When will we be able to see the planets at their best during this upcoming year of 2025? This guide will tell you. It will ...
Each evening, enjoy a sweeping view of four planets at once. Also look for Mars occulted by the Moon and meteors!
After many months away from the limelight—hidden in the pre-dawn sky and the sun's glare—Venus begins eight months as a super-bright “Evening Star” that will shine in the west immediately ...
That’s something that Venus appears to do every 19 months. It will then re-emerge as the pre-dawn “Morning Star” in October. Planet-spotting is all about perspective. From where we are in ...
Always brilliant and shining with a steady, silvery light, Venus will appear in the western sky at dusk from Jan. 1 to March 15, and in the eastern sky at dawn from April 1 through Nov. 6.