For over 25 years, we’ve used yo-yo tricks in our school performances. This bit of old-fashioned fun helps us be entertaining and unforgettable in the mind of a child as we share how “NED” …
A popular starter yo-yo, the NED Yo is a glow-in-the-dark-faced butterfly-style yo-yo with the NED message to remind yo-ers to Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best.
Answers to Common Yo-Yo Questions: Q: How are the three styles of yo-yos different? Classic Yos Learn the basics of yo-yoing with fixed axle yos. NED® Yo, Go Yo, UFO Yo • Hitched for …
A popular starter yo-yo, the NED Yo is a glow-in-the-dark-faced butterfly-style yo-yo with the NED message prominently featured to remind yo-ers to Never give up, Encourage others and Do …