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SO, i want to say something...

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this is my old quizzes so as you can see them Ugh I hope You Know that i hate typing! SO BLAH BLA BLAH I Don't care! :) :( I HATE TYPING!!! almost there... YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!

Ugh I hope You Know that i hate typing! SO BLAH BLA BLAH I Don't care! :) :( I HATE TYPING!!! almost there... YAAAAY!!!!!!!!! pls look at my quizzes :)

Created by: Forest Eevee
  1. I have more quizzes ok? Here is the first one...
  2. Second...
  3. Third...
  4. Last...
  5. at least ten question??? (the next questions will be random words)
  6. random
  7. dog
  8. where's the flamingo's favourite place to ride his bike?
  9. cannot
  10. If you were a shape, what shape would you be?
  11. Finally

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