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192 pages, Paperback

First published January 22, 2016

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Makoto Yukimura

152 books510 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews
Profile Image for Hamna.
64 reviews51 followers
July 17, 2023
One of my favorite volumes so far
Profile Image for Subham.
2,989 reviews83 followers
April 14, 2021
What a volume this was! We pick up with Hild and her desire for revenge from Thorfinn for what he did in the past and the tension between them and we elarn her backstory and what transpired after Thorfinn made her that way, her training and meeting her master, the bear hunts and the final encounter and the battle is just amazing! Its super bloody for sure but wow the arguments of killing for revenge and does it really bring peace is again brought here but she remembers her father and master's word and then what she does to thorfinn later is interesting. The concept of vinland is super amazing and makes you question so many philosophical things. Its one of the best mangas easily and the themes of redemption is super at the core of this book and the art is too clean, its like BlurayHD almost in some places!
Profile Image for Ali.
222 reviews37 followers
November 13, 2021
Vinland Saga Volume 17

من شکارچی‌ام
و تو شکارم هستی
تمام داستان همینه و بس
Profile Image for Christina Pilkington.
1,733 reviews225 followers
December 14, 2023
Absolutely loved the backstory we get about Hild. She's a great new addition to this cast of characters. I love how just as Thorfinn dedicated himself to peace and nonviolence, we get another character picking up on a revenge quest.

Such an amazing manga series!
Profile Image for   Monica ✧♬•*.
140 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2021
Ok so, Hild is a strawhat now. Makoto-sensei is really getting into the one piece feeling here, and I think I'm finally... enjoying it (?)...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ignacio.
1,275 reviews279 followers
August 18, 2019
Final del enfrentamiento iniciado el anterior número, extenso y con flashback para comprender de dónde viene Hild, por qué hace lo que hace. Muy bien la vuelta al primer plano del asunto de la venganza, uno de los leit motivs del relato.
Profile Image for Camila.
315 reviews7 followers
June 12, 2022
I just know Hild is gonna make this story better.

I love how even if we know how Thorfinn has struggled and how he has let anger eat him inside, and learned to release it and do better, it doesn’t mean people he’s wronged (whether on purpose or not) have to forgive him or forget what he did.

Hild’s character is so valuable because she represent that exactly, how people remember him, as someone that brought pain upon them. But then we have another character who’s engulfed in anger and thirst for revenge, that will have to learn how to change that.
Profile Image for Angelika.
44 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2024
A really solid volume. Hild's backstory was great.

It made me consider just how much the Viking warrior culture was possibly hampering progress in the Norse countries. The Viking Age is remembered as this glorious period in the Scandinavian history when the Norse were expanding their rule in the North Sea basin and achieving great feats, such as discovering a new continent. But was it all sustainable? We can see that if Hild's village wasn't raided, if her father wasn't targeted by some higher-ups, if her life wasn't turned on its head, she'd grow up to be a great engineer who could perhaps revolutionise the Norwegian timber industry. It makes me wonder just how much human potential was wasted in this culture on the vicious circle of protecting your honour and seeking revenge? Hild could have achieved great things for the common benefit of her society, and instead violence and trauma have pushed her towards living the life of a hermit and channelling all her precious talent into improving a murder weapon.

In a way I think Hild's backstory touches upon the same issue that was also present in the Slave Arc. Canute decided to confiscate Ketil's farm because expansionist, exploitative, militaristic model of ruling seemed only natural to him. He needed to secure resources for his conquest that he believes will somehow achieve prosperity and peace in the long term perspective. Well, the main thing he was achieving through it at that point was strife and bloodshed. Maybe among those anonymous peasants he killed that day there was someone like Hild, a talented craftsman who could have further improved the structure of the plough and revolutionise the Dutch agriculture? Maybe that would help the Norsemen to transition towards a more self-reliable model of being in this world?

Dunno, I guess it's a naive line of thought. Ironically, wars have also been responsible for much of social and technological advancement throughout the human history. Would Leif ever reach Vinland if the Vikings' warmongering didn't lead to innovations in ship design and sailing technique? But maybe, just maybe Norse countries would be even more advanced in the Middle Ages if they didn't waste so much of their resources on endless slaughter, who knows...

The motif of hunting was also pretty interesting. It's an apt critique of social darwinism.

At first I was like: yassss, bless you, Hild, gurrrl, you slay. Finally a woman who's not only a tomboy but also a true badass. But now I'm sorry for her that due to her circumstances she found it imperative to become a badass.
Profile Image for Nickonero.
169 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2021
Mi máximo referente en esto del Grimdark es el señor Joe Abercrombie y sus novelas dentro de la Primera Ley. El Grimdark es un género bastante moderno y cuando lo menciono, mucha gente me pregunta qué es y en qué se diferencia de la fantasía convencional. Alguien, no recuerdo qué autor, lo describió diciendo algo como: es como coger la fantasía y partirla a hachazos.
El grimdark convierte toda la epicidad de la fantasía en algo realista. Le busca una explicación a lo que viene después de que el héroe llega a ser rey. ¿Será un rey sabio? ¿Gestionará bien su reino? Y desmitifica todos las hazañas imposibles, como los que paran flechas con la hoja de la espada o son capaces de hacer frente ellos solos a cinco o diez hombres al mismo tiempo. El grimdark consiste en hacer la fantasía entretenida, además, con una menor o incluso inexistente cantidad de elementos mágicos o imposibles. Esto me encanta, porque además, al no existir los monstruos ni los ogros, lo verdaderamente aterrador es el hombre o, por ejemplo, la violencia y la guerra.
Y Vinland Saga trata exactamente de eso, del hombre violento.
El tiempo que este cómic invierte en la evolución de sus personajes me recuerda más a la buena literatura que al shonen o al seinen. El camino de Thorfinn o el camino de Canuto es natural y habla del hombre bueno que se convierte en malo y del hombre malo que se convierte en hombre bueno.

Ya está. Lo ha conseguido. Mi mango favorito.
Profile Image for Katherine Sigarán.
519 reviews5 followers
January 25, 2024
Vol. 17 has become one of my favorites from Vinland, a completely round Vol. from beginning to end, good pace of the story, great character development and a new and very pleasant addition to the cast and yes I mean Hild one of the best characters created by Yukimura Makoto with a very sad background, I already want to know what's next for all these characters.

El Vol. 17 se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos de Vinland, un Vol. completamente redondo de principio a fin, buen ritmo de la historia, gran desarrollo de personajes y una nueva y muy grata adición al elenco y si me refiero a Hild uno de los mejores personajes creados por Yukimura Makoto con un trasfondo muy triste, ya quiero saber que sigue para todos estos personajes.
Profile Image for Rei Ayanami.
11 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2021
And yet another outstandingly anachronistic freak is joining the crew of future settlers !
This is becoming increasingly more of a mediocre humorous adventure with historical context. Sure, the adventure/redemption story was something that was bound to happen from the beginning but to adopt this tone is not particularly welcomed.
Also, this sub-story took too long of a time (an entire volume) : the situation was clear and didn't need to lost a full chapter on a flashback to fill an anecdote from a past jump in the larger story.

Score: 5/10
Enjoyment: 2/5
Profile Image for Devero.
4,806 reviews
April 3, 2021
Questo è l'albo della storia di Hilde, che da ragazzina prodigio, descritta come una specie di Leonardo da Vinci di Bergen, perde tutto, a parte la vita, per mano della banda di Ashkell. Vede Thorfinn uccidere suo padre.
Adesso vuole vendicarsi, e ridurrà Thorfinn in ginocchio ma si fermerà quando gli altri cercheranno di proteggere il ragazzo dai dardi mortali che Hilde gli scocca con la sua balestra modificata, col loro corpo.
Thorfinn giura che è cambiato, lei accetta di risparmiargli la vita affinché lui possa provarle che è vero.
3 stelle.
Profile Image for Ibtissem Kaouadji .
123 reviews11 followers
December 18, 2021
La parution des tomes est lente, mais quelle plaisir de lire la suite à chaque nouveau volume. Voila une histoire prenante, très originale, de part son univers viking plutôt réaliste. Dessins d'une grande qualité. Les premiers tomes sont très portés par l'action des combats. Les derniers sont plus réfléchis, plus matures. Vivement la suite !
Profile Image for omar☆•*⁀➷.
928 reviews14 followers
July 18, 2024
I've read up to volume;
19#: with an overall rating of: ★★★★☆

these volumes have been sooooo good to be honest
the morality, the revenge, the upcoming war
this is getting better and better
i love that i read these manga once in a while to remind myself how good the story is
Profile Image for cathy.
153 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2024
Très intéressant de voir le passé rattraper Thorfinn. Jusque là il réapprenait à vivre, mais la il se voit confronté à une jeune fille qu’il a brisée, Hild.
La back story de Hild était hyper intéressante, j’ai hâte d’en apprendre davantage sur elle.
Quel bonheur de voir ces deux femmes qui prennent leur place dans la société viking.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kaoyi .
264 reviews
August 14, 2019
Buenísimo, lo he disfrutado de principio a fin. Hild me ha encantado, una mujer de armas tomar sin duda.
Profile Image for Anirudh .
801 reviews
November 17, 2019
The story is all over the place..the author can't seem to decide what he wants to do
Profile Image for Maria Manaia.
148 reviews
July 13, 2021
The bound between Einar and Thorfinn is amazing. They really care for each other.

"I'll understand you all the way through. Don't ever forget that".
Profile Image for F. A..
13 reviews
January 6, 2023
A solid break while travelling to Grikkland. Good action and dialogue.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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