@electronic{www.openpr.com, title = {Toys Market Potential Growth, Share, USD 275.65 Billion, Demand and Analysis Of Key Players- Research Forecast by 2030}, url = {https://www.openpr.com/news/3436392/toys-market-potential-growth-share-usd-275-65-billion-demand}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/url/faf2d4dcb2141959e65df078a64779e0/olviaa}, keywords = {Market Toys}, added-at = {2024-03-20T13:22:47.000+0100}, description = {The Toys Market is anticipated to experience a growth rate of 5.2% between 2022 and 2030, culminating in a market size of USD 275.65 Billion by the conclusion of 2030. }, interhash = {faf2d4dcb2141959e65df078a64779e0}, intrahash = {faf2d4dcb2141959e65df078a64779e0} }