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Dune (Comics)

Dune: The Official Comic Book

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Colorful, stylized drawings illustrate the magnificent tale of Dune, in a volume adapted from the screenplay of the forthcoming movie (1984).

159 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 1, 1984

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About the author

Frank Herbert

501 books15.5k followers
Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr. was an American science fiction author best known for the 1965 novel Dune and its five sequels. Though he became famous for his novels, he also wrote short stories and worked as a newspaper journalist, photographer, book reviewer, ecological consultant, and lecturer.
The Dune saga, set in the distant future, and taking place over millennia, explores complex themes, such as the long-term survival of the human species, human evolution, planetary science and ecology, and the intersection of religion, politics, economics and power in a future where humanity has long since developed interstellar travel and settled many thousands of worlds. Dune is the best-selling science fiction novel of all time, and the entire series is considered to be among the classics of the genre.

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for El Biblionauta.
605 reviews126 followers
October 19, 2016
Me estreno como colaborador de El Biblionauta con una obra que me hace especial ilusión. Esta adaptación en formato cómic de la película, dirigida por David Lynch, basada en la novela de Frank Herbert, está considerada una joya, al tiempo que rareza, por los amantes de las viñetas. Estamos hablando de la fusión de tres de las mentes más personales y experimentales, cada uno en su ámbito.

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Profile Image for 47Time.
3,127 reviews91 followers
October 14, 2024
Even the dated artwork and long exposition don't dampen this story's entertainment value. I would still recommend this comic to anyone who enjoyed the book or the recent movie. It has a few extra details that I believe can help readers understand the complex world that much better.

The emperor Shaddam IV of House Corrino worries that House Atreides has the potential of becoming a threat to his rule, given the development of a sound-based weapon. He plans to take Arrakis, the only source of the precious spice, from House Harkonnen and give it to the Atreides. His secret deal with the Harkonnens is to effectively destroy the Atreides using his own elite force, the Sardaukar. A guild navigator, a spice-evolved ship pilot, warns that Paul Atreides, the heir of the House, must also be removed.

Profile Image for Sebastian.
66 reviews87 followers
June 16, 2017
Artwork: 5
Story: 4

In essence a precis of the David Lynch movie but oh, my soul, captures the best moments from the movie and the book in an astoundingly poignant manner. The artwork is astonishing, this must be Bill Sienkiewicz' finest work. Every panel could be blown up and mounted as a poster, simply mind-blowing.

It's impossible to recreate the epic scope of the books or the movie, for that matter, in such a condensed format, so those who are not familiar with the Dune story will find this a very disjointed narrative. But as someone who knows this world intimately, I think Macchio (not of Karate Kid fame, sadly) certainly picked his scenes adroitly. This is basically a highlights reel but it's gut-wrenchingly beautiful, the way it's been composed.
Profile Image for Luis.
330 reviews18 followers
December 27, 2012
Volver a Dune siempre es un placer.
En forma de cómic, fiel a la película, condensa toda la historia para hacerla parecer sencilla, aunque si uno no lee el libro se perderá miles de detalles mas.
62 reviews
September 22, 2020
Its the plot to the David Lynch movie as opposed to Frank Herbert book, so it comes with all of that convoluted weirdness. It defo has its charm (loved the aesthetics of the lynch movie if not the overall product) and I dug some of the stuff that's new from the books, like the weirding module being an actual physical device. Dunno, I like the idea of beat boxing someone into submission.

But it lacks the subtext and subtlety of the book and comes across as Dune light. I'm still gonna give it 3 as the artwork and action is fantastic.
Profile Image for Paul Spence.
1,416 reviews68 followers
May 7, 2023
In 1984, US comic book publisher Marvel Comics were commissioned to issue a comic book adaption of the Dune movie (called “Marvel Super Special #36″). Bill Sienkiewicz was the artist, and his art is the best part of the comic. While some of the characters are clear portraits (Kyle MacLaughlin as protagonist Paul Atriedes, and musician Sting, as Feyd Harkonnen), Sienkiewicz does his best with both the darker scenes of sinister plotting, and the tripper moments of the story.

It is important to note that the adaptation was of the movie, not the book, and so the movie’s plot departures are on full display. Given the major task of the film maker is to make an extremely complex novel into a motion picture, it is hard to say why there were extraneous, complicated departures. Some of them are obvious. Baron Harkonnen’s death is not on a floor, his blood gushing from his neck, at the hands of Alia Atriedes: instead, the visual excitement of the antagonist flying out of control into the viciously toothed mouth of a giant sand worm was apparently too much to resist. Similarly, the “heart plug,” which the Harkonnens install upon their slaves, never seen in the novel, seems to be a more palatable way of demonstrating to a cinema audience the horror of the Harkonnens than the rape of drugged boys suggested by Frank Herbert.

But some are not – the “weirding boxes” which power a destructive sound generated by those trained in the ways of the Bene Gesserit - are unnecessary. And some are just weird. Chief amongst these departures is that the captured Atreides mentat Thufir Hawat must milk a cat for the antidote to his poison. It is not meant to be a comic moment – it is supposed to suggest the Harkonnens’ perversity – but Sienkiewicz draws the disturbed feline as decidedly unhappy with Hawat’s advances, and it draws a wry laugh.

Perhaps the greatest mistake of the movie, and the comic, was to portray the Atriedes, and particularly Paul Atriedes, as the good guys. The Atriedes were a feudal house. In his arrival on Arrakis, in the novel, Duke Leto engages in gross displays of wealth involving splashing of precious water. And as Mahdi, Paul Atriedes triggers a holy war which (according to Herbert’s second novel, Dune Messiah) resulted in the deaths of billions. But here instead we have Paul as a superhero, mastering skills and overcoming adversity to finally, and completely contrary to the novel, make it rain on the desert planet.

One of the more startling aspects of the comic is the use of now-dated thought balloons. Long replaced by internal narrative boxes, the thought balloons help the unfamiliar reader to understand the story, and remove some of the chaos which plagued comprehension of the 1984 movie. In that regard, together with Mr. Sienkiewicz’s heroic efforts on art, this comic is one of those rare examples where the comic book adaption of the movie is better than the movie.
Profile Image for Gloria.
954 reviews5 followers
February 24, 2020
A 1984 Marvel comics take on Dune. I want to say that this was a bit simplified for kids.
They based the comic on the 1984 movie with Kyle MacLachlan, so the panels have similarities to the actors and the artistic choices from that movie.
Sometimes the panels are very dark and ink-heavy.

They kept the main storyline and the characters, House Atreides, the rival House Harkonnen, and the Padishah Emperor of House Corrino, and the Planet Arrakis.

And, because they simplified things for kids, there was some discontinuity and some of the tiny details that differentiate the houses on Arrakis were eliminated.
: Discontinuity
Tiny details:
Profile Image for Alexander Engel-Hodgkinson.
Author 22 books39 followers
August 13, 2024

DUNE. My joy when I found this in my collection given to me by my father was spectacular. I've always wanted to read Ralph Macchio and Bill Sienkiewicz's graphic novel version of David Lynch's adaptation of Frank Herbert's original sci-fi classic for a number of reasons: I like Bill Sienkiewicz, I like David Lynch (and his adaptation in spite of its flaws), and I like the original novel.

This is the most barebones version of the story you're ever gonna get. Given the Marvel Super Specials format, somehow Macchio had to condense an already extremely condensed story into 64 pages. Given what he had to work with, I'd say he did a good job. He got all the important stuff in there, even without the nuance or additional material to make it all flow with natural grace. Sienkiewicz also did a fantastic job conveying the visuals on each page, though sometimes panels were a little too pressed together. The presentation of the story is still incredible. The aesthetics of the '84 film translate well with Sienkiewicz's art style. Always liked the colours and otherworldly grunginess of Lynch's film, so I was glad to see that here, too.
223 reviews
September 24, 2021
Another one of those old comic book adaptations of movies that look like a bunch of screenshots from a rotoscoped version of the film put together more or less incoherently, with dialogue clumsily pasted on. Credit to Bill Sienkiewicz for actually capturing the look of most of the actors: that's not a given with most of these.

I understand why these comics were a thing in a time before home video and streaming, when you had no way of re-experiencing a film after it had left theaters. Objectively, however, this is a really, really poor substitute for what is a very troubled movie version in the first place. Let's not even get started on how it compares to the book.
Profile Image for Tvrtko Balić.
238 reviews71 followers
October 31, 2024
The book suffers greatly from being a three issue summary of a film that is already condensing a lot of the book and gets rid of a lot of subtleties. This is the most bare bones version of the story and the middle especially takes a dip in quality because of it. BUT the flaws that result from this are kind of inevitable, it seems well executed for what it is and it does scratch that Dune itch. It's a quick read, so why not read it if you enjoyed both the book and Lynch's film?
Profile Image for Abraham Hosebr.
625 reviews64 followers
January 12, 2024
Тридцять шість років тому один з найгеніальніших режисерів планети Земля , Девід Лінч випустив свій найгірший фільм "Дюна". Це була космоопера знята за онойменним романом Френка Герберта. В пору юності, коли я передивлявся абсолютно всі фільми Лінча, саме цей мені сподобався найменше. Може, через те, що я не надто люблю фільми в такому жанрі, може через, те що кіно було надто прямолінійним і примітивним в порівнянні з іншими роботами генія, а може й через те, що Лінч робив фільм суто під замовлення. Вже пізніше, коли роман Герберта вийшов українською, я прочитав і його. І... Знову розчарувався. Очікування свята, як то кажуть, краще самого свята. І ось, гряде ще одна екранізація, на цей раз від Вільньова, котра обітцяє бути кращою ніж Лінчова, а я натрапляю на комікс по першій екранізації.
Я точно його пропустив, якби не одне але - Біл Сінкевич в ролі художника. І тут вже не треба нічого додавати, бо Біл, це один з найцікавіших митців у даному жанрі.
Його "Дюна" це сюрреалістичнеі психоделічне видиво. Панелі інколи розпливаються, лиця плавляться. Сам комікс дуже олдскульний - багато-багато тексту. Олдові хмарки-думки і інші ознаки вісімдесятих.
Я знову освіжив пам'ять, згадав сюжет і вже готовий до фільму Вільньова. Чи пораджу цю річ до прочитання всім і кожному? Ні. Але фанатам Лінча-Сінкевича-Герберта точно буде цікаво.
Profile Image for Ella Earp-Lynch.
8 reviews8 followers
June 14, 2018
Greater than the sum of its parts - in my opinion this is the best way to appreciate Dune, better than the book (!) and the notoriously flawed film. The artwork is sublime.
372 reviews3 followers
October 2, 2021
Never seeing movie or read original novel, this is a great story. Art is great, but at times too dark.
Profile Image for Punkie.
785 reviews7 followers
September 20, 2022
4 stars
Comic adaptation of the David Lynch film. A childhood favorite. 😊
260 reviews
September 10, 2024
Dune #1–3 (1985), guión de Ralph Macchio y arte de Bill Sienkiewicz. Calificación 3/5 estrellas.

Esta fue mi segunda lectura de los tres issues, esta serie de comics es recordada por el arte de Bill Sienkiewicz, que capturo lo artisticamente imaginativo de lo visual del film, su arte con los dibujos haciendolo con las apariencias de las estrellas de la pelicula Dune (1984), con algunas escenas no vistas en la película como la de Raban en una bañera qué no fue filmada o el Guild navigator gritando al final.

Esta resumida la trama de la película, tiene mucho texto que te cansa de leer. Es mejor la película de Laurentiis y Lynch Dune (1984), que el comic de Marvel.

También es superior la película de Dune (1984) en el cast, las citas de la película, la banda sonora, en los diseños de vestuario, en que tiene más imaginación, a las dos películas de Denis Villeneuve Dune: Part One (2021) y Dune: Part Two (2024), basadas en el libro de Frank Herbert Dune (1965).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for David.
Author 16 books43 followers
October 16, 2016
Without a doubt, Bill Sienkiewicz's art makes this the best movie adaptation Marvel ever published.
Profile Image for Derrelicto .
178 reviews5 followers
November 6, 2021
Es la adaptación al cómic de la adaptación cinematográfica que hizo Lynch (y de la cual abjuró) de la novela de Frank Herbert. No hay mucho más que decir...
Profile Image for Rick.
2,919 reviews
August 30, 2016
This is a bit difficult to review: it is a comic adaptation of the film adaptation of the novel Dune. The novel is one of my all-time favorite books. The film is entertaining only in that it is so bad it's great to make fun while watching. So, this adaptation of an adaptation is flawed from the very beginning. The only reason it gets a 3-star rating is the beautiful art by Bill Sienkiewicz. Pretty high praise for Sienkiewicz in that the art alone saves this from being something to line a birdcage with.
October 8, 2016
Fantastic. Very faithful to David Lynch's film adaption in artwork and story. The best thing of all is there are some scenes that weren't in the film (some deleted scenes and some others that we don't know if they were even filmed). Recommended for Dune fans, collectors and comic fans.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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