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I'm doing this review bass-ackwards. In other words, I saw the movie with Tom Hardy several times, and was so intrigued, I got the book to see if there was anything I'd missed.
Yes, there are distinct differences between both versions, but on the whole the movie is very faithful to the book. The only parts I'd quibble about are how Leo got his name and the way the case was solved. But I can see how the first part was too graphic to be filmed, and ...more
Yes, there are distinct differences between both versions, but on the whole the movie is very faithful to the book. The only parts I'd quibble about are how Leo got his name and the way the case was solved. But I can see how the first part was too graphic to be filmed, and ...more
I loved the movie, which is why I chanced the book. Unfortunately, the prose in this book is too flowery. It's written in a very archaic style, and I had a hard time getting into the story, as much as I wanted to. I'm sure it's a very interesting novel, including all the other A&M books that followed. But I just couldn't get past the first two chapters.