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Game Night's Gloomy Game of the Year discussion

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Turf Wars Australia Archived > Completed Books

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message 1: by Joanne (last edited Aug 31, 2019 09:51AM) (new)

Joanne Please post books in the spreadsheet if comfortable doing so. If not, post here and include:

A link to the default edition of the book you read
Author name
Page count of the default edition
Date finished
Turf and how the book fits

message 2: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Sep 01, 2019 08:43AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) Not sure which word to place under.

Book: Protect the Prince
Author: Jennifer Estep
Series: Crown of Shards
Default Page: 448
Read: 1 Sept
Turf: Lake Eyre Spell Out
Letters, P, J, E, C

message 3: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Placed under Lake Eyre spell-out

Erin *Proud Book Hoarder* (erinpaperbackstash) Book: Sapphire Flames
Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Hidden Legacy
Default Page: 400
Finished: Sept 2, 2019
Turf: Lake Eyre Spell Out
Letters: S, I, A, H

message 5: by Emily (new)

Emily Bourque (emilyardoin) Are we posting all finished books here? Or just if we want you all to add them to spreadsheet for us?

message 6: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell Emily wrote: "Are we posting all finished books here? Or just if we want you all to add them to spreadsheet for us?"
I think people are posting here if they cannot open up the spread sheet or just want help posting them.

message 7: by Joanne (new)

Joanne I think Susanne is right. Or if the book is for the spell-out and you're not sure where to put it.

message 8: by bamaace83 (new)

bamaace83 I'm not very good at figuring out where books should go. Plus I like to see a record so here are my books below.

Book: Girls of Paper and Fire
Author: Natasha Ngan
Default Page: 400
Date Completed: September 2, 2019


Lake Kimberly
.03 X 400 = 12

Spell - Outs:
G, N
.02 X 400 = 8

Book: One Shot
Author: Lee Child
Default Page: 466
Date Completed: September 1, 2019


Any book that doesn't fit
.01 X 664 = 6.64

Spell - Outs:
O, L, C
.02 x 664 = 13.28

message 9: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo bamaace83 wrote: "I'm not very good at figuring out where books should go. Plus I like to see a record so here are my books below.

Book: Girls of Paper and Fire
Author: [author:Natasha Ngan|7034280..."

Thanks, bamaace83! I added Girls of Paper and Fire to points for Kimberley, and One Shot to a spell out.

message 10: by Susan A (new)

Susan A I added Her Wild Coast Haven (Storm Haven #2) by Dakota Davies to the spreadsheet. It will be a spellout, but I don't know which word.

message 11: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Kennedy Book: Pirates!
Author: Celia Rees
Default Page: 384
Finished: 9/1/2019
Turf: Any for 0.1 multiplier or Lake Eyre spell-out 0.2 multiplier
Letters: P

Book: Splintered
Author: A.G. Howard
Series: Splintered #1
Default page: 371
Finished: 9/3/2019
Kimberly- #1 in a series. 0.3 multiplier
S in spellout 0.2 multiplier
Lake Eyre: S in spell out 0.2 Multiplier
Alice springs: #1 on alice retelling list. 0.4 multiplier

message 12: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Added Her Wild Coast Haven and Pirates! to spell-out, Splintered to Alice Springs

message 13: by Keri (new)

Keri The Half Life of Molly Pierce by Katrina Leno
Pages: 256pgs.
Finished: 9/3/19

I don’t have access to the spreadsheet so I’m not sure what we were using this for but it was filed under one of the spellouts I think...

message 14: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Keri wrote: "The Half Life of Molly Pierce by Katrina Leno
Pages: 256pgs."

Got it. Thanks

message 15: by Pam from Maine (new)

Pam from Maine Task .04 multiplier: A book found on the Earl, Sizzles! listopia
Then Came You
Author name: Lisa Kleypas
Page count of the default edition 384
Date finished 9/3
Kimberley - # 4 on Earl, Sizzles! listopia

message 16: by bamaace83 (new)

bamaace83 Book: Recursion by Blake Crouch
Author: Blake Crouch
Date Read: September 3, 2019
Rating: 3 Stars
Page Count: 336

Book that doesn't fit a task . .01 x 633 = 6.33
Spell out letters: R, B, C .02 x 633 = 12.66

I was trying to knock out books for another challenge while I could. I have some books that are higher point values that I'm about to dive into now. :)

message 17: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Added to spell-out for Lake Eyre.

message 18: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Pam from Maine wrote: "Task .04 multiplier: A book found on the Earl, Sizzles! listopia
Then Came You
Author name: Lisa Kleypas
Page count of the default edition 384
Date finished 9/3
Kimberley - # 4 on Ear..."

Added to spreadsheet.

message 19: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 I’ve finished:

Barbarian Alien (Ice Planet Barbarians, #2) by Ruby Dixon Barbarian Alien by Ruby Dixon - is #4 in the Ice Planet Barbarians series

I can’t see a spell it out to fit it into right now - so will leave it up to you to find a slot for it.

message 20: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Sally906 wrote: "I’ve finished:

Barbarian Alien (Ice Planet Barbarians, #2) by Ruby Dixon Barbarian Alien by Ruby Dixon - is #4 in the Ice Planet Barbarians series

I can’t see a spell it out to fit it..."

Added to spell-out. You can use the series title for spell-out, too!

message 21: by Susan A (new)

Susan A Please add to spell out:

One Bride for the Football Team: A Reverse Harem Romance by Jess Bentley -- not part of a series, 229 pages
completed 9/4/19

This book was not added to any page of the spreadsheet.

Thank you.

message 22: by Chava (new)

Chava I finished The secret garden but don’t have access to a computer for a few hours. Can someone update for me?

message 23: by Pam from Maine (new)

Pam from Maine Maria Jo wrote: "Pam from Maine wrote: "Task .04 multiplier: A book found on the Earl, Sizzles! listopia
Then Came You
Author name: Lisa Kleypas
Page count of the default edition 384
Date finished 9/3..."
thank you I am just not sure I would pick the best use of the books.

message 24: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Susan A wrote: "Please add to spell out:

One Bride for the Football Team: A Reverse Harem Romance by Jess Bentley -- not part of a series, 229 pages
completed 9/4/19

This book w..."

Added to spell-out

message 25: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Chava wrote: "I finished The secret garden but don’t have access to a computer for a few hours. Can someone update for me?"


message 26: by Chava (new)

Chava Thank you!!

message 27: by Pam from Maine (new)

Pam from Maine Grizzly Love
Author: Eve Langlais
page count: 174
Date finished 9/4
Turf and how the book fits: Does not fit any other criteria

message 28: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Pam from Maine wrote: "Grizzly Love
Author: Eve Langlais
page count: 174
Date finished 9/4
Turf and how the book fits: Does not fit any other criteria"

Added to spell-out

message 29: by Susan A (new)

Susan A Please add to spell out:
Her Men in Blue: A Reverse Harem Romance by Roma James
no series
completed 9/5/19
219 pages
Turf and how the book fits: Does not fit any other criteria

This book was not added to any page of the spreadsheet.

Thank you

message 30: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Added

message 31: by bamaace83 (new)

bamaace83 Book: Size 12 Is Not Fat
Author: Meg Cabot
Date Read: September 5, 2019
Rating: 3 Stars
Page Count: 345
How it fits:

1st book in a series 543 x .03 = 16.29

Spell-out Letters
S, M, C 543 x .02 = 10.86

message 32: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Kennedy Book: Think Twice (Don't Even Think About It #2) by Sarah Mlynowski
Author: Sarah Mlynowski
Default Page: 254
Date Read: Sept 5 2019
Series: Don't Even think about it #2
How it fits: Spell out?

message 33: by Pam from Maine (new)

Pam from Maine True (Temptation, #6) by Ella Frank
Author: Ella Frank
Page count of the default edition 294
Date finished: 9/5
Turf and how the book fits: Spell out?

message 34: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Updated

message 35: by Ambi (new)

Ambi Book: The Hate U Give
Author: Angie Thomas
Default Pages: 444
Date Finished: 9/5
Spell Out options: H, A, T

message 36: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo ~~Ambi~~ wrote: "Book: The Hate U Give
Author: Angie Thomas
Default Pages: 444
Date Finished: 9/5
Spell Out options: H, A, T"


message 37: by Chava (new)

Chava I finished
Title: Liar Liar
Authors: James Patterson and Candice Fox
Series: Harriet Blue (#3)
Pages (default edition): 368
mixed up: 863

message 38: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Chava wrote: "I finished
Title: Liar Liar
Authors: James Patterson and Candice Fox
Series: Harriet Blue (#3)
Pages (default edition): 368
mixed up: 863"

Added to spell-out

message 39: by Ambi (new)

Ambi Book: Aurelia The Bondwoman
Author: David Aimad
Default Pages: 240
Date Finished: 9/5
Spell Out options: A, D, K

message 40: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Added to spell-out

message 41: by Pam from Maine (new)

Pam from Maine Please add to spell out

Book/Author:The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen
Default pages 273
Date Read: 9/5
Rating: 4 stars

message 42: by Maria Jo (new)

Maria Jo Added. Thanks, Pam!

message 43: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 I am heading to bed so am on my app and can’t link

This is for the spell it out - place wherever needed - works for S, E, A, L

Spells and shelves by Elle Adams
Library Witch 1

Kindle edition had 194 pages (941)

Finished just now 06/09/19
4 stars

message 44: by Joanne (new)

Joanne Sally906 wrote: "I am heading to bed so am on my app and can’t link

This is for the spell it out - place wherever needed - works for S, E, A, L

Spells and shelves by Elle Adams
Library Witch 1

Kindle edition had..."

I added this to the "#1 in series" task for now, but if we need it for a last minute letter we can move it to the spell-out before the deadline.

message 45: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 Joanne wrote: "I added this to the "#1 in series" task for now, but if we need it for a last minute letter we can move it to the spell-out before the deadline..."

Thank you - sorry for not linking - the App certainly has its limitations!

Here is the link now:
Spells & Shelves (Library Witch Mystery #1) by Elle Adams Spells & Shelves by Elle Adams

message 46: by Critterbee❇ (new)

Critterbee❇ (critterbee) I am away from home, and can't sign into my google account from here, could someone please update that I have finished Picture Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic

Just in case I cannot log in before the deadline tonight - thanks!

message 47: by Thereadingbell (new)

Thereadingbell Critterbee❇ wrote: "I am away from home, and can't sign into my google account from here, could someone please update that I have finished Picture Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic

Just in case I cannot log..."
I updated the date for you all is good.

message 48: by bamaace83 (new)

bamaace83 Book: A False Mirror
Author: Charles Todd
Rating: 3 Stars
Read: September 7, 2019
Pages: 384

Spell-out Letters: A, C, T
.02 x 843 = 16.86

Alice Springs
.03 x 843 = 25.29

message 49: by Critterbee❇ (new)

Critterbee❇ (critterbee) Susanne wrote: "Critterbee❇ wrote: "I am away from home, and can't sign into my google account from here, could someone please update that I have finished Picture Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic

Just ..."

Thanks, Susanne!

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