White Rhino | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
The white rhino is the second largest land mammal and is relatively unaggressive which is why poaching for its horn is the main threat. Support WWF's efforts to disrupt the illegal trade and …
Species Spotlight: White Rhino | Pages | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Poaching for their horn is the main threat to white rhinos. Interesting Fact White rhinos are the second largest land mammals, with most living in four African countries – Namibia, South …
Rhino | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
However, the species still remains under threat from poaching for its horn and from habitat loss and degradation. In Africa, southern white rhinos, once thought to be extinct, now thrive in …
Where do rhinos live? And eight other rhino facts
Sep 19, 2019 · Both black and white rhinos have two horns, and while there are a number of visual characteristics that differentiate them, the easiest way is by looking at the shape of the …
Black Rhino | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Black rhinos have hooked upper lips, whereas white rhinos are characterized by a square lip. Black rhinos are browsers, rather than grazers, meaning they are herbivores who do not feed …
Last male northern white rhino dies | Stories | WWF - World …
On March 19, 2018 the last male northern white rhino died. Sudan, 45 years old, had been under armed guard to protect him from the threat of poachers. His death is heartbreaking. The …
Rhino Horn | Pages | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
For centuries, rhino horn has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat a wide variety of illnesses ranging from reducing fevers to stopping nosebleeds and preventing …
Javan Rhino | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Javan rhinos are the most threatened of the five rhino species, with only around 76 individuals that live only in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. Javan rhinos once lived …
Rhinos: Where they stand | Magazine Articles | WWF - World …
While WWF’s primary work focuses on greater one-horned and black rhinos, the scope of our efforts—on antipoaching, habitat management, and more—supports all rhino species in one …
Sumatran Rhino | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Sumatran rhinos are the smallest of the living rhinoceroses and the only Asian rhino with two horns. They are covered with long hair and are more closely related to the extinct woolly …