The Application of Open Source Software Technology in Electronic Information Management in Digital Libraries The Case of DSpace
Mbah Relean-Jeans | Egbe Isu Michael.
With the introduction of open source software and particularly DSpace in the broad and ever growing world of information science, it is incumbent on information scientists and digital librarians to stimulate and ensure a sustained understanding, utilisation and optimisation of this new arm of technology. On the one hand, this research article is an investigation into what this new arm of technology called DSpace of open source software is all about. On the other hand, it acts as a gateway into the application of this new arm of technology within the precision of virtual information institutions such as digital libraries. It is within the competence of this research article to demonstrate that through a virtual platform called integrated library system, the timely introduction as well as adequate absorption of DSpace into librarianship is of enduring nature which leads to long lasting significance in information acquisition, management and consultation. In perspective, therefore, the organisation of digital information resources through acquisition and circulation for instance are quite eminent when it comes to the application of this new technology in librarianship. In this scientific write up therefore, there are explorations and presentations of fundamental aspects of open source software technology which contradict those of proprietary software technology. It is recommended that information institutions such as university libraries, archives, museums, etc. should solicit the services, procurement and institutionalisation of DSpace. Finally, a glossary is built at the end of this scientific write up, and through this initiative, meanings are accorded to seemingly challenging terms and concepts which are generally frequent and unavoidable in this branch of information science. Mbah Relean-Jeans | Egbe Isu Michael "The Application of Open Source Software Technology in Electronic Information Management in Digital Libraries: The Case of DSpace" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-8 | Issue-4 , August 2024, URL: Paper Url:
Using Architecture Decision Records in Open Source Projects—An MSR Study on GitHub.
IEEE Access, 11:63725-63740, 2023.
Georg Buchgeher, Stefan Schöberl, Verena Geist, Bernhard Dorninger, Philipp Haindl and Rainer Weinreich.
Architecture decision records (ADRs) have been proposed as a resource-efficient means for capturing architectural design decisions (ADDs), and have received attention not only from researchers but also from practitioners. We conducted a mining software repositories (MSR) study, in which we analyzed the use of ADRs in open source repositories at GitHub. Our results show that the adoption of ADRs is still low, although the number of repositories using ADRs is increasing every year. About 50% of all repositories with ADRs contain just one to five ADRs suggesting that the concept has been tried but not yet definitively adopted. In repositories that use ADRs more systematically, we observed that recording decisions is a team activity conducted by two or more users over a longer period of time. In most repositories the template proposed by Michael Nygrad is used. We, finally, provide an interpretation of the obtained results and discuss open future research challenges by elaborating on implications of the study’s findings as well as on recommendations on how to further increase the adoption of ADRs.
DSD: The Data Source Description Vocabulary.
In: G. Kotsis, A. M. Tjoa, I. Khalil, B. Moser, A. Mashkoor, J. Sametinger and M. Khan, editors,
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops, pages 3-10.
Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
Lisa Ehrlinger, Johannes Schrott and Wolfram Wöß.
Training machine learning models, especially in producing enterprises with numerous information systems having different data structures, requires efficient data access. Hence, standardized descriptions of data sources and their data structures are a fundamental requirement. We therefore introduce version 4.0 of the Data Source Description Vocabulary (DSD), which represents a data source in a standardized form using an ontology. We present several real-world applications where the DSD vocabulary has been applied in recent years to demonstrate its relevance. An evaluation against the FAIR principles highlights the scientific quality and potential for reuse of the DSD vocabulary.
MANDO-HGT: Heterogeneous Graph Transformers for Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection.
2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), pages 334-346.
Hoang H. Nguyen, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Chunyao Xie, Zahra Ahmadi, Daniel Kudendo, Thanh-Nam Doan and Lingxiao Jiang.
Smart contracts in blockchains have been increasingly used for high-value business applications. It is essential to check smart contracts' reliability before and after deployment. Although various program analysis and deep learning techniques have been proposed to detect vulnerabilities in either Ethereum smart contract source code or bytecode, their detection accuracy and scalability are still limited. This paper presents a novel framework named MANDO-HGT for detecting smart contract vulnerabilities. Given Ethereum smart contracts, either in source code or bytecode form, and vulnerable or clean, MANDO-HGT custom-builds heterogeneous contract graphs (HCGs) to represent control-flow and/or function-call information of the code. It then adapts heterogeneous graph transformers (HGTs) with customized meta relations for graph nodes and edges to learn their embeddings and train classifiers for detecting various vulnerability types in the nodes and graphs of the contracts more accurately. We have collected more than 55K Ethereum smart contracts from various data sources and verified the labels for 423 buggy and 2,742 clean contracts to evaluate MANDO-HGT. Our empirical results show that MANDO-HGT can significantly improve the detection accuracy of other state-of-the-art vulnerability detection techniques that are based on either machine learning or conventional analysis techniques. The accuracy improvements in terms of F1-score range from 0.7% to more than 76% at either the coarse-grained contract level or the fine-grained line level for various vulnerability types in either source code or bytecode. Our method is general and can be retrained easily for different vulnerability types without the need for manually defined vulnerability patterns.
MANDO-HGT: Heterogeneous Graph Transformers for Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection.
2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), pages 334-346.
Hoang H. Nguyen, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Chunyao Xie, Zahra Ahmadi, Daniel Kudendo, Thanh-Nam Doan and Lingxiao Jiang.
Smart contracts in blockchains have been increasingly used for high-value business applications. It is essential to check smart contracts' reliability before and after deployment. Although various program analysis and deep learning techniques have been proposed to detect vulnerabilities in either Ethereum smart contract source code or bytecode, their detection accuracy and scalability are still limited. This paper presents a novel framework named MANDO-HGT for detecting smart contract vulnerabilities. Given Ethereum smart contracts, either in source code or bytecode form, and vulnerable or clean, MANDO-HGT custom-builds heterogeneous contract graphs (HCGs) to represent control-flow and/or function-call information of the code. It then adapts heterogeneous graph transformers (HGTs) with customized meta relations for graph nodes and edges to learn their embeddings and train classifiers for detecting various vulnerability types in the nodes and graphs of the contracts more accurately. We have collected more than 55K Ethereum smart contracts from various data sources and verified the labels for 423 buggy and 2,742 clean contracts to evaluate MANDO-HGT. Our empirical results show that MANDO-HGT can significantly improve the detection accuracy of other state-of-the-art vulnerability detection techniques that are based on either machine learning or conventional analysis techniques. The accuracy improvements in terms of F1-score range from 0.7% to more than 76% at either the coarse-grained contract level or the fine-grained line level for various vulnerability types in either source code or bytecode. Our method is general and can be retrained easily for different vulnerability types without the need for manually defined vulnerability patterns.
Prose Works by Alisher Navoi.
International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE), 6(5):173-177, 2023.
Dilshoda Alisherova Azizxon qizi |.
The prose works of Alisher Navoi originated on the basis of prose works of different genres and different themes in Persian and Ancient Uzbek, created in Khorasan and Transoxiana. But Navoi, as a great genius, wrote such centuries, which, on the one hand, reflected a new interpretation and development of advanced prose traditions in Persian-Tajik literature. Secondly, bearing in mind the rather slow development of prose in the Uzbek language in relation to Nazm, as well as a deep understanding of the breadth of possibilities of prose in relation to Nazm, Navoi enriched Uzbek literature with about fifteen prose works.
The Role of the Arabic Language in the Cultural Life and Science Development of Central Asia.
Ro‘ziboyeva Zuhra Tolliboyevna.
In a series of speeches, our President paid attention to issues of in-depth study of the works of our ancestors, such as Imam Bukhari, the Sultan of Hadith Science, Abu Mansur Moturidi, the founder of Kalam Science and his successor Abu Muin Nasafi, the great scholar Bahauddin Naqshband, and emphasized the contribution of our ancestors in building a new Uzbekistan. He emphasized that the priceless works created as a product of his spiritual and scientific courage should be programmed. At the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, special attention is paid to the study of material heritage in directing young students to scientific research. In fact, the training of qualified personnel in the field of source studies is a long process that requires extreme consistency. This practice will greatly help the student in the next stages to comprehensively study the source, to carry out translation and translation, to compose scientific texts, and it will undoubtedly be a unique experience. In this regard, we are implementing relevant plans to further strengthen cooperation with the scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences.
Research of the History of the Early Medieval Fergana Valley by Foreign Scholars.
Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(10):65-69, 2023.
Yuldashev Saidanvarbek Baxromjon ugli |.
The article analyzes the study of the history of the Fergana Valley during the Hephthalite period, based on historical sources and literature. Scientific literature and researches in English, Russian, Turkish and other languages examine the aspects of the history of the Fergana Valley, which aspects were left out of the eyes of scholars, and the factors that led to this.
The Role and Importance of the National University of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek Which Faculty of the History in the Creation of New Educational Literature in History and Its Application to the Educational Process.
International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE), 6(7):314-316, 2023.
Ergashev Khusan |.
This article is devoted to the publication and implementation of new educational literature and textbooks created in the history of independence, as well as the importance of the National University of Uzbekistan which faculty of History in filling the existing gap.
Power Quality Improvement Analysis and Implementation of Custom Power Device Unified Power Quality Conditioner UPQC
Sunil Kumar | Ashish Bhargava.
Power Quality PQ has been a source of concern for utilities at all levels of consumption. Power electronic gadget development has had a significant influence on the quality of electric power supply. The functioning of nonlinear loads creates harmonics, which degrades the distribution systems quality. In such instances, both utilities and end consumers of electric power are becoming more worried about power quality. This implies that just a few steps must be made in order to enhance power quality. The primary emphasis of this study is on UPQC, which is a mix of series and shunt active power filters. The series APF reduces voltage based distortions, while the shunt APF reduces current based distortions. UPQC reduces voltage and current based aberrations simultaneously and independently. UPQC enhances power quality by correcting for both harmonics and load current, resulting in sinusoidal source current and load voltage at the appropriate voltage level. MATLAB Simulink was used to simulate the series APF, the shunt APF, and the UPQC. Sunil Kumar | Ashish Bhargava "Power Quality Improvement: Analysis and Implementation of Custom Power Device Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-6 , October 2022, URL: Paper URL:
SMAC - A modular open source architecture for medical capsule robots.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(11):188, 2014.
Marco Beccani, Ekawahyu Susilo, Christian Di Natali and Pietro Valdastri.
The field of Medical Capsule Robots (MCRs) is gaining momentum in the robotics community, with applications spanning from abdominal surgery to gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. MCRs are miniature multifunctional devices usually constrained in both size and on-board power supply. The design process for MCRs is time consuming and resource intensive, as it involves the development of custom hardware and software components. In this work, we present the STORM Lab Modular Architecture for Capsules (SMAC), a modular open source architecture for MCRs aiming to provide the MCRs research community with a tool for shortening the design and development time for capsule robots. The SMAC platform consists of both hardware modules and firmware libraries that can be used for developing MCRs. In particular, the SMAC modules are miniature boards of uniform diameter (i.e., 9.8 mm) that are able to fulfill five different functions: signal coordination combined with wireless data transmission, sensing, actuation, powering and vision/illumination. They are small in size, low power, and have reconfigurable software libraries for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), which has been proven to work reliably for different types of MCRs. A design template for a generic SMAC application implementing a robust communication protocol is presented in this work, together with its finite state machine abstraction, capturing all the architectural components involved. The reliability of the wireless link is assessed for different levels of data transmission power and separation distances. The current consumption for each SMAC module is quantified and the timing of a SMAC radio message transmission is characterized. Finally, the applicability of SMAC in the field of MCRs is discussed by analysing examples from the literature.
Pučanstvo Duvanjske župe 1469-1800: prilog Matica krštenih don Antona Ljubosovića (1750 1758 ).
Anto Ivić.
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Secret Sources for Healing Foods and Natural Medicines that Can Save Your Life.
Mike Adams.
Pisani izvori u službi arheološkog istraživanja Scripta et effoffiones: nastava.
Opvscvla archaeologica, 30(1):225-269, 2006.
Bruna Kuntić-Makvić.
Ukratko se prikazuju koncepcija, struktura, ciljevi i sadržaj nastave predmeta “Pisani izvori u službi arheološkog istraživanja”. Autorica je bila nositelj toga predmeta na poslijediplomskome studiju arheologije od ak. god. 1992/93. do ak. god. 2...
Open Source Software for E-Government in Municipalities.
Master's thesis, Zürich, Zürich, 2004.
René Irniger.
Ecclesia sancti Johannis apud Cruciferos in Bynna Problem nazočnosti ivanovaca u Ludbregu.
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 20(-):151-155, 2003.
Juraj Belaj.
O mogućoj nazočnosti ivanovaca u Ludbregu do sada se u historiografiji relativno dosta pisalo, uglavnom na temelju pojedinih povijesnih isprava i mišljenja prijašnjih istraživača. Čvrsti dokaz o njihovoj nazočnosti još nije predočen, ali neke indicij...
Izvori i literatura o povijesti cesta i puteva u srednjovjekovnim hrvatskim zemljama i Bosni.
Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 24(1):23-40, 1991.
Lovorka Čoralić.
Izvori za hrvatsku povijest do 1526. godine.
Nada Klaić.
Priručnik izvora hrvatske historije.
Ferdo Šišić.
Pisma Ivana Lučića Trogiranina.
Ivan Lučić.
"Pretampano iz 31. i 32. knjige "Starina" Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti"; Italian or Croatian; 27; 137 p