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Fear Street #5

The Wrong Number

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It begins as an innocent prank, when Deena Martinson and her best friend Jade Smith make sexy phone calls to the boys from school. But Deena's half-brother Chuck catches them in the act and threatens to tell their parents, unless the girls let him in on the fun. Chuck begins making random calls, threatening anyone who answers. It's dangerous and exciting. They're even enjoying the publicity, and the uproar they've caused. Until Chuck calls a number on Fear Street.

To his horror, Chuck realizes he has called the wrong number. The jokes are over when murder is on the line. The murderer knows who they are and where they live—and they have nowhere to call for help.

165 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1990

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About the author

R.L. Stine

1,524 books17.4k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 413 reviews
Profile Image for Ken.
2,392 reviews1,363 followers
December 22, 2018
As a series of harmless prank calls by Deena and best friend Jade soon escalates when Deena’s half-brother Chuck also gets involved, the trio happen to overhear a murder being committed during one of the calls.

The three soon investigate, but its apparent that they’re out of their depth as Chuck is soon accused of the murder.

I was quite surprised that this instalment ended up being a straight forward crime procedural mystery.
I liked that it was set up earlier in the story that the girls couldn’t go to the authorities, having made a bomb scare threat at the local bowling alley during one of the previous calls.

This book just feels so very early 90’s, from the phone calls to the way the bomb scare was reported.
The story wouldn’t work today, the girls could easily be able to record the culprits confessions on their smartphones!
A fun nostalgic read!
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 5 books304 followers
September 20, 2022
Creo que está es la mejor historia de toda la colección de la calle del terror. Tiene una trama más compleja, y los personajes tienen más fuerza a diferencia de los otros libros. Elementos muy bien jugados que nos dan como resultado una historia muy interesante que te mantiene en vilo con todo lo que sucede en este entorno oscuro que lleva la colección.
Profile Image for Bren fall in love with the sea..
1,759 reviews374 followers
April 5, 2021
"On the surface, everything seemed normal."

The Wrong Number (Fear Street Book 5) by R.L. Stine

My Review:

This was a fun and creepy little book. Much better then the Stine book I read right before this one.

It is also so odd to read about people making prank phone calls. These days, that could never happen. Everyone has Caller ID!

But I enjoyed this and the three main characters were fun. They are sort of the type who always get into trouble even when they're not looking for any. They were a trip to read about! Especially Chuck who cracked me up even though he was a bit....well...insane. But I enjoyed it.

There is a part two and rest assured I will be reading that!

I was not all that surprised by where the story went but that did not detract from my enjoyment. It's a fun novel and it brought me back in time a little. And Fear street is genuinely creepy!

I think I have read more of Stine as an adult then as a kid but I am always up for a creeper of a book and this one delivered!

Profile Image for myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *.
1,147 reviews8,002 followers
July 19, 2021
this book just feels very 90s and i thought that was so interesting. i was expecting more of a plot twist but that’s okay i still enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Nick.
Author 1 book17 followers
April 15, 2012
The Fear Street books were a great young adult thriller series for me. Personally, they appeal to me more than Stine's Goosebumps books because they're much more descriptive and the characters are older and more mature. But "The Wrong Number" is definitely one of my favorite ones. The story focuses on Deena Martinson, her friend Jade Smith, and Deena's half-brother Chuck. These three teenagers start to make crank phone calls to classmates at their school.

At first, they find their immature game fun and get a big kick out of it. They're even enjoying the publicity their getting from it. But the games soon come to a close when they dial a number at random and end up overhearing a murder being committed. Frightened and unsure if it was real, they decide to investigate, which puts themselves in grave danger.

For the young adult genre, this is a really engaging horror/thriller/murder mystery. This book has plenty of elements that will keep the reader guessing. Each of the main characters have their own identity, which makes the read more interesting. I don't think this is the kind of book that should be taught in the classroom because it has no depth to it. However, it is a fun engaging read that students (especially middle school students) will enjoy. I would without a doubt encourage my students to read this book if they're looking for an edge-of-your-seat murder mystery.

Profile Image for Garden Reads.
182 reviews128 followers
September 6, 2022
2,5 estrellas en realidad.

La única novela del famoso R.L. Stine que he leído en mi vida.

Acá conocemos a Deena y Jane, que al hacer llamadas de broma junto a Chuck, terminan por escuchar un asesinato. Lo que por supuesto las llevara a estar en la mira del asesino qué hará lo imposible para deshacerse de ellas.

Novela corta que leí en mi adolescencia pensando encontrarme algo al estilo Lovecraft o King, pero que luego descubrí que no sé hallaba ni cerca de ello. Acá no hay elementos sobrenaturales ni nada por el estilo, la amenaza es solo el asesino que con cuchillo en mano irá persiguiendo a las jovenzuelas para asesinarlas. Y básicamente es eso, no hay grandes giros de trama ni revelaciones, ni complejo escenarios o enfrentamientos. La historia va a lo que va y cumple con ellos de forma más menos satisfactoria.

Tampoco hay mucha sangre, mucho menos gore. Recordemos que R.L. Stine se enfoca en el público infanto-juvenil, especialmente adolescente. Así que no esperes una gran novela y no saldrás decepcionado.

Una novela que cumple, pero no más qué ello. Recomendada para jóvenes y chicos iniciándose en la lectura. No sé encantarán seguramente, pero tampoco se decepcionarán.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,999 reviews1,067 followers
July 1, 2021
What a great book in the "Fear Street" series. Honestly though Deena is our lead in this one, her best friend Jade should have been the focus. No complaints on this one, Stine bounces back to showing us how deadly Fear Street can be.

"The Wrong Number" follows teens Deena and Jade. Both are about to return to school at Shadyside High and are bored. When Jade wants to make a prank call, the two girls do it and get excited about causing some of their school friends to think they are someone they are not. When Deena's half brother Chuck comes to live with her, he finds out about the prank calls. After that the prank calls turn dangerous and then lead to a murder.

Deena as I said didn't shine for me as well as Jade did in this one. Deena is very reluctant to even do the prank calls, when things turn to murder she doesn't know what to do. Jade though comes through and comes up with a plan.

I liked the reveal about who the murderer was and why they did it.

The ending though leaves things on a happy note for both girls.
Profile Image for Brandon.
228 reviews8 followers
January 24, 2022
The wrong Number starts off with a prologue about a guy being bad because he has to or something. It's very vague. We cut to our two main characters Deena Martinson and Jade.Deena is putting some kinda green gunk on her friends hair .(I pictured monster blood.) Jade discovers Deena has a new phone. it has collar ID contacts and a speaker phone and that's amazing. Jade makes a few prank phone calls to boys at their school and so does Deena under peer pressure . We soon learn that Deena's stepbrother is coming to stay with them because he got kicked out of school. Deena's brother is very dismissive of everything calling Deena kid and refusing to shake hands with his dad.Yea he's annoying from the start.there's a random car pile up where chuck saves a little kids dog from a car about to explode, that was actually pretty cool and very random. Later chuck overhears jade and Deena making prank calls agian and he wants in on the fun. He calls a few people saying he's the Phantom Of Fear Street. Until he calls a number that lives on Fear Street. He hears a distressed female saying the guy is going to kill her. After this is where the book gets super entertaining. The kids drive to the address and discover a dead body and a burglar. Chuck grabs the knife that was used to kill the woman and that's where he messes up and before you know it he's in jail. This book gets pretty crazy with crazy car chases to chainsaw bearing maniacs. I really enjoyed this one especially the following of M.r. Farberson. The exploration of Fear Street and the local legend feel of it it gets pretty wild.this book is a little slow at the beginning but makes up for it in the end. I give the wrong number a four out of five stars .
Profile Image for Evelyn.
199 reviews33 followers
June 26, 2019
This kind of fell short for me.
It was fun and pretty fast paced in the beginning (fast paced for a fear street book at least) but once the plot started to pick up, it hit it’s peak then QUICKLY slowed down and got pretty boring. This also didn’t really feel like a normal fear street book where crazy stuff continues to happen throughout the book, the pace stays pretty consistent then wraps things up with a bang. The “big thing” happened pretty early on then it kind of turned into a Nancy Drew book. No offense against Nancy Drew but that wasn’t really the book I was looking for here so this wasn’t really my favorite.
3 stars for me!
Profile Image for Jennie.
684 reviews58 followers
June 7, 2008
Seeing this cover made me laugh out loud. Pulp horror novels were my ultimate guilty pleasure as a child. In fact for one of my birthdays I asked all of my friends to only buy me horror novels. This was one of them, and although I'm mildly ashamed at my juvenile adoration of R.L. Stine - I loved this silly book (and so many of the the Fear Street books).
Profile Image for Melanie.
264 reviews58 followers
October 2, 2019
Meh. Some good action and suspense toward the end but this was too cliched (even more so than usual!), not enough mystery and the MCs made too many ridiculous decisions.
Profile Image for Rajiv.
966 reviews69 followers
June 9, 2018
I always feel like the initial Fear Street books were much more refined and fun to read than their successors. “The Wrong Number” is one of books that’s genuinely fun and campy to read.

The story doesn’t rely on gore or supernatural elements to make it interesting. It is a good old fashioned murder mystery that has a touch of the creepiness of Fear Street. In some ways, I felt like I was watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie set for the 90s teenagers. In many Fear Street novels, there are multiple red herrings and suspects that keeps you guessing who the culprit is. However, “The Wrong Number” is pretty straight forward on who is responsible, and the thrills lie on the protagonists solving the mystery. While there are readers who might dislike this book because for the same reason, I personally liked it. There are still lots of twists and turns that keep you guessing whether Deena and Jade will be successful.

The characters are ok but not really that memorable. The main characters, Deena and Jade are also fun to read when they are together. The book would have been better had it focused more on Jade than Deena, as Jade has a vibrant personality. Deena, on the other hand is not as interesting as her friend. She seemed very unsure of herself and kept relying on Jade to take the first step for almost everything. Chuck is mysterious and interesting in the beginning, but we really don’t get to know anything about him. I wish there was some reveal about his past so that we can get to understand why he behaves that way.

The only part I didn’t get were the scenes of the dead cat. I am not going to spoil it for those who are reading it, but what was the point of even having that elaborate scene? Why would someone go through all the trouble for a dead cat? There scene was very random and could have been avoided. Overall, I enjoyed reading “The Wrong Number” and thought it was one of the better “Fear Street” novels. I rate it 4 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Michael Tkach (Horror Gardener).
230 reviews19 followers
April 24, 2023
Successfully read my very FIRST Fear Street book! It was fun and a very quick easy read.
Two points:
1. How come no one has mentioned before that Fear Street is an actual street in the book series. And it was named after someone named Fear! I never knew that. I always assumed it was a nightmare on elm street knock off.
2. Does RL Stine have a thing with guys named Chuck and that they are always kinds jerks and moody? This chuck was kinda dweeby and the Chuck from The Babysitter was a piece of work!
4 reviews
May 30, 2014
This is one of my favorite Fear Street books. Why? Because of how R. L. Stine created the main characters. Suspense is not the USP of this book, but it is one of the most well-written books of the author. The situations, the characters, their genuine bonds really made this book my favorite. The descriptions are so vivid, I felt like it was clearer than watching a movie. The plot was gripping enough for me, and it was hard to put down. For me, it was one of those books which make you long for some free time from your daily jobs and chores. It's definitely one of my personal favorites.
I would like to bring to attention that some people are badmouthing ALL the fear street books in the reviews. Specifically, one person grabbed my attention. I would suggest them to take a look at the age group of readers the books are written for. OF COURSE it is too predictable for you if you're in your mid-twenties. Its NOT for you. You're NOT supposed to read it. If you do, at least don't prove that you're the reason why the average IQ of the human race is lower than it should be, by giving all critical and negative reviews. Give these books a break & let the kids enjoy it.
Profile Image for Sarah.
765 reviews40 followers
November 11, 2019
I contributed this review to Really Into This

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Happy Reading, friends!

Oh, to revisit your favorite preteen reads as an adult.

Reading The Wrong Number is like visiting an old friend. Except the friend never moved out of their parent's basement & you've moved on with a new life. Reading this in 2019 versus 1994 is a whole new world. Kids calling in bomb threats, masquerading amongst a suspected murderer, skipping class. I feel really old reading this book. I mean there's a Kim Basinger reference for god sake.

All that being said, this book is fabulous. It reminds me of why I fell in love with Fear Street, to begin with. The myths, the spirits, the hauntings & the creepy-ass murderers among us. It's a town you'd never want to live in, but damn the stories are endless.

Honestly, I can't wait to read more Fear Street as an adult. It's a nice break & a nice trip down memory lane. Also, these teens are crazy.
Profile Image for Zoey De Leon.
190 reviews
September 21, 2023
This is solid and I did find it less cheesy than the previous Fear Street books as I read as the characters here are very little to not horny compared to the other huge lists of Fear Street books and I found that pattern and a sign of what can make a Fear Street book great.

So the plot begins kind of slow, the beginning leading up to the setup is not that special compared to the others but once the horror starts then this became a page turner but halfway towards the book it starts to become really predictable as the sign leading up to the main culprit is obvious and it's funny how the main characters figured out 15 pages late when it becomes kind of obvious for me but that's still fine as long as it's still a pageturner. Mainly the problem I have with this whole book is towards the halfway where the main characters starts investigating and spyingon their own comes a little bit unrealistic and unbelivable especially the established tone in the beginning is almost grounded in reality. That whole sequence plays like from a comedy movie rathet building more huge tensions.

Some things I wanna brought up is how the book plays out while reading this at the current time of age in 2023 is how easily an unknown number can be tracked down where it came from, I was kinda thinking about that of they may be can use that later on in the story but I think that's exclusive to phones rather than in an late 80's telephone

Overall still, this will remain as the two of my favorite of the OG Fear Street books along with Switched
Profile Image for Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir.
155 reviews2 followers
May 22, 2024
Ángríns slay. Its giving unglingahryllingsmynd from the 90’s. Bjóst reyndar alltaf við eih plottwisti sem gerðist svo aldrei… en samt fun:)
Profile Image for Roxie Voorhees.
Author 20 books124 followers
February 16, 2020
One of my fondest memories was spending my summer between 7th and 8th grade at my bestie's house. We listened to the Spice Girls, played Super Nintendo, and we made prank calls. Well not like most people...We would dial a random number and just start talking to the person. We actually found a few "friends" that way. This was 1993, so *69 and caller ID were not a thing yet, luckily.

The Wrong Number brought back those awesome memories. Deena and Jade decide to prank call boys from their school. Nothing crazy, just a Oh you're so hot kind of call, leaving the boy wondering who it is. But Deena's brother (half brother that just moved in, but I don't feel that is a necessary detail), Chuck, catches them and begins to make threatening calls to random people. One of those is a house on Fear Street.

"Please! Please come quickly! He's going to kill me!"

Chuck springs into hero mode. Sure calling the police would be the logical thing to do, but see Chuck doesn't want to get in trouble for the previous calls he made. So they speed over to Fear Street and find a woman dead and her murderer still in the house. After a chase, they get home safely and call the police only for them to link Chuck to the murder!

The police don't seem to listen so Deena must now prove her brother is innocent. She begins to investigate and finds the killer's identity, but she needs proof. Eventually she gets what she needs.

This one was a great read. Deena's dedication to her brother is touching and she fights for what is right.
Profile Image for Really Into This.
378 reviews18 followers
November 11, 2019
Sarah contributed this review to Really Into This

Check out all of our reviews at
Happy Reading, friends!

Oh, to revisit your favorite preteen reads as an adult.

Reading The Wrong Number is like visiting an old friend. Except the friend never moved out of their parent's basement & you've moved on with a new life. Reading this in 2019 versus 1994 is a whole new world. Kids calling in bomb threats, masquerading amongst a suspected murderer, skipping class. I feel really old reading this book. I mean there's a Kim Basinger reference for god sake.

All that being said, this book is fabulous. It reminds me of why I fell in love with Fear Street, to begin with. The myths, the spirits, the hauntings & the creepy-ass murderers among us. It's a town you'd never want to live in, but damn the stories are endless.

Honestly, I can't wait to read more Fear Street as an adult. It's a nice break & a nice trip down memory lane. Also, these teens are crazy.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,890 reviews392 followers
July 22, 2022
The Wrong Number was super fun! I really like the premise of a prank call gone wrong in one of the worst possible ways and how Deena and Jade tried to figure out what happened. The overall atmosphere was pretty tense and I really liked how the story wrapped up--even though the ending was a bit rushed.
Profile Image for Jamie.
20 reviews
May 28, 2024
Damn, Fear Street does not age well, that's all I gotta say 😅 rereading this as a 28 year old now, this was a rough but nostalgic read, so it will always have a warm place in my heart no matter the quality it is nowadays 🖤
Profile Image for Alexis.
14 reviews6 followers
September 6, 2010
We start off with those wonderful prologues Stine always give us. And by wonderful, I mean boring and pointless. It's about this boy, we don't know his name, and he's talking about his wonderful scheme. He really just repeats himself, blabbing out this dumb plot thing he's going to do. But we all know he's going to fail. They always do fail.

The first chapter begins with Deena Martinson and her best friend Jade Smith putting some disgusting green goo in Jade's fantabulous hair. Obviously Jade is the one who loves boys, fashion, you get the drill. Deena is more of the quiet type who can't even say a word to boys. Deena then shows off her new phone (it amuses me of how Stine explains this gadget) and Jade immediately starts to prank call people. She prank calls two people, then gives the phone to Deena. Deena doesn't want to but Jade insists. Jade gets Rob Morell on the phone and makes Deena talk to him. She doesn't know what to say, but decides to act sexy and all that. Rob immediately perks up to the fact that a girl is calling him. Actually, his "secret admirer" is calling him. What a pig. They hang up after Deena promises to call him tomorrow and Jade asks when they'll do this again. Deena tells her not tomorrow because she and her dad have to go pick up her weird half-brother named Chuck. Oh boy.

The next day Deena and her father go to pick up Chuck. At first Deena thinks it's going to be horrible, because he seems rude and when her father tries to make small talk with him he just grunts. Plus, he's known as your average "Rebel", I guess, and got himself into a lot of trouble. Trouble with what? It's not even explained. Sigh. They start driving and then some confusing car crash happens. Thank god, Stine doesn't end the chapter there. It keeps going until Deena's dad orders them out of the car. All three get out and watch in horror. Chuck ran off into the crowd, and Deena follows him. They stop at a totaled car on fire. Then, a little boy cries out, "Tuffy! Tuffy's in there!" Darn you, Stine, do NOT kill another dog. Please. I beg of you. Chuck sees this and dives into the burning car to save the puppy. Oh, yeah! Go Chuck! He just earned some points from me. Everyone cries out for him to stop because the car is about to explode. The chapter ends with the car exploding into flames.

Apparently Chuck wasn't hurt at all. He just got a rip in his shirt. How these people always seem to have a miracle in these sort of accidents? I don't know. All I care about is that he got the dog out of there safe and sound. Deena says that everyone thought he was a hero, and at first she did too, until she thinks about it for a few moments. Then, she wonders, "Is Chuck really a hero, or just really crazy?" Give me a break. He saved a dog. That does NOT make him crazy. It makes him awesome! Then Deena offers Chuck some breakfast. He tells Deena he can "Handle things on his own, kid." I have one thing to say. Repeating the word "kid" after every sentence that comes out your mouth does not make you a bad boy, Chuck. Then he proceeds to dump out his cereal in the sink. This makes Deena wonder if he's crazy again. Oh, please, I'm already annoyed with this girl. Then Deena heads off to school and is now in the lunch room. Jade comes up to her and somehow brings up Chuck in the conversation. Deena has her doubts about him, but Jade is full on because she's obsessive over boys. Blah. Just then, their boring conversation gets RUDELY interrupted when two boys enter the lunch room, having a fist fight. How. Rude. Then, a girl screams, "Watch out! The new kids got a knife!" Wowzerz.

Enter the most shortest chapter ever. It's really pointless, too. It's the same guy from the prologue, claiming that his surprise would work. Yeah. Uh huh. I already heard this cruddy stuff.

Deena was cleaning her mom's Toyota when Jade came up. A guy she was supposed to go out with was supposedly sick, so she came to hang out. Deena goes, "Yeah, you knew I didn't have a date tonight." Rawr. Hold back the claws, kitty. They order pizza and watch a few movies before they decide to go back to prank calling. Well, more like Jade decides to. Deena calls Rob again, and he seriously asks, "Well, can we go out for a cuff of coppee?" Are you kidding me. After these lame calls Chuck comes in, preparing to get into some seriouz businaaaazzz yallzz! He calls the bowling store and tells them he planted a bomb and that they have fifteen minutes to get out of there. Hm. Not bad, Chuck. It's certainly better than Deena and Jade's idea of prank calls! [/sarcasm] What he did was just STUPID if you ask me. He calls the guy he got in a fight with at school and tells him to watch out, and to keep his window closed. Every night. Oooo. Then, he goes over to the window and calls out for the spirits of Fear Street. A few minutes before the three were talking about how evil Fear Street was, but Chuck didn't believe them. After he says that, the lights suddenly go out - OH MY GOD! And, as you may have guessed, Deena and Jade find Chuck's limp body curled up on the floor. My guess is that it's a prank.

And yes, my guess was right. Chuck was just going to freak them out. Jade and Deena get mad because they say Fear Street is no joke. How in the world does Chuck not hear about those murders and crap going on? I mean, he moves into a place right next to it. You think the poor guy would be informed on all this stuff. But no! He then goes and grabs the phone, punching in numbers. The guys had agreed to not do prank calls anymore, but Chuck says he isn't prank calling. He's just going to show the girls that Fear Street is just a dingy old place that people say is haunted so they'll get a lot of people to come to the boring town. Oh how very wrong you are, Chuck. He calls the first person he finds on Fear Street, and it turns out he's the one who ends up getting scared. A woman picks up and screams, "Help me! Help me! Please, he's going to kill me! Help!"

Chuck asks the woman who she is and she just says that he's her only hope. Then a gruff voice is on the other end and tells the woman to hang up. We hear a few glass things smashing, and then the line goes dead. Chuck and the girls are shocked and wonder if it's just a game. Uh, no, it's probably NOT a game. What's the right thing to do? Call the police! You idiots! It doesn't even matter if you get in trouble. This is a person's LIFE on the line. Teehee, did you see what I did there? Line? Get it, line? Like, PHONE LINE! I love myself. But of course they don't call the police. They decide to do the "mature" thing and drive to the lady's house. fjsldkdsfsd. When they get there it seems like the place is deserted so they go around the back and walk inside. Everything is trashed. Then, they spot a woman's bloody body and a carving knife next to her. OKAY, IF THEY DON'T CALL THE POLICE, I'M GOING TO SCREAM. They freak a little and, yay! Chuck calls them. But he's too slow. A guy in a Ski Mask comes running down the stares. Chuck grabs the knife, and the mysterious man goes, "Put it down. You won't use it." They ramble a little before Chuck, Deena, and Jade run out the door and into the car. They start pulling out of the driveway, and the man follows them. They make a few confusing swerves and turns before pulling up to North Hills, where Deena and Chuck live. They NEED to call the police. Seriously, they aren't going to be safe in their home. That man is going to follow them. And, ding ding ding, the man followed them. I'm a winner.

They run inside because it's "safe" in there and Chuck calls 911. I LOVE YOU, CHUCK! :) He tells them the woman is stabbed, gives them the address, then tells them he's the "Phantom of Fear Street" and hangs up. Never mind. I don't love you as much as I thought I did, Chucky. Once again: I don't care if Chuck gets in trouble. People's lives are at stake. UGH! Dumbos! Deena later has a dream about car tires. Ok. Then someone knocks on the door at two in the morning. It's the masked murderer! Oh, it's not? Man. It's the cops. They question Deena and Chuck because the husband to the woman who was stabbed saw them in the house and got their license number. Uh oh. Plus, there's this green sandy stuff on their tires that's still damp and it's only on the Fear Street road. These cops mean business, baby!

Oh, no! Not another one of these chapters again! *sigh* We're back at the man whom we don't know talking about his dumb plan for about five minutes. It's basically the same thing. Yawn.

In the next chapter Deena and Chuck are taken to the police station. They're separated and are asked questions. Deena leaves Jade out of it because she doesn't want her to get in any sort of trouble. Deena falls asleep and her dad wakes her up, telling her she can go home. Once they start to leave her dad says they've arrested Chuck because they fount his fingerprints on the murder weapon used to kill the woman. AHHHHHH!!!

Of course Chuck's fingerprints were on the knife, because he picked up the weapon to defend himself against the masked murderer. Deena and Jade decide to tell her parents, but they don't believe her, so they tell the police, and they don't believe her either. This chapter is actually pretty easy to sum up, so yeah.

I'm going to skip past some stuff because it's boring and I don't need to recap it. Anyways, were to a point where Jade calls Deena and tells her to turn on her TV this instant. Deena does and they're interviewing the murdered woman's husband. Then, with a shock, Deena realizes that it's the masked murderer! Eeeek!

The cops don't believe that he's the murderer and laugh in Deena's face. Pigs. She and Jade plot a plan to get more info on the guy. All they get is a plane reservation marked for two people. They go back to learn more about him from his assistant. She doesn't give them much. Except the whole deal. Someone calls and she calls them "darling," making Deena and Jade suspicious. Jade picks up and realizes the man she called darling was the dead woman's wife! His secretary told him that she wanted something out of her house because she couldn't look at it anymore. Deena and Jade go back to check out what's happening. The guy comes and picks up the package and throws it in the dumpster. Deena tells Jade that it's the shirt and mask that the man used to kill his wife. Riiight.

They run to the dumpster and search for the bag and open it up, finding a dead cat. UGH. Poor, poor kitty. Then the masked man from the back grabs both their shoulders. He gives them one warning and says not to mess with him again. Then he just gets out. Yawn.

Deena visits Chuck and tells her about his plan to go to Fear Street. He disagrees, blah blah blah. I'm sort of bored with this book right now. Which is why I'm getting choppy on the review. Sorry. The girls go to Fear Street and go into the murderer's house again. Idiots. They find a note from the dead wife. It says:

Dear Stan,
There's no use arguing anymore. I have made up my mind to leave you, and nothing can change that. I know you can't make a go of the restuerant. When I gave you the money to buy it I finally believed that you would be successful at something. But once again you are failing. I refuse to give you anymore money. You have gone through almost all of my inheritance. I have to save something for myself. I'll be by Saturday night to pick up my things. Goodbye.

Harsh. The girls decide to stay for a little while longer to get the ski mask, but the dead wife's husband pulls in and ruins their little plan. He captures them and then tells Deena Jade is taking a "little nap" and that she should join her. He then throws her to the floor, ripping her poncho. Somehow that pins her to the floor? Ok. He takes her into the room with Jade and they're locked in there because they know too much, so the man is going to dispose of them soon. Deena and Jade try to escape out the window and climb on a branch. Psycho man comes out and decides to chop down the blanch with a chainsaw. Oh crud.

But before he can kill them the police come. Oh, those handy dandy police. Deena faints. Kay. They end up on Deena's porch. The detectives, her dad, Jade, and even Chuck are there. He's innocent. Yay. Jade makes a corny joke about prank calling, because Chuck told the police where they were going but he had to apparently prank call to get them to go to Fear Street. Oh.

Now it's the next day of school and Deena is asked to watch movies with Rob. She agrees and Jade says she'll call her. Deena responds with, "I think I've had it with phones. Maybe you should send me a postcard!" Ha? Ha?
Profile Image for Daniel Stalter.
Author 6 books19 followers
September 11, 2019
I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. It’s one of those plots that wouldn’t really work in the present, which is part of the nostalgic charm in re-reading this series. The cover is iconic. The characters were dynamic. While the plot wasn’t terribly original, the teenage perspective of it kept things interesting. It has some really fun moments and kept things campy. All in all, one of the more solid entries into the series.

Score: 3.5

Full blog review:
Profile Image for Grace Chan.
173 reviews47 followers
August 14, 2021
Things I learned from reading this book:

1) When the killer is chasing you and your friends in his car, DO NOT say "Let's go home! We'll be safe there!"I MEAN. WHAT KIND OF KNUCKLEHEAD LOGIC IS THAT.

2) Never trust the big old lumbering oaf who grumbles and has garlic breath. He's stinky and a wife killer who will try to frame you!!

3) You can't make prank calls anymore nowadays, sadly! This was such a pervasive trope in YA back in the day, right? Ya can't get away with it now, and even if you COULD, noone answers their phones anymore anywaysss
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
August 1, 2016
Story is good. At first I thought this is just another high school story which involves flirty students. Lol. In the end it's not. I enjoyed it. The suspense of it was very intriguing. You just can't stop reading. Though not that scary for me but I bet children would be delighted and scared to read this suspense story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 413 reviews

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