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%0 Book
%1 kuhn1997structure
%A Kuhn, Thomas S
%C Chicago
%D 1997
%I University of Chicago Press
%K book philosophy science
%T The structure of scientific revolutions
%V 962
added-at = {2025-01-24T10:21:41.000+0100},
address = {Chicago},
author = {Kuhn, Thomas S},
biburl = {},
interhash = {786d166b05966514fa1aac8fd33f7f1f},
intrahash = {ea6e5c6eac932f8e89e96bcfbf326cf0},
keywords = {book philosophy science},
publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
timestamp = {2025-01-24T10:21:41.000+0100},
title = {The structure of scientific revolutions},
volume = 962,
year = 1997