Your Experience Between Oak and Pine Pellets - Forums
Aug 24, 2010 · My last pellets were a jack pine and hardwood blend and my stove ran like garbage. With full hardwood pellets it runs super. I think part of the problem is softwood burns faster and the pot would burn up between pellet loads, so I throttle back the air then they wouldn’t burn hot enough to keep the pot going.
Tidy Cats Breeze System and Pine Pellets | TheCatSite
Jul 25, 2017 · I'd love to use pine pellets but like you, I've never been clear on what box to use. I have an absolutely ginormous Stearlite container that has at least fifty pounds of litter in it at all times. lt's so easy to just scoop and refill. To my mind, pine pellets aren't really conducive to the (lazy) type of box maintenance I'm used to.
Confused About Tractor Supply Equine Pine Pellets As Litter
Oct 19, 2005 · A 40 lb. bag of the Tractor Supply Horse Bedding pellets is $6.00 and, according to the cattery woman, will last approximately 6 months for 2 cats. This woman said other places sell the horse bedding pine pellets if one doesn't have access to a Tractor Supply store but to be sure the pellets are kiln dried.
My Problem with Pine Pellets - TheCatSite
Jan 12, 2020 · The person at the adoption agency told me that the cat was using Pine Pellets for the litter, so when I got home, I checked YouTube videos on Pine Pellets and started using them. All went well for a couple of months until I went into the hospital for Covid.My daughters came to my Condo every day, and one of my daughters said that my cat had ...
Confused About Tractor Supply Equine Pine Pellets As Litter
Jun 10, 2018 · Been using pine pellets for a few months, and wouldn't use anything else. Anyone that is concerned about getting the pellets from Tractor Supply, just buy the Pellets they sell at Petsmart. Few dollars more,but when I factored in the travel expenses to go to Tractor Supply, the closer to me Petsmart wound up costing me about the same , and I ...
Pine pellets | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Oct 16, 2019 · Has anyone used pine pellets in their coop? I'm using pine shavings from TSC, but I'm not sure if I like them. Before doing the pine shavings I was using hay, but I'm not sure if I want to go back to it. The pine shavings I truly do not like because they get tracked everywhere. The hay stayed inside the coop and not all over my shoes.
Pine pellets for run? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Mar 23, 2022 · Options include: Wood chips, wood shavings, straw, dry leaves, garden and yard waste, pelleted horse bedding, ground corn cobs, rice hulls, pine straw, and other materials some of which, like the rice hulls and the pine straw, are only locally available.
Pine pellets: The circle of life - BackYard Chickens
Feb 18, 2012 · LOL I just wanted to point out how convenient it is for me to use pressed pine pellets in my brooders. Once the brooders are dirty I use the icky pellets in my wood stove. Then I use the remaining ash from the wood stove for my adult quail dust baths. Now if I could just figure out how to make my adult quail produce pine pellets.
Pine pellets for coop bedding??? Does it work?? I'm curious....
Aug 14, 2024 · Usually, pine pellets aka horse bedding pellets are about $8 for 40# at farm stores. We take 3.5 bags for a 60-square-foot coop. We change them only once a year, in the spring.
Pelletized Bedding / Shavings - BackYard Chickens
Mar 5, 2021 · All you do is occasionally give it a stir to mix the pellets and poop. I have not had any issues with using them. They may occasionally eat little bits that come off, but it doesn't cause any problems. I put the pellets in the brooder before they hatch. I cover the pellets with paper towels for about 4 days until the chicks learn about eating.