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%0 Journal Article
%1 zhang2016elaborately
%A Zhang, Jing
%A Chen, Zhao
%A Yang, Lan
%A Pan, Fang-Fang
%A Yu, Guang-Ao
%A Yin, Jun
%A Liu, Sheng Hua
%D 2016
%I Nature Publishing Group
%J Scientific Reports
%K Electron Intramolecular Transfer charge ct cts interfacial morphology
%P 36310
%T Elaborately Tuning Intramolecular Electron Transfer Through Varying Oligoacene Linkers in the Bis (diarylamino) Systems
%V 6
added-at = {2016-11-15T19:44:44.000+0100},
author = {Zhang, Jing and Chen, Zhao and Yang, Lan and Pan, Fang-Fang and Yu, Guang-Ao and Yin, Jun and Liu, Sheng Hua},
biburl = {},
interhash = {da857cebe77be6c7196c4d869406185d},
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journal = {Scientific Reports},
keywords = {Electron Intramolecular Transfer charge ct cts interfacial morphology},
pages = 36310,
publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
timestamp = {2016-11-15T19:44:44.000+0100},
title = {Elaborately Tuning Intramolecular Electron Transfer Through Varying Oligoacene Linkers in the Bis (diarylamino) Systems},
volume = 6,
year = 2016