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To the trained eye, a single cut flower can be more revealing about a man's fighting skills than witnessing a duel to the death. When Musashi is given a flower cut by master swordsman Yagyu Sekishusai, he realizes he must seek this man out--for Sekishusai may turn out to be the greatest swordsman Musashi will ever meet.

Chapter Titles

Chapter 079. "The Yagyu" (柳生)
Chapter 080. "Coming Home" (帰郷)
Chapter 081. "The Peony Message" (芍薬の使者)
Chapter 082. "Successor to the Invincible" (天下無双を継ぐ者)
Chapter 083. "Legacy" (相伝)
Chapter 084. "Promise" (約束)
Chapter 085. "Ship of Stone" (石の舟)
Chapter 086. "A Round of Discussion" (円座)
Chapter 087. "Provacateur" (乱波者)

180 pages, Paperback

First published February 23, 2001

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About the author

Takehiko Inoue

303 books1,388 followers
Takehiko Inoue (井上雄彦) is a Japanese manga artist, best known for Slam Dunk and Vagabond.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,967 reviews184 followers
September 22, 2015
This is another excellent volume. There isn't any much of Musashi fighting in it but a lot of the action is understated and sublime. Kind of like how Yagyū Sekishūsai fights. Much of the story revolves around a peony cut by Sekishūsai which was recognized by Musashi as the work of a master swordsman.

Inoue continues to astound his readers with lush art. He has evolved from his Slam Dunk days as he utilizes multiple techniques in his art. This is truly his opus.

His visual storytelling is also to be praised. There are instances of silent panels, letting his art speak for the story. He has a knack of churning out interesting supporting characters and the interaction between the cast provides a respite from the always intense Musashi. Especially the rapport of Otsu and Sekishūsai, I've come to look forward to those parts because they go so well.
Profile Image for Maria.
603 reviews139 followers
March 10, 2019
God bless traditional Japanese baths and fan service. 🙏🏼😌
JOTARO. 😩 “Can’t you tell the difference between a dog and a man?” Protect that boy at all costs.
I’m very intrigued by Hyogonosuke’s character. He seems like a good guy.
Hope master Sekishusai is okay. Although, dying of happiness in old age doesn’t seem like such a bad way to go to me...
Profile Image for Henrique.
192 reviews37 followers
February 2, 2024
Vagabond Volume 9

Esse volume vai dos cap 79 ao 87 e começa um novo arco com o Musashi agora indo atrás de outro adversário forte pra aprimorar as suas técnicas com a espada e tivemos a aparição da Otsu em todo esse volume acho que eles vão finalmente se reencontrar nesse arco tô muito animado pra ver eles juntos de novo.
Profile Image for Monsour.
477 reviews34 followers
June 5, 2018
Musashi finally getting a chance to meet a real sword saint. Also a love triangle may blooming on this..
Profile Image for Himanshu Karmacharya.
1,103 reviews110 followers
September 26, 2024
In the 9th volume, it is clear that the author is weaving a web of fate, in which all the characters are entangled. And the author is slowly bringing them all together.
Profile Image for ash.
136 reviews21 followers
July 10, 2024
Hyogonosuke and Musashi in the bathhouse just silently sitting there sizing each other up is beyond hilarious 😭 loved every second of it! I’m so excited to see more of Hyogonosuke’s character. I already really like the guy!

Another breathtaking volume… I can never seem to tear myself away from vagabond once I start reading. I love the way the story keeps adding dimensions and depth to these concrete moments and characters. Cheers to starting volume 10! 🥂
Profile Image for Juho Pohjalainen.
Author 5 books347 followers
August 14, 2020
For a little while now I've had an issue with the slow pacing of this story, but this volume pulls it off better. Not a whole lot of consequence happens, still, but at least some things do, people going around, flowers being cut and discussed, and a dog dies. Rather than whole chapters of two guys just staring at one another.

I feel like this is a good balance to hold on to.
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,550 reviews243 followers
January 9, 2023
Amo muchísimo el arte de Inoue, pero hay que ser honestos: a veces arrastra mucho la historia. Entiendo que es un manga que tiene más que ver con la introspección y el cómo se desarrollan los personajes a lo largo de la historia, pero este volumen se sintió un poquito de relleno.

Lo que puedo resaltar es que Takezo/Musashi se dio cuenta de que todavía hay muchos rivales a los cuales enfrentarse y que su fuerza bruta no le va a servir de nada. Tiene que entender que debe de haber un equilibrio y que dominar la espada no solo significa matar a todo cuanto se le ponga enfrente.

Así mismo, conocimos al nieto del maestro con quien Otsu se hospeda y prácticamente le heredó su sabiduría acerca de la espada en un documento. El viejo maestro es consciente de que ya no le queda mucho tiempo y al menos quiere dejar todo en orden.

Dicho eso, es frustrante que Takezo esté a nada de verse con Otsu pero por cosas del destino, todavía no lo hayan hecho. Eso y que su “aprendiz” mató a un perrito inocente solo porque éste le arañó la cara, ya que estaba siguiendo los “principios” de Takezo.

Espero que el siguiente volumen retome el ritmo de la historia y lo impresionante y profundo que llega a ser.

Este volumen contiene los capítulos 79 – 87.

Volumen 1 | Volumen 2 | Volumen 3 | Volumen 4 | Volumen 5 | Volumen 6 | Volumen 7 | Volumen 8
Profile Image for لِيو. .
247 reviews12 followers
December 18, 2022
جوتارو صدقًا يلطف الجو
‌( ◜‿◝ )♡
Profile Image for Blue Guy.
51 reviews
December 28, 2024
Profile Image for Sydneroo.
260 reviews600 followers
July 5, 2020
Rating: 7.14/ 10.00 | 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Profile Image for Kota.
18 reviews1 follower
November 13, 2019
So far Musashi didn’t talk to opponents so much but he tries to discuss with four disciples of Yagyu to fight to the Yagyu in this volume. Readers can see Musashi Miyamoto as a man not a beast or demon.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Turpinpower.
59 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2021
Nuevo tomo, nuevo arco argumental.

Musashi y Jotaro se dirigen ahora hacia la montaña Yagyu, de difícil acceso, en la que se encuentra el ya anciano Sekishusai Yagiu, considerado el mejor samurái vivo en la actualidad, el mejor de todos en su tiempo, razón por la que Musashi querrá enfrentarse a él a toda costa... aunque conseguir un duelo e incluso una audiencia con él es prácticamente imposible, por lo que no lo tendrá nada fácil y deberá ingeniárselas para ello.

Otsu precisamente se encuentra viviendo allí junto al maestro, quien la acogió, habiendo entablado ambos una muy buena relación, así que hay muchas ganas de ver el posible reencuentro entre Musashi y ella bajo estas circunstancias.

Al final del tomo, nuestro protagonista encontrará una posible forma de conseguir lo que quiere, en un final que para variar sigue enganchando por completo y crea la imperiosa necesidad de saber cómo continúa tanto esta historia, como el camino de este hombre hacia la cima de las artes marciales.

Otro muy buen tomo, de transición entre partes más intensas, pero con una calidad en todos los sentidos que sigue siendo tremenda. Y la acción de nuevo está a punto de estallar...
Profile Image for Yvensong.
905 reviews53 followers
March 27, 2016
This was one of my more favorite volumes. Musashi has searched out and found the Yagyu clan, whom he is interested in learning from, and fighting. They have a reputation of being some of the strongest warriors in the area. Musashi realizes he may have a chance to meet one of the true masters of the sword, when he is given a flower that has been expertly cut.

Besides following Musashi and his young protege, we spend time with the Yagyu school, getting to know some of the members.

We see some of the culture and societal customs in this volume, which is the reason for the higher rating.
Profile Image for Somnium.
89 reviews4 followers
December 24, 2022
"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" That's what almost all men in this manga sound to me. Except, Inigo Montoya was far more lovable. They're repeating this irritating sentence all the time - I'm going to take you on! Jesus Christ, how many more times!!!? 😠

Musashi and Jotaro are near Yagyu temple and coming up with the plan to enter the temple and meet the famous Master Yagyu Sekishusai and (here we go again) TAKE HIM ON! 😈 I liked one detail they've noticed - there are so many trees near the temple which means there haven't been any battles there in a long time. We will see later that it's not easy to provoke these men from Yagyu temple. Finally, we shall see some wise men!

And now is bathing time, naked men and superstition. Oh, boy, these guys really despise bathing! Did you know why?! Hyogonosuke, young Master of Yagyu, will explain - Your attitude... the way you carry yourself every day. You're prepared to be attacked at any moment. Just like a cat. You're afraid that your guarded awareness will be washed away along with the dirt. That's why you don't like bathing. Well, I have my own flaws, so who am I to judge. 😎 This guy Hyogonosuke is quite similar to our Musashi, but in my opinion he's more mature. And he looks really great both dressed and naked (wink wink nudge nudge) and he cried in front of a woman but still managed to look hot. 😊

Musashi became a little wiser. Instead of barging in the temple and picking a fight, he actually thought things through and came up with some strategy before he acted. Who would have thought that the way the flowers were cut can have such an important part in the way of samurai. I don't know why am I surprised by this, when I read as a child that little Chinese padawans practice to catch flies with chopsticks in Shaolin temple for f**'s sake.

I know we were all probably waiting for the reunion of Otsu and Musashi, but I'm sorry to say that's not gonna happen in this volume. Instead, Otsu will get a naughty little brother. 😉
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews9 followers
January 11, 2023
Muy bueno el arte, pero en serio esto se alarga mucho. Takezo aún no termina de captar que creerse el mejor no es sinónimo de serlo, tal parece que todo lo que aprendió al enfrentarse a Ishun ya se le olvidó. Le falta humildad a este chavo.

Por otro lado, sale acá el nieto de alguien y parece que él será el nuevo oponente de Takezo no solo en el camino de la espada, sino también, a lo mejor, por el amor de Otsu, quién está prácticamente en el mismo pueblo, pero el destino no ha querido que se reencuentren. Me gustó la escena en la que el viejo le dice que esa es su casa, al final, Otsu ha pasado de casa en casa sin un lugar que pueda llamar hogar, quiero ver más de ella sinceramente.

Ya por último, pero no menos importante, acá se pone en evidencia el pésimo maestro que es Takezo porque Jotaro, el morro que ahora es su aprendiz, mató a un perro porque según lo retó a un duelo y le ganó justamente, hazme el favor. Pero bueno, lo cacharon y a ver qué castigo le dan al morro porque no era un perro callejero, era del dojo y ellos sí entienden la diferencia entre un hombre que puede aceptar o declinar un duelo a un animal que ataca para defenderse.
Profile Image for 47Time.
3,153 reviews92 followers
November 29, 2021
Profile Image for Jim.
449 reviews9 followers
May 4, 2024
Volume 9: A narrative shift

Despite the strong hints that conclude the previous volume, this volume contains no confrontation between Musashi and Matahachi. In fact, Matahachi doesn’t even appear in this volume. Instead, Hyōgonosuke (the master’s grandson) arrives, and he looks eerily like Musashi. He and Musashi encounter each other in a hot tub, and an undeniable homoerotic undercurrent permeates the scene. Jotaro, who seems to be evolving into a junior version of Musashi, fights and slays a dog that maimed him, and Musashi schemes to fight Sekishūsai.
Profile Image for Facundo Mosquera.
322 reviews6 followers
June 28, 2022
Estuvo buenísimo todo lo relacionado a la flor. Lo que no me gustó de este tomo, y es algo que pasa viene pasando desde el principio de la historia y va a seguir, son la cantidad y los nombres de los personajes. Cada dos capítulos más o menos, se presenta o se mencionan alrededor de 4 personajes seguidos con los nombres más complejos y parecidos entre sí del japonés, además de mencionar el clan al que pertenecen. No tengo idea de cómo se llaman el 80% de los pjs que aparecieron.
Profile Image for Jothee.
14 reviews
January 7, 2025
Musashi is now starting a new journey with new challenges in his mind to yagyū with lots of ambition to face sekisusai

Otsu also lives in yagyū who still think off takezo and she's in love with him Musashi also have some feelings for her.

Musashi is such a ambitious man his only will is to become stronger by his progression by defeating all the masters around the country he's becoming stronger and stronger and his bloodlust is increasing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sara.
86 reviews2 followers
September 9, 2019
Had it not been for the last pages this volume would've gotten 4 stars, I really enjoyed it, but I simply can not stand animal violence, I really like otsu, so every volume with her in it is a delight, and this time she was featured quite a lot which made me happy, can't wait to read the next volume!
Profile Image for Oliver Choreno.
177 reviews4 followers
May 7, 2024
While the storyline of the cut flower is interesting and I know the overall story is about a samurai seeking to fight those stronger, the introductions of the nemeses in his city don't seem that different from the previous one. Sure, it looks like he's leveling up, but due to the abrupt cuts of journeys and intermissions between one and another, it starts to feel planned, not so natural.
Profile Image for Gustavo.
901 reviews12 followers
February 9, 2020
Musashi viaja al Feudo Yagyu para enfrentarse al santo de la espada, pero entrar al castillo no va a ser tan fácil. Los dibujos de Inoue se ponen cada vez mejores, y los personajes nuevos son muy interesantes.
Profile Image for eo.
77 reviews14 followers
December 20, 2020
WHY takezo and otsu were RIGHT there, they literally touched the same flower... and then they just don’t ?? see ?? each other ???

also jotaro’s a little crazy, his and takezo’s dynamic reminds me of rin and ramsa from the poppy war.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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