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Baronchelli, A., Gong, T., Puglisi, A. & Loreto, V. Modeling the emergence of universality in color naming patterns 2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences   article DOIURL  
Abstract: The empirical evidence that human color categorization
exhibits some universal patterns beyond superficial
discrepancies across different cultures is a major
breakthrough in cognitive science. As observed in
the World Color Survey (WCS), indeed, any two groups
of individuals develop quite different
categorization patterns, but some universal
properties can be identified by a statistical
analysis over a large number of populations. Here,
we reproduce the WCS in a numerical model in which
different populations develop independently their
own categorization systems by playing elementary
language games. We find that a simple perceptual
constraint shared by all humans, namely the human
Just Noticeable Difference (JND), is sufficient to
trigger the emergence of universal patterns that
unconstrained cultural interaction fails to produce.
We test the results of our experiment against real
data by performing the same statistical analysis
proposed to quantify the universal tendencies shown
in the WCS [Kay P & Regier T. (2003) 100:
9085-9089], and obtain an excellent quantitative
agreement. This work confirms that synthetic
modeling has nowadays reached the maturity to
contribute significantly to the ongoing debate in
cognitive science.
  author = {Baronchelli, Andrea and Gong, Tao and Puglisi, Andrea and Loreto, Vittorio},
  title = {Modeling the emergence of universality in color naming
  journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {107},
  number = {6},
  pages = {2403--2407},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Barrat, A., Puglisi, A., Trizac, E., Visco, P. & Wijland, F. V. Fluctuations in Granular Gases 2008 Mathematicl Models of Granular Matter   incollection  
  author = {Barrat, A. and Puglisi, A. and Trizac, E. and Visco, P. and Wijland, F. Van},
  title = {Fluctuations in Granular Gases},
  booktitle = {Mathematicl Models of Granular Matter},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2008}
Costantini, G., Marconi, U. M. B. & Puglisi, A. Noise rectification and fluctuations of an asymmetric inelastic piston 2008 Europhys. Lett.   article URL  
  author = {Costantini, G and Marconi, U Marini Bettolo and Puglisi, A},
  title = {Noise rectification and fluctuations of an asymmetric inelastic piston},
  journal = {Europhys. Lett.},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {82},
  pages = {50008},
  url = {}
Diotallevi, F., Biferale, L., Chibbaro, S., Puglisi, A. & Succi, S. Front pinning in capillary filling of chemically coated channels 2008 submitted   article URL  
  author = {Diotallevi, F. and Biferale, L. and Chibbaro, S. and Puglisi, A. and Succi, S.},
  title = {Front pinning in capillary filling of chemically coated channels},
  journal = {submitted},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Marconi, U. M. B., Puglisi, A., Rondoni, L. & Vulpiani, A. Fluctuation-Dissipation: Response Theory in Statistical Physics 2008 Physics Reports   article  
Abstract: General aspects of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation (FDR), and
sponse Theory are considered. After analyzing the conceptual and
storical relevance of fluctuations in statistical mechanics, we
lustrate the relation between the relaxation of spontaneous
uctuations, and the response to an external perturbation. These
udies date back to Einstein's work on Brownian Motion, were
ntinued by Nyquist and Onsager and culminated in Kubo's linear response theory.
The FDR has been originally developed in the framework of statistical
chanics of Hamiltonian systems, nevertheless a generalized FDR holds
der rather general hypotheses, regardless of the Hamiltonian, or
uilibrium nature of the system. In the last decade, this subject
s revived by the works on Fluctuation Relations
R) concerning far from equilibrium systems. The connection of
ese works with large deviation theory is analyzed.
Some examples, beyond the standard applications of statistical
chanics, where fluctuations play a major role are discussed: fluids,
anular media, nano-systems and biological systems.
  author = {Marconi, U. M. Bettolo and Puglisi, A. and Rondoni, L. and Vulpiani, A.},
  title = {Fluctuation-Dissipation: Response Theory in Statistical Physics},
  journal = {Physics Reports},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {461},
  pages = {111}
Puglisi, A., Assaf, M., Fouxon, I. & Meerson, B. Attempted density blowup in a freely cooling dilute granular gas: hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics 2008 Phys. Rev. E   article URL  
Abstract: It has been recently shown (Fouxon et al., 2007) that, in the framework of ideal granular hydrodynamics, an initially smooth hydrodynamic flow of a granular gas can produce an infinite gas density in a finite time. Exact solutions that exhibit this property have been derived. Here we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a freely cooling gas of nearly elastically colliding hard disks, aimed at identifying the "attempted" density blowup regime. The initial conditions of the simulated flow mimic those of one particular solution of the ideal equations that exhibits the density blowup. We measure hydrodynamic fields in the MD simulations and compare them with predictions from the ideal theory. We find a remarkable quantitative agreement between the two over an extended time interval, proving the existence of the attempted blowup regime. As the attempted singularity is approached, the hydrodynamic fields, as observed in the MD simulations, deviate from the predictions of the ideal solution. To investigate the mechanism of breakdown of the ideal theory near the singularity, we extend the hydrodynamic theory by accounting separately for the gradient-dependent transport and for finite density corrections.
  author = {Puglisi, Andrea and Assaf, Michael and Fouxon, Itzhak and Meerson, Baruch},
  title = {Attempted density blowup in a freely cooling dilute granular gas:   hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {77},
  pages = {021305 },
  note = {arXiv:0709.3433},
  url = {}
Puglisi, A., Assaf, M., Fouxon, I. & Meerson, B. Attempted density blowup in a freely cooling dilute granular gas: hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics 2008 accepted on Phys. Rev. E   article URL  
Abstract: It has been recently shown (Fouxon et al., 2007) that, in the framework of ideal granular hydrodynamics, an initially smooth hydrodynamic flow of a granular gas can produce an infinite gas density in a finite time. Exact solutions that exhibit this property have been derived. Here we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a freely cooling gas of nearly elastically colliding hard disks, aimed at identifying the "attempted" density blowup regime. The initial conditions of the simulated flow mimic those of one particular solution of the ideal equations that exhibits the density blowup. We measure hydrodynamic fields in the MD simulations and compare them with predictions from the ideal theory. We find a remarkable quantitative agreement between the two over an extended time interval, proving the existence of the attempted blowup regime. As the attempted singularity is approached, the hydrodynamic fields, as observed in the MD simulations, deviate from the predictions of the ideal solution. To investigate the mechanism of breakdown of the ideal theory near the singularity, we extend the hydrodynamic theory by accounting separately for the gradient-dependent transport and for finite density corrections.
  author = {Puglisi, Andrea and Assaf, Michael and Fouxon, Itzhak and Meerson, Baruch},
  title = {Attempted density blowup in a freely cooling dilute granular gas: hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics},
  booktitle = {accepted on Phys. Rev. E},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Puglisi, A., Baronchelli, A. & Loreto, V. Cultural route to the emergence of linguistic categories 2008 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA   article URL  
Abstract: Categories provide a coarse grained description of the world. A fundamental question is whether categories simply mirror an underlying structure of nature, or instead come from the complex interactions of human beings among themselves and with the environment. Here we address this question by modelling a population of individuals who co-evolve their own system of symbols and meanings by playing elementary language games. The central result is the emergence of a hierarchical category structure made of two distinct levels: a basic layer, responsible for fine discrimination of the environment, and a shared linguistic layer that groups together perceptions to guarantee communicative success. Remarkably, the number of linguistic categories turns out to be finite and small, as observed in natural languages.
  author = {Puglisi, Andrea and Baronchelli, Andrea and Loreto, Vittorio},
  title = {Cultural route to the emergence of linguistic categories},
  journal = {Proc Natl Acad Sci USA },
  year = {2008},
  volume = {105},
  pages = {7936},
  url = {}
Alvarez-Hamelin, J. I. & Puglisi, A. The dynamical collision network in granular gases. 2007 Physical Review E   article URL  
Abstract: We address the problem of recollisions in cooling granular gases. To this aim, we dynamically construct the interaction network in a granular gas, using the sequence of collisions collected in an event driven simulation of inelastic hard disks from time $0$ till time $t$. The network is decomposed into its $k$-core structure: particles in a core of index $k$ have collided at least $k$ times with other particles in the same core. The difference between cores $k+1$ and $k$ is the so-called $k$-shell, and the set of all shells is a complete and non-overlapping decomposition of the system. Because of energy dissipation, the gas cools down: its initial spatially homogeneous dynamics, characterized by the Haff law, i.e. a $t^-2$ energy decay, is unstable towards a strongly inhomogeneous phase with clusters and vortices, where energy decays as $t^-1$. The clear transition between those two phases appears in the evolution of the $k$-shells structure in the collision network. In the homogeneous state the $k$-shell structure evolves as in a growing network with fixed numberof vertices and randomly added links: the shell distribution isstrongly peaked around the most populated shell, which has an index$k_max sim0.9 langled with $langled theaverage number of collisions experienced by a particle. During thefinal non-homogeneous state a growing fraction of collisions isconcentrated in small, almost closed, communities of particles:$k_max$ is no more linear in $langled and thedistribution of shells becomes extremely large developing a power-lawtail $simk^-3$ for high shell indexes. We conclude proposing asimple algorithm to build a correlated random network that reproduces,with few essential ingredients, the whole observed phenomenology,including the $t^-1$ energy decay. It consists of two kinds ofcollisions/links: single random collisions with any other particle andlong chains of recollisions with only previously encounteredparticles. The algorithm disregards the exact spatial arrangement ofclusters, suggesting that the observed string-like structures are notessential to determine the statistics of recollisions and the energydecay.
  author = {Alvarez-Hamelin, J. Ignacio and Puglisi, A.},
  title = {The dynamical collision network in granular gases.},
  journal = {Physical Review E},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {75},
  pages = {051302},
  url = {}
Baronchelli, A., Cattuto, C., Loreto, V. & Puglisi, A. Complex systems approach to the emergence of language 2007 Language, Evolution and the Brain   incollection  
  author = {Baronchelli, A. and Cattuto, C. and Loreto, V. and Puglisi, A.},
  title = {Complex systems approach to the emergence of language},
  booktitle = {Language, Evolution and the Brain},
  year = {2007}
Costantini, G., Puglisi, A. & Marconi, U. M. B. Velocity fluctuations in a one dimensional Inelastic Maxwell model 2007 J. Stat. Mech.   article URL  
  author = {Costantini, G. and Puglisi, A. and Marconi, U. Marini Bettolo},
  title = {Velocity fluctuations in a one dimensional Inelastic Maxwell model},
  journal = {J. Stat. Mech. },
  year = {2007},
  pages = {P08031},
  url = {}
Costantini, G., Puglisi, A. & Marconi, U. M. B. A Granular Brownian Ratchet Model 2007 Phys. Rev. E   article URL  
Abstract: We show by numerical simulations that a non rotationally symmetric body, whose orientation is fixed and whose center of mass can only slide along a rectilinear guide, under the effect of inelastic collisions with a surrounding gas of particles, displays directed motion. We present a theory which explains how the lack of time reversal induced by the inelasticity of collisions can be exploited to generate a steady average drift. In the limit of an heavy ratchet, we derive an effective Langevin equation whose parameters depend on the microscopic properties of the system and obtain a fairly good quantitative agreement between the theoretical predictions and simulations concerning mobility, diffusivity and average velocity.
  author = {Costantini, Giulio and Puglisi, Andrea and Marconi, Umberto Marini Bettolo},
  title = {A Granular Brownian Ratchet Model},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {75},
  pages = {061124},
  url = {}
Puglisi, A., Baronchelli, A. & Loreto, V. Cultural route to the emergence of linguistic categories 2007   article  
Abstract: Categories provide a coarse grained description of the world. A fundamental question is whether categories simply mirror an underlying structure of nature, or instead come from the complex interactions of human beings among themselves and with the environment. Here we address this question by modelling a population of individuals who co-evolve their own system of symbols and meanings by playing elementary language games. The central result is the emergence of a hierarchical category structure made of two distinct levels: a basic layer, responsible for fine discrimination of the environment, and a shared linguistic layer that groups together perceptions to guarantee communicative success. Remarkably, the number of linguistic categories turns out to be finite and small, as observed in natural languages.
  author = {Puglisi, A. and Baronchelli, A. and Loreto, V.},
  title = {Cultural route to the emergence of linguistic categories},
  year = {2007}
Puglisi, A., Baldassarri, A. & Vulpiani, A. Violation of the Einstein relation in Granular Fluids: the role of correlations 2007 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment   article URL  
  author = {Puglisi, A. and Baldassarri, A. and Vulpiani, A.},
  title = {Violation of the Einstein relation in Granular Fluids: the role of  correlations},
  journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {P08016},
  note = {J. Stat. Mech. (2007) P08016},
  url = {}
Puglisi, A., A.Baldassarri & A.Vulpiani Violation of the Einstein relation in Granular Fluids: the role of correlations 2007 J. Stat. Mech.   article URL  
Abstract: We study the linear response in different models of driven granular gases. In some situations, even if the velocity statistics can be strongly non-Gaussian, we do not observe appreciable violations of the Einstein formula for diffusion versus mobility. The situation changes when strong correlations between velocities and density are present: in this case, although a form of fluctuation-dissipation relation holds, the differential velocity response of a particle and its velocity self-correlation are no longer proportional. This happens at high densities and strong inelasticities, but still in the fluid-like (and ergodic) regime.
  author = {Puglisi, A. and A.Baldassarri and A.Vulpiani},
  title = {Violation of the Einstein relation in Granular Fluids: the role of correlations},
  journal = {J. Stat. Mech.},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {P08016},
  url = {}
Visco, P., Puglisi, A., Barrat, A., Trizac, E. & van Wijland, F. Power injected in a granular gas 2007 C. R. Physique   article  
  author = {Visco, P. and Puglisi, A. and Barrat, A. and Trizac, E. and van Wijland, F.},
  title = {Power injected in a granular gas},
  journal = {C. R. Physique},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {641}
Visco, P., Puglisi, A., Barrat, A., van Wijland, F. & Trizac, E. Energy fluctuations in vibrated and driven granular gases 2006 European Physical Journal B   article  
  author = {Visco, P. and Puglisi, A. and Barrat, A. and van Wijland, F. and Trizac, E.},
  title = {Energy fluctuations in vibrated and driven granular gases},
  journal = {European Physical Journal B},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {51},
  pages = {377-387}
Visco, P., Puglisi, A., Barrat, A., Trizac, E. & van Wijland, F. Fluctuations of Power Injection in Randomly Driven Granular Gases 2006 Journal of Statistical Physics   article URL  
  author = {Visco, Paolo and Puglisi, Andrea and Barrat, Alain and Trizac, Emmanuel and van Wijland, Frederic},
  title = {Fluctuations of Power Injection in Randomly Driven Granular Gases},
  journal = {Journal of Statistical Physics},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {125},
  number = {3},
  pages = {529--564},
  url = {}
Puglisi, A., Barrat, A., Trizac, E., Visco, P. & van Wijland, F. On the validity of Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relation in granular gases 2005 Powder and Grains 2005   proceedings  
  author = {Puglisi, A. and Barrat, A. and Trizac, E. and Visco, P. and van Wijland, F.},
  title = {On the validity of Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relation in granular gases},
  booktitle = {Powder and Grains 2005},
  publisher = {Balkema},
  year = {2005}
UMB, M., A, P. & A, B. Application of simple models to the study of nonequilibrium behaviour of inelastic gases 2004 Phase Transition   article URL  
Abstract: The dynamics of cooling inelastic gases and the evolution of their velocity fields is addressed by studying a series of simplified models. We first discuss a model of inelastic hard particles, which shows an uncorrelated transient phase (homogeneous cooling state or Haff regime) followed by the emergence of structures in the velocity and density field. Motivated by the linear stability analysis of the Haff regime, which predicts the appearance of density clusters only after the formation of structures in the velocity field, we focus our attention on the velocities of the gas particles. We study the so-called inelastic Maxwell model (IMM), first in a version with infinite connectivity which is the analog of mean-field spin systems. Secondly, we embed the model onto a lattice (in one dimension and two dimension), in order to observe spatial correlations. The mean-field IMM has the advantage that it lends itself to analytical treatment: in one dimension we find an exact asymptotic scaling solution for the probability density function (p.d.f.) of velocities. On the other hand, the lattice version displays typical spatial features of an inelastic gas, e.g., the transient Haff regime followed by the coarsening of structures in the velocity field (shocks in one dimension, vortices and shocks in two dimension), the so-called "return to the Gaussian" phenomenon of the velocity p.d.f. observed in MD simulations, etc. We show that the growth of structures in the lattice model is similar to that of domains in a diffusive field, but presents a short-scale disorder ("internal noise") which is induced by the randomizing effect of collisions. In the lattice model, we can also establish the presence or absence of a mesoscopic scale which is required for a hydrodynamics description of the field evolution.
  author = {UMB, Marconi and A, Puglisi and A, Baldassarri},
  title = { Application of simple models to the study of nonequilibrium behaviour of inelastic gases},
  journal = {Phase Transition},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {77},
  number = {8-10},
  pages = {863-888},
  url = {}

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