High Horse - Contemporary Writing by the MFA Faculty of Spalding University - Poetry Greg Pape - Molly Peacock - Jeanie Thompson - Richard Cecil - Kathleen Driskell - Debra Kang Dean - Maureen Morehead --- Fiction Sena Jeter Nasland - Melissa Pritchard - Robin Lippincott - Louella Bryant - Roy Hoffman - Julie Brickman - Luke Wallin - Mary Clyde - Connie May Fowler - Brad Watson - Neela Vaswani - Kerby Gann - Mary Yukari Wataers - Crystal Wilkinson - Silas House --- Creative by Dianne Aprile - Roy Hoffman - Luke Wallin - Charles Gaines - Molly Peacock - Robert Finch - Richard Goodman - Elaine Neil Orr --- Writing For Children Louella Bryant - Luke Wallin - Sean Campbell Bartoletti --- Playwriting and Screenwriting by Sam Zalutsky - Claudia Johnson
Sena Jeter Naslund is the New York Times best-selling author of five novels, including Ahab's Wife (1999) and Abundance: A Novel of Marie Antoinette (HarperCollins, 2006). She is currently Distinguished Teaching Professor and Writer in Residence at the University of Louisville and program director of the Spalding University brief-residency Master in Fine Arts in Writing. Recipient of the Harper Lee Award and the Southeastern Library Association Fiction Award, she is co-founder of The Louisville Review and the Fleur-de-Lis Press. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky."