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The Worthingtons #3

It Started with a Kiss

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What is a young Worthington woman to do when the man of her dreams is not who she thinks he is?

This season, all eyes are on the Earl of Worthington’s spirited, beautiful sister, Lady Louisa Vivers. Many gentlemen are vying for her attention in and around the ton. Yet, Louisa longs for someone who can take her beyond the ballroom—a man who is worldly, adventurous, and passionate. She won’t settle for just any suitor. She wants her true soul mate—and she’ll know him when she sees him.

Is Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell, him? The moment he and Louisa meet, they share a powerful attraction. Rides at sunrise and waltzes at dusk follow. Finally, Gideon can no longer resist the urge to embrace her, and Louisa is sure he will ask for her hand. But Gideon believes he is in no position to marry. The Rothwell estate has gone bankrupt, a scandal simmers in its wake, and he has nothing left to offer. Now, he must decide if he will let pride stand in the way of true love—or if he will risk everything, and let the lady decide for herself…

356 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 28, 2017

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About the author

Ella Quinn

50 books2,235 followers
USA Today bestselling author Ella Quinn’s studies and other jobs have always been on the serious side (political science professor and lawyer). Reading historical romances, especially Regencies, were her escape. Eventually her love of historical novels led her to start writing them.

She is married to her wonderful husband of over thirty years. They have a son and two beautiful granddaughters, and a Great Dane named Lilibet. After living in the South Pacific, Central America, North Africa, England and Europe, she and her husband decided to make their dreams come true lived on sailboat for three years. After cruising the Caribbean and North America, she completed a transatlantic crossing from St. Martin to Southern Europe. She's currently living in Germany, happily writing while her husband is back at work, recovering from retirement.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,899 reviews16 followers
March 28, 2017
It Started with a Kiss 'It Started with a Kiss' by Ella Quinn is book Three in the "The Worthingtons" series.  This is the story of Louisa and Gideon.   I have read and enjoyed the previous books but if you choose this can be a standalone book.  Louisa is the sister to Matt who was the main male character in book One "Three Weeks to Wed".  So it was nice catching up with them in this book.  Louisa knows Gideon is the one for her almost from the start when she passed him by when she was out riding in the early mornings.  Louisa runs into Gideon again at her family home when she finds out that he is her brother's friend. Gideon is taken with Louisa from the start too but knows that nothing can come of it because his inherited Estes are left penniless after his father was pretty much taken advantage up by a women. Gideon cousin who he is close to informs him that he wants Louisa for his own and just wants his help in the matter.  Gideon at first thinks this is a good ideal but it gets harder to stick with helping him.  Louisa has already started looking for someone else for the cousin so she isn't having any of that and wants Gideon only.  This was another great read by Ms. Quinn!  Ms. Quinn is one of my favorite authors so this was a dream to read!  "My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."
Profile Image for AnnMarie.
1,229 reviews34 followers
March 30, 2017
It Started with a Kiss is the third book in The Worthingtons series by Ella Quinn. It can easily be read as a stand alone book. Though if you haven't read the first books in the series, I am sure you will want to by the time you finish this one! Fortunately I had already read the others, so that made this one even more special because it was lovely catching up with characters from the first stories.

Lady Louisa Vivers is the Earl of Worthington's sister. She is young, beautiful and comes with a handsome dowry. Many a man of the 'Ton' are hoping to catch her eye with the hopes of marriage. Louisa won't accept just any man though, she is looking for her soul mate, and she won't settle for less. An early morning ride brings her into contact with somebody who could be that very man.

Gideon is the new Duke of Rothwell. His father managed to practically run their estate into the ground and has left behind him numerous huge unpaid debts, not to mention a mistress who he has lavished with property, horses and gifts. Gideon has got to do his best to sort out the mess and stop the estate from going into bankruptcy. When he first sets eyes on Lousia it is love at first sight, and he also can't get over the beautiful colour of her eyes, a lapis blue. When he visits the Earl of Worthington he is stunned to discover that the woman he glanced at whilst riding, is in fact the Earl's sister.

There is such a pull of attraction between them that he can't help but spend some time with her, and the more time they spend together, the more they both find themselves falling harder for each other. Unfortunately Gideon knows he shouldn't be courting Louisa because he can't offer for her until he sorts out his father's mess. He also wouldn't want to offer for her when everybody might think it would be just for her dowry. He doesn't want her money, he won't touch it, but he very much wants to touch her, no matter how wrong it is.

Can their relationship flourish when there are so many reasons why it shouldn't and when Louisa knows that Gideon is keeping secrets from her? Can they keep away from each other? And what about the mess that Gideon is having to sort out, especially his late father's very unhappy mistress? Can he manage it in time to offer for Louisa or will somebody else ask for her hand first. Somebody like his cousin who wanted Gideon's help to woo her, something he didn't realise until after he himself had met her, spent time with her, and fallen in love with her.

I loved this book, I love this series, I love the Worthingon family. This book, just like the others had a beautiful romance develop, but also some danger that could lead to one of the characters' death. Drama, passion, romance, family rifts, family love, and perhaps a marriage, but whose?? This book has it all, and I loved every minute of it. I remember when I reviewed the first book I mentioned that I thought that the two large families joining together with so many children was made too easy, with them all getting on better than could ever have happened. The more I read about those children the more I realise that it wasn't an unrealistic idea from the author, and that the family truly are a wonderful collection of young people who for the most part get on like a dream, and I love reading about them. If you haven't read the first books, you should, then you will understand what I mean about the two families merging! For now though, I hope my review will at least make you decide to read this book because it really is a 5 star read!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers' copy of this book.
Profile Image for Alison.
3,444 reviews132 followers
April 24, 2017
DNF at 18%.

Normally I love an historical novel but I just could not get into this one.

Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell, has returned to England after his father's death only to discover that the estate has been badly mismanaged and there will need to be a period of extreme penny-pinching. The last thing Gideon can afford to do is to make a marriage offer for a decent young lady.

Lady Louise Vivers is the younger sister of Gideon's friend Matt Worthington. She is a free-spirited young lady, riding her horse alone in the early morning in Hyde Park. Gideon spots her and is entranced by her looks and her riding. He is dismayed to find that she is the sister of his best friend, especially since he has just confessed to his friend that he could only afford to marry a fabulous heiress!

As the plot unfolds it appears that Gideon's father had gone slightly senile, taken a mistress and squandered money on clothes, jewels, houses and horses for her. Desperate to recoup some of the money Gideon starts to ask questions and it soon appears that the mistress may have been deliberately fleecing his father.

Not having read the preceding novels I have to confess I was a little in the dark about Louise's brother Matt and the numerous children/ cousins who seem to live with them which didn't help me with this novel.

Overall, and I appreciate I didn't read very much of the book, Gideon struck me as a bit of a prig. He couldn't even speak to his friend and tell him that he had feelings for his younger sister (there were a lot of male pronouns there but I think you get the gist), just decided to suffer in silence although he also made plans to meet Louise which is hardly the actions of an honourable man trying to avoid temptation. Louise on the other hand struck me as someone who was gearing up to be TSTL. Would a young lady of the ton really go riding alone very early in the morning in Hyde Park?

I didn't warm to the main characters and gave up at 18%.

I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tracy Emro.
1,956 reviews55 followers
February 26, 2017
*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. It was a little slow at the beginning but it picked up the pace around the halfway point and then it was a sprint to the finish.

Louisa and Gideon have an instant attraction, but unfortunately Gideon is not in a position to court her at this time. Louisa is sure that Gideon is the "one" and won't give up her chance at happiness.

Gideon has many problems. He has just returned from Canada to find that his father has passed and has left the dukedom in disarray. His father suffered from dementia and left his family and reverted to his wild youth - gambling and keeping a greedy mistress. Gideon is working to reverse the damage but he conceals his father's actions from Louisa. He begins to believe that he can have a future with Louisa and then his cousin Bentley drops a bombshell on him.

Bentley believes he is in love with Louisa and wants Gideon to help him woo her. Gideon loves his cousin and as much as he wants Louisa, he feels she would be better with Bentley. When Louisa hears this she is having none of it. She wants Gideon and Bentley will never do for her.

I found Louisa to be an incredibly resourceful woman. She is perfect for Gideon - too bad he has too much pride to accept her help.

When these two ended up engaged and Louisa realizes the extend of Gideon's financial problems, she offers to release him. But Gideon can't let her go and even though he won't tell her about the problems his father has caused, he is sure he can make this marriage work.

The poor delusional man! Gideon and Louisa have a lot to overcome before they finally get their HEA - but what a ride!

I would definitely recommend this book and I think this book could be read as a stand alone title even though it is part of a series. It is well written, has some steamy scenes, great secondary characters and a great ending.
Profile Image for Bambi Unbridled.
1,286 reviews138 followers
March 18, 2017

The ginormous Worthington family is back in this third installment of the series, with a strong-willed young heroine and a prideful hero in a refreshing love at first sight scenario. While I don't believe its absolutely necessary to read the earlier books... I would recommend reading at least the first book, Three Weeks to Wed, to get the background on the very large blended family of eleven!!! children. Grace and Matt (the children's guardians) showed that romance was possible even when responsibility is weighing you down.

In It Started with a Kiss, Matt Worthington's friend Gideon has come back to town following the death of his father. Unfortunately for Gideon, he comes home from Canada to a duchy in financial straights due to the strange and flighty behavior of his late father. Therefore it's Gideon's first priority to revive the duchy and reorder things his father left in disarray... and between gambling debts and a spendthrift young mistress, he has his work cut out for him. He definitely was not in the market for a wife, but he was doomed as soon as he saw our young heroine charging through Hyde Park on her early morning ride with a great beast (Great Dane) in tow. Gideon was an honorable hero and he really wanted to protect all the women in his life and fix things with the duchy before anyone found out how far his father had fallen. I could not fault him for his actions, and I didn't even get mad when he wasn't forthcoming with our heroine regarding his troubles.

Louisa Worthington is the eldest sister of the large family, and she is a very self-assured and headstrong young woman. She's in the midst of her first season when she spies Gideon, and decides that he is the one for her. There's just one problem, his dithering cousin (an omega male for sure) fancies himself in love with Louisa. Being a resourceful young lady, Louisa puts a plan in place to set all to rights and pave the way for her and Gideon to have their happily ever after. I liked Louisa, she was not a dishwater miss, nor was she overly focused on the marriage mart. Rather, she was mature for her age and she knew her own mind and what she wanted from life - things I definitely like to see in a heroine.

As I said above, these characters knew right from the start that they were destined for one another. I found their early commitment to one another refreshing. I enjoyed that we didn't spend the majority of the story playing games or hard to get, but instead they worked on building their relationship and worked (somewhat) together toward a common goal. While Gideon did not confide all in Louisa, it was not due to a lack of trust... but because he knew she was so capable that she would want to tackle his problems, and he was determined to find a resolution himself to both protect her and provide for her. I thought it was sweet, even if he had to learn a lesson regarding communication.

I found the plot conflict to be interesting and would have liked to see a little more of it. I think there was room to showcase the former mistress, Mrs. Petrie, as a bigger antagonist. I liked the portions where we got her POV, and I thought her machinations were an interesting aspect of the story. I preferred this part of the story over the conflict regarding the gambling debts.

I recommend this story to fans of historical romance who are looking for a sweet and light-hearted story. The Worthington family is endearing, and I think we will have a number of engaging heroines in this series. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from the publisher, Kensington/Zebra.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
August 10, 2019
It Started with a Kiss is the third book in Ella Quinn's Worthingtons series and this time it is Matt's oldest sister, Louisa, who gets her happily ever after. It may be Louisa's first season but she's had plenty of interested suitors, it's just that none of them caught her attention until she met Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell. Gideon only recently returned home after years spent living overseas, while he was gone his father managed to run their estate into the ground and now it's up to Gideon to sort things out, something that is far more complicated than he could have realised. The last thing he is looking for is a wife but meeting Louisa makes him wish his circumstances were different.

Poor Gideon has really been left a mess to deal with by his late father but as we learned more about the circumstances it was hard not to feel sorry for the old man no matter how much trouble he had caused. Gideon blames himself for being out of the country when his family needed him and now he's determined to set things right and recoup as much of his farther's losses as possible. Although he knows he's not the best marriage prospect at the moment he finds Louisa impossible to resist. People could think he's only interested in her for her money but he goes to great lengths to protect her interests and make sure he is able to sort out his financial issues on his own which just made me like him even more. They were really cute together, Louisa knows exactly what she wants and there is nothing that will stop her from claiming her man now that she's finally found him.

This was another great instalment to the Worthingtons series, these books are all light and really fun to read with sweet romances and just a hint of danger from outside sources. The couples all tend to fall for each other pretty quickly but for some reason that never bothers me and I always enjoy watching their courtships. Of course it's always nice to spend time with the rest of the family too and catch up with previous couples from the series. I also love the friendship between Louisa and Charlotte so I'm glad her book is up next.
Profile Image for Debra Martin.
Author 25 books251 followers
March 8, 2017
Having read the other two books in the Worthington series, I was so pleased to see that Ms. Quinn has stepped up her game with this book. Lady Louisa Vivers is a strong-willed young woman determined to marry for love. When her eye catches sight of Duke Gideon Rothwell, she knows he's the man for her. Rothwell would like nothing better than to marry for love, but first he must clean up the mess left by his father who unfortunately suffered from dementia in his last years. With Rothwell in Canada, the old duke was bilked out of a fortune especially by his former mistress, Mrs. Petrie. With the estate in serious financial straits, it was up to Rothwell to try and get some of the money back. However, his resolve not to marry until the estate is financially stable again dissolves into the air when he meets Louisa.

Ms. Quinn is a talented author and I was happy to see that she kept the tension up throughout the book. I had found with her previous books in the series, that the situation to overcome was too quickly resolved in a few paragraphs. That is not the case with this story. Louisa is a fantastic character-definitely not the "usual" well-bred lady. I loved seeing that. She knew what she wanted and had no problems going after it. Rothwell's pride nearly cost him everything. Would he learn to trust the woman he loved or would he be stubborn and lose her?

This story was delightful and fans of Regency romance will enjoy it. Recommended.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,890 reviews90 followers
March 28, 2017
finding true love!

Lady Louise Vivers, the Earl of Worthington's sister, is wonderful. Intelligent, opinionated and compassionate, and wanting true love like her siblings. A woman who knows her own mind. And her mind is set on her brother's friend, Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell. Their first sighting of each other is galloping down Hyde Park in the early morning mists. Louise accompanied by a massive dog seemingly straight out of the Hound of Baskervilles. (Ok, I'm mixing up my timelines for the sake of an adequate descriptor!)
On inheriting his title, Gideon has found his estates in disarray with scandal nipping at his heels, and is doing all he can to bring things around. That's not all, his father has acted strangely just before his death, running up debts and setting up a mistress. Unfathomable behaviour that has Gideon appalled and yet his mother seems strangely detached and forgiving.
He's determined that marrying a rich heiress is not going to be his way. He loves Louise but is unable to share his shame. Louise wants someone who will share all with her, who will let her into their life.
I must admit that I found Gideon somewhat stubborn and obtuse, stymied by his pride. Louise really has a struggle with how to respond to his lack of full communication. However all comes good.
As always I found Quinn's author's note illuminating with regards to to the situation Gideon found himself in and the practices of the times.

A NetGalley ARC
Profile Image for Anna.
Author 53 books213 followers
March 20, 2017
I enjoyed this very amusing Regency. Ella Quinn's writing is fun and her characters are lively. She develops the characters so well, that if you met them, I think you would feel you knew them as friends. This Worthington series promises to be one of my favorites.

His Grace, Lord Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell returns from Canada to find his father had died, and the estate had been allowed to fall into disrepair and was in financial straights. Too much of a gentleman to even consider marrying for the sake of gaining an endowment, he decides not to marry until his estate is in good repair and financially sound. But he has to find out what caused his normally prudent father to allow his estate to find its way to such a level of ruin. His investigation absorbs him, as he pours over books and meets with others who knew his father.

Responding to his cousin's note asking him to come to town to help him, Gideon takes some time off. During a quick ride through Hyde Park, he sees a vivacious woman riding her mount - her cares cast to the wind. He is filled with desire to know and have her, and immediate conflict because of his estate. The woman, Lady Louisa Vivers, is equally intrigued with the handsome man who catches her eye that morning while she rode her horse through the park. But opportunity doesn't present itself, and the two pass and don't speak.

Less than an hour later, while visiting his friend Matt, the Earl of Worthington, the door to the study bursts open and in walks the woman from the park. Gideon discovers that the woman is none other than the earl's own sister. He curses his luck that he cannot be a serious contender for her hand at this time. However, the two don't let the opportunity pass. Lady Louisa asks if he will be attending the ball that evening. He plans to meet his cousin there, and they agree to a dance. Gideon realizes that this could become painful, as he has sworn not to pursue a wife at this time.

The dance becomes the jumping point for a romance that might lead no where. Gideon, already on the trail to what happened to his father's money, discovers links that place them both in danger. The danger is not so easily abated.

As their relationship continues, Gideon begins to stall things due to his lack of progress with the estate, rather than bringing Lady Louisa in on his problems and explaining the reasons for his inability to move forward. That creates more problems, as you will see if you read the book.

The only negative I found was the amount of story spent on the inability for Gideon to make a decision on Lady Louisa. I found this indecision slightly excessive and it wore the excitement of storyline down a little. However, loving the characters, I couldn't put the book away, even for the evening. I finished it at 3 am!

If you haven't met the Worthington, that's okay. This book is a good introduction. Once you read it, you will want to go back and read the other stories. Ella Quinn impresses the reader with her thorough knowledge of the era, and her consummate attention to story details.

I enjoyed Lady Louisa and His Grace's story and am on to the next! Four and a half stars for this!

I received this arc from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Brenda.
3,128 reviews38 followers
March 21, 2017
Publisher's Description:

What is a young Worthington woman to do when the man of her dreams is not who she thinks he is?

This season, all eyes are on the Earl of Worthington’s spirited, beautiful sister, Lady Louisa Vivers. Many gentlemen are vying for her attention in and around the ton. Yet, Louisa longs for someone who can take her beyond the ballroom—a man who is worldly, adventurous, and passionate. She won’t settle for just any suitor. She wants her true soul mate—and she’ll know him when she sees him.

Is Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell, him? The moment he and Louisa meet, they share a powerful attraction. Rides at sunrise and waltzes at dusk follow. Finally, Gideon can no longer resist the urge to embrace her, and Louisa is sure he will ask for her hand. But Gideon believes he is in no position to marry. The Rothwell estate has gone bankrupt, a scandal simmers in its wake, and he has nothing left to offer. Now, he must decide if he will let pride stand in the way of true love—or if he will risk everything, and let the lady decide for herself…

Praise for The Worthingtons series

“A classic Regency romp! Perfect for fans of Grace Burrowes.” --Caroline Linden, USA Today bestselling author on When a Marquis Chooses a Bride

“Three Weeks to Wed is a delightfully heartwarming escape into the sparkling world of the Regency. Ella Quinn weaves magic.” --Cathy Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author

My Thoughts:

I have loved all of the books I have read in this series. There is always the obligatory addition of children, dogs and antics.
Gideon, our hero has come home after an extended trip to Canada. His father has died and left the estate in complete disarray. He seems to have given carte blanc spending to a mistress.
Louisa is the sister of his friend but Gideon isn't aware of the relationship when he first sees her on a ride in the park. They immediately feel an attraction for each other but due to his father's careless ways just before his death he is not in position to seek a bride.
Will these two be able to find their Happily Ever After with each other in spite of Gideon's financial problems? Will he come clean about the situation to Louisa?
As usual in this series there is both a serious storyline and a comical nature involved.
I gave this book 4.25 of 5 stars for storyline and characterization and a sensuality rating of 3.75 of 5 flames.
I received an invitation to read a complimentary digital ARC of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affected my opinion and I have voluntarily reviewed this title.
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,009 reviews32 followers
May 4, 2017

Book Three of Ella Quinn's The Worthington's series but can easy be read apart from the others. Ella Quinn has a way with words it's a quick read and has all the charm and romance of her other books that makes her so enjoyable to read. I loved the first book. There is a large cast of characters on Louisa's side of the family and it's easy to get lost if you allow yourself to get distracted by them really the only thing you need to focus on is Louisa and Gideon but if you can't then read the first book it is so worth it.

The romance was pretty easy between Gideon and Louisa. It was love at first sight and Louisa knew pretty much from the start that Gideon was going to be the man she wanted to marry. The main conflict has purely to do with male pride and Gideon not feeling worthy of Louisa because the state his father left the estate in, which was a wreck. Gideon flat out refused to pay any of his father's gambling debts, and even gave his father's mistress plenty of time to vacate the townhouse she occupied. He also send out word to all the pawn shops that if any of the items on the list were to show up that they were stolen property and to be confiscated and returned. Gideon had his solicitor earning his wages with all things Gideon was trying to fix. But people don't take the hint, people are threatening Gideon, and his father's mistress isn't going to let go so easily. All the while he was hiding this from Louisa.

Conflict number two, Louisa is pretty much the bell of the ball and even with all the suitor she could choose from she just wants Gideon, unfortunately his cousin called Gideon to London to help him persuade Louisa to marry him, but Gideon had already met and fallen in love with Louisa. Gideon loves his cousin and tries to do things Louisa's way by showing him their is someone better for him. To add to the all the crap Gideon has to deal with with his father's vowels, someone tries to blackmail Gideon into marrying his daughter but when Gideon is faced with the girl Louisa speak up and claims she is already engaged to Louisa which his cousin overhears and throws a tantrum. Gideon needs to learn it's ok to ask for help and that Louisa is much stronger than he thinks.

Overall, I really liked this book. It was fun and I loved the characters, the whole family is great and loveable I can't wait for their books.
March 26, 2017
And what a kiss it was!

I loved this book! I'm not very well-read in terms of historical romances in this setting, but I felt Ella did a fantastic job at keeping everything from the description to the vernacular authentic.

While Louisa and Gideon fell fast and hard, I enjoyed reading how they still had to maintain propriety and keep their distance...until that one kiss changed absolutely everything in a BIG way!

The story flowed beautifully. What I particularly enjoyed was once I thought a problem had been resolved, another one popped up. I was absolutely riveted and needed to know how the whole story was resolved and how Louisa would find out Gideon's secret and what she would do about it!

I met a lot of characters from previous (and hopefully future) stories, and I loved each of them. I especially appreciated the understanding of Louisa's immediate family when it came to her relationship with Gideon.

All in all, this was a very well-done romance, and I can't wait to read more books by Ella!

(I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)
Profile Image for Lynne Tull.
1,465 reviews50 followers
August 30, 2017
There is a story somewhere in this book. However, there was so much filler that it was hard to find. I think Ms. Quinn gets an award for 'Best Stretched Out Story' in 2017. In the beginning I was interested in the possibilities of the romance story and the mystery story. However, I lost the thread because I had to wade through a lot of superfluous fluff. The end was so rushed that I couldn't enjoy the 'happy ever after'. Here's my scenario: author takes a perfectly good story to the publisher. They tell her that if she adds a few more pages they think the reader will buy more copies. Author goes back and fills in the blanks. This is probably untrue, but I do not know why either the author or the publisher thinks the reader wants to read every little move that is made by the H/H. I do not. Of course, there is another story coming in this series and I want to know how Charlotte finds her soul mate. I will be reading it.
Profile Image for Elaine.
3,659 reviews89 followers
May 21, 2018
Wow, I adore this story with Louisa and Gideon. Love the front cover - delish!
Profile Image for Janet.
4,564 reviews49 followers
March 17, 2017
This season, all eyes are on the Earl of Worthington’s spirited, beautiful sister, Lady Louisa Vivers. Many gentlemen are vying for her attention in and around the ton. Yet, Louisa longs for someone who can take her beyond the ballroom, a man who is worldly, adventurous, and passionate. She won’t settle for just any suitor. She wants her true soul mate. Is Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell, him?
Gideon has recently returned from Canada & has found that his father suffered from dementia in his final years & by his actions nearly bankrupted the dukedom. The moment he and Louisa meet whilst on an early morning ride in the park, they share a powerful attraction. Rides at sunrise and waltzes at dusk follow. Finally, Gideon can no longer resist the urge to embrace her, and they kiss only for them to be found by a young lady whose father is trying to marry her to Gideon. Louisa takes matters into her own hands & says they are betrothed.
Another well written, page turning book by the author. Louisa is strong willed & delightful. Gideon is everything you want in a hero, handsome & caring but his pride & wanting to keep Louisa from knowing about Mrs Petrie had me wanting to shake him. He was advised by his mother & Matt to tell Louisa everything but he wanted to deal with everything himself & it nearly cost him dearly. Bentley & Oriana are also destined to be together & I hope Charlotte sees more of a certain Marquis. This book could well be a standalone book but I’d recommend reading the whole series. I’ve read a few of the author’s books & she is now on my list of authors whose books are a must read

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of these books
Profile Image for Alloverthebooks ✎.
395 reviews36 followers
July 16, 2022
Je me suis très clairement ennuyée dans cette lecture. Si le résumé me donnait envie de me plonger dans cette romance historique, la réalité de ma lecture en a été toute autre. En effet, le début est très lent. Cependant, les personnages semblent être tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre grâce à un coup de foudre. Je ne suis pas forcément fan de ces évènements dans les romances que je lis, mais pourquoi pas, après tout ? Mais le problème est que les personnages n'ont pas eu plus de conversations que cela. Tout se résume à une ou deux valses. Les deux protagonistes se disent alors amoureux, cela n'a pas de sens, ou alors, les évènements sont extrêmement mal relatés. Il en va de même pour la suite de leur relation, qui évolue bien entendu.
La seconde intrigue, quant à elle, un peu plus de substance, fort heureusement, j'ai envie de dire. On découvre pourquoi et comment le père de notre duc a dilapidé sa fortune. Nous allons donc suivre le duc actuel dans sa quête de fortune et voir comment il gère les choses.
Somme toute, la plume est fluide, mais l'histoire en elle-même ne donne pas envie. Je ne peux donc pas vous la recommander.
Profile Image for Marti.
3,092 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2017
It Started With a Kiss is the newest and third book in the series The Worthington by Ella Quinn. The family is HUGE and there are so many friends and family, that I hope the series will just continue. It is an historical romance starting with the opening of “the season” for the ton. Lady Louisa Vivers is having her season in London. Her brother the Earl of Worthington just wants her to be happy. She wants her soul mate. The person who catches her attention is the Duke of Rothwell and she is sure he is the one!

Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell has to save his estate and deal with the huge scandals that could erupt from his father’s last years. He too has fallen for the lovely Louisa, but he truly believes that he cannot offer for her until his finances are recouped. However, things don’t go as planned and they are suddenly engaged and Gideon’s plan has not been completed. Secrets … they compound everything and could cause all hope to collapse?

It Started With a Kiss by Ella Quinn is another great addition to the historical romance genre. I love the Worthington Family and all the various brothers and sisters.
Profile Image for Connie.
2,261 reviews62 followers
March 28, 2017
London - 1815

Gideon, Duke of Rothwell, is riding in Hyde Park early one morning when a woman rider accompanied by a huge dog, roars past him. A glance at her beautiful eyes has truly intrigued him.

Gideon had been living in Canada, but returned to England upon the recent death of his father. He has also discovered the family finances are in a mess and is working to restore the family’s money. What happened that the family’s holdings had been reduced so drastically? No one at Rothwell Abbey seems to know why. Even though Gideon’s mother is not saying anything, he soon learns that his father has been gambling heavily and spending enormous amounts of money on a woman named Mrs. Petrie. The woman was with his father when he died.

Lady Louisa Viviers is visiting her friend, Lady Charlotte Carpenter, whose sister, Grace, has married Louisa’a brother, Matt Worthington, giving them a total of 11 siblings they are guardians for.

Louisa is remembering the handsome man she rode by in the park this morning. Gideon is visiting his friend, Matt Worthington, asking for advice on newer methods to help put his holdings back in shape and increase his finances. When Louisa drops by to see Matt, both she and Gideon are surprised and pleased to see each other again and to be introduced to one another.

The Duchess of Stillwell and her granddaughter, Miss Oriana Blackacre, have arrived in London for Oriana’s come-out. She and Louisa immediately become friends. Louisa is hoping to introduce Oriana to Bentley, a man who would like to court Louisa but he does not appeal to her because she is quite taken with Gideon. It turns out that Gideon and Bentley are cousins and when Gideon learns that Bentley wants to marry Louisa, he feels he should back away from courting her. Ah, but true love wins out and Gideon and Louisa decide to marry.

But there is danger ahead that could make a problem for their lives ahead.

Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Vikki Vaught.
Author 11 books158 followers
April 20, 2017
This is a nice addition to The Worthingtons series. I enjoyed It Started with a Kiss quite a lot. My only issue was the hero's pig-headedness in not telling Louisa what was going on concerning his father. This book is well-written with great pacing. It kept me involved from start to finish. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,489 reviews85 followers
August 12, 2021
Il terzo episodio della serie, seppur con un intrigo alla base, mi ha convinto meno.
Dopo un conte e un marchese, qui arriva il duca. Gideon, grande amico di Matt, eredita possedimenti in rovina. Il padre era un giocatore d'azzardo e in più soffriva di demenza senile, per cui era facilmente raggirabile.
Pur amando lady Louisa, la sorella di Matt, è troppo orgoglioso per rivelarle la verità (e onestamente non mi pareva chissà che scandalo, visti i tanti nobili che dilapidavano i patrimoni secolari), per cui imbastisce un giro di bugie in cui si ritrova invischiato.
Insomma, lui non mi è piaciuto. Troppo opaco per risultare perdonabile.
Profile Image for Erin Kelly.
163 reviews22 followers
September 4, 2017
The instalove made it a little difficult for me to want to stick around to find out how it would all work out, but it definitely picked up and was a satisfying (if not mind-blowing) read. I especially liked the heroine and how she was determined to think for herself.
7 reviews
April 8, 2021
Boring characters + baseless instalove + little tension + appalling sex worker shaming = 1 star.
Profile Image for Krystal.
1,227 reviews31 followers
March 11, 2017
This was a charming read! I have loved the Worthington family since the first book featuring them, and I am pleased to say that these books just keep getting better and better! If you haven't yet been introduced to this family, you needn't worry, this story can be read as a stand alone. You do not need to have read the others in order to enjoy this one. I found Louisa to be a very strong-willed character who knows her own mind and heart very well, which made her one of the most endearing characters I have read about in awhile.

I loved the build-up within this story. From Gideon and Louisa trying to ignore their feelings for one another, to the scandal that is lurking just beyond the shadows, everything was perfectly blended into a truly enthralling story that builds up to a very pleasing conclusion.

Overall, I am sure this story will still appeal to those who enjoy a well written historical romance.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
Profile Image for Kathy Brickert.
3,036 reviews11 followers
March 19, 2019
Wonderful story

A great addition to the series! I love each new addition! Me Quinn is becoming one of my favorite authors! Great read!
Profile Image for Jo .
2,665 reviews66 followers
March 13, 2017
Lady Louisa Vivers is strong, knows her own mind and is ready to help the man she falls in love with. Gideon, the Duke of Rothwell falls for Louisa but has some troubles he does not want to share. I could see the train wreck approaching but did not see when or where. Secrets have a way of coming out in the worse possible way and Gideon learns that lesson the hard way. Both Louisa and Gideon were great characters and the rest of the Worthingtons played an important part in the story line. A nice addition to the series.
Profile Image for Terre J.
463 reviews
March 11, 2017
I like this author, I like this series, so I liked this book. Though it started a little slow, it improved as I proceeded through. The H and h are both quite likeable, and very good together, but the story that proceeds around the romance is just not as good as others. The romance is quite passionate and their attraction to one another electric, but the threats to the Duke are not compelling until the very end. And his failure to share his burden just makes no sense, but such is the regency romance plot line. The HEA is rewarding and I look forward to the next book.
409 reviews2 followers
March 10, 2018
Lady Louisa Vivers is excited to participate in her first season, if only she could get rid of the attentions of love sick puppy Boswell, who fancies her for a wife. Everyone knows she is too strong headed and his tendency to dither makes them ill suited. On top of that dilemma, she thinks she is falling in love with Gideon Rothwell, a newly titled duke. Even while wearing gloves there is an undeniable spark of electricity when he touches her hand. He feels it too, but there is no way he can marry. His recently departed father who suffered from dementia has left their finances in ruins, first with gambling debts and then with an expensive mistress who continues to line her coffers with a forged writ of purchase. Yet, Gideon can't help himself and after exchanging some passionate kisses on a terrace at a ball, Louisa announces their betrothal. Not what Gideon had in mind, but what else would such an innocent infer from his improper advances. Anyway, marriage doesn't seem like such a bad option. He's in love and wants his sweetheart in his bed. If he had his way they'd be married right away, but waiting two weeks for Louisa's mother to arrive from out of town seems doable. Yet the scheming man has several ideas of some lustful activities before the nuptials, if they can ever be left unchaperoned, a difficult feat with such a large family keeping watch. Then there's his close friend Matt, the Earl of Worthington, whose eagle eye is on the outlook to protect the reputation of his younger sister. Luckily Gideon's mom heartily approves and even provides them with the opportunity for some "alone time".

However, not all is smooth sailing in It Started With a Kiss, Book Three of the Worthington Regency Romance Series by Ella Quinn. There are some people out there who don't like the way Gideon is handling his father's debt and vow revenge. Gideon, mistakenly tries to keep the sordid details a secret from his bride to be, but the forceful Louisa expects honestly and wants an equal marriage sharing the good with the bad. How she will react to these omissions is an issue that just might put a crimp in their relationship. Despite everyone's advice, Gideon stubbornly sticks to his plan unwittingly putting everyone he loves in danger.

On the plus side is a continuation of the lives of the characters from both the Worthingtons and the Marriage Game series. Matt Worthington and Gideon are school chums along with Marcus Finley and Sebastian Rutherford who both were married about a year (to Phoebe and Anna) prior to the start of this tale. Even Kit Featherton, nicknamed Mr Perfect, makes an brief appearance, dancing with a neglected debutante at his mother's ball. Via all the previous novels, the reader is familiar with numerous members of The Ton, including their past and future endeavors.

Unfortunately, this one just made me work too hard. It would have made a great novella, but there was so much repetition that it dragged as a full length book. While the ending picked up, there was a vast middle which seemed endless. After awhile Gideon's stubbornness and Louisa's obsessions were annoyingly over the top. Despite a couple of witty back and forth repartees, most of the conversation was mundane, and the sex scenes were kind of placid, not the passionate encounters found in most of the other narratives. There just was not enough plot to carry the day. Three stars is generous.

A thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Books for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This review also appears on my blog, Gotta Read.
Profile Image for Nelle Nazario.
848 reviews59 followers
April 9, 2017
Love at first sight, even if inconvenient, is delicious!
We come back to the Worthington series with Louisa falling instantly for Gideon, who is a newly appointed Duke.

Louisa is a woman who knows her own mind, knows what she wants and that she will only marry her soul mate. She's so damn fun!

Gideon is an honourable person and thinks himself not worthy of her.

Loved the drama of this story, loved coming back to this wonderfully mixed family!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 133 reviews

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