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Briar U #1

The Chase

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Everyone says opposites attract. And they must be right, because there’s no logical reason why I’m so drawn to Colin Fitzgerald. I don’t usually go for tattoo-covered, video-gaming, hockey-playing nerd-jocks who think I’m flighty and superficial. His narrow view of me is the first strike against him. It doesn’t help that he’s buddy-buddy with my brother.

And that his best friend has a crush on me.

And that I just moved in with them.

Oh, did I not mention we’re roommates?

I suppose it doesn’t matter. Fitzy has made it clear he’s not interested in me, even though the sparks between us are liable to burn our house down. I’m not the kind of girl who chases after a man, though, and I’m not about to start. I’ve got my hands full dealing with a new school, a sleazy professor, and an uncertain future. So if my sexy brooding roomie wises up and realizes what he’s missing?

He knows where to find me.

368 pages, ebook

First published August 4, 2018

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About the author

Elle Kennedy

169 books76.1k followers
A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer, and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager.

Elle currently writes for various publishers. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

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Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
August 14, 2018
Narrator: On August 5, 2018, Katerina peacefully finished The Chase. She went to the beach, she was sunburned and ended up looking like a roasted Thanksgiving turkey, she ate seafood with the light summer breeze rustling her hair, and life was simply perfect. Until she got a summons to the Prosecutor's office.

*light knock on the door*
Prosecutor: *without lifting his head* Come in, Miss Katerina.
Me: How did you know it was me?
Prosecutor: It was the smell that gave you away.
Me: Smell?
Prosecutor: The smell of books, fluffy dreams and chocolate flavoured hopes for happily ever afters.
Me: Thanks, I guess?
Prosecutor: Please, sit down. Do you know why I brought you here?
Me: *shifts in her chair* I have my suspicions.
Prosecutor: So you know I'm legally bound to press charges for -
Me: It's no big deal, OK? I didn't mean for my sister to get hurt, she got over it, at least I think she did, she won't talk to me but -
Prosecutor: What are you talking about?
Me: Um, the Incident. Me forcing my sister to hold a book pile some people would call huge in order to take a photo for my Instagram account and said pile collapsing on her head?
Prosecutor: -
Me: Oh, you didn't know that.
Prosecutor: No, but remind me to come back to this later. The reason I invited you here is to try and help you make amends for a felony you committed. * dramatic pause* YOU GAVE The Chase THREE STARS!!
Me: Well, I also gave The Goal 3 stars, but you didn't mind back then! Wait, you know about it, right? In any case, I plead the Fifth!
Prosecutor: As far as I know your problem with The Goal was Sabrina, what's your excuse this time?
Me: It's a long story, really. I dived into The Chase all too eager and enthusiastic, I started it as soon as the ARC hit my Kindle and the whole experience reduced me into a puddle of hormones, and I think I drooled a little or, you know, a lot. The thing is, there was more angst than I expected, and both Fitzy and Summer irritated me sometimes. *pause* It wasn't a long story after all.
Prosecutor: One would say that Elle Kennedy tackled some serious issues, like learning disabilities, spiteful parents, broken families and unreasonable girl-on-girl hatred to name a few, and handled them with respect, she showcased their impact in a realistic way and gave you food for thought.
Me: That's true, I didn't-
Prosecutor: One would also say that since you're in the mood for NA romance you got your fill of steam, more sexual frustration than your ovaries could take, well-written moments of levity and snarky banters, and my records show that you swooned a couple of times.
Me: Three times I think -
Prosecutor: One would finally say that you should be happy and thankful you got back to Briar University and the hockey team that would render you a puck bunny if given a chance. Do you deny all those things?
Me: No, I-
Me: Jeez, what got your panties in a twist? And what's with all the spit, do I need an umbrella whenever I talk to you?
Prosecutor: Apologies for my outburst, ma'am, I simply don't understand this.
Me: To be honest, me neither. I enjoyed The Chase, hell, I devoured it, but I was left a bit unsatisfied. It was Hunter's involvement, and the fact that Summer did seem like an airhead most of the times -
Prosecutor: *death glare*
Me: Hey I'm not judging her, I'm talking about first impressions. She was the queen of llama-drama and a brat, and even though I eventually found depth in her, and realized she was a wonderful human being after all, I couldn't shake those impressions. And Fitz, his reactions were so...immature, at times. His reservations were founded, I give him that, but his head was stuck in his buttocks for a long time.
But they were great buttocks.
I also loved his tattoos. His muscles. His geekiness. His p -
Prosecutor: *coughs*
Me: - and his scenes with Summer were SMOKING HOT, babe, talk about off-the-charts chemistry.
Prosecutor: Ma'am, let's focus, alright?
Me: What? Oh right.
Prosecutor: Anything else?
Me: Yeah, every hockey hottie from the previous books appeared, except from my favorite. WHERE THE FRACK WAS JOHN LOGAN???
Prosecutor: That's a legit point. Is it enough, though, to justify the three stars?
Me: What will you do if I insist on this rating?
Prosecutor: Will imprisonment deter you?
Me: I'm afraid not, sir, I shall stay true to my humble opinion.
Prosecutor: Fine, you may go.
Me: Wait, that's it?
Prosecutor: Three star ratings are not a crime, ma'am. Gosh, how do you call yourself a lawyer? I just wanted to change your mind.
Me: *nervous laughter* I knew that.

Narrator: Reader, she didn't know that.

*ARC generously provided by Nina Bocci in exchange for an honest review*
**Review also posted on BookNest!**

The Deal: ★★★★★
The Mistake: ★★★★★
The Score: ★★★★
The Goal: ★★★
Profile Image for Ali Goodwin.
261 reviews34.9k followers
December 12, 2023
4.5 stars! I really really loved this book! It was so fun being back in the world of Briar U. We get cameos of so many Off Campus series characters like Dean & Allie, Tucker, and Hannah & Garrett! And I loveddd Fitz and Summer. Fitz is not your typical jock. He's a hockey player but he's also super nerdy and artsy which I lovedddd. And Summer is a firecracker. They're kind of opposites attract which I really enjoyed.

This book also surprised me in that it tackles a few heavier topics. I really loved the depth these topics added but that Elle Kennedy still kept the tone really light and fun! Really excited to continue this series.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,247 reviews101k followers
March 5, 2023

ARC provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

#1.) The Deal ★★★★
#2.) The Mistake ★★★
#3.) The Score ★★★★
#4.) The Goal

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Trigger and content warnings for sexual content, use of the term “spirit animal” (in 2018, really?), drug use, attempted sexual assault, a weird comment about audiobooks that had me side-eyeing, girls on girl hate (always challenged though), a lot of gross and judgmental comments, a little body shaming towards men in bathing suits and what “looks good” or whatever, a lot of rape culture comments (again, always challenged), and shitty parents.
Profile Image for Clace .
730 reviews502 followers
May 1, 2024

“She's my muse. She's my laughter. She's my trigger. She's my desire. But most of all, she's my heart.”

I went in wanting SummerFitzy moments got out demanding for more BrennaJake moments.
Now, I was very excited for this book since I read the score where both Fitzy and Summer make their first appearance and I am not gonna lie they were so cute and there tension was off the charts but I just think my expectations for this book was too high because I love love love Off Campus and I loved these characters. Despite it not being able to meet my expectations, I still had an amazing time with it. I thought that it was lacking in some areas especially the romance. The writing was really easy and fun to read so no complaints there.

“That’s probably just a good rule to live by, though. Always keep part of yourself hidden.”

The Characters;

Colin Fitzgerald (Fitzy) Say whatever you want but Fitzy is one of the best book bfs out there. Yes, he is shy and cute and probably sucks at communicating because he's an introvert but that man was 😩🥵 if you look at his big, broody, tattooed arms you prolly wont think of him as a shy guy but he really was shy😂 which made it so easy for me to understand and relate to his character and bahaha every time he picked up Summer in the middle of an argument had me creasing. Summer Di Laurentis was the definition of sunshine with a backbone she was easily the opposite of Fitzy and yet somehow the tension between them was sparking. I really enjoyed Summers character, her confidence and her self awareness and I found myself enjoying her friendship with Brenna more than the romance (yes I said it sue me)

“I’ll find something else, I promise. But I’ll never find another you.”

The romance was the main reason why I started this book but it felt very underwhelming in both the page time and smuttiness. It could have been focused on more but the story was just going on you know. There was drama and some tension but not enough to keep me satisfied and for an Elle Kennedy book the spice was very underwhelming!! like the highest spice scale is for her book the score i think 3.5/5 and this was just 1/5 (there were scenes but very mild) and besides the smut there were some really cute moments and fun banter but not enough. I wanted MORE!!

I was super invested in Jake and Brenna tho 👀

Overall, Summer and Fitzys romance had massive potential because they were a really fun duo but Elle missed a mark by not focusing on it enough!
I loved Fitz and Summer and I wanted their book the most! Let's see how Elle Kennedy handles a spin off series. High hopes 🤞🏻
Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
587 reviews3,472 followers
August 15, 2018
➳Wanting and chasing for what he cannot have, Fitzy finds himself enamored and enthralled with what is the sunshine that radiates from Summer in this compelling college romance...

➳Everyone who knows me, knows that my love for anything that is Elle Kennedy is immense. Especially when it comes down to the Briar boys that captivated my heart back in 2015 with their unique mindsets and creative personas. My god did I miss all my Briar boys and all their perspective partners. Thankfully Elle has made a combat with Fitzy and Summer's love story. A romance novel that is filled with angst, fulfilling lust, and so much compatibility between these two individuals that come from two totally different worlds. For Fitzy, fighting his attraction towards Summer, Dean Di Laurentis' younger sister, becomes a task that is beyond difficult for him since he ends up becoming her roommate after an unexpected turn of events.

➳Summer, being the sunshine individual that has always been, is also a fashion major who has been through a lot of trouble when transferring from one ivy league school to Briar U. Due to her learning disabilities, she ends up getting help from Fitzy and he ends up getting her help for inspiration when it comes down to his video game ideas. The obviously makes it obvious that Fitzy is a game designer major who also plays hockey for Briar U. How can one forget? The Briar boys have always had a special place in my heart when it comes down to college romances, and bless the soul of Elle for bringing them back in this novel. We get to see more of Tucker and Sabrina and their cutie little baby, which I am utterly obsessed with and want a story for her in the future as a Briar alumni.

➳When encountering upon difficulties of Fitzy truly admitting his feelings towards Summer, he knows that his time is running out because of a third party wanting to have Summer all to himself. That triggers a lighting bolt on Fitzy making him realize that no matter how much drama, how much momentum, how much enthusiasm and socialism Summer may have, he still craves her aurora and personality. This is what truly captives the reader for more of Elle's writing.

➳Overall, Fitzy and Summer are two individuals that are truly meant to be no matter the cost. And because Elle knows her readers so well, she introduces a new character who becomes Summer's new best friend; Brenna. That is the next story, The Risk. With a mysterious fella whom I kind of THINK know who it may be... And I am keeping my fingers crossed it is the individual who I want it to be because Brenna's story will be a wild ride. I am so glad to have read this novel, my craving for college romance is back and I need more!

➳ARC kindly provided by the publicist in exchange for an honest review...


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Profile Image for Christy.
4,242 reviews35.2k followers
April 26, 2022
4 stars

 photo IMG_1818_zpscf5yaf5j.png

Elle Kennedy is one of my favorite new adult authors, so when I saw she was coming out with a new series, I couldn't wait. I was especially excited when I heard the hero would be Fitzy- AKA Collin Fitzgerald. Fitzy is a character from her Off-Campus series, but it's not necessary to read those first (even though you should because they're EPIC).

Summer Heyward-Di Laurentis is Dean's little sister. She's beyond wealthy and is starting a new school. Briar. Due to some unfortunate choices she made at her last school, she is in need of some roommates last minute. Luckily, her big brother Dean has some friends from his hockey team she can room with. Unlucky- one of them is Fitzy, the guy she's had a crush on since the first moment she met him. 
Fitzy is short for Colin Fitzgerald, and he just happens to be THE UNICORN. The tall, sexy, tattooed, hockey-playing unicorn of a man who I might have a teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy crush on. Okay, fine. A big motherfucking crush on. He’s so…magical.

Fitzy is not Summer's normal type. He's a hockey player covered in tattoos who spends all his free time on art and video games. Though he is insanely attracted to Summer, he's not sure about her. He knows her type. The rich, gorgeous and full of 'fluff' and drama type. But here is the thing about Summer- she may be rich and beautiful, but she is so much more that that. Surprisingly enough for me, Summer was my favorite part of this book. 

As much as I loved Fitzy, there were moments I wanted to throttle him. He really irked me, especially the first half or so of the book.  I hated how he made it seem like everything about Summer was drama, when that wasn't the case. I was so freaking happy when he started to truly see her for the woman she was, I just wish it wouldn't have taken him so long! 

I love hockey books and new adult books, and not many authors write either as good as Elle Kennedy. This book was fun, sweet, sexy, and emotional. Exactly how I like them! I'm not sure whose book is next in this series, and I don't really care to be honest. I can't wait to read it no matter who it's about! Bring on more Briar U books! 
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,183 reviews56.8k followers
August 8, 2018

we stan a fucking blonde, woke, feminist, ADHD legend

god this was so much fun. i've been struggling to read for a few weeks now and i think this was just what the doctor ordered to get me out of my slump. a fun, surprisingly feminist new adult from the lovely elle kennedy.

this story followed fun, blonde, perky, fashion major: summer. i feel like in every single new adult book i've read there's a character like summer. but she's the "other woman" or "that slut at the bar." that's totally not the case here. summer is the star of the show and i absolutely adored her. from the beginning her personality jumped off the page at me. i related so fcking hard to her. i love fashion, i like luxury, but that isn't all there to me or to her.

her love interest, fitz, couldn't be more different. tattooed, video game designer, and very much not the life of the party. but they are inexplicably drawn to each other. and they definitely share more common interests than they initially think.

i loved a lot about this book, mostly the personalities and the discussions that were brought up. there's a talk about rape culture, misogyny, and abuse of power. and judging people for their outer appearance. we stan.

what i didn't love, was the way the relationship played out. one of the things i love most about elle's books is that the relationship is the star of the show. no long drawn out individual character scenes until the 70% mark. we get character interaction. not so in this book. due to fitz being too scared to admit to his feelings, we get a lot of avoidance when i think it would have benefited the book to have the characters interact more. i appreciated most of the interactions. fitz always asked for consent. and he stood up for summer. all great. but i'm sort of over guys who avoid their feelings. too cliche, really lame.

all of that being said, i cannot fucking WAIT for brenna's book. and i adored this one. THIS is what good new adult looks like.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,710 reviews25.1k followers
August 8, 2018
The Chase is book one in the new series, Briar U by Elle Kennedy. This is a new adult spin off from her Off Campus series which I have not read. I don’t feel, though, that not having read the other series took away from this book at all.


Summer De Laurentis comes from a wealthy family. Yes she likes her designer clothes and yes she doesn’t mind some of the advantages her life has afforded her. But she also wants to be seen for who she is. Summer is starting her second semester of her Junior year of college. Because of a ‘mishap’ she was expelled from Brown University and transferred to Briar.


Colin Fitzgerald is a sexy, nerdy, gamer, tattooed hockey playing jock. His athletic ability on the ice is so opposite to his nerdy side, the side that doesn’t like to be in the spotlight, the side that never likes confrontation. So no one is more baffled than he is at the attraction he has felt towards Summer since the first time they met. She is everything he isn’t, outgoing, loves drama and rich.

hockey player gif

Summer has had a crush on Collin (Fitzy) ever since they first met But he has barely spoken two words to her ever. Finally, on the night that they finally get to spend a little time together, they are both flirting. She is sure she is sensing an attraction from him, until she overhears what he really thinks.

Summer needs a place to live and Fitzy needs a fourth roommate so Summer is forced to move in. Not only is it awkward being around Fitz but one of the other roommates, Hunter, clearly has a crush on her. Summer knows that Fitz can’t stand her. Doesn’t she deserve to be with someone like Hunter that does want to be with her? Someone that’s not ashamed of her? Still, it’s Fitz that is on her mind constantly, both during the day and in her dreams.

Summer struggles as a student. She has a learning disability. So she also struggles with self confidence as a result. Because of the reason she had to leave Brown, Summer is forced to endure weekly meetings with an academic advisor that clearly can’t stand her. Add on to that a professor that makes her very uncomfortable, and this semester is sure to be epic.

Fitz is constantly fighting his feelings for Summer. He is friends with her older brother. Mostly, though, he just can’t see their personalities ever coming together. But it’s Summer’s face he can’t get out of his head. He tries to just be her friend but it’s torture.

Okay, now the hard part. I think I am going to be in a minority here when I say that I struggled a bit with this. Summer came off the first three quarters of the book as so immature. I actually understood her motives. She felt so attracted to Fitz but his actions led her to believe he didn’t have feelings for her. Hunter made it clear he did. She wanted that for herself. To be wanted. With that being said, though, she still should not have let herself consider Hunter when she knew her heart wanted Fitz.

But then the last twenty five percent of the book my opinion greatly improved. During this part of the book, Summer finally really showed her moxy, both at school and at home. I really enjoyed the way things played out between she and Fitz. What I really enjoyed was Summer’s influence on Fitz. I loved the way she drew him out, even really without him realizing it was happening.


This book is told from both Summer and Fitz’s point of views which I enjoyed. And as I said, even though I did struggle some, the last quarter of the book made it worthwhile. The next book in the series will be Summer’s friend, Brenna’s story in The Risk.

Profile Image for Mikee (ReadWithMikee).
203 reviews1,350 followers
August 8, 2018
I can’t even begin to tell you guys how long I’ve been waiting for this book to happen. 😭 So it’s safe to say that my expectations were really high. Out of all the stories I’ve been dying to read, Summer and Fitzy definitely take the cake. Unfortunately, and it pains me to say this, but... it fell a little short for me.

It was the slowest burn of slow burn romances. We don’t get much action until 70 percent or so in. And after waiting for so long for this book to be written already, I was honestly just begging to get the ball rolling and not have to wait until I only have 30 percent left to read.

Fitzy was not how I expected him to turn out. And his whole backstory of why he was so quiet and broody was kinda... “not that deep”? Not that it wasn’t deep. I can’t find the right words. But I just expected more? I honestly liked him more in the other books when we had less of him. But now that we got to know him, he was just not how I expected him to be.

I liked Summer but... not? I felt that Elle was trying really hard to make her a likable sorority, shallow popular girl and be all about GIRL POWER, but it just seemed a little forced to me. I did like her but some aspects in regards to her character just seemed forced. One thing I really enjoyed though was the fact that we see Summer’s struggle with her learning disability. It was interesting to read about how her mind work and how she coped with it.

Elle Kennedy also tackles issues such as the Me Too Movement and sexual assault/harassment in the book. Although I appreciate the fact that she tried to cover such a relevant topic in today’s society, it just felt a little... random? Sexual assault, rape, harassment, etc DO happen in college, don’t get me wrong. But I felt that it did nothing whatsoever in regards to story progression or character development. The issue was basically used as a tool/mechanism to make the story feel relevant but it didn’t really do much overall so adding this whole bit came off as a little pointless to me. It felt like she tried to relate to the Me Too Movement but only went halfway and brushed over it. I’m not sure if I’m conveying my thoughts properly but I just think it could’ve been handled better.

Anyways, the story kept me interested enough but I felt bored waiting for something to happen and for them to stop dancing circles around each other. I appreciate a good, slow burn romance but it was dragged on for too long and because of that, nothing significant happened, and when stuff does start to happen, we’re left rushing through it all. It seriously felt like 70% of the story was the buildup and the remaining 30% was the actual romance and storyline. This whole book felt more like an introduction novella to the Briar U series rather than the Summer and Fitzy book I was hoping to get. 🙁

I’ll definitely be reading the other books in the series though. In fact, I think I actually loved the side characters more than Summer and Fitzy. I’m rooting for Brenna and Hollis but I’m thinking Elle Kennedy is gonna go for Brenna and Jake Connelly. I can see a Romeo and Juliet type of romance happening. Hollis deserves a happy ending too though. Hopefully she doesn’t treat him like the funny friend who doesn’t end up with anyone because they’re just there for comedic purposes.

I did enjoy reading the book while I was reading through it and I was leaning towards giving The Chase 4 stars. But the more I thought about it in the end, the more I realized that I didn’t actually have a lot to like about it—much to my dismay. I’ve been waiting for Summer and Fitzy since we’ve been first introduced to the potential pairing! Maybe I might’ve just set the bar really high on this one and set myself up for my own disappointment. Better luck next time hopefully!
Profile Image for Ayman.
267 reviews113k followers
July 29, 2021
idk if it’s because i’m sick of this genre because i’m a mood reader but ugh i wanted to fall head over heals for this book

don’t get me wrong i enjoyed it throughly, especially the characters. Fitz was a refreshing character to read about. i enjoyed reading about an introverted nerdy character who also so happens to be very fuckable. there’s something so adorable and cute about reading characters like Fitz. makes me tingly.

I liked Summer a lot, especially reading her inner dialogue. she’s super funny. i enjoy the ‘opposites attract’ trope so i really think the connection made between Fitz & Summer was throughly enjoyable to read. i liked their chemistry.

Fitz and Summers relationship for the most part i enjoyed. i like how they can drive each other crazy and challenge each other. not gonna lie i expected a lot more smut in this one but hmm ok whatever i’ll get over it
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
August 11, 2019
The potential substance this book had was squandered.
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
August 6, 2018
5 STARS because I read this in one day.
5 STARS because I never wanted it to end.
5 STARS because I just lost myself in this novel.
5 STARS because it has the sweetest romance.
5 STARS because Summer is the ultimate, the best.
5 STARS because Fitzy just STOLE my heart.
5 STARS because it's hot as fuck.
5 STARS because when it comes to New Adult books, Elle Kennedy just RULES. There's nothing better.
5 STARS because this book reminded me why I love reading romance. It was fresh and fun, swoony and angsty, and just everything I wanted in a book.

Full review to come.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,184 reviews13.4k followers
August 6, 2018
She brings out a growly, primal side of me I hadn’t known existed until she showed up and started driving me batshit crazy.
And…I frickin’ love it.

Opposites attract in this brand new spin-off series and I frickin' loved it! See what I did there? Alright, that was entirely too cheesy but I simply couldn't resist.

As much as I loved Dean in The Score, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I'd love his younger sister, Summer. She's a heroine that instantly jumps from the pages at you and there's something so incredibly endearing about her. She's beautiful, popular, and a social butterfly. But she's not a girl without insecurities either and those are the things that make her as endearing as they did.
A woman isn’t defined by her boyfriends. She’s defined by her achievements. And her shoes.”

Colin "Fitzy" Fitzgerald is the quiet, self professed nerd of his hockey buddies and roommates. Where Summer is the social butterfly, he's the hermit. He knows that Summer has a crush on him, but no matter how strongly he may be attracted to her as well, she's the opposite of the type of girl he needs.
Then Fitz goes and puts his foot in his mouth, and what was gearing up to be potentially something, soon turns into angry stares and snarky come backs...and he has no idea why.

When a turn of events leaves Summer without a place to live at Briar, the college she's transferred to after her snafu at Brown, her brother is all too eager to help. Unfortunately it also lands her as the fourth roommate to Fitz; the man she's determined to now stay away from.

What begins then, is the most sexually charged game of push and pull I've read in a while. Summer is determined to stay away from Colin. Colin doesn't want to want Summer, but can't help but be pulled into her orbit. Colin's buddy and other roommate, Hunter, wants Summer. Summer doesn't want to want Colin, but also has no reason to turn down Hunter. Oh the madness of it all!

While I can see some readers going crazy from Fitzy's back and forth feelings and behavior, I gobbled it up. I got why he acted the way he did, even if I did want to throttle him for it half the time. HE struggles with his attraction to a girl that's always in the spotlight when he does his damnedest to shy away from it.

I also absolutely ADORED Summer's friendship with Brenna. Summer is a true girl's girl, and I loved the genuine friendship these two forged. I'm also absolutely DYING for Brenna's book now. The potential set up there sounds utterly delicious.

The Chase was an addicting opposites attract romance that had a smile on my face from beginning to end. The banter, the sexual chemistry, the secondary characters, and the romance were absolutely fantastic! And then there was the quirky humor that I couldn't get enough of. In particular, the appearances with Dean and the sibling dynamics with him and Summer.
Life isn’t always about you!”
They stand there bickering as if I’m not bent in half on the marble floor, gasping for air.
“I’m not having kids with you,” I wheeze at Summer. “I don’t want to be part of your insane family.” “Oh hush, sweetie. It’s too late. I’ve become attached.”
You’d think it would be impossible to laugh while I’m writhing on the floor in agony. But Summer Heyward-Di Laurentis makes everything possible.

The Chase set the stage for an amazing new series from one of my favorite authors and I already can't wait for more. If you're a fan of sizzling New Adult romance, this is a book that's not to be missed!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,417 reviews9,980 followers
August 6, 2018
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MY REVIEW can also be found on my blog:

THE CHASE: Is the first full length New Adult novel in ‘Elle Kennedy’s ‘Briar U #1’ A spin off from the Off Campus Series. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives'

➽ Fitzy is short for Colin Fitzgerald,
and he just happens to be THE UNICORN.
The tall, sexy, tattooed, hockey-playing unicorn of a man who I might have a teeny-weeny-itsy bitsy crush on.
Okay, fine.
A big motherfucking crush on..

Summer Di Laurentis is Dean's little sister (from The Score) and one of Fitzy's former team mates, he's been fascinated by Summer ever since he met her about a year ago when she visited her brother at Briar and she's harboured a crush on him ever since, even though the guy barely glanced at her.

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Not even a day on campus and Summer is escorted off the premises, it seems an escapade from her previous college has followed her to Briar U where her dad pulled a few strings to get her in, and now she no longer has a dorm room.Dean knows that Fitzy and the boys have a room spare so he asks that they rent their spare room to Summer.

A catch up at a New Years party reaffirms summer’s feelings for Fitz, but overhearing what he really thinks of her cut off all thoughts of her wanting to share her new years Eve kiss with him which in turn makes her kiss someone else.

So when she moves in with the gang it makes for an awkward living arrangement where both her and Fitzy try their hardest to ignore each other.

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This was an enjoyable, a slow moving, slow burn lazy Sunday kind of read, and one of my most anticipated reads of August. Summer and Fitzy are complete opposites, but they were the perfect match, she thrived in the limelight he wanted to be invisible, but together they were flawless. These two did butt heads at times, and took their sweet assed time to connect but the build up was entertaining.

Fitzy isn't your normal out going sports jock, he's a tatted up, gorgeous nerd and a pure introvert to the core with a double major in Fine-arts and computer programming under his belt.

➽ “In college, I’ve made more of an effort to be social, but deep down I’m still the guy who wants to remain invisible. Summer is the most visible person I’ve ever met.”

Summer is a fashion major who suffers from ADHD and learning disabilities, her parents are successful lawyers who were independently wealthy before they got together, but together they are mega super wealthy.

Slowly Fitzy see's another side of Summer emerge as they spend more time together he realises his first assumptions about her were wrong. In the end they come together as two friends helping the other out, he wants to draw her into a character based on a video programme he's designing and in turn he helps get her thoughts on paper for her thesis.

Summer and I...
We're not even on the same piece of paper.
She's drama-llama and full force, all the time. She craves the spotlight. I shy away from it.

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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
August 6, 2018

This is probably one of the most difficult reviews that I have to write this year. For one, 3-star reviews are always difficult to write. And two, I love everything Elle Kennedy writes except this one. I didn't dislike it or hate it. I just didn't LOVE it even though I was expecting to.

The Chase is the first book from Kennedy's new Briar U series. If the name of the series sounds familiar to you, it should since it's the spin off of her popular and widely loved Off-Campus series. This book is Summer and Fitzy's story. Summer is Dean's sister. We met her previously in Dean's book. Summer is a whirlwind of Prada and Chanel No.5. She is my favorite part of this book. Fitzy was Dean's teammate and we met him briefly in The Goal.

The story starts off with Summer starting a new semester in Briar U after being kicked out of Brown. She wasn't exactly welcomed at the campus so Dean arranged for her to room with Fitzy, Hollis, and Hunter in Dean's old house off campus. This brings her into Fitzy's orbit, the guy she's had a crush on. Unfortunately for Summer, Fitzy doesn't seem to notice her but since she is who she is, Summer sets out to win him over with disastrous results.

I enjoyed this book for the most part. This was insanely readable, at least for me it was. I could not put this book down. Summer was a really fun and refreshing character. She's unabashedly feminine and makes no apologies for loving clothes, makeup, reality shows, and other feminine coded things that are usually considered as negatives in romance heroines. But this is exactly why I enjoyed her character. Summer was fun and hilarious. She had her insecurities, which I will get into a little bit, but overall, I love Summer.

Fitzy was no slouch either. I'm always here for nerdy gamer heroes and the fact that he is also a hot, tattooed hockey player just makes him all the more appealing. I also understood why he was hesitant to be with Summer. I think Elle did an okay job with explaining his motivations. Nevertheless, he frustrated me throughout this book. Summer made some boneheaded decisions too but I feel like I could understand it because she was at least honest about her confusion about her feelings between Fitzy and Hunter. Yes, folks. You've read that right. There is a bit of a triangle going on in this book. It's not much, and I would say it's not even a real triangle because it's clear who Summer preferred from the get go but it caused quite a kerfuffle in the book so it's mentioning. So heads up.

And this is where the book started to derail for me a little bit. Don't me wrong, there were some really hilarious and fun dialogue in this book. Some hot and steamy ones, too. But the romance started to become a side plot instead of the main plot. There were scenes in the book where I was just confused because it did not move the story along. I suspect those scenes were added to set up the next book and introduce new characters but it felt like a detour and that really put a damper on the developing romance between Fitzy and Summer. It was a bit disappointing that we're  just told about what's happening with their push-and-pull instead of witnessing it because we had to make a detour to some party to introduce these characters who might appear in future books. I didn't mind it but I wanted more Fitz and Summer!

That's really the bulk of my issues with this book. The romance was sidelined in order to set up future books and because of that, the pacing suffered.

I have other smaller issues concerning representation, specifically, the ADHD rep in this book. I won't go into details and I would rather have people who have personal experience with ADHD comment on it but I had recently read a book with the same rep and the lack of shame and self-loathing was startling. So I guess that's why that one stood out to me.

There was also that huge subplot about Summer's professor and dean in charge. I think Kennedy captured the creepiness of the professor well. The gaslighting and manipulation felt all too real and I instantly felt a connection with Summer because I feel that most women went through that kind of thing in their lives at least once. It was disconcerting reading it on page and it might make some readers uncomfortable but it was well done. What I didn't like was how everything was neatly resolved. One phone call and boom! Solved! And Summer's dean in charge, after months of putting Summer down was suddenly contrite and boom (again) everything is forgiven.


But like I said in my pre-review, I still enjoyed this quite a bit. It has Kennedy's trademark humor and steam and complicated relationship dynamics but it didn't quite wow me like her other books. I have a feeling the series will only get better from her because the set up was already there. But that's just it, because of all the setting up being done, the focus on the romance between Summer and Fitzy suffered in the process.


An ARC was provided for review
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
April 11, 2019

I usually love Elle Kennedy, but The Chase was boring. Yes, boring.

I listened to this in audio, and 8 days later I was still forcing myself to continue. I'm obsessed with Jacob Morgan (his narrations are gold and his voice is perfection!), but CJ Bloom always irks me. Her voice sounds so cartoony to me, so of course that didn't help my enjoyment of the story.

However, the plot and the characters also fell flat. I'm over, over!, these model-perfect characters. Super firm asses on female characters, no flaws, chiseled everything... maybe a few years ago I would be interested, but now I want something more than lily-white "perfection." I know Elle Kennedy can do that, but this book didn't have it.

The plot also draaaaaaaged. There was so much back and forth, such a lack of communication, that it was hard for me to listen to. The plot didn't showcase these characters very well, and they both came across as self-absorbed and vapid.

I didn't like this one, but I'm giving one bonus star because Jacob Morgan... I just love listening to that man talk.

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,652 reviews4,587 followers
August 13, 2018
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: I'll admit it...My name is Jenny, and I have an addiction for college athlete stories! After reading Elle Kennedy's Off Campus series, I knew I had to jump right in with this book and start off a new series. I didn't hate it at all, but I just sadly didn't love it or even like it as much as most of the books in that other series. I think it had the potential to be a lot deeper. Especially with Summer's learning disability and Fritz's parental issues. I just felt like it was all surface level stuff (anyone who read it understands the irony in that statement 😜). I also felt like the pacing was off in that once they finally get together it does some weird time jumps and skips out on what I feel is the important stuff (them falling in love). I got the lust, and the sexy times were pretty good, but I guess I just wanted more feelings. The ending was lackluster, and I would've liked some more closure for these two -- but I also understand that this is a common complaint of mine with NA books, so it could just be me. Overall, just an okay read.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Summer and Fritz's story. Summer is a new transfer at the college and isn't allowed to live at the sorority house after a bad circumstance at the old one. She ends up moving in with three of her older brother, Dean's, old hockey teammates. Unfortunately, she has had a crush on Fritz since she met him for the first time and their roommate, Hunter, has a thing for her and has called dibs. Things are complicated, but they cannot fight their attraction for too long and eventually give in and fall in love. There is some friend and school drama, some sexy times, and some funny moments...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Summer and Fritz's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good for the most part. It did feel a little slow at times, and I felt like it was doing unfortunate time jumps and skipping over the good stuff once they finally are together.

Instalove: No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings.

H rating: 3.5 stars. Fritz. I liked him, but I definitely wanted to shake him a few times to communicate better!

h rating: 4 stars. Summer. I appreciated her strength. She had a hard time of things, but she never let that effect how she treated others.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Not really. Once they finally decide to be together, they stay together.

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had what I would call a HFN ending. They are happy and together but no big commitments have been made in order for me to call it a "HEA". I would've appreciated more closure tbh.

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Vaneesha.
131 reviews143 followers
August 6, 2018

That’s my 1 word summary. If you’ve been around for a while you’d know Elle Kennedy reads are like my kryptonite. And good old uni themed ones with hot athletes? Count me in.

This one? Not so hot.

Summer Heyward Di Laurentis is Dean’s younger sister. If you don’t remember Dean from the Campus series, maybe you’ll remember good ole Garrett? Anyway, Summer possesses 1/7th the amount of endearing Dean possessed (and Dean wasn’t even all that endearing). All fractions aside - Summer’s character fell flat for me. She came across as exactly what she was striving not to be, aka hella vapid. Also I’m tired of all the 5’11 slim blonde female leads and 6’2 Abercrombie model dudes. It’s 2018, does anyone really care for the detailed descriptions? Summer’s main inspo is Coco Chanel and she loves Vera Wang with a dash of Marc Jacobs / Tom Ford ... Oh yes! Please do tell me more this is truly tantalizing (that was sarcasm). Summer’s details of feminism were hypocritical and pointless (IMO).

Fitzy was cool in a nerdy jock-meets-nerd way. But the relationship between him and Summer didn’t do it for me. Why? Because the 2 of them were annoying and toyed with the emotions of other characters, one of whom was a roommate. Like hello?? Knock knock!! COOL YA HORMONES & KEEP YA PANTS ON & BE HONEST SO YOU DONT FUCK UP OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Also the whole Kamal Jain thing ... really? A brown douchey dude who’s a billionaire tech genius? YES! It is ABSOLUTELY necessary to include that characterization in a book whose underlying theme is recognizing people as being more than stereotypes. Looks like this read really fell short across the board for me.

On the flip side, I sure as hell will be reading the next book in this series whenever it drops because my name is Vaneesha and I suck.

Sorry for the negativity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not a total asshole I swear
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,028 reviews2,453 followers
August 7, 2018
3.5 stars

I love Elle Kennedy and I have loved almost everything she’s ever written. When I heard she was coming out with a new book that she wrote alone I was beyond excited and when the arc landed on my kindle I dived in right away. I loved Summer as a main character, she had such spark and personality and such life. Kennedy’s writing style is also something I love because I could fall effortlessly into the story. Reading her books never feels like work and I love the world she’s built in the Off Campus universe.

What brought the rating down for me was Fitz. I literally wanted to smack him for 75% of the book! God, that man drove me crazy and not in a good way. I get that he had trouble expressing himself and his parents totally screwed him up, but I really hated how he constantly bashed Summer and called her drama all the time. She’s a human being with emotions dude, not a robot.

I think lots of readers will love this book and for the most part I did too. I will eagerly be waiting for Brenna’s story because she was one of my favorite things about this story and I think her book will be amazing.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Ari .
933 reviews303 followers
August 7, 2018
*I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

❝ I don't want to be with a woman who hides in the shadows with me, because that enables me to keep hiding. And that's what I've done for years—hidden pieces of myself from my parents, my friends, chicks, the world. I want someone who encourages me to step out of my comfort zone, and Summer is that someone.❞




... AND SO IS THE QUEEN OF COLLEGE ROMANCE! To say that The Chase was one of my most anticipated releases for the year would be an understatement. As soon as this bad boy hit my Kindle, I spent the night devouring it because I was not about have anyone spoil this book for me! Technically you don’t need to read the Off-Campus series before you pick up The Chase, but I highly recommend that you do because why would you want to miss out on all the fun in the Off-Campus?!

Summer Di Laurentis is starting her first semester at Briar University after being kicked out of her previous school and things are already not going according to plan as she finds herself without a place to live. Her brother calls in a favor and Summer ends up moving in with three of the Briar hockey players—one of the players being Colin Fitzgerald (AKA Fitzy). Summer has been crushing on Fitzy for months, but the tattooed hockey player isn’t willing to give her the time of day, though his smoldering brown eyes tell a different story. Now that they’re living under the same roof, it’s only a matter of time until all the tension between the two comes to a boil and fireworks explode.

I was hooked on The Chase right from the start and devoured it in less than 24 hours! Gosh I miss being in this world with these characters and all their shenanigans. Speaking of characters, I already have a favorite character in this series and her name is Brenna Jensen! I swear, Brenna is my soul sister because we are one in the same. She’s a little rough around the edges but she’s a great friend to Summer and I can’t wait until her books releases!

Summer fits her name to a T. She’s vibrant, energetic and just a fun-loving person to be around. It’s never a boring time when Summer is around and she’s super protective of the people she loves. I adored her to bits. While she’s usually in good spirits, there were times throughout this book where we see Summer struggle with a learning disability. She has a hard time focusing as she has ADHD and there were many times where she puts herself down, but she doesn’t give up even though there were times that she wanted so badly to do so. Fitzy is not at all what I was expecting him to be—HE’S A HOT NERD! Hello kink! I will say that there were moments where I wanted to yell at Fitzy for being so hard-headed, but he has his reasons for being closed off. Once we see him start to open up, we realize that Fitzy is a teddy bear at heart.

The romance is a bit on the angsty side because Fitzy takes a bit to come around but once he finally gives in, the chemistry is off the charts! I think Fitzy and Summer make a great pair because they balance each other out. Even though Summer is out-going and free spirited, Fitzy helps to keep her grounded when she becomes overwhelmed with her school work and provides her with emotional support. Summer helps Fitzy to get out of his comfort zone and she inspires him in a number of ways.

While I adored all the characters in this book, there were two things that didn’t work for me. There’s kind of a love triangle in the first half of this book and I felt that it was completely unnecessary. It didn’t add to the story at all and it ended so abruptly that it left me wondering what the point of all that drama was for. I also felt like the ending was rushed. This book definitely needed an epilogue to tie up the few loose ends that were left remaining.

The Chase was a great start to Elle Kennedy’s newest series and I’m excited to see what’s in store for the rest of the characters. 2019 can’t come soon enough!
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
August 6, 2018

❤️5 stars❤️

I loved it so much, this is one of my most anticipated books for this summer and once I got it I started immediately!The Chase was addictive and fast paced!The romance was perfect, if you like slow burn and angst then this is definitely for you!


I adored Summer and Fitz and I couldn't wait to see them together!They make me swoon and have a smile on my face most of the times.But also they frustrate me in a good way!My heart was aching for them and I desperately wanted them together!

I'm looking forward for the next book in this news sport romance series!Get ready to fall in love with Summer and Fitz.


Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.8k followers
December 23, 2018
I've been reading this book on and off for a few months now and I just can't do it anymore. I am not a fan of these characters and I just can't get invested in this story. I was a huge fan of the Off Campus series, which is why I was looking forward to this but these characters aren't even half as interesting as the characters from the Off Campus series. /: Summer drove me nuts trying to prove to the reader (and her love interest) that she's not superficial but all she talks about is how she's so rich and her Dad got her into the university she's going to and she drives a 3-year old Audi which is sooo old in her opinion. Fitz isn't any better telling the reader that because he's a hockey player he's basically a god at his school and he can get any girl he wants but he's secretly a nerd deep down.

Profile Image for Bryce Rocks My Socks.
490 reviews858 followers
September 22, 2023
this writer gives me unparalleled joy. how can a book that is basically smut be so damn funny? idk but she has accomplished this impossible feat. guys, this book has hot sex and 👏 golden 👏 freaking 👏 comedy. wow i should be paid for this review. goodnight folks (jk its like 5pm, onto the next one).
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
September 22, 2018
*****FOUR STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

I have been dying to read the latest by Elle Kennedy. Sports romances with hockey players are high up on my list of favorites and the ”OFF CAMPUS” series is still my most beloved of Elle Kennedy’s works. THE CHASE, the first installment of ”BRIAR U” was missing the comedic flair I’ve come to expect from this author's sports romances. The “MeToo” movement was very much an influence in this plot, but not only does Elle focus on the way women are treated as sexual playthings by men of influence, and men in general—she also points out how even women perpetuate old stereotypes by using derogatory names to cut each other down, instead of standing up for one another.

Throughout the story, the other theme that was very much in the foreground was how many of us are guilty of stereotyping people by their outward appearances. A beautiful blonde who is in a college sorority, is a party girl, an airhead, and has no substance. A football or hockey player is a dumb jock and a menacing bully. Beautiful women who dress sexy are ”sluts”.

There is a romance buried underneath all of the heavy subject matter. Fitz is a quiet guy who shies away from the spotlight. He likes to keep things low key and Summer is a vibrant and outgoing girl who tends to draw attention to herself without even attempting to do so. At first glance, they seem complete opposites but peel back their layers and we learn they have quite a bit in common plus the passion burns something fierce between them.

I liked both characters but at times they were frustrating. The length of time it took for Fitz and Summer to finally admit their true feelings for each other was almost mind-numbing. Also, there were just too many side plots going on that it was almost exhausting.

Even with all the drama, ”BRIAR U” is shaping up to be another sure-fire hit series for Ms. Kennedy.

Here are my overall ratings:

Hero: 4
Heroine: 4
Plot: 4
Angst: 4
Steam: 4
Chemistry Between Hero & Heroine: 4

THE CHASE is currently available!


Profile Image for Anniebananie.
618 reviews480 followers
January 2, 2020
Direkt das Jahr 2020 mit einem Highlight starten? Check!
Ich lieeeeebeeee einfach die Bücher von Elle Kennedy, keine schreibt in diesem Genre so gut wie sie finde ich. Dementsprechend waren meine Erwartungen hoch und ich muss sagen, dass sie voll und ganz erfüllt wurden. Wer ihre erste Reihe mochte, sollte auch diese toll finden. Wir treffen viele bekannte Charaktere wieder und auch unsere beiden Protagonisten sind wieder toll!
Die Story fand ich auch wieder sehr passend für das Genre, auch wenn sie das Rad nicht neu erfindet. Allerdings merkt man von Seite 1 an, dass es zwischen unseren Protagonisten knistert und auch die Dreiecksgeschichte fand ich hier total ansprechend, auch wenn das sonst nicht so meine Welt ist. Elle Kennedy schafft einfach den Spagat zwischen sexy erotischen Szenen und humorvollen Interaktionen zwischen den Charakteren. Ich liebe den Schreibstil einfach. Mit Summer hatten wir diesmal eine schöne starke Feministin zur Protagonistin und in Fitz keinen typischen 0815-Badboy, I like! Auch Brenna habe ich sofort ins Herz geschlossen und freue mich so, dass es im nächsten Band um sie gehen wird. Vermutlich werde ich morgen direkt die Buchhandlung stürmen müssen um mir Band 2 zuzulegen, nachdem ich mir mit diesem Buch hier gestern die Nacht um die Ohren geschlagen habe, da ich einfach nicht aufhören konnte zu lesen.
Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews488 followers
August 7, 2018

“She’s the one girl he shouldn’t want…”

If there is one thing Elle Kennedy knows how to do and I mean do phenomenally well, it is write amazing sports/college romances. I fell in love with her storytelling way back when I read her Off-Campus series, which is still one of my favorite sports romance series of all time. Her latest story, The Chase, kept me fully invested from start to finish with Elle’s signature smart and witty writing. The characters were as different as night and day. I love a great story where opposites attract and the plot got better and better with each turn of the page.

Summer Di Laurentis is Dean’s little sister and for anyone who has read The Score, then you know who Dean is. Summer is new to Briar U, she was forced to leave her former Ivy League college due to being in a whole heap of trouble. Summer arrives at the Kappa Beta Nu sorority house with the intention of starting a new college with a clean slate, but unfortunately things don’t go as planned for her. She soon discovers that despite her desire to start again, her reputation has followed her to her new college. To say Summer received an unwelcome reception would be an understatement.

Having visited her brother on campus the previous year, Summer has become familiar with Briar campus and Dean’s former hockey team mates, especially Colin Fitzgerald (Fitzy). Fitzy has a preconceived idea on the kind of person Summer is based on their previous encounter, but things are about to get really interesting when Dean, knowing Summer is technically homeless, calls in a favor to his former team mates and asks that they rent their spare room to his sister.

Fitzy is not your typical jock. Yes he is a mean hockey player, tall, built, tatted and gorgeous, but he is also what some may consider a gaming nerd. Fitzy is studying both Fine Arts and Computer Gaming, so when he is not at practice or playing, this takes up most of his time.

“In college, I’ve made more of an effort to be social, but deep down I’m still the guy who wants to remain invisible. Summer is the most visible person I’ve ever met.”

While Summer is a force to be reckoned with, a blonde bombshell tornado making her presence known, Fitzy is an introvert who prefers to stay out of the limelight and keeping to himself.

Summer was such a fun character; she was feisty, extroverted and you could never be certain of what would come out of her mouth whenever she spoke. I found her absolutely hilarious and loved her gregarious nature. I loved Fitzy too for the sole reason that he was everything Summer was not. These two were perfect opposites, two wrongs making a delectable right.

When they get to really know each other they soon discover that things aren’t always as they seem. I loved discovering the depth of both characters and watching them grow, it made for more relatable characters and the development felt so much more real.

The Chase was written to be devoured and enjoyed and it would be a travesty to all romance literature to not pick this one up and read. If you are a fan of your NA sports/college romances, then there are no better stories of this genre than Elle Kennedy’s to get your fix. I wait with bated breath for book two in the Briar U series, The Risk, because I know it’s going to be everything and more.

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Profile Image for Corina.
781 reviews2,486 followers
May 26, 2020

This was all kinds of fun!! What comes to mind is sweet, sexy and sassy!!

This book has been one of my most highly anticipated books of the year. And I'm relieved to be able to say that it delivered.

The Chase was a college sports romance that worked for me in all kinds of ways. It had everything I like about NA college sports novels. Emotional situations, sexual attraction that fizzled, hysterical OTT moments, and a cast that was as hilarious as it was charming. All in all I thought the author gave this novel a perfectly balanced feel to it.

Fitzy was not your usual jock. On the outside sure he fit the bill, tatted with a scruffy beard and chiseled abs. But inside he was an introvert and a double  major in FineArts and computer programming. Summer was bubbly, smart, a fashion enthusiast and a Chanel devotee. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, but that didn't diminish her character or her genuine and likable demeanor. That girl had me constantly cracking up. Self confident, hilarious, and witty - she was a strong women that stood up for herself and wasn't hesitant to ask for help when needed.

I loved Summer and Fitzy together, even though they took some detours to get it all figured out, they were both incredibly likable characters. Not all of their decisions were wise, but they were typical for college students and they were handled in often unexpected and fascinating ways.

The book also introduced our next couple and all I can say is WOWZER!!! This next book is going to be an entertaining ride. Maybe even more so then The Chase - all I can say is enemy to lovers!!!

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