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Obučavanje trenera za prenošenje potrebnih vještina i znanja drugima predstavlja osnovu za uspješnu realizaciju projekta CROSKILLS.}, added-at = {2023-08-21T00:54:13.000+0200}, author = {Ciglar, Ivan and Delladio, Snježana and Milovanović, Bojan}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/223a2f1e5d9c48a55a02bb22c64728fe3/glonga}, interhash = {334c9db78e0bd38d21990c94ad04231c}, intrahash = {23a2f1e5d9c48a55a02bb22c64728fe3}, journal = {Croskills}, keywords = {Carpenter Construction Continuous Efficiency Energy Manual Trainers Training Worker}, language = {hr}, timestamp = {2023-08-21T00:54:41.000+0200}, title = {Kontinuirana izobrazba građevinskih radnika u okviru energetske učinkovitosti - {Priručnik} za trenere / {Tesar}}, url = {https://www.grad.unizg.hr/_download/repository/Prirucnik-za-trenere-TESAR-web.pdf}, urldate = {2022-08-16}, year = 2016 }