weapons - How effective would a scythe be in a one-on-one, …
Jul 23, 2021 · Scythe vs sword is dumb if all you are going to do is swing the scythe like you are mowing. Quarterstaff vs sword is a whole different deal. A quarterstaff is blunt but it has more reach than a sword, much more leverage, and it more effectively uses both hands of the fighter.
[Analysis] Necromancer Sword or Reaper Scythe? | Hypixel Forums
Nov 16, 2021 · Necromancer sword- Costs 8m-9.5m Reaper scythe- Costs 20m-24m Necromancer sword can also be opened from chest for 7.5m, even less during Paul Reaper scythe can be crafted for about 20m (but its demand is trash) Necromancer sword and Reaper scythe can have ult wise 5 on them Reaper scythe can hold 1 more soul than Necromancer …
Glacial Scythe VS Yeti Sword | Hypixel Forums
Nov 26, 2022 · Tbh just buy both. Yeti for minis and scythe for clearing. If you on a super tight budget, SS, if your between that Hype and SS lvl and don’t wanna use a Yeti sword cuz blocks arrows, arc shape and cooldown, go scythe. If your in a huge budget get Scythe and Hype
Which is better for dps yeti sword or glacial scythe? (Outside of ...
Mar 26, 2020 · Yeti sword stats: BaseAbilityDamage: 15,000 Intelligence scaling: 0.3 Ability cooldown: 1s Glacial scythe stats: BaseAbilityDmg: 1,500 Intelligence scaling: 0.3 Ability cooldown: 0? Their intelligence scaling is the same and the yeti sword has only a 1 second cooldown the big difference is...
[Experiment] Glacial Scythe + Yeti Sword | Hypixel Forums
Jun 4, 2020 · These give a slight buff to both the Glacial Scythe and Yeti sword. Oh and ice spray wand, but no ones using ice spray wand as a mage when it comes to DPS. So yeah. Not much else to say. Im pretty sure everyone knows what glacial scythe and yeti sword do. If not, think of them as budget hyperions, if you would, since both creates explosions.
Dread lord sword vs Frozen Scythe explained. | Hypixel Forums
Jun 2, 2019 · Hi , this will be a comparison thread between dread lord sword and frozen scythe. Please read patiently and be nice down there. You can share opinions and can react to this post however you want to. Ok so lets get right into it. 1) Dread lord has inbuilt intelligence. Frozen Scythe doesn't have any inbuilt intelligence.
the wheel of time - What does a Trolloc 'scythe-sword' look like ...
Sep 20, 2023 · Speculation: RJ might have based it on real-world scythe weapons, that I gather were common at one time. A peasant heading to war would re-position the blade on his scythe so instead of sitting at 90° for mowing, it was at 180° like the thing held by the guy in …
Glacial scythe vs yeti sword vs spirit sceptre | Hypixel Forums
Mar 17, 2023 · scythe is only really good for outside dungeons since it has a ridiculously low mana cost its best use is farming zealot bruisers or fast killing headless horsemen aside from that you can use it during spooky to farm high # points on crypt ghouls during the day and general slayer summoning, its quite decent when combined with fire veil wand.
Frozen scythe vs Dreadlord Sword | Hypixel Forums
Nov 5, 2021 · Gear: Frozen Scythe(0 stars)/ Dreadlord Sword(5 stars), 3/4 wise drag with necrotic on leggings and boots with loving on chestplate, necrotic wither goggles, and a voodoo doll. Dreadlord Sword Mana cost: 9/10 40 mana cost is pretty low and I almost never ran out of mana Small groups: 8/10 has pretty good AOE, and decent enough spammability
Ice Scythe or Dreadlord sword? | Hypixel Forums - Hypixel …
Oct 12, 2020 · Frozen scythe when 5 starred is significantly, significantly better than dreadlord in dungeons idk what these people are talking about. It has higher int scaling and much more base magic dmg, as well as piercing and slowing targets.