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Comet Rising

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Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
January 28, 2019

We read Shadow Weaver last year and really enjoyed it, so we were excited to get into the sequel, Comet Rising. Even though I requested this from NetGalley and was approved, we also bought a copy for our home library.

The second book starts right where the first left off. Emmeline is living with Lucas and his parents. Everyone seems to be safe from evil Lady Aisling for the time being. Dar (Emmeline’s former shadow and best friend) is safely locked away in a cage and everything seems to be settled down, until Dar tries to convince Emmeline to release her from her cage. Dar knows something dangerous is coming and wants to keep everyone safe, but Emmeline and Lucas still don’t trust her, and they think she’s lying. That evening, they notice something in the sky and believe it to be the Cerelia Comet-the sole reason for their magical powers.

Something brilliant sails across the night sky–pure white light, almost like one of Lucas’s orbs, with a long tail that sparkles like stardust trailing after it. As it passes over, tiny specks of light fall to the earth, dusting the ocean and the forest far beyond.

The comet wasn’t supposed to return for twenty-five years and they know it has something to do with Lady Aisling. What is she up to now? Somehow Lady Aisling has a sky shaker involved which holds the potential to disrupt the entire universe, and it’s going to be up to Emmeline and Lucas to get to the bottom of it. They’re going to have to protect the other children with magic abilities from being taken by Lady Aisling. Will they finally defeat her once and for all? Will Dar finally be able to gain back Emmeline’s trust?

We enjoyed this sequel to Shadow Weaver. The plot is interesting and the author does an excellent job adding in just enough detail to keep you wanting more. The characters are written well and we loved all the teamwork between Lucas and Emmeline–they always have each other’s back. We thought this book was a little darker than the first which was totally fine. I liked the way the ending was wrapped up. I’m all for happy endings, even though it was a little abrupt and too good to be true, although I’m sure children will overlook that anyway. It was just nice to finally get an idea of how Lady Aisling’s magic worked and to discover what her plan was. The epilogue was perfect and I appreciated that there was some closure with Emmeline’s parents.

We enjoyed both books and wish there could be a third. Just look at the these beautiful, stunning covers! The cover for Shadow Weaver is what originally pulled us in. Overall, this is a wonderful middle-grade duology. If you like middle-grade fantasy, give these a try. We’re looking forward to reading more by this author.


Thanks to NetGalley for sharing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

Age Range: 8 – 14 years
Grade Level: 3 – 9
Series: Shadow Weaver (Book 2)
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (January 1, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1492649988
ISBN-13: 978-1492649984

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Profile Image for Christina Reid.
1,212 reviews77 followers
May 25, 2019
Great conclusion to a fantastic middle-grade duology with originality in spades! Loved it!
Profile Image for Natalya.
822 reviews17 followers
November 9, 2020
I like this a little more than the first. I think the books could have been combined and be a longer book. Otherwise, this is a fun middle grade I can see many enjoying.
Profile Image for Zezee.
685 reviews46 followers
March 13, 2019
While Shadow Weaver focused on getting the reader accustomed to the world by making her learn more about it as Emmeline does, Comet Rising focuses on the risks and conflicts touched on in the first book. In Comet Rising, we learn more about Lady Aisling and her relationship with Dar. We also encounter other talented children as Emmeline and her friend Lucas tries to find and rally them and their parents to oppose and defeat Lady Aisling.

But as rousing and adventurous as that sounds, I was not thrilled by Comet Rising. I thought it progressed too quickly in some spots and didn’t believe Emmeline and Lucas capable of navigating the land and finding other talented individuals. Those two were very sheltered by their parents and did not know much about the network of talented individuals. Though I believe they are smart kids, I could not believe that they were able to figure it all out so quickly. I also think they travelled too fast considering that they went on foot the entire way. It made me wonder at the distance between the places they visited.

But these were minor issues. The story was fun to read and it was cool to see what other talents popped up. I liked the innovativeness of the network’s safe houses, especially the tree house, and thought the parents who were changed by Lady Aisling were very creepy. Unfortunately, I didn’t find Comet Rising as atmospheric and haunting as Shadow Weaver nor as memorable, but it was an okay read.

I like how the children chose to handle Lady Aisling for the bad deeds she has done and that the story focused on second chances and showing mercy without forcing such messages on the reader.

Overall: ★★☆☆☆ ½

It was an okay read but not as strong as Shadow Weaver. However, I recommend the duology if the story sounds interesting to you.

As posted on Zezee with Books.
Profile Image for pdbkwm.
346 reviews38 followers
February 14, 2019
Not as good as Shadow Weaver, but still just as great. Comet Rising takes place right where Shadow Weaver left us before taking us on a wild journey to the end.

While the ending left me wanting more, I still felt myself loving every moment of this. The characters, both old and new, we're engaging and dynamic. The plot continues being crisp and fast paced, without losing the itself to the story. And our villain was pretty great too. Scary, without feeling over the top. She felt human, which added to her horror because there are definitely real people like her out there.

Another great book by MarcyKate Connolly! Can't wait to read more from you.
522 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2023
Comet Rising brought a very interesting group of new young characters filled with magic. Their belief in their own strength and ability to undo the terror Lady Aisling has brought to their towns is admirable. My favorite part of both the books in this series was the simplicity of the children's magical abilities. If you were magical, you had one power and you learned to control it and use it for good.
Profile Image for Dani(elle).
581 reviews7 followers
September 22, 2020
I forget how accidentally horrifying some of the world building elements are. It's great.
Profile Image for Tisha (IG: Bluestocking629).
760 reviews37 followers
July 21, 2023
Sadly this was just a duology not a trilogy. A quick enjoyable series brought to life by an enjoyable Audible narrator.

It was very well done and a wonderful conclusion. It still leaves me wanting more even though I was happy with the ending.
Profile Image for Carina Olsen.
825 reviews158 followers
November 26, 2018
This second book was a pretty exciting conclusion to a stunning middle grade duology. I have enjoyed reading these two books a whole bunch. And I simply love this author. She is awesome. Though I liked this final book a whole bunch, I sadly didn't love it like I wanted to. So I'm giving it three stars. But positive stars.

As there were parts of this second book that I liked very much. I only wish that there was more of certain things. Sigh. And I wish the ending had been longer. But despite that, I so much enjoyed reading this story. And I adore these characters tons. Getting to know how everything ended for Emmeline and Lucas was great.

And oh, how much I love the covers for these two books. They are simply gorgeous. And so fitting with the story too. I shall not share all that much about this book, only a few of my thoughts about it, what I liked, and what I had a few issues with. This one is told from the point of view of Emmeline as well. It has been a few months since the end of book one, and Emmeline has been living with Lucas and his parents since then. She is doing great. And I loved that so very much. Lucas and his parents are treating her the very best, and I adored reading about their friendship. I loved that Emmeline got to be happy with them. This does not last. Lady Aisling is still hunting for them. And she has found them now. Lucas's parents get taken and they have to run away.

This book is mostly about that. Emmeline and Lucas on the run from the bad people. From the Lady that would capture them and steal away their magic, to use it as her own. While they are escaping, they are also looking for ways to save the parents. And other children taken captive. There are new characters to get to read about, which I mostly enjoyed. We get to learn more about the story of these books too, more about Dar's past as well. Which I liked a whole bunch too. I loved learning new things about everything.

I will not share too much about this book. Only that I liked the plot a whole lot. While I had issues with a few things, I had no trouble at all getting lost in this story. And adoring Emmeline and Lucas. Sigh. I loved reading about the magic parts, about the different powers some people had. It was interesting. I wish the villain had been a bit more creepy, to be honest, but she was still pretty good, haha. The writing was good as well. So enjoyed reading this story about Emmeline and Lucas and their strange and wonderful magic.

The ending confused me a bit, to be honest. It ended way too fast, honestly. The big fight at the end was mostly good, and I enjoyed how everything ended with that. Not perfect, but was awesome to read about even so. But then the ending with Emmeline's parents. I didn't understand that at all. They treated her so badly for so many years. There is no way their feelings had changed. So yeah. I am a little disappointed about that, and so confused about what where some people will live after this book ended. Wanted more.

But even so. The ending was good. And I was happy with it all. Just wishing there had been more. And gosh, how I wish there had been more of Lucas in this book. I felt like there was too little of him, and more focus on the new characters. I missed reading about only Emmeline and Lucas hanging out and having fun. Would have loved to see more quiet time with just the two of them. Still. Lucas was adorable in this second book too, and I cannot help but love him very much. I also did adore the new characters. Mostly.

Parts of this book reminded me about MarcyKate's first book, Monstrous. With the people getting turned into flowers. Which was pretty great, yet also a bit heartbreaking, remembering how that first book ended. Ack. If you have not read any of these books by MarcyKate yet, then you really should get moving. Since they are all awesome and worth reading. I cannot wait to read all her upcoming books too. They shall be so good. Comet Rising was for the most part an excellent ending to a great duology. I enjoyed it so much.


This review was first posted on my blog, Carina's Books, here:
Profile Image for Pop Bop.
2,502 reviews121 followers
June 10, 2018
A Crisp, Fast Paced, Well Told Adventure

This book starts out a bit on the dreamy side in terms of scene setting, and then takes off. It's a sequel and part of that slow start is to allow for some backstory and some catching up for readers new to the series, but once that's out of the way the tale never looks back.

The premise is elegant, but simple to grasp, and is at just the right level for a middle grade reader. Some children have special talents, although only one to a customer. The villain's talent is the ability to drain away others' talents and to store them away for later use. So, the villain is kidnapping talented kids and stockpiling them, and our two heroes are trying to avoid the villain, rescue the kidnappees, and ultimately defeat the villain.

That sounds pretty straightforward, and it is. But the fun is in the details. We end up with a quest and a final confrontation. We have a coming of age tale for the two heroes, (Emmeline, the main character, handles shadow and Lucas manipulates light.). And, we have a wide and varied range of some especially clever and imaginatively presented talents. There is a lot of lurking and hiding and searching as our heroes try to track down the villain while avoiding capture. These bits are ripping and suspenseful. There are moments of doubt and fear and resolve, and they are handled gracefully. As to the talents, they pop up regularly, as the heroes come across characters who help them or thwart them or guide them, so you have a new talent angle almost every few pages.

All of this is helped by the fact that the writing is brisk and economical. And I mean that as praise. We always get enough description to know where we are, who is who, and what's going on, But when we run away, we just run away. We don't spend two pages falling over every root and being struck by every branch. Dialogue is similarly crisp and to the point. The writing isn't padded out or showy. It is effective and keeps the narrative on track and driving forward. Chapters are short, and almost always end with a mild line or two that gives the reader a bit of a pause before the next chapter dives in again. For a middle grade book with a lot of characters, fantasy ideas, and moving parts I found this approach effective and rather satisfying.

So, this struck me as a solid adventure with some engaging magical elements and a nice bit of suspense. A nice find.

(Please note that I received a free advance ecopy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)
498 reviews3 followers
December 12, 2018
ARC provided by Sourcebooks via NetGalley for an honest review.

I reviewed the first book in this series, Shadow Weaver, last year. I was excited to pick this one up and spend some more time with Emmeline and Lucas. Plus I really like that cover, it goes with the first one so nicely!
Emmeline is a much stronger character in this book. She has grown a lot and understands more about herself and others with talent. She still has a bit of a weak spot when it comes to Dar, but I understood why. She is helpful to the other kids she meets with special abilities and is willing to help them learn how to use their gifts to the best of their abilities. She carries a lot of guilt though for some of her acts in the first book, but she comes to accept that she can’t change things, but she can make amends. I love the special friendship she has with Lucas and was glad to see them still together in this book. Their journey together is a good one.

Dar is an interesting character, and one you never quite trust. I really think she wanted to help Emmaline and Lucas, but just went about it wrongly. But when they do start to trust her a bit, she comes around and really helps them out. Her shape-shifting is a amazing at times too.

We meet some new kids in this book with some very interesting abilities. There is also talk about some other abilities which would make for some interesting stories. There is one friend with no abilities that is worth mentioning, Cary. She is slightly older than Emmeline, but she is fierce in her determination to destroy Lady Aisling and get her brother and parents back. She is a strong ally and a pretty good strategist, but not always the coolest head in the group.

We see a lot more of Lady Aisling in this book, and she is a pretty evil villain. She is even willing to destroy the world as long as she is the most powerful being in the end. I really hate the way she manipulates the parents into giving up their kids and what she does with them gives me the shivers. How the kids end up dealing her was smart even though I wasn’t sure it was going to work.

Overall a very solid ending to this story. I really like the world that the author has created here. I hope to see more stories from this world.
Profile Image for Kristiana Y. Sfirlea.
Author 8 books57 followers
December 15, 2018
I was thrilled to receive an ARC of COMET RISING through a Twitter giveaway. I've had it on my TBR pile for months and have been waiting eagerly for its release date, so to get an early copy was a huge delight!

I enjoyed this book as much as the first one - which is to say, a lot! As with SHADOW WEAVER, the characters and their dynamics are excellent, the pacing makes you never want to stop reading, and the magic of the world is unique and intriguing in its expression. I love how darkness and light are both seen as positives - and negatives at times - which dismantles a very tired metaphor for good and evil, particularly in the fantasy genre. I was happy with how MarcyKate Connolly delved deeper into the magical structure of her world, establishing order and categories for talented people. It was great meeting new characters with fun, new takes on common powers in speculative fiction. The expanded cast was just enough - not too many unfamiliar faces that it felt crowded, but just enough that they lent power and complexity to the story.

For me, though, what hooked me first in SHADOW WEAVER is the same thing that left me feeling immensely satisfied with COMET RISING: the relationship between Emmeline and Dar. These two have been through all sorts of lies, betrayals, moments of trust, and a constantly seesawing friendship. I've rooted for them from the get-go, hoping to see the maturity, forgiveness, and character growth necessary to make their relationship - so full of beautiful potential - a healthy one. That's what this duology has really been about to me. The story of a girl and her shadow. And they ended up exactly where I hoped they would. That last page, man. All the feels! <3

If the Cerelia Comet blessed me with the talent of a sky shaker, I would shake down five perfect stars for this wonderful book. Bravo!
17 reviews
July 13, 2020
Every single chapter in this book, has something interesting happening that you simply cannot just ignore. Just like the last book, the author is able to keep the readers engaged from beginning to end. Characters are still great and are well written, it has a good story and a satisfying conclusion. One of the things that I really liked more in this book is how the author explores and shows us more varieties when it comes down to what kind of powers there are in this world. But one of the problems with the last book, happens here as well, which is the fact that we don't see the villain often. In this book, we only see her in the third act and that's about it. However, the author does a good job at explaining why she's a threat to the entire world, so when the final confrontation feels good to see our characters beat her.
The author does introduce two new important which I like, but made me actually think if this series should've been a trilogy instead. I still like the new characters and they play a HUGE role in the final act, but I think I would've liked it more if they were developed more. I think it would've been interesting if the second book maybe finish with the main characters finding Noah and ending it off with a cliffhanger because of what he can do...and then lead to a third and final book where they plan and face of the villain. But nonetheless, I still like the new characters and was satisfied at the end.
Here's hoping for a prequal of this series where we see Dara and Aisling growing up together when they were kids, that would be so awesome!
Profile Image for Nicole.
321 reviews31 followers
January 12, 2019
"Alone we are powerful, but together, we can do real magic."

Comet Rising is the sequel to Shadow Weaver. About two months after the incidents in Shadow Weaver, Emmeline's shadow, Dar, is locked away in the attic. Emmeline and Lucas are gifted with shadow weaving and light singing due to being blessed by the Cerelia Comet at birth. Lady Aisling, a magic eater, is hunting down blessed magical children for her their talents. The Cerelia Comet only comes every 25 years but Dar tells Emmeline the comet is coming back again and it's because of Lady Aisling's doing.

In Abbacho, Emmeline pretends to be Lucas's sister while she lives with Lucas parents. The family poses as farmers and fishers. After some time, Lady Aisling's guards find the children. Lucas's parents, Alfred and Miranda, create a distraction in order for Emmeline, Lucas and Dar to flee. When Emmeline and Lucas goes into hiding at Alsa's, they learn of other magical abilities that children are blessed with. There are sky shakers, youth keepers, talent takers, memory stealers, life bringers, spot hoppers and other gifted children. Eventually, Emmeline and Lucas befriends other children such as Noah and Pearl who are blessed by the Cerelia Comet. The children battle against the Lady Aisling for their freedom.

MarcyKate Connolly creates a world that draws you in from the first page. Comet Rising's pace is much quicker than of Shadow Weaver's. Comet Rising is a fast paced middle grade read full of adventure, magic and darkness. It's dazzling story line will reel readers in. The characters are delightful and their development as characters is strong.

Emmeline and Lucas have a healthy friendship which they stay loyal to each other; they can trust one another fully. It sends a positive message for children who read this duology. Dar, however, is someone who is complex. She is hard to trust since she can betray you but at the same time, she helps you when you need help the most. This contrast of friends shows how different people act and view friendship. Connolly shows how some friendships are parasitic while others are symbiotic.

Comet Rising is an atmospheric, eerie and dark fairytale with hollow shells and a villain who will do anything to get her way. Be careful when you approach someone. Who knows if they are working for the Lady Aisling. Or you might encounter Lady Aisling in the flesh.
Profile Image for Taylor.
55 reviews10 followers
January 10, 2019
Comet Rising is the stunning sequel to one of the fiercest middle grade fantasy novels today. It has all the charm and grandeur readers experienced in Shadow Weaver, and then some. The story follows Emmeline, a girl who can control shadows and thrives in the night, and her best friend Lucas who controls the sunlight, on their journey to find other children who are Comet-blessed in the hopes of rescuing Lucas’s parents who have been taken by the evil Lady Aisling and who could hopefully put a stop to her evil doings. Lady Aisling poses a huge threat to all who are Comet-blessed. She abducts them and turns them into flowers and plants them in her garden to use and abuse their abilities for her own power-hungry agenda. The more Lady Aisling uses a Comet-blessed child’s power, that child will eventually die. The two friends have an even bigger problem on their hands when Dar, Emmeline’s malicious shadow who is now detached from her, has escaped and is causing chaos and destruction during her own quest for revenge against her sister, who is none other than Lady Aisling herself!

With whispers of the adventure readers experienced in The Chronicles of Narnia and the friendship that we felt from reading the Harry Potter series, MarcyKate Connolly weaves a truly remarkable tale that not only touches the hearts of a younger audience but expands to people of all ages.

**I was granted early access to read this book in exchange for an honest review!**
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shazza Maddog.
1,197 reviews3 followers
August 21, 2022
Emmaline and Dar are back in the sequel to Shadow Weaver, with Emmaline living with her friend Lucas and his parents. All seems well until suddenly, it isn't - their safe home invaded by Lady Aisling and her guards. Emmaline and Lucas manage to escape, keeping Dar trapped in a tiny cage made of shadows and light from their own devising, but Dar is determined to escape and get her revenge on Aisling.

The kids obviously want to stop Aisling as well, and rescue Lucas' parents but to do that, they may have to do what they would've considered unthinkable on their own - find other people to help them. Armed with a set of maps and deeds showing the names and homes of people with talented children, our trio starts off but it seems Aisling manages to get everywhere they plan on going before they do. And then they find the home of their old friends, Cary and Doyle - but Doyle's been kidnapped by Aisling and his and Cary's parents have radically changed...

With Cary joining on their hunt, and eventually acquiring another boy who has the amazing talent of obstructing other's talents, the kids finally make their way to Zinnia - but will they be able to rescue the "flowers" in Aisling's gardens or will they wind up being turned into plants themselves?

A satisfying sequel/conclusion to the original story.
Profile Image for Story Eater.
374 reviews77 followers
November 27, 2018
Emmeline and Lucas are back, and this time they’re on the run from Lady Aisling herself. Comet Rising sets quite the pace compared to its predecessor, Shadow Weaver, and it also sets a different tone. Now, instead of only trying to hide out from her parents and the soldiers coming for her, Emmeline sets out with her friend Lucas to rally help from other talented children in order to defeat Lady Aisling once and for all.

I quite liked this sequel; I usually do not favor a sequel over the first in a series. Comet Rising went above and beyond Shadow Weaver in many ways. We have more characters, more settings, a bigger-more action-packed quest, and a deeper exploration of who Emmeline is, who her friend Dar was before she met Emmeline, and more of a range of talents from our comet-blessed characters. This one is a definite read for younger (and older) fans of fantasy.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC, for which I give my own opinion and review.
29 reviews
July 17, 2022
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Man, it’s rare that I like the sequel better than the predecessor! This was one of those rare books. Firstly, Emmeline’s decisions, without Dar stuck to her, make me want to tear my hair out a lot less. Also, Cary, Noah, and Pearl are great.

The plot moves much faster than in book one, and we get to know the characters better too.

The climax was more satisfying in this book... It’s probably because this is the last book and Shadow Weaver wasn’t but still.

Also, is it bad that I kind of want to visit Lady Aisling’s garden? C’mon, twenty-foot-tall sunflowers?? Anyone would love to see that!
Profile Image for Lindsey Lewis.
814 reviews16 followers
August 3, 2022
Comet Rising is the sequel to Shadow Weaver, and it's even better than the first book. In this story, Emmeline and her friends (and her shadows) travel across the kingdom to fight the evil MagicEater who is kidnapping kids with talents. But Lady Aisling has something up her sleeve - she has captured a SkyShaker who is bringing back the comet that grants children with magical powers, a little earlier than planned, to create more children she can feed on. This book felt more quickly paced and with more action than the first. I really liked the exploration of all the different powers kids could have. It reminded me at times of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.
Profile Image for Jess Macallan.
Author 3 books113 followers
December 16, 2018
I enjoyed this fast-paced sequel to SHADOW WEAVER. It picks up right where book 1 leaves off, and I enjoyed seeing the characters' growth. Emmeline continues to struggle with Dar but wants to do the right thing. Both characters get to showcase their talents throughout the book. I also enjoyed the worldbuilding, different talents, and new characters.

I wish readers could have seen more from Lucas as well as a longer ending. I won't give away spoilers, but I would have preferred a little more resolution between Emmeline and her parents, as well as a hint of the future some characters would have.

Overall, I think middle-grade readers will enjoy both books in this series--the pace is quick, the worldbuilding is intriguing, and the characters are engaging.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nancy.
Author 9 books46 followers
September 4, 2019
Emmeline (a shadow weaver) and best friend Lucas (a light singer) are hunted while searching for Lucas’ missing parents and talent allies to fight evil Lady Aisling, who kidnaps magical children of all sorts to plant in her dying Garden of Souls where she feasts on their powers. Using a sky shaker, Lady Aisling makes the Cerelia Comet appear twelve years early to produce more talents—and misaligns the heavens, which must be set right before destruction hits. More complications arise as Emmeline and Lucas race to save their world. Readers may want to revisit the first book in this duology, Shadow Weaver (2018), to fully appreciate this companion book.
Profile Image for jess  (bibliophilicjester).
928 reviews15 followers
April 8, 2020
2.75 stars

This duology was fun but slightly creepy?! In a good way. I wasn't a fan of how they kept the sort of morally gray character in a literal cage, then kept talking about controlling her. It paralleled what lady aisling was doing, but it was never directly stated or corrected. Some bits felt messy and repetitive, but I read middle grade for the adventure!! Def not for the exceptional grammar or plot structure, lol. I think kids would have a lot of fun with this duology, as long as they won't get scared by things like mind control or shadow ropes. I also saw at the end of this book there's going to be a Simone duology?! Def interested. She was delightfully creepy.
Profile Image for Katie.
741 reviews
November 3, 2020
Book two in this MG fantasy read aloud for my girls (ages 9 & 11). We all enjoyed the second half of this story, though the return of the comet was less urgent and central than I thought it would be. Lots of new characters are introduced and the action clips along pretty quickly, so it's hard to get attached to any one person. IMO...and there is still too much shuddering all around (or trembling or shivering) but luckily they find just who they need and save the world while also showing compassion. A clean, suspenseful, not *too* scary book.
Profile Image for Kristen.
543 reviews
July 7, 2021
This is a great sequel to Shadow Weaver, culminating in a tense engaging battle of good vs. evil. I loved how the author describes the ways the children use their talents and work together to defeat the Lady. I also love the problem-solving elements in this book. I think it is very empowering for young readers to read about characters that can solve problems, be resilient, and to trust their gut and their instincts. It’s also a great book about friendship and forgiveness. I would absolutely recommend reading this duology back to back.
111 reviews
February 15, 2023
Didn't enjoy this as much as the first. Many small plot points, which I'm sure would be obvious to children, were explained in tedious detail, instead of trusting the reader to be able to connect the dots. It was repetitive in places, especially in regards to Emmaline and her shadows. Emmaline's voice annoyed me alot more in this book; coming across as unlikeable, especially as she kept referring to Dar as her former friend and couldn't be trusted. I kept hoping Dar would tire of her...I know I did.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
Author 35 books5 followers
January 24, 2020
Emmaline is safe from Lady Aisling for now, living with Lucas and his family with Dar still in captivity. But Lady Aisling has found a sky shaker, and brought the comet that bestows magical gifts back early, thus throwing the planets off. Lots of danger and adventure, new friends and abilities. An imaginative and engaging end to the duology.
4 reviews
January 24, 2020
Okay so I know this is a middle grade book but I absolutely LOVE MarcyKate Connolly. I have loved all four of her books that I have read and despite them being for a younger audience, I will continue to read them. I am so excited to read Hollow dolls beacuse I was so curious about simone and the others. AAAAHhhh I love it <3
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

