Cindy Kessler ...
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Ministry - Cindy Kessler
Below is more information about the different ministry moments that God has blessed me with ... ~ In my local church where I serve in rotation as a vocalist in the Worship Ministry. ~ In personal ministry (speaking, teaching, worship leading) in the community, and beyond, in any way the invitation comes. It is a great blessing and privilege to be invited to …
Just Sayin' - Cindy Kessler
With her whole heart Cindy Kessler has a God-given, all consuming desire to encourage and disciple women in the body of Christ. Gifted with an amazing voice and equipped with a captivating personal testimony, she holds audiences spellbound then points them directly to …
Schedule -
March 15 - 17, 2024. Annual South Carolina State Gideon Convention. Rock Hill, SC. Worship Leader and Soloist. May 3 - 5, 2023 . Annual North Carolina State Gideon Convention
The word of my testimony… “My heart is overflowing with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Music/Media -
Leading Worship ~ It is my great honor to lead worship and when God gives me that platform, I take it very seriously. I believe its holy ground standing there before Him and leading the way into the very throne room of God.