My blogs
Blogs I follow
- a quilt is nice
- A Quilting Life - a quilt blog
- Adventures in Quilting and Sailing
- Blue Elephant Stitches
- Bricolage & Butter
- Building houses from scraps
- Cape Pincushion
- Cherry Heart Blog
- Christel's Quilts
- Fjeldborg
- flossyblossy
- Gipsy Quilt
- Hanne's Quilt Corner
- happy little cottage
- Helen Philipps
- In Color Order
- Jeanneke's Blog
- KISSed Quilts - Keeping It Simple and Stunning
- Kviltstina...
- L a n t l i f
- Lisbeth sin lille verden
- Lively Stitches
- Livet på Vestergård
- Luv 2 Stitch
- Ma Paradis Maison
- Maybush Studio - UK family and lifestyle photoblog
- me and Alice
- min lilla veranda
- Moda... the Cutting Table
- Molly Flanders
- My Three Sons {and a very busy Girl}
- NYC Metro Modern Quilters Guild
- on my verandah
- Quilts In The Barn
- retromummy
- Romantiska Hem
- rosa e chocolate
- Sanctuary
- scandinavian retreat.
- Shabby french for me
- Simply Colours
- Simply Patchwork
- Sommerhusstil ...
- Southern Girl Quilts
- stitchingfarmgirl
- Tea Rose Home
- The Knitting Quilter
- The Log Cabin
- The Rose Cottage
- Thread Head
- Time to Stitch
- Tonya's Sewing Room
- V Findlay Wolfe BLOG
- Vita Verandan
- ♥ Stipje ♥
Gender | Female |
Occupation | dentist |
Location | Czechia |
Introduction | Název blogu vypadá poněkud infantilně,ale je to prostě jen můj osobní deník,píšu ho pro sebe jako součást psychoterapie,žádné větší ambice nemám.Omlouvám se za hovorovou češtinu. Druhý manžel,tři děti + jeden vyženěný syn,čtyři úžasné vnučky.Zubařka v důchodu.Závislá na patchworku !!! |