What is the difference between a virus and virion
Jul 3, 2018 · $\begingroup$ A quick google search of "virion" reveals the following: "the complete, infective form of a virus outside a host cell, with a core of RNA or DNA and a capsid."
What is an attenuated virus? What is done to it?
Sep 9, 2021 · Historically it was just about finding a closely related virus circulating in a different species, giving fewer symptoms and cross-protection (vaccinia virus). Then it was about selecting passaged viruses giving fewer plaques in lab, adapting to eggs so that after enough passages it replicates poorly in human cells. $\endgroup$
biochemistry - Is a virus a poison? - Biology Stack Exchange
Sep 1, 2020 · When virus penetrates a cell, it hijacks the cellular machinery, making the cell produce many copies of the initial virus. Unlike a cell, virus does not have all the necessary elements for reproduction, i.e. for copying its genome, generating all the necessary proteins, and ingesting food for powering this reproduction activity.
biochemistry - Why do retroviruses go through a DNA stage to …
Sep 9, 2017 · This stage of the retroviral life cycle in which a DNA copy is integrated into the host genome is not an incidental stage in a mechanism to replicate the virion RNA — it is the key element of the modus operandi or strategy of existence of the virus. Explanation
Why are there 2 copies of RNA in the HIV virion?
Oct 18, 2016 · There are two copies of the RNA in the HIV virion. These are retroviruses. So, they can make cDNA from even just one copy using reverse transcriptase. What is the use of the other? Are both integrated into host chromosomes? My guesses are: To ensure increased chance of getting integrated. But, if one gets in, the other also should be able to.
Is rabies virus infectious outside host? - Biology Stack Exchange
Oct 11, 2018 · The rabbies virus as many other viruses cannot live outside of its host. Rabbies is exists in "public reservoir". Rabbies is exists in "public reservoir". This fact only confirm its variety of hosts such as bat, bears, dogs etc. (technicly all warm blood species) and its long incubation period (for example 1-3 months in humans.
virology - Does RNA of virus have poly adenylate tail before or …
Dec 22, 2022 · $\begingroup$ @david the presence and location of a polyadenylate tail on viral RNA can vary depending on the type of virus. In some cases, the RNA genome is already polyadenylated when it is produced within the virus particle, while in other cases it becomes polyadenylated after it enters the host cell.
molecular biology - What, if any, is the difference between …
Feb 26, 2017 · It can be found in the group I and VII viruses according to the Baltimore classification. This means viruses containing DNA in their virion(the virion is what you would normally consider to be the virus, it is what you see on all those electron microscope pictures on the Internet and is what exists out of the cell as the virus).
Do viruses compete with each other or even infect each other?
Jan 21, 2018 · is a double stranded DNA virus that infects the marine phagotrophic flagellate Cafeteria roenbergensis in the presence of a second virus — Cafeteria roenbergensis virus. Mavirus can integrate into the genome of cells of C. roenbergensis, and thereby confer immunity to the population. As a last example, consider the Organic Lake virophage, which
What is the size (diameter) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Feb 26, 2020 · Electron micrographs of negative-stained 2019-nCoV particles were generally spherical with some pleomorphism (Figure 3). Diameter varied from about 60 to 140 nm. Virus particles had quite distinctive spikes, about 9 to 12 nm, and gave virions the appearance of a solar corona.--A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019