Snuff Quotes
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Snuff Quotes
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“The pinup girl, Betty Grable, sprayed her bare butt and breasts with hairspray until they were wet. That way the top and bottom of her swimsuit
stayed glued where she wanted. Hairspray inside your high heels works the same way.”
― Snuff
stayed glued where she wanted. Hairspray inside your high heels works the same way.”
― Snuff
“All of these stars, the most powerful actors in film, they were all gone in an instant.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“These dudes, clutching their little gifts, for them today is their kind-of-honeymoon.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“If the young man ate candy, the wrangler says, that's probably what's kept him alive so long. Glucose is a natural antidote to cyanide poisoning. Based on anecdotal evidence, glucose binds with
the cyanide to produce less toxic compounds.”
― Snuff
the cyanide to produce less toxic compounds.”
― Snuff
“I asked, Did she know Adolf Hitler invented the blow-up sex doll? And Ms. Wright’s black sunglasses turned to look at me. During the First World War, I told her, Hitler had been a runner, delivering messages between the German trenches, and he was disgusted by seeing his fellow soldiers visit French brothels. To keep the Aryan blood-lines pure, and prevent the spread of venereal disease, he commissioned an inflatable doll that Nazi troops could take into battle. Hitler himself designed the dolls to have blond hair and large breasts. The Allied firebombing of Dresden destroyed the factory before the dolls could go into wide distribution. True fact.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“My feet walked me down the aisle of the Greyhound bus, all the way to the back. My butt sat me in a seat.
My butt's accomplished a lot since then.
My butt's a movie star.”
― Snuff
My butt's accomplished a lot since then.
My butt's a movie star.”
― Snuff
“Cassie Wright's largest audience, the only part of her audience still growing, is composed of sixteen-to-twenty-five-year-old men. These men buy her backlist movies, her plastic breast relics and pocket vaginas, but not for any erotic purpose. They collect the blow-up sex surrogates and signature lingerie as some form of religious relics. Souvenirs of the real mother, the perfect mother they never had. Frankenstein parts or religious totems of the mother they'll spend the rest of their lives trying to find -who'll praise them enough, support them enough, love them enough.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“My best work is not behind me! He yells, You know, "nobody does a better split-reed standing anal with an on-demand hands-free pop-shot release.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“La convinzione che sia sufficiente sentire un'idea sbagliata per perdere l'innocenza. Un dettaglio di troppo e sei rovinata. Overdose di informazioni.
È la verità.
Un'idea sbagliata può mettere radici in te e crescere.”
― Snuff
È la verità.
Un'idea sbagliata può mettere radici in te e crescere.”
― Snuff
“Right now, up those stairs, the lady behind the door, she's neutral territory. A shrine where you pilgrimage a thousand miles on your knees to pay tribute. Same as Jerusalem or some church. Special to white supremacists and Bloods, Crips, Ninjas, a lady who transcends turf wars for power. Who transcends race and nationality and family. Every man might hate every other man, outside of here we might all kill each other, but we all love her.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“Want to talk third-wave feminism, you could cite Ariel Levy and the idea that women have internalized male oppression. Going to spring break at Fort Lauderdale, getting drunk, and flashing your breasts isn’t an act of personal empowerment. It’s you, so fashioned and programmed by the construct of patriarchal society that you no longer know what’s best for yourself. A damsel too dumb to even know she’s in distress.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“These chicken chokers. Didn’t bother to read any feminist theory beyond that outdated Andrea Dworkin tripe. Nothing sex-positive. Nothing along the lines of Naomi Wolf. I come, therefore I am… No, whether a woman is a concubine to fuck or a damsel to redeem, she’s always just some passive object to fulfill a man’s purpose.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“Up those stairs, to anybody after the fiftieth dude, Cassie Wright will look like a missile crater greased with Vaseline. Flesh and blood, but like something’s exploded inside her.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“Duchess: Diamonds are of most value, They say, that have pass’d through most jewellers’ hands. Ferdinand: Whores, by that rule, are precious. —John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi (I.ii)”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“Nell'istituto religioso che ha frequentato da ragazza, dice la signora Wright, tutte le allieve dovevano coprirsi le orecchie con una sciarpa. Questo perché nella Bibbia si dice che la Vergine Maria rimase incinta quando lo Spirito Santo le sussurrò all'orecchio. Orecchie come vagine. La convinzione che sia sufficiente sentire un'idea sbagliata per perdere l'innocenza. n dettaglio di troppo e sei rovinata. Overdose di informazioni. E' la verità. Un'idea sbagliata può mettere radici in te e crescere.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“—Me he pasado la vida atacándolo todo porque me daba demasiado miedo arriesgarme a crear algo... Nunca nada estaba bien —dice mi madre—, o sea que al final de mi vida no me queda nada.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“—¿Por qué hago nada? —dice—. Tengo suficiente educación como para disuadirme a mí misma de hacer cualquier cosa. Para deconstruir cualquier fantasía. Para convencerme de abandonar cualquier meta. Soy tan lista que puedo negarme cualquier sueño.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“Estos hombres y mujeres sentados detrás de puertas sin cerrar saben que una casa más grande no es la respuesta. Ni tampoco un cambio de marido o de mujer ni más dinero ni una piel más tersa.
—Cualquier cosa que puedas adquirir —dice ella— es otra cosa que acabarás perdiendo.
La respuesta es que no hay respuesta.”
― Snuff
—Cualquier cosa que puedas adquirir —dice ella— es otra cosa que acabarás perdiendo.
La respuesta es que no hay respuesta.”
― Snuff
“Nos resulta imposible imaginar el pasado. El pasado, el futuro, la vida en otros planetas, todo son extensiones, proyecciones de la vida tal como la conocemos.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“—Tío, la casa se está llenando —le digo—. Es como si viviéramos en la parte de abajo de un reloj de arena.
Como si se nos estuviera terminando el tiempo.
Como ser enterrados vivos.”
― Snuff
Como si se nos estuviera terminando el tiempo.
Como ser enterrados vivos.”
― Snuff
“Después de descubrir la cantidad de cosas que pueden salir mal, tu vida ya no se basa tanto en vivir como en esperar.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“La primera vez de todo. El inventario incompleto de mis crímenes. Una cosa incompleta más en mi vida llena de cosas incompletas.”
― Snuff
― Snuff
“No soy tanto un buen amigo como el salvador que quiere que lo adores para siempre.
No soy tanto un buen amigo como el padre que nunca quiere que crezcas.”
― Snuff
No soy tanto un buen amigo como el padre que nunca quiere que crezcas.”
― Snuff
“«Parásito» no es la palabra adecuada, pero es la primera palabra que viene a la mente.”
― Snuff
― Snuff