, and he writes some great and powerful one liners. Some great examples:
"Faith knows the power of God [3:17], guards the freedom of God [3:18a], and holds the truth of God [3:18b]."
"The Fourth Man can always find his people." (This is in reference to the fiery furnace, and I think it packs a powerful punch, especially up here in Seattle where we have the Twelfth Man... the Fourth Man is so much more powerful!)
"Pay attention to what Belshazzar teaches you: having clear information does not guarantee the right response. He knew all this but did not humble his heart."
Talking about Daniel 6:1-28: "This section carries a two-pronged message for Israel's exiles: see how gracious God is in giving you favour among your captors and even with kings, therefore, don't despair; and see how costly it may prove to remain faithful when you are favoured, therefore, don't make an idol out of human favour.
This commentary proves to be an application or devotional style commentary, which in general I'm usually wary of. It takes a lot of work behind the scenes in proper grappling with the text to get those golden nuggets and present them rightly. Often times a work like this doesn't do all the behind the scenes work; what they present is the seemingly all the work they did. It is obvious in Davis' carefully written book, that he did take the time and effort to write this commentary in a way the properly addresses the text, and he gives life altering words to the importance of it.
There may be a few points I disagreed with him on, but I leave that to you to judge for yourself. This book is easy to ready, theologically sounds, and carries several powerful messages for believers.
To see more reviews check out my blog: This Sporadic Life
"Faith knows the power of God [3:17], guards the freedom of God [3:18a], and holds the truth of God [3:18b]."
"The Fourth Man can always find his people." (This is in reference to the fiery furnace, and I think it packs a powerful punch, especially up here in Seattle where we have the Twelfth Man... the Fourth Man is so much more powerful!)
"Pay attention to what Belshazzar teaches you: having clear information does not guarantee the right response. He knew all this but did not humble his heart."
Talking about Daniel 6:1-28: "This section carries a two-pronged message for Israel's exiles: see how gracious God is in giving you favour among your captors and even with kings, therefore, don't despair; and see how costly it may prove to remain faithful when you are favoured, therefore, don't make an idol out of human favour.
This commentary proves to be an application or devotional style commentary, which in general I'm usually wary of. It takes a lot of work behind the scenes in proper grappling with the text to get those golden nuggets and present them rightly. Often times a work like this doesn't do all the behind the scenes work; what they present is the seemingly all the work they did. It is obvious in Davis' carefully written book, that he did take the time and effort to write this commentary in a way the properly addresses the text, and he gives life altering words to the importance of it.
There may be a few points I disagreed with him on, but I leave that to you to judge for yourself. This book is easy to ready, theologically sounds, and carries several powerful messages for believers.
To see more reviews check out my blog: This Sporadic Life
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rated it 3 stars
Feb 27, 2022 06:04AM
Thank you, this was helpful