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%0 Journal Article
%1 1974MNRAS.168..603L
%A Lynden-Bell, D.
%A Pringle, J. E.
%D 1974
%J \mnras
%K 1974 PPD a:Lynden-Bell a:Pringle formation key planets
%P 603-637
%T The evolution of viscous discs and the origin of the nebular variables.
%V 168
added-at = {2013-09-23T09:45:37.000+0200},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
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author = {{Lynden-Bell}, D. and {Pringle}, J. E.},
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description = {The evolution of viscous discs and the origin of the nebular variables.},
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journal = {\mnras},
keywords = {1974 PPD a:Lynden-Bell a:Pringle formation key planets},
month = sep,
pages = {603-637},
timestamp = {2014-07-25T17:15:35.000+0200},
title = {{The evolution of viscous discs and the origin of the nebular variables.}},
volume = 168,
year = 1974