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Like Us #9

Fearless Like Us

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Twenty-one-year-old Sullivan Meadows just unleashed the biggest bomb-drop on her overprotective dad. She's dating a ruggedly handsome Banks Moretti and a swoon-worthy hot Akara Kitsuwon.

Two men.
Two bodyguards.
One polyamorous relationship.

Nothing can prepare Sulli for her dad's hot-tempered reaction. And the fallout isn't the only explosion Sulli, Akara, and Banks are facing.

More family drama leaves them at odds with people they love, and Sulli finds herself striving to prove that she's all grown up. Her determination comes at--knock knock.

The Royal Leaks are here.

We reveal all the truths about the American Royals. These are verified and come directly from the source.

No American Royal is safe.

ROYAL LEAK #1: We know everything.

Fearless Like Us is an MFM Romance.

578 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 28, 2021

246 people are currently reading
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About the author

Krista Ritchie

45 books16.6k followers
NYT & USA Today Bestselling Authors Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 779 reviews
Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
675 reviews8,564 followers
June 11, 2021
Some books are long, but feel short.
Some books are short, but feel long.
This book is long and felt like it would never end. My neighbours probably heard my squeal when I finally reached the end of chapter 60. As Ryke Meadows would say: FUCKING FINALLY!!!

Wild Like Us was bad, but that book still had some entertaining factor, because it was so cringe. But Fearless Like Us ? It was just bad and boring. The whole "plot" of this book and I use plot very loosely is that someone bugged the penthouse and was leaking all kind of secrets about Sulli, Akara, Banks, Jane, Moffy, Luna etc. to the media. Every chapter was just another secret leaked starting with "ROYAL LEAK #40482945: (insert things no one fucking cares about!)".
SPOILER ALERT: it's the dog/cat sitter who bugged one of the dogs and is selling the information. What a great twist. 😌

Let's pretend the Core 6 are the Kardashians and their kids are as famous as them, who in hell cares about headlines like this one: "ROYAL LEAK #1: Sullivan Meadows ate a chocolate donut made with mild and eggs." or "ROYAL LEAK #2: Charlie Cobalt is skilled at the piano." I mean seriously 🤡🙂🤯🤪 W-O-W that's always something I wanted to know about The Kardashian kids or Taylor Swift kids (if she had any). People eat donuts w milk and can play the piano? *gasp* This whole series doesn't make any sense and is so OTT.

My two highlights were in chapter 1 when Sulli tells Ryke she has two boyfriends and Ryke is just losing it (I love him 😌).
"You fucking touch her, and you're dead," he growls. "You fucking hear me?"
"We already have, sir," Banks says.
I look up just as my dad swings. He punches Banks in the jaw, and Akara wrenches Banks back so forcefully that Akara takes the second blow to the stomach.

Banks–the dumbass that he is–is really asking to get punched and Ryke is happy to deliver. The moment it was announced that Sulli would have be the one in a poly relationship, I knew that Ryke would not be happy about that LOL.

I'm reading this series for the Cobalt crumbs and I'm really living off these tiny tiny scenes like the one with Charlie/Roxanne & Beckett in chapter 16. 🤡
A girl with curly brown hair pulled into a bun and light golden-brown skin peeks inside. "Hi, sorry to be a bother. Beckett?"
"Roxanne," Beckett nods.
Charlie says a couple words in Russian. Roxanne looks surprised but also in a hurry, just telling Beckett, "Curtain in three." She shuts the door, but we hear a squeaking sound.
"Did she slip?" Charlie asks Beckett.
"She's a little clumsy for a ballerina," Beckett says but also gives his brother a forebonding look. "Don't, Charlie."
"Don't, what?" Charlie knows what Beckett means.
"You promised to never fraternise with anyone at the company." Beckett stands up. "I work with Roxanne."
I chime in, "How do you know she understands Russian?"
"I told him," Beckett says to me. "Back when I thought he didn't like her."
"I don't like her," Charlie says. "I hardly know her, Beckett." He moves away from the wall. "And I would never break a promise I made to you."

Let's go CharlieRoxanne book in 2088. *putting on my clown make-up*
Charlie Cobalt is literally the only interesting Like Us character and he is not featured nearly enough in these books. Instead we get a trilogy about Banks, Sulli and Akara and another trilogy for Luna and Donnelly. 💀
"I think to be in a polyamorous relationship and in the public eye, you need to be a certain type of person to survive. And quite frankly, I think you're too weak for it."

Please, Charlie Cobalt the only person who has the balls to never mince his words. I love him for it.

A little bit about my feelings about this poly relationship between Sulli, Banks and Akara since it's their book after all, but I pretty much still feel like Akara is pretty sidelined to Banks. It's all about Sulli and Banks together, while Akara is shouldering all the responsibilities for his security company & gym business and sacrificing his happiness for the sake of others and I don't like characters like him and there are way too many characters in this series that are like that. 💀

This is my favorite cringy moment of Sulli and Akara.
"Fuck me," she cries. "Please."
I smile. "Lady Meadows, language."
"Kits." She digs up into me.
I cup her breast. "You have beautiful tits, Sul."
She smiles into a breathy sound. "Sir Kitsuwon, language."

How to make sexy times even more embarrassing 101.

Maaaan, I thought this book would turn out at least somewhat funny, but this was just a pity party from end to beginning.


#8 Wild Like Us – 1.5 stars
#9 Fearless Like us – 1.25 stars
#10 Yada yada Like Us – tbr
Profile Image for Christy.
4,347 reviews35.5k followers
June 10, 2021
4 stars
I’ve never really loved anyone like I love her. Dating a friend is one thing—dating a friend that I considered life-long feels like racing down the best black diamond slope. Exhilarating, nerve-wracking—or what a Meadows would say: the greatest adventure.

Fearless Like Us is the second book for Sulli/Banks/Akara and it was a bit more dramatic and intense than the first. It starts out right where the first book left off and that scene didn’t disappoint. It was interesting to see all the family and bodyguard reactions. Some reacted exactly like I thought they would, others not so much.

Of course I love all the characters in this book/series, but the real MVP of these books in my opinion is Banks. He is one of my favorite characters in this ‘Like Us’ world and I’m glad we’re getting another Kitsulletti book, because I want more Banks! His chapters were my favorite part of this book and I enjoyed his perspective so much.
I don’t even mind being called a zero. To Sulli, I’m more. To Akara, I’m more. To my family, I’m more. To myself, I’m everything. Hell, I’m all I have when I’m alone. I better be happy with who I am.

I can’t wait to see what direction the last book in this series will take and how the world will react, and how this trio will handle it all. This one was enjoyable, steamy, heartfelt, and kept me on my toes. I’m excited to get to more from this series. I’ll never grow tired of reading about some of my favorite fictional families!
Profile Image for jazmin ✿.
598 reviews807 followers
June 24, 2024
“And if this all goes terribly wrong, I won’t need you or my dad to save me this time, Moffy.” I hold his gaze, our childhood racing through us. “This time, I’ll save myself.”

Reread #1 Update:
This was a buddy reread with Navya! <3

Original Review:

⇢The Characters
Oh my god, this book was so different than Wild Like Us, and I definitely enjoyed it way more. We saw so much more of the other characters (which was amazing) and the content was completely different.

We got introduced to so many new friendships and were blessed so many relationship hints and I am going insane. The lunnelly (I LOVE THEM) and charlieroxanne (WHAT DID HE SAY IN RUSSIAN) crumbs had me screaming. And the fact that we got to see Xander and Easton and Winona and Jesse AHHHHH anyway as you can see I’m obsessed.

Okay so obviously I have to talk about this book’s main characters, Sulli, Akara and Banks. I try not to talk about them because honestly, I do agree with most people that the switch in romance from what was obviously being set up before annoys me, however I do still love these characters and so I try to be positive for that reason. Ultimately I think they’re going to end up being one of my least favourite ships simply because I’m so much more invested in a lot of the other pairings, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like them!

And I’m sorry, but I just need to say this: I LOVE LUNA HALE AND PAUL DONNELLY I NEED THEIR BOOK RIGHT. NOW. (And the fact that theres still a whole other book to come out before their 3 kills me.)

“And Luna?” Donnelly asks before even Quinn. I stare into him. Why is he asking about Luna?

⇢The Plot

So like I hinted at, this book actually had really great plot. There was a lot of excitement and although I think the person being the leaks was sort of sudden and random, I definitely loved all the action we got, particularly compared to last book. And despite the fact that I’m super desperate for Lunnelly’s books, I’m actually excited to see Sulli’s Olympic journey in the next book!

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ❦ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

My Fearless Like Us Playlist:
my sulli meadows playlist


Profile Image for zaraa.
417 reviews
May 28, 2021
love seeing charlie cobalt continuously own every second generation book that he's in— that one lone charlie and roxanne crumb was really my entire cookie. <3
Profile Image for ellie.
350 reviews3,425 followers
June 11, 2022
Raisy and Lunelly owned this whole book.

i mean, Raisy constantly setting the bar? telling each other how much they love each other any chance they get, all these years later? Donnelly swiping an eyelash off Luna’s cheek and telling her to make a wish? Ryke beating the shit out of Banks and Akara?


everything else?


i truly don’t know what the point of this book was? there’s zero plot? nothing really changes from the beginning to the end? no progression or growth or exploration within the poly relationship and with the individual characters.

Sulli wasn’t even that bad in the previous book, tbh, but here??


she was so annoying. such a pick me girl. the centre of attention is where she needs to be at all times. i actually cringed when she made Banks and Akara chase her through the damn woods, in front of all of the families. girly, i beg you. stop, get some help.

if victimising yourself was a full-time job, Sulli would be highly over-qualified.

i don’t even wanna waste anymore of my time on her, or her lil triad or her daddy issues... bcos please the way she tried to villainise Ryke for being genuinely terrified and concerned for his daughter but Sullli acted like he was being completely unreasonable. i needed Charlie to give her another verbal beat down. (also the attempted villainisation of Thatcher too annoyed tf out of me, leave my best boys alone🤺).

Akara and Banks ain’t even worth my time either. i only have one thought about either of them...

we get it, okay? Banks has a big dick. y’all don’t need to remind me every other sentence. like how the condom ripped bcos his dick is just so big... *inserts videos of women putting condoms on like knee-high socks to demonstrate just how fucking elastic and stretchy they are* so yes, your dick does fit in that condom Banks.

and seriously did Banks need to say this when Ryke finds out Sulli lost her virginity to him and Akara:
He looks fucking tortured.
Who knows what’s going on in his head? He could be standing there, thinking about how I’m six-seven, tall and big and his daughter was a virgin.

i highly doubt Ryke was thinking about your dick in visceral detail, let alone while it’s inside his daughter’s vagina.

it’s like Banks wanted everyone to react like this when they found out he had a big dick:


like it was a weapon of mass destruction.

at this point, im convinced he has the world’s tiniest dick since it’s reiterated so often. clearly compensating for something.

and last but not least, Winona >>>>>> Sulli. the superior Meadows girly. low-key just gonna pretend Ryke and Daisy only had one kid.
Profile Image for mira.
879 reviews1,362 followers
October 13, 2021
“The love I have for them isn’t split apart and shared. They both have all of me, and I have all of them.”

very unpopular opinion but i hate sulli. i don't think i've ever hated the main character—ya no i usually always love them but sulli just no comment. she's literally my worst nightmare. i kinda related to her in the first few books and idk what happened wild changed me. this fucking made my hatred for her stronger. therefore, i didn't like this book and my whole review is just a hate page for her.

this whole relationship had so much potential. really i don't think people would be hating on this relationship if it was mmf but sadly its a very weird and not convincing mfm. i love the way banks and akara are together. i'm not convinced that they aren't sexually attracted to each other. just get rid of sulli and make banks and kits end game. let sulli go and date her ex idfc.

some good things in this book:
- akara and banks sleeping on the same bed
- charlie + roxanne moment
- beckett
- charlie calling sulli weak
- ryke and daisy
- my hatred for sulli (yes this is good because i hate her)
- connor MOTHERFUCKING cobalt (the phone call had me crying because of how much i missed him)
- royal leaks—yes i know they were annoying but nothing else happened so at least we got some tea out.

"some" bad things in this book:
- sulli
- sulli being insecure over EVERYTHING—i'm sorry but charlie is right (as always) she literally couldn't handle her cousins' opinions about their relationship, how tf will she handle the media? unless KBR magically rewrite her whole character in ILU then ya i would get it.
- sulli being jealous of her STUDENT. get out please, don't teach shit because thats disgusting behavior.
- sulli acting like a 7 year old child. i'm not joking its not cute, its fucking annoying. how do you want your parents to view you as an adult when you literally get SHOCKED at the idea of kissing one of your boyfriends. please.
- out of the fucking blue, moffy and jane lost their personalities and do nothing all day long.
- the number of fucking times jane said "how are you and banks?" i'm sorry but sulli wouldn't even fucking DEFEND her relationship. she could literally tell jane "me, banks, and AKARA are all good, how about you acknowledge that it isn't just about banks" like if you can't stand up for yourself, then how tf will you stand up to the media.
- sulli being clueless about everything. its like they have to sit down with a child and explain "you do this, you do that"
- sulli not having a personality. did she climb a mountain? did she swim? she literally did nothing in this book. she only complained about eating vegan food. she got jealous that her cousins were passing notes without her.
^shit i didn't even realize how badly i hated her until now
- words like cumfuck or cumbucket or whatever that was. why make the word cum and fuck sound so fucking awkward.
- OH MY GOD the awkwardness sulli radiated. she's so fucking awkward.
- the coach asking sulli out. i'm sorry????? she already has two guys tf you adding this guy in???? also how fucking clueless can you be for not realizing that he's asking you out.
- the way that she wanted to know charlie's opinion but got pissed at him for saying it. excuse me he's fucking right, you can't even be confident about your body hair.
- the WAY that this book is over 500 pages and NOTHINGGGGG happened. NOTHING. why write 3 books if you can't write ONE good book about them?
- this is very important but every time something remotely spicy happening they say "not tonight". even their sex scenes were boring. they said "not tonight" SEVEN fucking times.
- the word nuddling (naked+cuddling) i don't think i ever cringed more
- the fucking second-hand embarrassment moments in this book
- the fact that when akara broke up with them, sulli and banks still kissed and dated. if this was a poly relationship and they all loved each other they wouldn't fucking do that.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,860 reviews386 followers
June 4, 2021
”What I feel for Sulli is cemented so deep inside my unholy soul. The world will have to bring me to my knees to take her away from me.”

Was this book bad? No. Was this book necessary? Probably not lol. So essentially this book is just kitsulletti revealing their relationship to all their family/friends, and trying to keep it secret from the outside world. While this all goes down to mixed reviews, a website pops up and starts leaking secrets about (mostly) the penthouse crew. The Royal Leaks. Anyway. They spend the entirety of this book trying to find the leak/bugs in the penthouse.. and you’d think with two top security teams and all the money and connections in the world they’d figure it out quickly, but alas.. they do not. We also get Akara, Banks, and Sulli being happy and blissful and sexual, but also get them feeling the stress of the constant tabloid leaks, the pressure from some people in their lives to end the triad to spare Sulli the public opinion, and just the general angst of being an American celebrity in a closed poly relationship. You know, the usual stuff.

All that said it feels like most of the things in this book that happen are superfluous. I KNOW that’s how these two write, and at times I love the minutia, but it came off as tedious for some reason here. Of course we get a few hints and breadcrumbs for other future books and little moments with others from the families we love, but honestly sometimes it feels like a bunch of filler we don’t really need. Maybe I’m just too big of a Lunnelly fan, because they are all I can think about at this point. I need that dynamic in my life and I’m forever Team Hale, so duh.

So to end. I officially support KitSullEtti, but I was also never full stop against it. I honestly just predicted that Jack would be the third in their triad during book one, so I was a little salty that he ended up with someone else… ANYWAY. Banks is such a perfect human being and says the swooniest stuff that I will never question anything again.

That’s really all I have to say. *LUNNELLY FOR PRESIDENT 2022*
Profile Image for Joudie.
111 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2020
How does it feel to be an author who lost credibility for lying to their readers (saying multiple times that kit x sulli will be the only 2 people in the relationship) and manipulating them (keep pushing Kitsulli's books and dangling them for many years just to fuck with them by adding a useless third wheel)? 🤔
Profile Image for Mia.
2,696 reviews985 followers
May 28, 2021
2.5 stars

The best scene in this book was Charlie and Roxanne one. This book is so long with least amount of Charlie and Cobalts...THE AUDACITY.

Akara, Sulli, & Banks are better written then in first one but plot of this book is so dumb and they have same agreements like they are teens.

I still think Ryke wouldn't hit anyone, he isn't aggressive. His silent treatment makes more sense, I loved all Meadows family moments.

Core six here especially not exist, Samantha gets more then them. I loved seeing my soft boys Xander and Ben, KBR better leave then that way and they are not Maximoff and Charlie stop with bullshit them not getting along.

One of plus is Donnelly not showing up a lot but Maximoff and Farrow do so there minus.

How is that Hale family don't poly relationship but Meadows and Cobalts does. So do Quinn, Luna & Donnelly they have much of build up as Akara, Sulli, & Banks.
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,138 reviews12k followers
November 10, 2021
Sadly a little underwhelming, like the previous book. I’m just not in love with any of these characters. I’m happy Kitsulletti is happy in their throuple relationship but I wasn’t invested in this book, especially when a big part of the plot is them trying to find out and stop whoever was leaking their families secrets. That part was so uninteresting because it didn’t feel believable. I would definitely prefer to read about this menage relationship actually moving forward but nothing really happens here besides Sulli’s family finally finding out and everyone dealing with it.
Profile Image for Marureviere.
1,309 reviews186 followers
May 29, 2021

💥 Charlie in pink velvet pants is a mental image I never knew I needed
💥 the Leo and Beckett crumbs ajjdjjs I swear they're gonna serve the best rivals to lovers
💥 Donnelly and his big heart 🤧
💥 Charlie being so unapologetic and self-aware y'all can never 🤚🏼
💥 I can't with all the secondhand embarrassment it's sending me ✈️✈️✈️
💥 Charlie and Sulli's dynamics are so Connor and Ryke's
💥 afggfhjbik Charlie spoke Russian to Roxanne I'm mulfuncyioningf what did he SAY YOU why is he so attentive yet so in denial my heart can't handle this
💥 Are CharlieRoxanne gonna talk in Russian like RoseConnor speak to e/o in French 👀👀👀
💥 Yes if it's not obvious I am living vicariously through the CharlieRoxanne crumbs
💥 When is Samantha Calloway gonna k-word 😩 is our spite breathing life to her crusty soul ugh I'm so over her BS
💥 Ok but what's with all the baby fever
💥 Donnelly's middle finger kisses warm my heart
💥 When can I have that tentacle porn collab fic with Luna 🐙
💥 I love the meadows sfm
💥 Donnelly's love for the Cobalts is so endearing and never gets old ⭐✨💛⭐✨
💥 Connor really is god
💥 Daisy is the best supportive mom and Ryke is the greatest grumpy, overprotective dad
💥 Riling Ryke up is my new favorite thing
💥 people often misconceive poly relationships as love divided when in fact, it is doubled
💥 Ngl I'm more invested with the many filler scenes involving the cousins than I am with the romance; would've rated this book lower if it wasn't for them
💥 the crumbs re: side ships give me so much serotonin depression whomst
💥 there's a JoannaBeckett crumb too if you squint
💥 This book is long af yet nothing is really happening
💥 happy Xander is living in my head rent free
💥 What the hell happened to Akara's character he's just not the Akara I know and he doesn't shine in his own story; I barely even recognize him
💥 Can't wait to read the book where one of the kids doesn't fall for their bodyguard...
💥 I am: bored
💥 Skim skim scan skim skip
💥 RIP to Paul Donnelly he's not dead yet but he might as well be *side eyes Lo*
💥 I like poly romance and adore KBR but I can't completely vibe with kitsulletti not bc I shipped kitsulli prior but bc I don't really like where their r/s is going, how it's progressing; I just can't connect that much nor am I invested with them as a throuple they're kinda boring ngl
💥 What is Luna hiding omg
💥 My Lunelly heart why do we have to wait until next year for their book it's k-wording me
💥 Sulli is one of my favs, I love Akara (or at least I used to), and Banks grew on me in the previous book but Kitsulletti is just really not compatible man
💥 all the paparazzi drama be stressing me tf out
💥 Jesse 👏🏼 protecting 👏🏼 Winona 👏🏼 I AM THRIVING hoping for their book some time in the next 20 years
💥 Not surprised about the mastermind of the royal leaks
💥 I swear I'm projecting one of Banks' killer migraines rn bc why are these families surrounded by assholes mygod
💥 Huh that ending didn't excite me. not really surprised though because the romance is really mehhhh in this book, but....

I can't wait for the next book simply bc of more crumbs of future couples + the cobalts & hales kids 😌✊🏼
Profile Image for Liber_Lady.
400 reviews123 followers
June 2, 2021
2.5 Stars

I gave Wild Liks Us - 5 stars
But this book, for the life of me, I couldn't stop rolling my eyes.
And it hurts me to rate it this low. This book is my lowest-rated book in the series.

- Some of the banter between the triad
- Ryke and Daisy goodness
- Winona
- Beckett and Sulli friendship
- Banks
- Akara
- Banks + Akara. Maybe this triad doesn't need Sulli.

- Abundance of unnecessary shit with so little important potential scenes
- Sulli acted like a 14 yrs old teenager who wanted everyone to take her seriously. All the while, she felt like the earth shattered when others baked cookies without her, would refuse to sleep in FOMO, would be pickier in eating than Ripley, gets jealous of her own student, has no concept of people flirting with her, has the most stilted conversations with her boyfriends, expected that everyone (Ryke) would respond better to her announcement (how did you not see that coming?), says Whoaa out loud every time she kisses or does anything sexual, not caring when period blood is leaking out of u in front of ur dad, boyfriends and mom (too much)
- Enough with the "Cumbuckets" and "Cumfuck"
- Every serious conversation does not need glassy and reddened eyes
- Royal Leaks. I am absolutely done with the media and fame being the conflict. Like noone cares. You're businessmen's kids. Not a famous celebrity or actor's. Even David Beckham's kid isn't this famous. And the mystery behind who was doing the leaks was ... just. I have no words.
- How every main character suddenly has no purpose in life in their own books. Moffy stopped working, Jane was literally wasted as a woman empowerment, and the Olympian is just barely working and only falling in love/staying in love.
- And I hate how their entitlement and lack of motivation in life is sort of constantly validated by everyone around them.
-So many little issues popping up
- The writing. The over-explanation of every emotion the characters felt. If every thought in italics in the book were removed, the book would still make the same sense. It felt like the authors were giving a commentary on their feelings and explanations for the characters
- Lack of conversation on things that actually matter. Absence of Banks Thatcher conversations. Not a single well-written scene of Banks dealing with his family, his issues.

There could have been so many important scenes. Important conversations. Something more heartfelt. But it all felt like all the feelings and emotions were told. And not shown. I believe in Banks and Akara's feelings for Sulli, for one another. But Sulli was the weakest and the most immature, underdeveloped link for me. It doesn't feel like an equal, three way relationship. It's Banks and Akara taking care of Sulli, and not in a romantic good way.

Anyways, I was hooked to the drama. It's like watching a trainwreck. But this time, it wasn't an entertaining train wreck. It was a slow-moving, frustrating trainwreck where I kept wondering if I should jump out of the train or hold on.

The end of the book wasn't surprising. Ofc it ended that way.

I know I'll still read the next book. But I'm not that excited.

*Sigh* What an absolute waste of characters and story
Profile Image for Lily.
75 reviews12 followers
May 30, 2021
ALLL THE STARS IN THE UNIVERSE AND MORE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I will say it now: Fearless Like Us is one of the best books in the entire Like Us series.

FLU takes the prize for being the most intense book of the Like Us series and that’s why I loved it so much. Books that make you feel all the emotions are so very rare 💜
Bravo 👏🏻 Krista and Becca for writing this masterpiece

This story was everything that I hoped it would be and more 💕. It literally felt like a rollercoaster with so many ups and a few downs ; I didn’t wanted to finished it.
There were so many moments where I laughed out loud, cried, ,cheered on my favorite characters and was so shocked by the plotwists.

Words to do not suffice to explain my complete obsession with the Like Us series and its lovable characters. As of right now, Sulli, Akara and Banks owns my entire existence. Their love is a powerful force, full of light, wilderness and so much feeling. I can’t wait for the next book ✨
As we know , things are changing for them in a major way and even though this book didn’t have a major cliffhanger like they previous one, I’m still at the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next. I have all the faith in the universe that everything will be okay for our favorite triad.

I will die for those ships and I think they are sailing ⛵️ ( hopefully they won’t sink lol)

P.S. I love that this books proved all the haters’s awful words wrong. I kinda feel bad for them bc they are missing on a wonderful love story, but stay pressed I guess 😌


5 -the -anticipation -is -going -to -kill -me starts ⭐️

OMG OMG OMG Fearless like Us!! The title is so perfect for them!
I’M SO EXCITED !!! I can’t believe they’re going to have THREE books!! *chef’s kiss*
I knew early on in the series that they were going to be together ( the clues were subtle but they were there) and I can’t wait to read Sulli, Akara AND Banks story 🥰💖
I need to know more about them, specially after Charming Like Us!
2021 can’t come fast enough
( Luckily we have Banks POV in KB’s Patreon 🙏🏻 )
Profile Image for Andrea.
376 reviews123 followers
May 27, 2024
This is the highly anticipated sequel to Sullivan Minnie Meadows' romance. And it did not disappoint.
“I’m just hanging on, Banks.” He sighs heavily. “The only certainty I have right now is you and her.”

This picks up right where Wild Like Us left off. Sulli has come clean to her dad about her relationship, and he takes it... terribly. In this book you follow Sulli, Akara, and Banks, as they tell their friends and family about their relationship, while dealing with the media.

I'm sorry, but everything about these characters is perfection. I love their dynamic, their banter, their love for each other, just everything! Akara and Banks love Sullivan so much it brings tears to my eyes. Every time they're together, I get this stupid smile on my face and I just feel so giddy. And she loves them just as much, they really are perfect for each other. They are such a perfect trio that I cannot imagine Sulli with just Banks or just with Akara. It's unnatural to think about.
What I feel for Sulli is cemented so deep inside my unholy soul.
The world will have to bring me to my knees to take her away from me.

And it needs to be said, the relationship between Akara and Banks remains unmatched. I THRIVE off their friendship. It fuels me. It give me joy. I can't really put into words what their friendship means to me. It's just such a pure and unselfish relationship.
"I can’t play favorites with you, Banks.”

“But I am your favorite,” I mention.

He gives me a look like I’m being ridiculous.

Anyone who was mean to Sulli in this book is on my sh*t list. Luna Hale remains superior. She really is one of the best people and I can't wait to see her finally fall in love.
Luna pockets the note about Donnelly, and the tattooed, chestnut-haired bodyguard keeps his thumb up for Luna. Close to each other, he uses his thumb to pick an eyelash off her cheek. “Make a wish.”

“You make it. I’m not as lucky.”

I hate that I read this so fast, but I was going through Kitsulletti withdrawals so it needed to be done. And the fact that we have one last Kitsulletti book to go is unthinkable. I could read about these 3 forever.


6 months until my next Kitsulletti fix??
Profile Image for Hannah.
176 reviews108 followers
May 31, 2021

2 stars for Sullivan Meadows, her vanilla boyfriends and their lackluster romance, 5 stars for everyone else especially my man Charlie Keating Cobalt

A knock sounds on the door.
A girl with curly brown hair pulled into a bun and light golden-brown skin peeks inside. “Hi, sorry to be a bother. Beckett?”
“Roxanne,” Beckett nods.
Charlie says a couple words in Russian.
Roxanne looks surprised but also in a hurry, just telling Beckett, “Curtain in three.” She shuts the door, but we hear a squeaking sound.
“Did she slip?” Charlie asks Beckett.
“She’s a little clumsy for a ballerina,” Beckett says but also gives his brother a foreboding look. “Don’t, Charlie.”
“Don’t, what?” Charlie knows what Beckett means.
“You promised to never fraternize with anyone at the company.” Beckett stands up. “I work with Roxanne.”
I chime in, “How do you know she understands Russian?”
“I told him,” Beckett says to me. “Back when I thought he didn’t like her.”
“I don’t like her,” Charlie says. “I hardly know her, Beckett.” He moves away from the wall. “And I would never break a promise I made to you.”

That's it.That's my review.
Profile Image for annie.
120 reviews627 followers
August 13, 2022
➳ 0 stars

this book is an ass, just like the previous one. but thank god we had more content of potential couples. like roxanne & charlie, winona & jesse and of course lunnelly, my beloves. i’m in love with all of them and waiting for their books sooo bad

the other parts were suck. i mean the plot was annoying (royal leaks) and the main relationship still very weird. firstly, i still can’t believe in love between banks and sulli and cringe everytime they said something romantic to each other. it just doesn’t make any sense to me. and secondly, why the fuck in the end where akara broke up with sulli and banks, they continued to date each other? i’m not an expert, but i don’t think that’s how polyamory relationships work

about sulli: i know that a lot of people hate her and say that she’s very cringy, annoying and etc.
i wanted to clarify that don’t hate her. yes, she’s acting like a child half of the time. and yes, she is annoying (but i think every person annoys someone in one or another way), but hate is a very strong feeling and i just don’t feel any for sullivan. i don’t give a single fuck about her and i’m reading her and books only for lunnelly, other kids and their potential love interests

btw i skipped a lot of chapters. everything was very repetitive and i just really bored of bodyguard/client trope. after lunnelly’s books i hope we won’t have any more of this trope and have more variety
Profile Image for buse.
68 reviews
May 28, 2021
charlieroxanne got one scene but they still carried this book
Profile Image for nika.
452 reviews361 followers
July 17, 2022
kbr i’m begging you to stop recycling the same tropes over and over again it’s getting boring PLEASE GET CREATIVE
Profile Image for Books With.
269 reviews46 followers
June 3, 2021
I just want Lunelly 🙂🤲🏻

No shade because I love this series and these characters but it has gotten to a point that I'm reading just to get Lunnelly and Charlierox crumbs.

Profile Image for Larissa Granato.
516 reviews37 followers
May 30, 2021
Was it an outlandish shit show? Sure. Just overall poorly written and cringy like these books have increasingly been? Yes, that too.
But Akara gets a second star, and I DID shed a few tears because of Daisy and Connor, so that's gotta count for something.
I'm still very much heartbroken at the state of this series but it would take me about 800 goodreads reviews to explain every single way in which I am disappointed and ain't nobody got time for that.
Here's to a brighter future where I can rate Lunelly and Charlie books at least 3 stars. May they have the justice Sulli and Akara didn't get so I don't end up needing to be medicated over a fucking book series.
Profile Image for a.
34 reviews
May 3, 2023
i can't believe a royal leak went like this, "ROYAL LEAK#172727: Sullivan Meadows ate a chocolate donut made with milk and eggs“
344 reviews4 followers
June 4, 2021
this book actually makes me so my mad and so sad
- read this book for the crumbs and there were like no crumbs...
- chapter 16 was the best chapter of the whole book easily
- but the fact that Charlie keating cobalt is only in one chapter??? criminal
- this book was just so random???
- did it have to be so long? no it did not
- charlieroxanne interaction was the highlight easily
- also offscreen beckettjoana interaction when she knocked on the door
- jessewinona are coming and they are gonna serve so hard I love them so much and they haven’t even interacted properly yet
- these other ships literally got a line each and they were more rewarding and exciting than the main ship here no word of a lie
- daisy meadows best mom my best girl she’s never done anything wrong
- ryke meadows one of my favourite characters ever had a genuinely realistic and in character reaction and I don’t think it was handled well at all - he did nothing wrong, still the best man
- we should have gotten more of akara and connors relationship - I think it’s an interesting dynamic but it’s kinda shoe horned in and not developed
- also I think sulli and Charlie have a dynamic that sort of mirrors that of ryke and connor (one of my fav character dynamics ever) - we kinda see it in ch16 and I really hope that it gets developed in the next book because it would really serve
- akara sulli and banks had their moments sure
- i still feel like akara is just not getting written or developed well as a character and I really wish that we get more of him - he has the interesting storylines of managing the security firm and studio 9 and they really played down the stuff with his business and the problems were resolved a little too easily in the end
- this book had to so much second hand cringe it was crazy
- i also found that it dragged so much because there was just nothing interesting happening- maybe that was because I really do not care for the main ship here
- is bad that I’m still hoping that banks’ headaches are actually serious and that he serves death trope in the next one?
- the stuff with the leaks was cringe and annoying
- the whole fame plot point has always been the weakest part of the books but with every book it just seems to get worse
Profile Image for M.
565 reviews44 followers
May 29, 2021 I read Fearless Like Us and I have some...thoughts..
Yeah it made me mad that no one was being supportive especially Thatcher like come on. He kept on icing out Kits and Banks. Like come on how do we live in a world were Thatcher is closer to Farrow than Banks and Akara 😭😭😭

"Ryke Meadows is one thing, but Loren Hale is a different breed of dad. He has the power to destroy Kitsuwon securities out of spite" ..... Rest in Peace Paul Donnelly its been great knowing you bestie 💕💔

I need to know How and WHY Samantha Calloway is still alive!! How did she survive the Addicted world AND the like us series so far it makes NO sense to me. I want that woman GONE!!

I've decided I'm Ripley's godmother mind your business that's my son right there.


I am so glad those Banks migraines are nothing serious because I would've Honestly cried. Thatcher can't lose another brother

Honestly from my perspective I fully understand why Ryke reacted the way he did and apart from the fact that he's hot tempered as shits Sulli is his little girl and he was clearly just worried about her. However at the same time shes 21 she can make her decisions.

Also I've thought about it and I think after Quinn's book (and possibly Gabe's) the series will end and KBR will be writing a different series for the other kids because Roxanne,Easton,Joana and Leo,Jesse are not Bodyguards and The Like Us series is specifically a Billionaires and Bodyguards series. I'm honestly okay with that I don't want them to be added to Like Us

I loved the book honestly even if the writing isn't completely excellent core eight and their kids have me in a chokehold
June 26, 2021
4 ⭐'s

"Wild things aren’t meant to be caught."

This is the second book for Sulli, Akara and Banks and things get a little intense. The trio have decided to start letting the family and friends know about their relationship and things don't go quite how they thought. I have to admit that I found some of the reactions surprising as well.

Obviously, I can't go into details regarding the story but let's just say that Banks stole the show on this one. Honestly, I've been a Kitsulli fan from the beginning but I was pretty happy with how good Banks is with Sulli...and Akara.

And that brings me to Akara...I am a little taken back by something he said...WTH? I'm really not sure how to process it. One part of me is happy but the other is pretty upset. I'm just going to put it on hold until their last book. Maybe I'll get another perspective.

We get plenty of page time for the other characters...definitely more Luna and Donnelly since their books are coming up. However, as always, I was left wanting more Moffy and Farrow...~sigh~

I did love how things came together at the end but I'm definitely looking forward to their next book, Infamous Like Us, coming out October 18, 2021.
Profile Image for racharaa .
254 reviews22 followers
June 8, 2023
1 ⭐️

2 down 1 more to go. sulli is such a clown and the biggest disappointment in the entire series. i lost my respect for akara and i’ve never even liked banks from the start. there was no character development whatsoever. this fucking book is so thick and so boring 🥱😵‍💫

in retrospect, when i finished long way down i was so sad the series was almost over but now i’m just so happy i only have one stupid book left. i’m so done with this triad. i was losing my temper over kitsulliti like a mad person wtf. how come ryke and daisy being the most selfless couple had such a selfish daughter. this was so humiliating i felt so bad this book was even published. 😭🤢

sullivan meadows always gets jealous of her cousins and she thinks they do things without her when all she did was spend time with her boyfriends. and if she couldn’t even handle it when charlie called her weak, don’t ever think of coming out to the media. i don’t get why akara have to break up with them, probably just to make this book unnecessarily longer and more mundane than it already was. 😤😮‍💨

donnelly picking an eyelash off luna’s cheek and told her to make a wish was the HIGHLIGHT of this book. seeing xander happy and charlie mf cobalt speaking russian to roxanne fucking slayyy. i also adored the raisy moments, getting to see them being so in love after so many years together. my babiesss😩🫶🏼
Profile Image for Briana.
408 reviews619 followers
February 23, 2022
I actually finished this book and did not DNF it. I think I deserve an award for that 🙄

First of all, I think it’s absolutely blasphemous for KBR to say that this romance is the “can’t-eat-can’t-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, World Series kind of stuff” because NO. Just no. Do not diminish Raisy’s love story like that 🤺🤺

Sulli’s books are the first in the entire Addicted/Calloway Sisters/Bad Reputation/Like Us series that I just do not like. I loved the way her character was introduced at the beginning of this series and I was super excited for her books but now….. she is just presented as so insecure aaaallll the time. It drives me nuts. I can’t take it anymore and am reading just to keep tabs on all the other Famous Ones 🤪

Lastly, until my dying days, I will forever complain about the shit end of the stick that KBR gave Jane and Thatcher. I’m still not over that mess ✋🏻
Profile Image for Haley.
585 reviews96 followers
November 7, 2023
April 2023 reread:
She captions the post, and my lips rise reading the words. That's our Sulli.
She nods strongly and reads them out loud, cementing what we all believe. "To whom this may concern," she recites, "
fuck you."
She posts the video.
I smile. "Get some."

July 2022 reread
These three characters always put me through the wringer in this book. Even though I know what the secret is at this point, there's still so much tension in all those leaks and what it's leading to. Plus the progression of their relationship and the struggles of making all the other characters understand the true depth of their love - ugh my heart hurts for them. But that last chapter makes me feel so proud for those three chickadees. Sulli's caption is A+++
Displaying 1 - 30 of 779 reviews

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