Denji's a poor young man who'll do anything for money, even hunting down devils with his pet devil-dog Pochita. But his life gets turned upside down when he's betrayed by someone he trusts. Now with the power of a devil inside him, Denji's become a whole new man—Chainsaw Man!
With the climactic battle against the Gun Devil close, Aki may be wavering. Has he found something more important to him than revenge? And what is the true meaning behind the vision shown to him by the Future Devil?
This one was truly one of the best. I loved Aki's story and how his cruelty and violent acts are shown through a snowballs fight as a kid. The fact that his childhood is still a big trauma for him and that he can't accept the violence of his own acts is so interesting. And Denji's tears, also represented as a kid, was so powerful. Aki loved Power and Denji so much, and they loved him even more.
shaking crying throwing up. this has to be one of the best things i've ever read. i felt like my heart got carved out of my chest and stomped on it repeatedly. every panel was a different kind of pain
it's such a cruel destiny to find death when you finally find the wish to live. the worst possible death. it hurts to the guts.
Loved this volume. It's always better to be short and leave you wanting more, rather than wish something were shorter, and this one volume had the events of three normal ones. Normally that would make me fear an incoming axe, but sales seem good, and Fujimoto's style in Fire Punch always rushed around without letting you get comfortable. I'm not sure if this is closer to the end or the halfway point, but I'm optimistic.
Estoy muerta en vida, mi hijo... En el último capítulo AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, alguien deme una caja de kleenex porfavor que no aguanto tanto dolor. El demonio del futuro tenía razón... Iré a pensar en cuanto lo quería y lo mucho que me hará falta.
In just one volume the series goes back to amazing and man oh man, was I not ready to be depressed yesterday morning.
Aki, Denji, and Power are having some downtime after the events of the last volume. However, Power is having some wicked PDST after the devil's actions. So Denji does his best to take care of her, and although he's a moron most of the time, it is really sweet with what he does. We then get a huge reveal on Makima that is a bit shocking but it's the final chapter that really hits home.
I really loved this volume. It starts off a bit slow but with great character development. Then a sudden change in who's bad, and the reveal of the gun devil, just change everything. So much carnage from here on out till the final two chapters which result in a brutal fight to the death. I won't lie, the final few panels got to me.
Chainsaw Man is amazing. I can't wait for the anime. A 5 out of 5.
Sometimes it is impossible to talk about something without giving spoilers, and such is the case here. The 9th volume of Chainsaw Man is probably the best in the series, with the best storytelling yet as the readers bid farewell to one of the most prominent characters in the series.
Volume 9 is the major turning point for Chainsaw Man.
The threat of the Darkness Devil has been quelled for the time being, only for the sudden return of the terrifying Gun Devil to arrive at full force. Denji and Power are dealing with the physical and mental scars of the previous conflict, while Aki is forced to confront the creature that killed his entire family once more. Aki must choose between settling down in his new peaceful life with his companions or give in to his vengeful desires to prevent another potential genocide from breaking out at the hands of his old archenemy.
Easily the best volume of Chainsaw Man so far. It takes a break away from all the chaotic action stuff to focus on developing the main protagonists after their insane battle against the Darkness Devil and the foreign assassins, exploring how the intense conflict has impacted the mental states of the main characters, as well as setting up their new motives and relationships in much more depth than ever before.
There’s a lot of quality time between Denji, Power and Aki which we haven’t seen since near the beginning of the series. We also get some insight into who Makima really is, what her objectives are and why she’s so damn scary. The final chapters of this volume get really emotional. One of my favorite characters unfortunately meets their end, showing that plot armor is no longer a thing.
Things are definitely going to get gruesome after this volume.
Premise: After the massive battle with assassins from China, America and USSR and the Santa Claus, after , Denji and his friends are trying to get back to normal practice, but things are easier said than done. Then...Makima informed that the Gun Devil has been located but then Aki of all people hesitated, why?
I really like the part about Power, Denji accompanying Aki to visit Aki's family grave!
When I turned the last page, I couldn't fucking even!!!
I cannot believe what I’ve just witnessed. Time to close my eyes and pretend nothing bad ever happened (I’ve been emotionally crippled). Literally how does one recover from this??
I was already certain this volume was my favourite by the first half, which was unbearably wholesome with its focus on the family dynamic between Aki, Denji and Power. I was unspeakably proud of Denji's character development and seeing him *finally* discover platonic love (that little arc was beauuuutifully done). I should've realized things were about to get bad, but I never expected the second half of this volume to mark the saddest part of this story yet.Chainsaw Man has the tendency not to take itself seriously, with banter to lighten even the darkest of moments, so I was shocked to see such a depressingly somber end to this volume. Fujimoto absolutely destroyed my tear ducts, so now I can cry alongside the early fans!!
She made me feel really uneasy the whole way, and now I know why. I thought things were shot to hell when the Darkness Devil dropped by, and I was proven wrong. The Gun Devil's been hyped up for most of the series, and it's not even the worst thing. Showing new awful context to all the events so far, and even that's not the worst thing. I think the worst thing is the flicker between dream and reality, the calm and the hell, the extreme contrast between the two.
And speaking of calm, you had some good stuff of that with Denji and Aki and Power early on. They're getting along better at last. After all of the trouble they've been through, all the hostility and infighting, it felt sweet... but it was all too brief.
God this series just keeps throwing curveballs. As Makima and Aki draw closer to the Gun Devil, the whole nature of the series starts to change. We finally start to learn who Makima is, and how Aki's motivation has changed since the start. Denji also goes through some fundamental growth, which is nice to see. The ending of this volume is just brutal, Tatsuki Fujimoto comes up with such a clever way to depict the battle.
As always with this series, I don’t quite know what I just read but I loved it lol! Aki is such a great character 🥺 happy that Power got #1 in the popularity contest though - she is best girl lol. This volume is trippy as hell, all-out action, mixed in with some gory horror moments. Currently feel like sobbing my eyes out at that ending omg! The most emotive Chainsaw Man has ever been. But still, I can’t wait for more!
I'm not very much happy. YA KILLED MY SHARK BOI 😭 and dragged Kobe all through 8 volumes doing nothing or maybe just a tiny bit, just to make her hand her resignation now. Come on, you're just randomly throwing characters off trash in an attempt to clean before the series ends. But yea, Sharky's been a good boi, fight, saving and all that since his debut. But tf with Violence and Kobe. Gah I'm not pleased at all.THAT WAS ME 10 PAGES FROM THE START. NOW, I'M JUST A SOBBING WRECK. JUST. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. HECK. I CHANGE MY MIND. THIS VOLUME IS THE FRICKEN HOST OF PAIN, NOT THE PREVIOUS ONE.