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190 pages, Paperback

First published November 22, 2017

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Makoto Yukimura

152 books510 followers

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews
Profile Image for Christina Pilkington.
1,733 reviews225 followers
January 11, 2024
Loved this volume! Garm is like a younger Thorfinn which is fun to see. Thorkell is the same crazy guy he always is. One of my favorite manga of all time!
Profile Image for Katherine Sigarán.
519 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2024
4.5 Stars

Thanks for that glimpse of King Canute, even though it was a flashback, I loved it and the whole analogy of the wolves is a great way to start this Vol that reminds me a lot of the first arc of the manga because of the battles and the consequences of this, a lot of chaos and many characters reaching the same point, Garm and Thorkell are still just as irritating but well that's what makes them them, I need to know what Thorfinn decide to do and Gudrid always being in the worst situations, it feels like this subplot is close to ending.

Gracias por ese vistazo del Rey Canuto aunque fuera un flashback me encanto y toda la analogía de los lobos es una gran forma de iniciar este Vol que me recuerda mucho al primer arco del manga por las batallas y las consecuencias de esta, mucho caos y muchos personajes llegando al mismo punto, Garm y Thorkell siguen igual de irritantes pero bueno eso es lo que los hace ser ellos, necesito saber que decidirá hacer Thorfinn y Gudrid siempre estando en las peores situaciones, se siente que esta subtrama esta cerca de terminar.
Profile Image for N.E.C.C..
473 reviews5 followers
May 31, 2020
Man, Thorkell is a beast.

I guess we should be thanking Thorkell's simple mind for everything that's going on hahaha.

I'm loving this arc, it's very entertaining and the story it's been amazing so far. I love Hild's determination and everything that Full Eyes does makes me laugh, i just can't stop.

I just can't stop reading this series, it's incredible.
Profile Image for Ignacio.
1,275 reviews279 followers
December 25, 2019
Una batalla en desarrollo, personajes confluyendo en la misma localización, primeros duelos con consecuencias... se acerca el final de temporada.
Profile Image for Angelika.
44 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2024
Learning that the whole conflict was arranged by Canute as a means of executing an army cutback was a nice twist. It raises some interesting ethical concerns. Well, now that I think about it, nearly everything that he does raises some serious ethical concerns xD

At first I found Garm to be an annoying and unoriginal character, just a conventional psycho and an obvious double of Thorkell. It seemed to me that his sole literary purpose is to fix the power imbalance between the Floki and Vagn fractions. But I've come to like him a lot more in this volume. For the first time somebody has made me truly worried for Thorkell's life. The two of them may look just like two playful wolves who fight for fun, but I have an ominous feeling that Garm may end up sending Thorkell to Valhalla at last. Although I wish they could just become sparing buddies and keep each other occupied.

But in general I'm not particularly impressed with those last chapters. Too much chaos, too many side characters getting involved in it, too much slapstick humour... I think at this point I don't even care what's happening at any given moment. I've ceased to be invested in the action, it fails to keep me on the edge of my seat. I don't even care how the battle will exactly unfold – I'm just waiting patiently for the resolution of this whole mess and its aftermath.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Devero.
4,806 reviews
April 3, 2021
A Jomsborg Garm è in carcere. Anche Leif, Einar e Gudrid.
Frattanto inizia l'assedio voluto da Thorkell, che inizia il suo duello con Garm.
Thorfinn e Hilde stanno arrivando, ma il colp di scena è che il nipote di Floki, il piccolo Baldr, fa fuggire i tre, solo che Gudrid non ce la fa e resta intrappolata nella città fortezza.
E una volta fuori, anche se Leif viene ferito, le strade si reincrociano.
Siggy e i suoi, ora ex schiavi e al soldo di Thorkell, ritrovano durante l'assedio Einar e Leif e vengono a sapere di Gudrid ancora prigioniera. Anche Thorfinn arriva.
4 stelle.
Profile Image for Nickonero.
169 reviews4 followers
July 27, 2021
Hay una escena en la que el combatiente ve a su hermano en el otro bando. Lejos de preocuparse, alegre por haberlo visto años después de que se fugara de su casa, decide atar un anillo a una flecha y dispararla hacia él. Si su hermano viera el anillo, sabría automáticamente que se trata de él. El tiro, por suerte o por desgracia, le atraviesa la cabeza. Al verlo, este soldado dice: bueno, qué más da, al fin y al cabo, era un enemigo.
Acto seguido es acribillado por los arqueros enemigos en una splash page cruel y que pretende ser un chiste. Eso también es Grimdark.
Profile Image for Camila.
315 reviews7 followers
June 12, 2022
Glad someone said what I was thinking: it feels like Garm is Thorkell’s bastard or something. I guess we’ll see.

I guess this entire volume was to push Thorfinn’s buttons and see how he reacts later on? Will he continue living his life justly or will he go back to having enemies?
Profile Image for Josi.
106 reviews
March 28, 2023
Un nuevo pico de emotividad. Volvió a su mejor forma esta saga.
Profile Image for Dilara.
3 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2023
siggi bringt mich jedes Mal zum Lachen ich brauche mehr von ihm
Profile Image for Blandine.
4 reviews
August 30, 2023
C’est le siège de Jomsborg, on dévore chaque page pour suivre les héros côté Thorkell et côté Floki/Baldur et on veut se précipiter sur la suite
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ياسمين  محمود .
65 reviews12 followers
May 20, 2023
من الرائع رؤية الفتى الصغير بالدر :"
الكثير والكثير من المواقف المضحكة خصوصا عندما يظهر الفتى ذو العينين الواسعة ومشهد مقابلة سيج بإينار ولييف ^^
Profile Image for Kaoyi .
264 reviews
August 19, 2019
Una de las mejores historias que estoy leyendo. Todo perfecto y creíble sin excepción.

Baldr es un amor de niño, espero que no le pase nada.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews

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