I've heard so much about Shatter Me over the yearsThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
I've heard so much about Shatter Me over the years. Its ranged from people hating the first book and not reading more and others adoring everything about every book, so I was a little sceptical going in.
I'm not going to be cryptic and keep this spoiler free as I know a lot of people have read it by now.
The start I found pretty interesting as Juliette is alone in a cell and has no one to speak too we have a lot of time to focus on her internal monologue, her hopes and fears. I think it becomes clear that she is wounded but strong as she's been living locked away for such a long time.
Her fascination with the outside world is interesting as it starts to build a description of how her world used to be and what it’s like now, or rumours at least. It has been devastated by humans - trees and animals no longer exist as the land is not fertile. Even birds are a thing of the past and Juliette watches out for one every day as a symbol of hope.
Not far into the book Adam is introduced as her cell mate. I don't trust him or this happening as it seems like a very strange thing to do, particularly as we learn she has never seen another person being held in the "mental asylum" and they don't even provide guidance on where the showers are. You have to find them in the dark yourself and hope you make it back in time to your cell.
His presence is worrying too me because of how friendly he is and wanting to talk to her. She's also a bit torn about this because we learn that she has actually met him in her previous life before this cell - he was a classmate of hers though they never spoke.
This is also the same time that it’s even more strongly hinted at that she can't touch people for one reason or another. This knowledge is constantly hinted at throughout the start of the book but it’s at this point you can see her panic about him possibly touching her but also the want she has to be touched (the comfort of having someone hug you or look after you). But alas he can't.
It’s here I get a bit iffy with the book though because at some point it becomes noticeable that she has strong feelings for Adam, or at least the Adam in her past. Once we find out that they are indeed the same person and she's not just imagining things she really does have feelings for him.
Only to have them horribly shattered to pieces as she learns he is part of the army for the Reestablishment. At this point though Juliette did keep noticing little things that Adam did that for the reader made it obvious he wasn't 100% with the Reestablishment but cause she was so angry she kept shutting him out and getting worked up so it took her a little while to notice this.
Warner is the leader of this sector of the Reestablishment and any scenes with him in made me feel sick. His actions and the things he says all line up with that of an abusive person. He gives her "safety" and promises her a "better life" all she has to do is become his torture tool. He wants to strip away her humanity and turn her into a monster or machine. It’s rather horrifying.
I seriously hope that in the later books he doesn’t face some kind of stupid "redemption" plot line and become a "love interest" because honestly the way he spoke and acts was disgusting. He also forces another man under his control to touch her just to demonstrate to all the soldiers how dangerous she is.
Whilst being under Warner’s command she remains set on not wanting to help him and continues to refuse to touch Warner so he can see what her powers are like. On the happier side of things though she gains trust and friendship back with Adam and learns she can touch him. The feelings she felt whilst realising she could touch someone were really interesting and I think that Mafi wrote this well. Though I couldn't help but think that it was a huge coincidence that the one person who could touch her was the one man she loves.
Eventually Adam and Juliette are able to escape from Warner’s clutch. Quite literally he grabs her leg whilst she tries to escape and guess what ...nothing happens. So now her whole refusing to touch (i.e. hurt) the horrible man keeping her prisoner makes sense. It was because of this story plot. Ah okay.
I felt a bit let down by that. I really did.
Also why are these the only two who can't touch her? They've got to be like at least related or something right? Otherwise it’s far too many coincidences for me to handle.
After their escape we meet Adam's brother - James - a ten year old who is precious and full of youth, and shortly after Kenji. Kenji was a soldier with Adam and he was beaten after Adam's escape. Beaten badly. He is the one who mentions he has somewhere safe they can all go and hide but he's very secretive on the whole matter.
I’m not quick to trusting Kenji but he turns out to be an okay guy and after a brief encounter with Warner (where Juliette maybe shoots him and does beat down a steel door – woo power – to save Adam) he drives to safety. To the movement.
Yeah so he’s basically one of the rebels and they team all get healed up and rested and we meet the leader of the movement who is basically Professor Xavier from X-men (yes like having Juliette’s powers be similar to Rogues are not enough we have this comparison too).
This last section, within the underground camp of the movement, is probably one of the stronger parts of the book. The writing isn’t as artsy and descriptive but the story opens up a lot more. We get more answers and it shows the potential this series has. This is basically why it is a 3 star rating for me. I didn’t hate it. I just had a lot to say, a lot to complain about, but I can see the potential in it and I’m somewhat interested in seeing how it develops.
Kenji and James were hands down my favourite characters, and Juliette isn’t too bad when she’s not thinking one thing and doing another for plot point reasons. Adam is basically from heaven, he’s set out as perfect in every way imaginable and always puts the wellbeing of James and Juliette before his own (this is why I’m a bet meh with Adam’s character, he’s great but you know, just too great).
TLDR: Too many coincidences. Good world and story. Has potential....more
After watching one of Dodger's manga videos, thougThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
After watching one of Dodger's manga videos, though I don't remember which, she highly recommended Onani Master Kurosawa and I decided the subject matter was strange enough I'd give it a chance.
I'm not sure I should've now, maybe it gets better but ultimately this wasn't for me.
In case you didn't read the synopsis onani means masturbation, so yes this is called Masturbation Master.
So basically this story follows Kurosawa who really likes to touch himself. Like really. To the point where every day after school he goes to the girls bathroom and enjoy himself in a cubicle. These were the particular scenes that made me choose not to continue reading because all of his fantasies included a girl selected from his class earlier in the day and he liked them being really submissive and it just came across really rapey and abusive even though there wasn't anyone there but him. It just made me super uncomfortable.
I hear you asking so how is this a story?
Well one girl figures out what he's doing and requests his help to stop some bullies in order to keep his secret safe. This for me was more where the story was interesting because it made me wonder what else would he do to help this girl or maybe others? to keep his past time adventures hidden.
I also wondered how the girl being bullied fairs in the rest of the series and whether she stops being picked on so much or develops much as a character. But yeah, ultimately it left me feeling uncomfortable and I didn't really care to keep reading about his adventures in girls bathrooms.
(view spoiler)[(In case you're wondering, in this volume, he takes a "sick" morning and sneaks into the school too early so once the class is doing their gym lesson he steals the bullies clothes and um ruins them with his favourite hobby) (hide spoiler)]...more
At 54 page Untouchable is a very short read. I actThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
At 54 page Untouchable is a very short read. I actually didn't realise this when I first picked it up and read a chapter and went to sleep, the next day I was like ...why? Why did I do that?
Anyway Untouchable follows Ethan, who at the start of the book is in the wrong place at the wrong time and finds himself in the middle of a supervillain and superhero battle.
One thing leads to another and whilst he should find himself on the other side dead after trying to save a girl, he's actually doing okay. Todays the day he learns he's different. He has superpowers.
I really enjoyed the book, it was fast paced and fun. The narrative is quirky and reminds me of Barry Allen in the current TV series, it has the right voice for the protagonist.
Another thing I really liked is that Ethan is gay. I'm not sure but this may be the first, or one of only a few, book that I've read featuring a queer main character. They're like superheroes themselves, so few and special so we have to cherish them when we do find them.
Anyway I'm getting distracted here. The book follows Ethan as he adapts to his new life in a new home with other superhero teenagers. Its here we meet Greyson who quickly becomes Ethans crush and its (mostly - I'll get back to this at the end) a really sweet romance that is told between them.
The villains have really crazy powers and I would honestly be terrified if I had to face up against them myself after only knowing I had powers for such a short time but Ethan and the others face them as any superhero would!
Its so short I don't want to give away any major things that happen but just put it this way I really enjoyed it.
It did almost get 4 stars but I had two complaints about it (sorry Starcevic) so I had to remove half a star. The only issues I had with this book was that it had a negative portrayal of a long distance relationship and I'm honestly just kind of sick of reading this trope. I'm in a ldr why can't we be happpy and handle the distance? Why do we have to be portrayed as cheaters and give-r up-ers. Oh yeah so the reason I said Ethan and Greysons romance was mostly really sweet was due to the fact Ethan is already in a relationship and doesn't end it before acting on his feelings for Greyson. :(
The other thing that was a little annoying was it was the female character who became a damsel in distress. I mostly let this one go because it wasn't a huge uproar of anger I felt about this, I didn't really feel annoyed until I reflected on it, because at the end of the day, in this story it was handled well and she can kick butt....more
I finished this book in October 2015, its currentlThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
I finished this book in October 2015, its currently May 2016 and whilst part of me is regretting not even making a note review sooner, I'm also thankful that I put in so many hours finishing my studies.
So here I am months after and still a little sleepy from deadline week, but a reviewer has got to do what a review has got to do. And thats at least try and convey how much I enjoyed the last book in this series.
In case you haven't read my reviews of the previous books then heres a few things you might need to know: 1. I picked this up the night after finishing Double Click 2. The whole book is email exchanges between a group of friends
What continued to impress me throughout this series was how different the personalities were of each character and how their voices came through so easily in just emails. This format allows for you to gain just the important pats of the characters lives, because if it wasnt worth sharing with a friend, it wasn't worth sharing with the audience.
I really loved it, its quick and humorous pace allowed for super enjoyable reading even whilst studying like a mad woman. It was such an enjoyable experience and I'm honestly a little sad to see this series come to an end.
Should Lisa decide to revist these people, maybe even years down the line, I'd still pick it up and whilst romance books are not something I jump too, I would highly consider reading more of Lisa's work in the future.
I think I'll miss Shelley the most, everyone needs that one dirty-minded friend.
Thank you for the puns and giving me something worth reading and enjoyable at a very busy time in my life. ...more
Earlier this summer I dared to venture onto NetGalThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Earlier this summer I dared to venture onto NetGalley and face my abismal feedback rating over there, and I stumbled across this gem.
One follows twins, Grace and Tippi, who are closer than you and I will ever be. They're conjoined twins and this book follows them as they live their day to day lives of endless hospital and therapy visits, adjusting to starting school for the first time, and coping with a family coming a part at the seems thanks to money issues.
What I think is most important about this book is that it doesn't revolve around the idea of what the girls can and can't do, its focus is more that of their mental state, growth, and friendships - it shows their confidence and how they've adapted to the harsh views and words of the world.
On the other side of things it shows them enjoying their new lives that starting school brings - new friendships, first crushes, a sneakily planned trip, camping, and first kisses. Its adorable and so much fun.
However this book is as heart-wrenching as the synopsis says, as the money issues continues to put a huge weight on their family, the girls have to make a decision together on how they can try and help out, to try and bring everyones smiles back.
It was refreshing to see a character that could've easily been a money-grabbing meanie exist as a caring adult the girls ended up leaning on a fair bit instead.
This is the first book I've read that was written as free verse which I think this was chosen due to a design aesthetic, well at least that is how it seemed to me as somehow it visually represented Grace and Tippi.
I can't even begin to describe the emotions this book made me feel, nor the amount I cried either. It really was an emotional read. 4.5 / 5...more
After the hangover that is the Throne of Glass serThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
After the hangover that is the Throne of Glass series I wanted something that I knew I would enjoy and wouldn't be too much of a challenge to read.
Double Click was perfect for this as its an easy to read romance in email format which means you get to read hilarious and chatty conversations between friends with only the important details and gossip happening.
At first I struggled getting into the book though because I completely forgot who was who, ooops. I just reread the synopsis for the first book and was back on track.
Getting to dive back into these girl's fast paced and hilarious life is so worth every page.
From the get go its easy to notice that a change has happened in the dynamic of the friendship and thats Shelley. Shelley isn't her usual tell-all self on her sexual exploits and she's very busy with "work".
Its not too difficult to figure out that there is a man in her life that she is getting somewhat serious with and even though it took a while to come to light I definitely missed the humour she brough in the first book.
I was super glad when she finally told Renee what was going on because how Renee was handling things wasn't fab and I was worried about the future of their friendship for a while.
Mark finally goes on a date and he's head over heels for someone that is a bit too ...catty for the others to handle.
My all time favourite in this book is the pun exchanges that happen, puns are such a guilty pleasure of mine because I can't help but find them hilarious and we definitely get our fair share in this book.
I really enjoyed this, in fact it shows because I picked up the third and final book only the next evening. That review will follow at some point....more
I was lucky enough to recieve a copy of Click for This review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
I was lucky enough to recieve a copy of Click for review after mentioning it looked good over on Talk Supe's blog. The synopsis for this book seemed really interesting to me as I met my current boyfriend online, though not via a dating website.
(If you must know we've followed each other on tumblr for 5 years and spent a lot of that time gaming together too, but we only got in a relationship this February)
Okay so first things first even though I knew that it was email based, I didn't expect the whole book to be all from email perspectives but it was and wow, it worked so well.
Having the book in email format helped keep it chatty and hilarious, whilst allowing the pacing to be fairly quick due to the fact the main events would've already happened so you're finding out the important details as two friends talk about them.
I love how each of the characters personalities are very different allowing for you to know easily who is talking in each email, y'know in case you happen to skim the header of the emails now and then.
As this book follows Renee looking for love the book isn't filled to the brim with romance, I think this is what made it so enjoyable for myself as I'm very picky with romances as they're not one of my go to genres. There are a lot of failed dates, or emails, some with hope that lead to heart break, and of course the one perfect man.
Renee is such a great character, I loved how her confidence grew throughout the book and how her two best girl friends are very different but she still has close friendships with them that work.
I also related to how she handled a smoker that she went on a date with, that was a big "you go girl" moment for me because ew smoking!
The last few chapters made my heart do happy little jumps and then over anxiety clenching roller coaster rides. It was crazy how many emotions I felt towards the end of this book, the ending was so great and I can't wait to read the next books.
P.S. If reading explicit sex scenes isn't something you enjoy with romances (they're a bit hit and miss for me as when they're written badly its so obviously written badly, and euphemisms can be dreadful too) then this book will definitely work for you as you're always reading a recollection and gossip session between friends, who at times will want their privacy. P.P.S. Don't be stupid and read the synopsis for book two 77% of the way through, don't do it. You don't NEED to know the name of the final man at that point, you can just keep reading a few more pages to find out properly. It doesn't matter how impatient you're getting, stop being a fool.
Meet Lizzie our brunnette protagonist and her beaThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Meet Lizzie our brunnette protagonist and her beautiful blonde-haired best friend as they both pine over a new dreamy teacher.
Who will win in this fight between best friends?
I don't know because I didn't finish the book...
The moment the book did this typical pitting girls against girls when they're best friends but acting as if they don't even get along from the get-go it just hit snooze for me.
I decided to try and keep at it, well for 13% of the book at least but I just couldn't do it. I was just so annoyed and irritated with every character we met, with how they were acting with each other, and I've just had enough.
The only interesting things that really stood out to me was that Lizzie could beatbox and it wasn't set in the US.
I feel super bad about not being able to connect with this book as I recieved it for review but I guess its just not for me. I guess I'm just too old for any more highschool drama, I've had my share.
Whilst I didn't finish the book I'm still giving it 2 stars as I didn't hate it and it wasn't badly written....more
The Ugly Stepsister, as you may have guessed, is aThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
The Ugly Stepsister, as you may have guessed, is a retelling of Cinderella but this time we get to see it from one of the ugly stepsisters point of view, only she's not quite herself either.
This book follows Kat who is a regular girl, living in our regular world until she accidentally rips an old book and falls into the world of Cinderella, taking the place of Katriona.
She is visited that night by a Goblin who I guess is like her own fairy godmother in a twisted sense, he explains for her to be able to return to her own world she has to see the story through to the end and make sure Cinderella's story comes true but that he has no way of knowing where abouts in the story she currently is nor how to help to make this happen.
See? The premise is pretty great, and I so much wanted to love this book and be able to rave about it but I'm struggling.
The writing is great and the characters seem interesting enough - Ella isn't actually the step-daughter, the Prince doesn't want to marry anyone, and the other ugly sister is annoying as hell.
But Kat? I just can't connect with her or how she's viewing this world, I understand to suddenly be dropped in this world would be confusing and difficult to adapt too but there is just something about her that I'm struggling to connect too.
I've read 25% of this book, honestly I would've DNF it a lot earlier but as its a fairly long book I agreed to read a quarter of it to see how I then felt, and I still just don't have the urge to finish it even though I do want to know whats up with the Prince and lack of Fairy Godmother?
I've also figured out one of my own reason as to why this is happening. I have a terrible book hangover. I tried reading this at the same time as Heir of Fire but it just wasnt happening because I was already so invested with that series, and of course my copy of Queen of Shadows hasn't arrived yet hence the hangover.
I feel like cause I'm in the stupid fangirl stage of that series I'm not able to give my full attention to this book, or well any other book that I've also been struggling to get through.
So whilst I'm going to "did not finish" this at the moment its really more of a "on hold", I can still see it having some potential and hopefully I can pick this up at the end of the year with a fresh view on it. ...more
Crown of Midnight follows on not long after ThroneThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Crown of Midnight follows on not long after Throne of Glass finishes, we're introduced to Celaena as the King's Champion and how Dorian and Chaol are dealing with how obedient she is.
But is everything as it seems?
No, of course not. Nothing ever is with Celaena and at first it puts a strain on her friendships.
Personally I felt that the first half of this book aimed to fill out the characters more, to expand on the existing friendships and to give more depth to them, whilst also toying with our emotions with the romance element to the story.
I found the second half was the better half, its the action packed and eye-watering race against time and threats that has left me forgetting a lot of the first half.
Though I should point out that I write this months after finishing and up to date with the series so separating the books isn't as easy as it would've been if I had decided to tackle these reviews earlier - well done Lauren.
The proper introduction of the rebels really moves the story along, forcing a lot of changes upon Chaol and Celaena, though all orchestrated by Nehemia who sacrifices a lot to push Celaena to make decisions she had previously said she wasn't ready to make.
The development of the Wyrdkeys, gates and demons also adds more to the story - forcing Dorian to show the magic he's been hiding for a lot of the book, Celaena showing her true power and form to save Chaol and Fleetfoot, and Chaol struggling to accept that both his best friends have something he's grown up in fear of but also willing to risk his life to save them both.
So in the end not just Celaena who has to face living a double life, and it is interesting watching how the others deal with everything they're faced with, having to question their own beliefs or actions.
"But the hound didn't whine or bark for the stick to be thrown. No, Fleetfoot just kept sitting there, watching the palace far behind them. Waiting for someone who was never going to arrive."
In the end Chaol sacrifices his own freedom in hopes to help get Celaena somewhere safer now he has seen her true form, but their goodbye leaves him finding out more truths that may be even harder for him to accept and come to terms with.
Dorian struggles with his new found power and, as he's left in the dark about Chaols plan, the betrayal of Chaol sending Celaena across the sea to be a great aid to the King.
Ultimately this book emotionally tore me apart, I cried a lot and had screaming fits with my flatmate who read it with me. I couldn't put it down. I loved it and I'm afraid this review does not fairly put across the full effect of this....more
Any one who has read any of the Throne of Glass seThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Any one who has read any of the Throne of Glass series will need to make sure they read this; I've had people tell me they weren't going to bother because they would only read short stories if it were about her life before the King destroyed everything.
I loved this book so much, but I gave it 4 stars because it didn't grip me and make me fangirl like Crown of Midnight did, however I was reading this during the loss of one of my dogs so I'm happy I enjoyed it at all.
These novellas are such a great and important part to the series to gain a better understand of what Celaena was like before Endovier, before the loss of Sam, and before the betrayal of someone that lead her to Endovier.
It highlights that Celaena had strong opinions and depth to her, which add further depth to the rest of the series and her actions, or lack of at times.
This book made me smile and cry, and is definitely worth the read. ...more
Silence follows Oakley an abuse survivor, just aboThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Silence follows Oakley an abuse survivor, just about.
She hasn't spoken for eleven years because of this and whilst it takes most of the book to give the full details on the events that happened, its fairly easy to figure them out earlier on.
Having the main protagonist not speak, at all, was surely an interesting take on things and interesing to read.
It made the blossoming of hers and Cole's friendship into relationship really intersting and sweet because it illustrated just how well they knew each other regardless of the fact the conversation was one sided. He knew her expressions and feelings very well.
Another positive thing about this book was seeing how much stronger she had gotten over the years when having to face the past very suddenly.
However I overall felt very meh about this book. I wanted to thoroughly enjoy it but the actual confrontation and resolution of the problem was very rushed and brushed over, if almost like an after thought that having the story be only on her and Cole's relationship was too drab? - it wasn't.
Then there are the few chapters we get from Cole's point of view... they were just 'eh?
Once the secret is revealed Oakleys decision to deal with it is to move to Australia. She's spent 11 years living with the secret, growing as best she could, starting a relationship, and finally getting the justice she deserves and she ups and leaves.
Part of me agrees this makes sense, but another part makes me feel like a move of house would've been better considering she had already made such progress where she was.
I'm just super conflicted with this book, and after much thought I wont be continuing the series....more
The Baking Life of Amelie Day was one of the firstThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
The Baking Life of Amelie Day was one of the first books I finished off this year, and I ended up devouring it over the space of two days.
Middle grade books aren't something I read very often but after reading Zelah Green by this author and enjoying it so much, I couldn't refuse seeing how another of hers was.
The Baking Life of Amelie Day is a quick and easy read, with interesting characters and a great story line - which makes it a perfect read to get out of a reading slump.
Amelie is the first character I've read about who has Cystic Fibrosis, and I think its important that this book is from Amelie's point of view because she doesn't let her illness define her and it is not the first thing that is mentioned. Her love of baking is.
She is aware how others worry and care about her, but she also knows what she wants out of life. Baking is something that makes her happy and she loves experimenting with recipes and allowing her best friend and family try them out.
When she is accepted to take part in Britain's Best Teen Baker of the Year competition television show she knows she has to attend and bake the best cake possible to win.
I really loved Amelie as a character and her determination to do what she wanted, I like her growth throughout the book, and the experiences she goes through to make her dreams come true.
Another great thing is that her recipes are also featured in the book, I'm not a baker myself but maybe sometime the boyfriend and I can attempt to make something. I look forward to read more of Vanessa Curtis' books as they always seem to impress....more
Patch Up is a fairly quick read that I got throughThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Patch Up is a fairly quick read that I got through over a few days last September but because of other commitments I haven't gotten around to reviewing it until now.
Regardless of the time spent between finishing this book and writing my review, I still remember it as if I'd only read it last week.
Patch Up is as dark as it is fluffy. Skye has kept her ex-boyfriend's abusive behaviour to herself, kept to herself, kept shy and broken. Her only real friend is her room mate Kate.
After meeting Duke the TA for her psychology class she allows herself to reconsider stepping out of the walls she's built around herself.
"But one broken person can always recognise another one."
As we get to know Duke more and see his and Skye's friendship grow, we learn that he too is broken for a very different reason. And even though the ex-boyfriend keeps providing hurdles for Skye wanting to improve her life, she still manages to do this and that is what I love about this book.
I love the fact that whilst they're both broken, they're not completely dependant on one and other. Skye and Duke's interest in each other is what encourages them to face their problems, to acknowledge they need help, and to improve themselves. Of course they do help each other out and they do feel safer at each others side, but I think ultimately its their self realisation that things can be better is why they start to head this way.
So the development of Skye and Duke together is the fluffy side of the book.
What about the dark?
Skye may be moving forward but her ex-boyfriend has other things in mind, he's still roaming around the same campus as her and still finding the time to try and show off his power over her.
The last time the two of them are together in the book is the darkest, but every encounter Skye has with him is horrible and I felt everything that she goes through. I was so connected and emotionally invested in her, that I too felt broken. It was an experience.
3.5 stars / 5 stars I look forward to reading the other books in the series...more
I got my copy of Deviation through a review opportThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
I got my copy of Deviation through a review opportunity that Xpresso Book Tours brought to my attention and even though I've been in a little bit of a reading rut - yes still - I decided to try my luck with this book as the synopsis grabbed my attention and I'm super glad I was approved.
Deviation starts off introducing us to Cleo and her dystopian American world where kids likes her are made by the government as part of the Sophisticate programme to be well trained in various areas to take on the terrorists.
Cleo's area of knowledge is mostly in computers and hacking, which only gets her into trouble as she tries to track down who her parents.
This causes the strangest of reactions from her, her room becomes engulfed in fire.
Unsure as to why this happened and unwilling to admit she could've possibly done this she tries to ignore it but as her next day in class only leaves her to be transferred to school for mandates that are training as part of the military branch, she realises things are only going to get more complicated.
Especially for someone who faints when holding a gun and has already gotten more than enough attention from the prickly head bitch at the school - Quinby.
What I liked about this book is how real Cleo's struggle was with adapting to a new school but also with all the secrets she starts finding out. Her judgement and reactions are believable and I really liked her growth throughout the book.
"The future wasn't something I could control; I knew that. I just had to control how I handled it."
Another bit that hooked me was the roller derby she has to compete in, I've only read one other book with roller derby and it was so great to read about it more. I loved how it fit into the story and provided a ground for Cleo and Quinby to thrash it out on.
The one downside I had with this book is Ozzy. Ozzy is supposed to he be the hero, the book boyfriend we're gushing over with Cleo, but I just couldn't find it in me to like him. At first I couldn't really place it and I thought he would grow on me more, he was pretty mysterious and seemed to know a lot about Cleo which I had assumed was more his deviation that anything but as it comes to light he was a little too creepy.
Years of stalking, being an assassin and telling me you know everything about me whilst wanting to have kissed me for the last two years when I've only known you for two weeks is not going to make my panties drop.
I decided to try and ignore how uncomfortable Ozzy made me feel as Cleo is clearly attracted too him and i you choose to believe everything he says, he is really only looking out for her and the others. I moved on and enjoyed the book.
That was until Ozzy decided to go all straight white boy texting on her and flaunt about in a fedora.
Yes he may be well built, good with weapons and good looking but a fedora is a fedora.
The following quote happens shortly after Cleo turns down him and the dress he's bought her to wear to the dance:
"Ozzy: I was hoping to have dreams about you wearing it. Me: Well, you'll just have to dream about me without it. Okay I realised my mistake too late. Me: That's not what I meant and you know it. Ozzy: Too late. Good night, Cleo. Sweet dreams I know mine will be."
The reason this really threw me off Ozzy is because Cleo has made it pretty clear up until now that she isn't 100% sure she wants anything to do with him and he's so pushy with her and kissing her to "help her make up her mind" and it just makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Cleo doesn't really seem to think so eventually but it just didn't sit right with me and I hope in the second book he'll calm down a bit and I'll be able to like him more.
He's the only reason its not five stars really. Ooops.
Anyhow, aside from that I really enjoyed reading this book and was really hooked the other day when I finished it. I couldn't put it down because its such a gripping ending and what people will have to keep in mind is that this book is 430 pages so we aren't thrown straight into the action and all-knowing parts, it takes its time, builds up all the important characters and their abilities (yes Cleo isn't the only one) and I definitely think as everything is already laid out, plus a small twist, that the second book will not suffer from second book syndrome and will be a thrilling read too....more
So here we go, third and final book of the AssuredThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
So here we go, third and final book of the Assured Destruction series. Did you see that? I started and finished a series in the same year, now to tackle all the others on my list ha.
With Zombies is a strong finale to the series, which only backs up the points I've made about the other books.
It continued to wrap up loose ends, develop characters that would have otherwise been in the shadows and provided a well told story even with Jan's unbalanced emotions.
And whilst I really enjoyed this series I do also believe it could have worked as one larger standalone. But having it as three doesn't diminish my love for it.
A lot happens within this last book and of course anything I talk about here on forth will be a spoiler for its predecessors.
With Zombies doesn't waste a moment and dives in where it left off, Jan back home, fuzzy on medicine, Mum in hospital and waiting on Jonny.
Something that I really liked about this was that things didn't just magically start getting better or easier for Janus, they got more difficult in fact and she ended up suffering rather badly for it - nothing that a few weeks in hospital couldn't solve.
But it was there. It was real. Showing how a real person in every day life would have reacted too all the pressure Jan had been under lately.
I really liked it. Something so simple but just so right.
Whilst dealing with her own and her mum's not-so-good health, she also has to become a seller for a cure for a current zombie virus, findi out the truth about her Dad leaving, find out the secrets her Mum's current interest may have, possibly infiltrate a hacker gang and well you know, on top of all this, attend school accordingly.
Oh and find out what to do now she lost her home.
So as I said a lot happens but the best thing is, everything is tied up.
There are sad moments and happy moments and over all a very pleasing end to the trilogy.
In my opinion, this series is definitely worth reading, especially seeing as though they're fairly short and are easy to dive in and out whilst schooling is coming to an end....more
As mentioned I received all three books of the AssThis review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
As mentioned I received all three books of the Assured Destruction series in exchange for an honest review as part of the book tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours, this will in no way effect my opinion of the book.
Ever worry about taking a break from a series and worrying about not remembering what happened?
Fear not, Script Kiddie picks up shortly after where Assured Destruction finished and if that is not good enough well as this story progresses it drops a few reminders about key events from the previous. This is so helpful especially after long hours painting.
Janus' introduction to becoming a police sidekick doesn't quiet go as smoothly as planned, one of the officers has already taken to her badly and well the other, whilst she supports her, Janus just finds herself doing everything but what they wanted, even with all her good intentions.
Upon returning to school she's faced with a surprise science test, which can only go so well when you've been in hospital for a few weeks, and Hannah wanting her help with a very secretive and delicate subject matter than only Janus could handle.
Only can Janus handle tracking down a paedophile, removing the evidence he has of Hannah and shutting him down for good on her own?
Not to mention realising just how much money troubles her mums having back home, surely this is too much for one kid to handle, especially when she starts to have doubts about her own hacking skills, is she at best a Script Kiddie?
Initially everything seems downhill for Janus and I think that is why I keep coming back to this book and enjoying it so much, she is real life person and can only handle so much at once much like everyone else. She isn't a Superhero or Princess, she doesn't posses magical abilities - just knows her way around coding more than others around her.
Yet she doesn't give up, she keeps going until she manages to solve as much as she's able. Even if she leaves a bit of destruction in her path.
Like joining an online hacker forum that may be more dangerous than she realises. Even if she is only there to ask for advice.
Anyhow Janus does end up finding herself in more trouble than last time, if that is even possible, but the development of her character continues and I loved every page of it.
I only hope we get more of a development on Jonny (her boyfriend) and Peter (her mums boyfriend) because I now find that after two books they're not touched upon as much as I'd like them to be considering how much is unknown about one of them.
I look forward to the third, such a great and easy to read series....more
I've been lucky enough to receive all three books This review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
I've been lucky enough to receive all three books of the Assured Destruction series in exchange for an honest review as part of the book tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours, this will in no way effect my opinion of the book.
The opening to this book really hooked me, the introduction to Janus, her computer identities and her mum was great and as I was reading it on my kindle it also provided links to all the correct sites and twitter accounts which I found to be a great added bonus.
The computers represent different sides of Janus in a way, though its not as extreme as her having multiple personalities, just that she enjoys to fabricate personalities/friends to tell her opinions from different point of views whilst having a conversation with herself/them via twitter.
The whole thing is brilliant, I enjoyed it so much.
Of course she also has to attend school which is never easy for anyone, especially when there seems to be drama following two of your classmates who's hard drive are now part of your computer network... that were supposed to be destroyed. Ooops.
Janus finds herself being targeted by a fellow hacker who takes down her network with a virus and reveals the secrets hidden in her recycled hard drives.
But who? and why?
Things get troublesome very quickly especially when she notices there could be more than one suspect in this mystery.
Once my own university work wasn't keeping me up late not reading, I was hooked to this book and couldn't put it down, I really enjoyed Janus' voice throughout - her personality was clear and never slipped up.
The development between herself and a few key characters were enjoyable too which leave you wandering how things will progress in the next book but also what other trouble will she land herself in, given how this book ends too.
What's even better is that I didn't find the book predictable, it told the story great and gave away just enough detail to keep you guessing all the possibilities without ever being right.
Please keep in mind that the book is only 185 pages and I like to keep my reviews spoiler free, there is a lot I want to talk about because the author only uses those 185 pages to benefit the story, everything is tidied up well and you're not left with any huge cliff hangers....more
Review: I received this for review from NetGalley This review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
Review: I received this for review from NetGalley and I guess I jumped the gun a little, I requested it because I really wanted to read the series but knew that I wouldn't be able to get my hands on it any time soon and figured this would be a good substitute. Well turns out someone actually gifted me the series this month, well the first 8 which is a lot of books, and after finishing reading this I realised I've probably read a bunch of spoilers. So now to my proper review, obviously as I haven't read anything else to do with this series it was interesting to see this different take on vampyre's, for starters they end up being marked and it takes a long time for the transition from fledgling to full blown vamp to be completed but could also end up rejecting the transition and dying at any time. With this being a graphic novel there is a lack of explanation into how the marking takes place or happens, there are a few hints here and there but not full detail into the process, you also get to see what happens when the transition fails which is pretty brutal. I liked the layout of the storyline too, how they visited each of the affinities individually so we get to meet some pretty big names in history and their alternate-vampyre related history. I do believe that when the story transfers to each of the history/affinity lessons are the more interesting parts but that isn't too hard to believe because they are long and obviously I have no connection to the characters. I think a downside to this graphic novel is that it's not 100% sure of its target audience, when the story is following Zoey and her friends I could easily believe its for a younger audience but some of the topics that are touched upon in the history sections are darker, brutal and graphic which could illustrate an older target audience, or at least one a little more maturer than the previous suggests and this led me to being a little confused at times, especially when some of the more darker things that happened were simply glossed over. Maybe I'm just picky? Maybe I can't judge properly without reading the series, who knows? One thing is for sure it got me desperate to pick up the main series a lot sooner than planned but I think I'll only continue with the graphic novel series if I adore the series with all my heart. It was a good read but I think I could appreciate it more with background knowledge. Recommend? I'd say read the series first....more
When Leslea contacted me about possibly reviewing This review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.
When Leslea contacted me about possibly reviewing Bird After Bird I didn't have to think twice. It's a romance which is not the kind of genre I'd usually fall head over heels for but this wouldn't be the first time I read one from authors whose other work I admire. This will in no way alter my opinion on the book.
I read most of Bird After Bird on release day because I let packing and travelling home get in the way of reading yet again, but what I'd read previously meant I knew I'd be okay sitting reading it on and off in one day any way.
Wren and Laurie are cute and enjoyable characters.
From first meeting it's easy to see how they click and work well together.
And they both have their own baggage they're dealing with.
Wren is still dealing with the grief from the loss of her father a year ago and Laurie has something similar to deal with the loss of his fiancée, Sylvia, and their dog.
But how they both start to come to terms with their losses is one of the things I loved the most, she read a letter and book from her dad and he leaves letters to Sylvia.
Another great thing is that this wasn't insta-love, their relationship developed over months, it faced every day problems such as distance and job promotions and what I liked even more is that it wasn't clear what state they'd end up in, it wasn't predictable.
"This is yours now. Do you feel it beat for you?"
There is no doubt in my mind that Laurie and Wren are made for each other and I really enjoyed the two figuring that out, the happiness and pain the two went through made them seem so real.
If I have nothing bad to say then why not five stars? and that is simply because whilst I enjoyed reading every moment of it, I still felt like something was missing.
But to add that something would mean venturing out of the contemporary romance and into the fantasy or supernatural haha!
I can't wait to take my next dive into this genre and see what journey I'm taken on next time.
I think one of the main reasons I enjoyed this so much is because no matter how unrelatable or different the characters are to my boyfriend and I, I still see us in the story through the small acts and feelings. ...more