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Point of Retreat Quotes

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Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2) Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover
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Point of Retreat Quotes Showing 61-90 of 109
“Will and Lake,
Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Unfortunately, it's also one of the hardest things in the world to hold on to, and one of the easiest to throw away.
Neither of you has a mother or a father to go to for relationship advice anymore. Neither of you has anyone to go to for a shoulder to cry on when things get touch, and they will get touch. Neither of you has someone to go to when you just want to share the funny, or the happy, or the heartache. You are both at a disadvantage when it comes to this aspect of love. You both only have each other, and because of this, you will have to work harder at building a strong foundation for your future together. You are not only each other's love; you are also one another's sole confidant.
I hand wrote some things onto strips of paper and folded them into stars. It might be an inspirational quote, an inspiring lyric, or just some downright good parental advice. I don't want you to open one and read it until you truly feel you need it. If you have a bad day, if the two of you fight, or if you just need something to lift your spirits...that's what these are for. You can open one together; you can open one alone. I just want there to be something both of you can go to, if and when you ever need it.
Will...thank you. Thank you for coming into our lives. So much of the pain and worry I've been feeling has been alleviated by the mere fact that I know my daughter is loved by you....You are a wonderful man, and you've been a wonderful friend to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my daughter like you do. You respect her, you don't need to change for her, and you inspire her. You can never know how grateful I have been for you, and how much peace you have brought my soul.
And Lake; this is me-nudging your shoulder, giving you my approval. You couldn't have picked anyone better to love if I would have hand-picked him myself. Also, thank you for being so determined to keep our family together. You were right about Kel needing to be with you. Thank you for helping me see that. And remember when things get touch for him, please teach him how to stop caring pumpkins...
I love you both and with you a lifetime of happiness together.
"And all around my memories, you dance..." ~The Avett Brothers”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“But the heart of a man and a woman in love Can be worse than not having a heart at all Because at least if you have no heart at all It can't die when it breaks apart”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“I'll never be able to give you everything you deserve, but I'll definitely spend the rest of my life trying.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Push your boundaries, that's what they're there for”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“This girl is the rest of my life.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“The heart of a man is no heart at all If his heart isn’t loved by a woman. The heart of a woman is no heart at all If her heart isn’t loving a man. But the heart of a man and a woman in love Can be worse than not having a heart Because at least if you have no heart at all It can’t die when it breaks apart.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“So if you could find it in your heart To give a man a second start I promise things won’t end the same. —THE AVETT BROTHERS”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“No todos van a ser agradables, Kel. Hay muchas personas crueles en el mundo, desafortunadamente”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“By the end of my last class, I’ve convinced myself that Lake doesn’t need to know.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“If I were a carpenter, I would build you a window to my soul. But I would leave that window shut and locked, so that every time you tried to look through it . . . all you would see is your own reflection. You would see that my soul is a reflection of you . . .”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“It’s worth all the aches, All the tears, the mistakes . . . The heart of a man and a woman in love? It’s worth all the pain in the world.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Me voy a casa ahora. Necesito que me dejes ir. Deja que me vaya, ¿de acuerdo?

El mareo está claro detrás de su voz y la expresión serena y razonable en sus ojos desgarra mi corazón, sacándolo de mi pecho. Se da la vuelta para irse, y lo único que puedo hacer es dejar que se vaya. Sólo la dejo ir.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Yo no me voy a rendir
Tú no te vas a rendir
Esta batalla se convertirá en una guerra
Antes de dejar que llegue a su fin.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“My grandmother looks at me and shakes her head. “He got one of those intelligent phones. Now he’s trying to twit the president.” “Smart phones,” I correct her. “And it’s tweet, not twit.” “He follows me,” my grandfather says defensively. “I’m not kidding, he really does!”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“A man can tell a woman he’s in love with her until he’s blue in the face. Words don’t mean anything to her when her head is full of doubt. You have to show her.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“And remember, when things get tough for him, please teach him how to stop carving pumpkins . . .”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“A veces, cuando la miro, me parece surrealista que sea mía. Que realmente me ame.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Lake nunca va a leer mi diario, así que debería decir lo que realmente hay en mi mente, ¿verdad? Incluso si ella lee esto, será después de mi muerte cuando esté ordenando mis cosas. Así que técnicamente, tal vez algún día ella en realidad vea esto. Pero no importará entonces, porque estaré muerto. Así que, Lake... si estás leyendo esto... Lamento estar muerto.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Y entonces, es cuando sucede... todo mi mundo se derrumba a mi alrededor.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“—Permíteme ser franco contigo. Esa chica es muy importante para mí. Muy importante. Cuando cosas malas le suceden a las personas importantes en mi vida, no lo tomo muy bien. Supongo que se podría decir que tengo un poco de mal genio. —Acerco mi silla a la suya y lo miro fijamente a los ojos—. Ahora, ya que estamos siendo sinceros unos con otros... debes saber que solía ser un profesor. ¿Sabes por qué no soy más maestro, Mark?

Él no sonríe más. Niega con la cabeza

. —No enseño más porque un imbécil de mis estudiantes decidió meterse con una de mis personas más importantes. No terminó bien.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“—Así que, ¿cuál es el daño? —le pregunta Lake al Dr. Bradshaw.
—¿A qué? ¿A ti? —ríe mientras retira suavemente el vendaje que rodea su cabeza.
—A mi cabello —dice—. ¿Cuánto cortó?
—Bueno —dice—. Tuvimos que atravesar tu cráneo, sabes. Intentamos salvar tanto cabello como pudimos, pero enfrentamos una decisión difícil... era tu pelo o tu vida.
Ella se ríe. —Bueno, supongo que entonces lo perdono.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“I’m not giving up You’re not giving in This battle will turn into a war Before I let it come to an end.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Write poorly.
Write awful
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Vaughn, escucha. Tienes razón, te amé. Amé es la palabra clave aquí. Estoy enamorado de Lake. Nunca haría nada para lastimarla. Y tú estando aquí, eso la lastimaría. Por eso quiero que te vayas. Lo siento. Sé que esto no es lo que quieres escuchar. Pero tú tomaste tu decisión, y yo seguí adelante después de esa decisión. Ahora, tú necesitas seguir adelante. Por favor, haznos un favor a los dos y vete.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Wäre ich ein Zimmermann, würde ich dir ein Fenster zu meiner Seele zimmern.
Wenn du hineinschauen würdest, sähest du dich selbst in der Scheibe gespiegelt.
Und dann wüsstest du, dass meine Seele ein
Spiegelbild von deiner ist.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“If I were a carpenter, I would build you a window to my soul. But I would leave that window shut and locked, so that every time you tried to look through it . . . all you would see is your own reflection. You would see that my soul is a reflection of you”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Mom says the FCC is responsible for inventing cuss words just for media shock value. She says if everyone would just use them enough, they wouldn’t be considered cuss words anymore, and no one would ever be offended by them.” This kid is hard to keep up with! “Your mother encourages you to cuss?” Gavin says. Kiersten nods. “I don’t see it that way. It’s more like she’s encouraging us to undermine a system flawed through overuse of words that are made out to be harmful, when in fact they’re just letters, mixed together like every other word. That’s all they are, mixed-up letters.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“undermine a system flawed through overuse of words that are made out to be harmful, when in fact they’re just letters, mixed together like every other word.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Si fuera un carpintero te construiría una ventana a mi alma.
Pero dejaría esa ventana cerrada y con llave
para que cada vez que intentaras mirar a través de ella
todo lo que verías sería tu propio reflejo.
Verías que mi alma..
Es un reflejo de ti”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
“Algunas veces dos personas tienen que separarse, para darse cuenta de cuánto necesitan estar juntas.”
Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat
