That's very special.' Makulata Faatoafe is a siapo-maker from the Samoan village of Siutu Sala'ilua, on the west coast of Savai'i Island. Siapo is the Samoan word for a fine cloth made from the ...
Barkcloth made in Samoa is called siapo.; MaterialsSiapo makers use the bark of the u'a (paper mulberry tree) to make their cloth. The bark is carefully peeled off the tree in strips and then the ...
In Samoa, we call this siapo, and it holds a lot of significance as it's considered a measina (treasure) of the culture. Made by beating and softening tree bark, it's used to make clothing as well ...
Executive Director of Fa'asamoa Arts & Siapo Maker, Reggie Meredith Fitiao will be hosting an upcoming art show and guest party at Aloha Ballroom Company to demonstrate the art of Siapo making and ...