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The BBMRI-NL catalogue gives researchers an overview of a large set of sample collections, data collections, studies and biobanks in the Netherlands. All data ...
BBMRI catalogue. from
We are operating the world's largest biobank catalogue – the BBMRI-ERIC Directory. Anyone can use it to identify candidate biobanks to get access to samples ...
The Directory is a broad catalogue of our biobanks with aggregated information on their collections. You can browse and filter by country, sample type, quality ...
BBMRI catalogue. from
The Catalogue is a database that can be searched for available health data, sample, and image collections. Information for each biobank, cohort, ...
Catalogue. The BBMRI-NL biobank catalogue is a searchable database, containing information on several Dutch bio- and databanks. To date, there are over 200 ...
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The BBMRI-P3G population-based study Catalogue is a repository of standard information describing European population based ...
BBMRI catalogue. from
The catalogue allows searching for samples based on a limited number of key characteristics such as disease, type of sample and limited demographical data of ...
May 22, 2015 · This catalogue can be publicly accessed at the web site (select catalogue and then login as guest). Currently, it contains data from ...
Aug 24, 2022 · The Sample Catalogue provides an overview of biological samples from rare disease patients that are available for research.
Database of collections of biomaterial and associated data subsumed under the umbrella of BBMRI-NL.