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My brother is bleeding.
My stepsister is gone.

The ones responsible called themselves family.

By blood, and now by marriage.

I want to destroy them for what they’ve done.

Burn everything they have to the ground.

But first I need to find her.


The pathetic, little mouse that scurried into our lives and made a home.

I can’t forget her, can’t get her out of my head.

She unleashed something dangerous in me.

Something that drove me to ruin her.

And ruined myself in the process.

She was once a game to me…

She still is…only this time it’s for keeps.

*Release date will be bought forward closer to completion.

340 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 31, 2022

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A.K. Rose

24 books1,093 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 521 reviews
Profile Image for KB.
119 reviews88 followers
August 18, 2022

What in the actual literal FUCK was this infant-brained knitted condom FMC GARBITCH.

I was fine, until Ruth.. sorry *Ryth* lost every bit of critical thinking and called a man who put himself through agony to get to her a fucking player. Boys who are legal adults — this is why we don’t sleep with teenagers. Say it with me, STOP WRITING 18 YEAR OLD VIRGIN BRAT CHILDREN IN THESE SCENARIOS. You people do this every damn time idk why I fucking think it’s going to be different. Could you people PLEASE offer your FMC just one functioning neuron. ONE.

I’m just going to stop thinking that I’ve found a great series/author outside of my known and trusted handful. Fucking disappointment. Again. I’m done reading peoples 2nd fucking book if I don’t know their work. This is bullshit to deliver a fantastic start and just immediately fuck it up.
Profile Image for ari.
406 reviews101 followers
June 18, 2022
Yeah no… I’m not impressed. The first 50-60% of the book was straight mafia talk and all about the 3 brothers getting their stepsister back. I skimmed the last 20% of the book because it was just getting very boring at that point.

Although I enjoy mafia romances and especially love step-sibling romances, this book just dragged out the mafia talk so much that there was barely any chemistry or ‘romance’ happening between any of the characters.

There was around 2 sex scenes only which barely lasted and as soon as it was over, all the mafia talk came back and it was just getting too dragged on for my liking.

The first book was so much better than this one which sucks considering I was excited to read this book. Oh well.
Profile Image for M.
659 reviews283 followers
May 22, 2022
Hers doesn't ease you back into the story - you're thrown in head first from the start. It's intense, dark and was so so good! A wild rollercoaster ride that leaves you breathless.

Ryth and her guys (Caleb, Nick and Tobias) were not for the faint of heart.
This read takes you on a journey that dives deeper, deeper into the depravity that the guys try so hard to fight. They fight to stay in the light for the one who shines like a star.
We see Caleb fight demons that have swallowed him whole in the past. He is willing to lose himself to find her. Tobias is a loose cannon and is ready to detonate, to crush anyone who stands in his way of finding his little mouse. Nick is trying to be the sanity that is much needed in this crazy game with the Order. He will do what's needed, but doesn't want to lose himself to the darkness because if her does, who will be there to reel his brothers back in when they can't do it themselves.

Betrayed by her family and now she has to fight for her life, her body, her mind. She's won't go down without a fight. Loved the addition of her new friend. She needs all the allies she can get! This game is going to be brutal and only the strong will survive.

OMG I need to pay better attention... I didn't know that this story wasn't over. I need answers, like right now! That ending wasn't as soul crushing as the one in Mine, but it hurt still. Please don't hurt her. Please allow her to be saved before there is no return from the darkness.
Profile Image for Hannah-Abby.
17 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2022
I'm not even sure what to make of what I just read. I loved the first book, I gave it 5 stars.... This book was a dissapointment. It was missing the spice and thrill of the first book and instead leaped headfirst into a whole different story, which I wouldn't of minded if it didn't take up the whole book... The 4 of them spent maybe 2 chapters together out of the whole thing. There were so many parts that just annoyed the hell out of me with mis communication and being petty. Will I read the 3rd book.... Probably, but only to try and make sense of the whole shit show.
Profile Image for QuinnReads.
3,349 reviews171 followers
October 14, 2022
The Order Must Go

Another nail biter in this trilogy. This is definitely one of those "check the warnings before proceeding" kinda books. It's dark and twisty, usually not in naughty fun ways - although, there are some of those. Women and animals are hurt in the telling of this tale. Other than the Banks brothers, who do find themselves beaten and bruised, the men all deserve any pain delivered upon them, so no sorrow from me there.

This picks up right before the cliffhanger from the first book. I knew something was off with Ryth's mom, but what she does.... 😱 Just despicable. 🥺

Tobias: "Remember I love you, right?"
Ryth: "Yes."
Tobias: "Good because I'm about to fuck you like I don't."

I really like this book and cannot wait to see what comes of this cliffhanger and how ALL of these revelations, exposed secrets, and loose ends tie up.

I received an author's copy of the audio book. The narrators are Ana Cole and Jack Calihan. I like both narrators, but I think this is a book that could benefit from duet narration.

Story: 5 stars
Narration: 4 stars
Listening Speed: 2.0x
Profile Image for Z.
258 reviews1 follower
June 6, 2022
DNFed at 50%

The plot? No. Just no.
Profile Image for Sirine.
275 reviews6 followers
December 9, 2022
i am so sorry but this was so bad lol
i’ve read really bad books this year but this one probably comes number one.

it was LONG the first half was just them trying to get her back it was so boring. the characters are dumb and make stupid choices that obviously put them in shitty situations that could have been so easily avoided, but hey anything to get the plot moving right?

the writing is still meh, there were some scenes when i didn’t even understand what the fuck was happening. it just read like a very bad Wattpad story, it was so repetitive with always the same expressions, always the same flashbacks like WE GET IT!!

it’s a pity because the idea could be very good for a dark romance, the characters are interesting but lack depth like besides being angry and violent WHAT ARE THEY? WHO ARE THEY?? we don’t know because the author unfortunately gave them 0 character development.
September 30, 2024
“Hers” amps up the heat and drama while diving deeper into the complex web of secrets and forbidden desires. The tension between the characters escalates, and the stakes are higher as the mystery surrounding their dangerous world unravels.
Steamy, forbidden, taboo… very hot and twisted.. with suspense, and twists that keep you guessing.

Somewhere between 4 and 5 ⭐️’s
Profile Image for audrey.
22 reviews7 followers
August 20, 2024
okay so first, this felt like a totally different book but in the best way i promise. talk about mommy AND daddy issues lmaooo
way less smut but this is where the plot kicks in and it is a lottt. i love how this author left both the first and second book with a cliff hanger and questions that you didn’t even expect or know there was room for. i loved it.
Profile Image for onthebooksel.
339 reviews373 followers
March 16, 2023
Still a train wreck, just less enjoyable. I am not a fan of one part of the gang being kidnapped and then the whole book just being them trying to get back to one another. I want messy family drama again not fucking Illuminati kidnapping shit.
Profile Image for Ashley.
92 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2022
This book was intense in a way that I can only describe as thrilling, heartbreaking, and action packed. We see these men fight, bleed and kill for Ryth. Tobias is bordering on obsession with how much he love Ryth and the things he's done to insure she is protected and and safe. Nick is out sweetheart (he saved a puppy that was tossed aside after a dog fight, and told Ryth it is their puppy. They named her Rebel) Caleb, my poor tournamented Caleb... He is madly in love with Ryth - we already knew this, but he is so mad with it that he can't focus on anything that doesn't involve her. How to make amends, how to fix what was done to her... He put himself in so many compromising positions to get her back and keep her. We don't like the mother or their father, Ryths dad really came through in the end and I'm so thankful. Two more things I would like to point out. One: the spice was 👌 I re read so many of those scenes. Two: Evans deserved so much better 😭

Don't continue if you don't want major spoilers! These are the notes I made as I read:
It's finally here! I took a break from the Kit Davenport series to read this 😁
We ended the first book with Ryth being taken, Nick being seriously injured and Tobias losing his ever loving shit. This book starts with Nick fighting to get to Ryth he is stabbed, tased and beaten. They took him from the school and when they told one of their men to get the car out before Ryth came he said something along the lines of: "Take it. Take everything... just not her." When I tell you my heart shattered all over again... It was pain all over again from when Tobias roared for them to give him Ryth back. 💔 We know Ryths mom and the guys dad have taken Ryth and sent her to the order. Caleb is holding out hope that is dad had nothing to do with Nick being injured (he is in the hospital now with a massive amount of blood loss), but he can't deny that when they saw their dad at the house with blood on his shirt that he had something to do with it. Evans seems like a solid dude, I mean he's got some questionable contacts and associates, but he seems like the kind of person you'd need as a friend. Especially for what Caleb's about to do. Evans says: "Well, it's time to sell our souls." I'd want this guy in my corner. Welp. Nick busted out of the hospital, Caleb is selling himself to the devil to save Ryth and Tobias is do.. well who the fuck knows? I'm guessing before he went to grab Nick he was torturing someone if the muffled screams over the phone were any indication. All's fair in love and war. And these men are going to war. I've got a soft spot for Viv, but I'm also super suspicious of her.. Caleb ended up at The Order, he saw Ryth & he grabbed onto someone else, got hard and made it out like he wasn't there for her. So now she's sitting there feeling heartbroken and betrayed. Tobias doesn't know this yet, but he did see Caleb outside a club smiling at Evans and automatically assumed the worst. We are in Caleb's POV and Tobias is about to beat the shit out of him. Viv mentioned something about The Order abducting someone out of prison & Ryths dad was mysteriously missing from the prison here at. Caleb came back for Ryth, Nick and Tobias are waiting at the gate to get her. So far it's looking like they made it, but Viv didn't.. 😟 While Caleb went with his contact (I can't remember his name) the the headquarters of The Order, he saw Ryth and the guy he was with touched Ryth. He had his hand around her throat, touched her and degraded her while Caleb saw the whole thing and put on a show to get this guys attention off of Ryth. Now I get why Ryth is mad, I'm not taking away from pain and humiliation BUT I also understand that Caleb couldn't blow his cover. He is the one who had a way in and if he didn't play that just right, he wouldn't have been able to get back in to save her. Ryth is talking like her and Caleb won't ever be the same, and there are some serious concerns for when/if Nick and Tobias ever find out, but we as the readers got to see both sides of this and while Caleb is a little fucked up, he was doing the best he could in that situation. Ryth was, too. I need these two to mend what was fractured, because my poor heart can't take the divide it would cause between all of them.. Caleb and Ryth have made up. Not all that mushy ass shit either. He fucking owned her and she loved it 👀 and...somehow I forgot to mention Evans died. He really saved Caleb's ass by stepping in when Caleb was supposed to sleep with one of The Orders women.. he did that because his friend couldn't betray Ryth. He risked A LOT to do that and ended up dead for trying to help Caleb 😭 he deserved better.. he deserved that law firm with Caleb as partner... Caleb, the fucking idiot that he his, decided to make up what's he's done to Ryth by going after Killion BY HIMSELF. Now the asshole white guard form Hale Order has tased him. They plan to use him to lure Ryth back in.. I want to be so mad, but he thought he was doing what was right. Killion sent Caleb a video (after Caleb was at the St. James house) of Ryth strapped to a table being forced to get a tattoo & then Killion sent him a voice message saying Ryth was now his & a contract was signed. He thought he was protecting her by eliminating a threat. And .... their pos dad has a gun to Tobias' head 😡 & I think Killion & white haired guard are dead 🤷‍♀️ Killion is not dead, because that would be too easy. We're right back where we started. Ryth is back at Hale Order. Her mother is the biggest bitch alive, like the rage I feel is nothing in comparison to where we were at when we found out her mother sold her. They have Caleb, we have no clue what their father has done with Tobias, Nick witnessed Viv being taken out of the Order by London St. James this is a whole shit show on top of a giant shit show. 😭 Oh my God! The priest and the principal are brothers 😳 We don't know what happened to Tobias (this will slowly kill me until the next book......), we have no idea where Nick is or if he's okay. We end with Ryths dad calling the principal, threatening to bring them all down and bury them. He demands Caleb and Ryth be together in that hell hole & Tobias and Nick are to not be harmed. The last chapter was in Viv's POV & I am genuinely concerned for her.. I can't believe how good this book was.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BabybookWyvern ✨🐉✨.
341 reviews14 followers
September 16, 2022
I couldn’t finish this.

I got to the 50% mark and called it quits after. The first book was fine but this second one? It feels like such a leap and fast track to an edge-ier, more action packed novel, however, it just falls flat.

After neglecting and seemingly, withholding Caleb from readers all of book 1, he is now front and center in book 2. This should be good news- no? One would think! But overall, Caleb’s POV doesn’t really go about convincing me how he fell for the FL, only that he just kinda did at some, indistinguishable point. Caleb might be the most depraved out of the bunch but he was also readers last real hold out and clearly, the one that would be the hardest to “break” for the FL. His character is straight-laced. He’s an ex-lawyer. He’s the neutral, “gives no fcks”, “not my problem”, and totally “ice cold” guy. He is literally ALL of that, and he just *poof* falls for her??? No muss, no fuss, just *poof!*, LOVE! How?? Why!? What triggered him? WHY does he love her? WHAT does he think and feel about her? Is he obsessed like T and Nick? His POV’s don’t go into the details of what he really thinks and feels about her other than to admit, that he feels for her and that he needs to get her out. But those are such shallow feelings for such a hidden depth character and all of his POV’s were just a waste and belated fan service.

Meanwhile, T hardly gets any POV’s in this when your DYING to know how APE he’s going mentally now that she’s gone. And Nick gets a bunch of POV’s but he’s the clunky cast off of this bunch who’s only purpose seems to be bolstering the RH’s numbers. Nick is such a random character sometimes. Like his MO, his adoration and own obsession with the FL. His younger brother basically bullied him into and from there he just decided to keep falling instead of laughing at crazy bro-bonding adventures and calling it a day until the FL does something to rock his world and open his eyes.

The 2nd book is long winded, feels random after how the 1st one was paced and was just an overall miss for me. Sorry. 💔☹️
Profile Image for Amanda (MrsEvilEwokReads).
148 reviews46 followers
May 31, 2022
We started where we left off and the longer it went on the darker it got. I can honestly say 100% that I was not prepared! In this book we got to see more of Caleb In a way we hadn’t seen him in Mine. I’m here for it though! He can dominate me anyday🫠 This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it and and I can’t wait for book 3. As always please be sure to check your TW and if you haven’t read Mine (book1) yet what are you waiting for? Go read it!!!

Profile Image for Addicted 2 📖.
533 reviews10 followers
May 24, 2023
Ryth - definitely off her or sell her.
I don’t even think the author knows exactly what she’s supposed to be. She’s ‘shy, strong, stupid, naive, mature, immature….WTF Annoying is a better description.

And is it me? But tell me SOMEONE else notices there is a lot of ‘howling’ going on 😂🤣 Stomachs howl and people howl…??!

And now, because I’m seriously confused I need to read this 3rd book to have answers.
Profile Image for Rileyreads11_.
214 reviews16 followers
May 21, 2022
This book is a Roller coaster ride! I couldn’t put it down!
It picks up where book one left off and it doesn’t stop!

You start to see a different side of the boys when it come to protecting what they love! The cliff hanger in this book was BRUTAL!! I’m literally gonna keep freaking out until the third book comes out!!
I love this series so much and it is written so well!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for 🦉Maggie Whitworth.
3,146 reviews104 followers
December 10, 2022

Love this series, sexy , dark romance with twists and turns everywhere.
Full of arresting moments and amazing writing.
Profile Image for Phylicia.
457 reviews8 followers
April 5, 2024
“You were never meant to fall for her.”

4⭐️ Wow this storyline is super exciting and definitely notched up a level since book one, just wow. That darkness escalated so quickly goodness. Like you go from step bro bullymance into the dark underworld of people trading, it’s intense at times, so defs look after your mental wellbeing with this one.

I loved having more of the MMC’s POVs in this one, it really gave further insight and depth into their motivations, experiences and how those had shaped their values and views of the world.

The maturity of the characters I found very challenging at times. They make choices that I really disagreed with and I found it really frustrating! And it kept happening! Just saying. The miscommunication trope was played pretty hard throughout and it’s one of my least favourite tropes.

This world is amazing, though I’m loving the complexity of the plot layers and all the interconnected characters. Suffice to say I’m going onto the next one straight away.
Profile Image for dais.
789 reviews83 followers
June 17, 2023
Jesus fucking Christ it feels like my heart is going to burst out of my chest.
I’m obsessed with the banks brothers and Ryth.
I don’t ever want this rollercoaster of a story to end.
Profile Image for momaddictedtobooks.
460 reviews40 followers
March 4, 2024
This was action packed from start to finish. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this book. This series is addicting. I can’t stop reading it. It’s hard to put down. Now on to the next one!
Profile Image for Jess.
454 reviews
May 20, 2022
Whew. I was gonna wait a day or two before writing up a review, but I decided it's best to do it whilst it's fresh in my mind.

I was extremely lucky to have received an ARC from the author in exchange for a review. I was so excited when I saw it in my email that I started it immediately. Thank you Atlas! I'll try and keep this spoiler-free as I can, but fair warning there could be spoilers below.

"You can't take her...she was never yours to take." My finger curled around the trigger. "Because she's mine"

Hers starts pretty much where Mine left off (remember that brutal cliffhanger in Mine?!). Hers was wild man. It seriously gave me whiplash, much like book 1. It was actually exhausting to read, Tobias, Caleb and Nick were just not able to catch a break on their hunt to get Ryth out of where she was taken to. This book literally got me so riled up about the whole situation. I'm literally so exhausted from reading this book; but it was some good reading.

"You belong to us, princess," Nick urged. Tobias' dark eyes sparked. "And we belong to you"

I enjoyed it, I didn't love it as much as book 1, mostly due to the amount of time it took them to reunite with each other - I just always struggle with character separation anxiety; and I always hate it when characters or love interests are separated for any period of time; but it was a good read anyway, it was action on top of action, it was non-stop.

You really just get thrown right in at the deep end with this book and the organisation (Hale Order) that Ryth is now in, and subsequently the same place the brothers are trying to get her out of. We get to read about the shear depths and depravity this organisation has in terms of women and it's enough to literally have your feminism re-emerge with a vengeance.

The gun was in my hand in an instant. "You touched what belonged to me." I lifted the muzzle. "You caused her pain." My finger wrapped around the trigger. "There is no universe where I'd allow that to happen again. She is mine. She is ours. And we are...hers

The points of view shift between Ryth and the brothers, and it was really good to see more from Caleb, we got a much deeper understanding of who he was as a person, and the type of darkness that sits inside of him. Our characters really go through the wringer in this, and you can tell that Atlas poured her heart into this book and I bet it really hurt to write some of the situations she puts them in. I found myself getting frustrated with the decisions being made between the brothers, they're really head strong, and not one of them thought it would be a good idea to just sit down, and discuss potential scenarios and plans; they all went off half-cocked and alone most of the time, I might add! and came away with nothing.

We don't get a huge pay off in the end; We essentially end where we started and come full circle; only with more questions. It sort of frustrated me a little, because it seemed pointless putting everyone through everything in the book only to end up back where they started; BUT I'm sure Atlas has a plan for it, and reasons and motivations behind it. The end situation with Ryth's father has me super intrigued though; and I'm honestly so excited to see where that goes!

I was really hoping for a big confrontation with the brothers father, Creed and Ryth's mother, Elle, but I'm hoping we get that in book 3. There's no happiness for our characters right now, it's all just one big clusterfuck if I'm honest. So many new questions were opened, and went unanswered, which I'm hoping will be resolved in the final installment, Ours; which by the way, I would literally give my left tit to have in my hands right now. Note to self: stop starting incomplete trilogies!

The ending is a cliffhanger, but it's not brutal compared to the way Mine was; it'll just leave you wanting more, and I'm interested in seeing how everything is going to play out; I'm very curious to see how Atlas finishes their story (I've been assured there is a HEA...eventually). We also get a quick look into a new character Vivienne, really like her and interested to hear and read more of her story (if she has one!).

Thank you again to the author for being so engaging with her readers, and for offering ARCs, even to those of us who no longer blog and review or aren't overly active on social media platforms.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice rating: 🌶🌶🌶.5/5

***Check your triggers before reading! Book is for 18+ due to adult themes:

- Step siblings dark romance reverse harem
- MFMM (no MM between the brothers themselves, but they are all in the same room naked at the same time)
- Sex slaves including the buying and selling of young women in exchange for silence
- Gun violence
- Attempted sexual assault
- Violence and degradation towards women
(Really sorry if I've missed any warnings!)***
Profile Image for T.
8 reviews
February 18, 2023
Uh. Damn. I'm bored.

First half of the book was a little thrilling, won't lie. Was enjoying it more than the first. Cool rescue mission but a tad too much mafia talk. Mainly enjoyed it because I hated reading Ryth's pov. Having the first half concentrated on the brother's was enjoyable to read.

Oh, but wait... another rescue mission? Huh? I started to get, kinda bored. It actually took me a bit to finish, because I did not want to pick up the book and look at it.
I read for smut as well, and there was only about... 2 scenes that were pretty brief.
Oh, and then another rescue mission set as a cliffhanger for the next book. I feel some repetition happening, excuses for a plot. Get on with it.

I also thought the timeline in plot was messed up, things were not adding up. Characters got to certain places within specific times yet, in other povs, the amount of stuff that went on, it would not make sense.

Ryth continues to piss me off, getting worse and worse; a girl with not a single brain cell. Felt bad for the brothers, especially Caleb, for how stupid she was.
Profile Image for Jessica Kane.
268 reviews8 followers
July 27, 2023
5/5 ⭐️

This book was insane!! After the cliffhanger of book 1 I started this one straight away and could not put it down! Honestly the plot is so good, it’s drawn me in and I’m now it’s prisoner! The twists and turns are insane! I honestly did not see this coming!

The spice also just keeps getting better and better! 🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵

The cliffhanger on this book though, I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. If I didn’t have to be up ridiculously early for work tomorrow I’d be starting the next book now!

This book is a lot darker than book 1 so definitely check the trigger warnings before reading. But I definitely recommend this series it’s amazing!!!
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,305 reviews216 followers
August 1, 2024
Tacco12 - per RFS
Bentornate Fenici, siete pronte alla guerra che si sta scatenando? L’Ordine di Hale ha preso Ryth, l’ha spogliata dei suoi abiti, l’ha marchiata come fosse un animale ma soprattutto l’ha allontanata dai suoi fratellastri.

Tobias, Nick e Caleb non si danno pace e sono disposti a tutto pur di riavere indietro la loro Principessa, compreso riprendere i contatti con un passato a dire poco pericoloso rischiando di perdere se stessi e la propria anima.

“I miei occhi trovarono Ryth mentre mi giravo per avvicinarmi a lei. Nick era dolce, le dava conforto. Io ero nient’altro che spigoli duri e nocche sbucciate. La sua salvezza dipendeva dal mio essere così selvaggio. La superai, diretto verso la porta d’ingresso, e gli altri ci seguirono.”

Tutto pur di liberare Ryth da quel posto governato dalla depravazione, dove uomini senza morale possono trovare e disporre a loro piacimento di donne costrette e considerate come giocattoli sessuali personali. Solo per il gusto di possedere e controllare.

Riusciranno questi giovani ignari ragazzi ad avere la meglio in un gioco che palesemente è più grande di loro?

Scritto con uno stile fluido e ben ritmato Hers vi terrà inchiodate alle sue pagine. È presente qualche refuso qua e là ma nulla che guasti il piacere della lettura.

Non immaginate l’adrenalina… è sempre più evidente che Ryth e il suo passato sono la chiave di volta attorno a cui si sviluppa tutta la storia, ciò che viene detto rende ancora più misterioso il ruolo della sua famiglia nella vicenda, aggiungendo ulteriori domande a quelle già presenti. Jack Castlemaine, in una sola manciata di secondi, stravolgerà gli equilibri di una battaglia che sembrava persa in partenza.

Sebbene separati per buona parte del tempo, il legame tra i ragazzi risulta forte, indistruttibile. Ryth è la loro ragione di vita, la forza di gravitazione che richiama la loro anima. Ognuno di loro con personalità diverse ma tutte caratterizzate da spiccati lati oscuri. Finalmente arriveremo a conoscere meglio il più enigmatico tra tutti: Caleb, che ci guiderà nei meandri delle sue perversioni e ossessioni, colui che sembrava essere il fratello più razionale si rivela invece il più deviato.

Alcune decisioni prese dai nostri protagonisti sono poco realistiche, soprattutto sul finale, ma si possono giustificare come dettate dalla disperazione. Non vi renderete neppure conto di trattenere il fiato!

In questo secondo capitolo della serie, A.K. Rose introduce Vivianne e London St. Jones che saranno anche i protagonisti della seconda trilogia che compone questa avvincente saga. Non vedo l’ora di leggere il seguito.
Profile Image for Amber Carpentieri.
113 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2024
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️ /5

“Our fates had crashed into each other that night in a shock wave that changed us all. Cataclysmic. Destructive down to the core. They'd shattered me and rebuilt me all at the same time.”

This book kicks right off from the ending of Mine, and damn was it relentless. The darkness was kicked up for this one, so definitely orientate yourself with the trigger warnings as we enter a new world in this one. Miscommunication was a big part of this book which was frustrating as it isn’t one of my preferred tropes. The characters reuniting does not happen quickly, so prepare yourself for that. With this book we get POVs from all the main characters which I loved - it just helped to piece things together easier while also understanding where each character is coming from. The plot was interesting and will keep you on your toes, and like I said the story for this one is quite a bit darker than the first book. The ending!! Holy crap does it leave you with your questions and frustrations, but I’m sure A.K. Rose has it all planned out for book 3. The twist at the end was one I personally didn’t see coming so I’m so keen but man these cliffhangers really hit hard - though this one was not as brutal as book 1. Definitely keen to get onto book 3 to see how the stories of these characters end.
Profile Image for Anja.
47 reviews8 followers
May 29, 2022
I remember the first time I was introduced to this world with book 1, I was instantly pulled in. I couldn't wait for book 2 to come out so I can have answers to all of my questions. Now, if is possible I have even more questions and I love that with book I read. I need something that will hold me on my edge in a need for next book.

I can honestly say that I enjoyed every second in this book. It was so intense, OMG. I wanted to throw my iPad, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream. I had so many emotions and I think that is what is keeping me in this world and all I can say is thank you to Atlas, first for trusting me with my honest opinion and giving me a gift of ARC I will be forever thankful. Second for making this perfect little crazy world.

I can't wait to dive in to book 3 and to finally see what happens with Ryth and her three lovers. I mean stepbrothers. I mean, oh you know what I mean 🤭. (I am such a sucker for stepbrother books, that is getting scary 😅)

This story didn't end like book 1 (btw, that ending broke my heart) but I still need answers, also I loved that new character and I would definitely wanted to read her story also, so fingers crossed. Until then I will patiently wait for third and final book in Ryths world.
Profile Image for Samantha Hickey.
1,764 reviews42 followers
May 23, 2022
I can't get enough of this series!!!

Hers is book #2 in the Blood Ties series. It is a DARK reverse harem. Make sure to read the trigger warning!!

I have no words. I don't even know where to start with this review, my mind is blown!!!!

We pick up where we left off in Mine, and its non stop action and craziness all the way to a cliffhanger that will have you begging for the next book!!

We see other sides to Nick, Caleb and Tobias, control is nonexistant and their darkness is out to play, and they wont stop until they save Ryth.

I can't wait until the next book!!! I need all the answers!!!

Atlas Rose, you have me hooked on this series!!!
Profile Image for Sheena Leezee.
80 reviews
April 3, 2024
Let me start by saying I enjoy the story, however, I liked the first book a lot better than this one. I'll continue reading just because I feel invested in these characters and I want to see it through. But I did feel like this whole book was like one prolonged scene with zero resolutions. It literally ended right back where it started lol, zero answers given, and left me very frustrated. I get that its a series and cliff hangers are all the rage, but there should be enough given in each book to move you along the storyline and wanting the next book, but I didn't really get that with this one. I'm hoping the next book is better.
Profile Image for Mrs A.
1,197 reviews27 followers
May 21, 2022
Yikes! Where do I start. This book is action packed and full of drama and spice, there is no let up. It’s dark and intense. . Picks up from Book 1 cliffhanger. Ryth is betrayed by her parents and sent to a home that the Hale order use for human trafficking under the guise of a troubled home. Caleb, Tobias and Nick get into all sorts of trouble trying to get her back. I won’t spoil the book by saying anymore. You’ll just have to read it! Ends on a cliffhanger too…

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 521 reviews

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