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Team Corally RC Car Safety

RC Car Safety With Team Corally

With it getting warmer each day in the Northern Hemisphere, the good folks at Team Corally have posted some notes about RC Safety. Before the brushless and LiPo battery revolution, rc cars weren’t so fast. Now days, it is easy to buy a truck that can do 60 mph+ straight out of the box. When you get a 10lbs monster [...]


Raging Rotors: Yo, Quad Daddy-O!

Again, the news is filled with so much trouble in regards to Multirotors/Quadcopters/Drones. Brian just saw someone follow highway traffic, a man in the Illinois suburbs is being investigated by the FAA for rule violations when doing a quadcopter video of Christmas lights, and a government employee has now crashed on his boss’s White House lawn. Ideally I’d love to send [...]


Raging Rotors: GoPro or Go Home!

Hitting the Wall Street Journal a little while ago, GoPro is developing a line of multirotors for 2015. Nothing says a good idea like the camera guy making the ideal platform for their product, but has the train already left the station? GoPro has the right idea with their 2015 ventures, but it will come down to implementation. There is a [...]