@article{Strandberg2024, added-at = {2024-12-26T22:46:35.000+0100}, author = {Strandberg, Timo E and Kovanen, Petri T and Lloyd-Jones, Donald M and Raal, Frederick J and Santos, Raul D and Watts, Gerald F}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2bbe44f42ac2060c0cd9ee49a1787ef3c/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1016/s0140-6736(24)02089-0}, interhash = {fb92786c0ca97c7015c5547ff33ad6d6}, intrahash = {bbe44f42ac2060c0cd9ee49a1787ef3c}, issn = {0140-6736}, journaltitle = {The Lancet}, keywords = {4S ScandinavianSimvastatinSurvivalStudy cholesterol dyslipidaemia prevention treatment}, number = 10470, pages = {2462--2475}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, timestamp = {2024-12-26T22:47:09.000+0100}, title = {Drugs for dyslipidaemia: the legacy effect of the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S)}, volume = 404, year = 2024 } @collection{max-width:, added-at = {2024-09-06T12:08:28.000+0200}, author = {Rohit, Matani}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e2ecb3ff2e4991610969a59feae7ba8a/ivediclife}, interhash = {1c032666835a61f47291e11ae5fb851e}, intrahash = {e2ecb3ff2e4991610969a59feae7ba8a}, keywords = {Acid Acne Anti-Acne Best Face Products Salicylic Serum Skincare Treatment Wash for}, timestamp = {2024-09-06T12:08:28.000+0200}, title = {Clear Skin Awaits | Best Acne Face Wash & Anti-Acne Serum with Salicylic Acid}, year = 2024 } @standard{noauthororeditor1978located, added-at = {2024-09-05T14:27:17.000+0200}, author = {Nursing, West View and Center, Rehabilitation}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/216e3fced3dd912078c52bd08a77f7d81/westviewnursing}, booktitle = {West View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center}, interhash = {04877ef7553b234f3508bd51c8f8449b}, intrahash = {16e3fced3dd912078c52bd08a77f7d81}, keywords = {COPD Treatment for}, timestamp = {2024-09-05T14:27:17.000+0200}, title = {Located in West Warwick, Rhode Island, West View Nursing’s state-of-the-art Certified Vent Care Unit provides long and short-term support.}, url = {https://westviewnursing.com/certified-ventilator-unit/}, year = 1978 } @article{2024, added-at = {2024-06-27T09:08:38.000+0200}, author = {Prescriber, Australian}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25cb5d69c9ea1868e526dcc35adb1f491/jepcastel}, doi = {10.18773/austprescr.2024.026}, interhash = {6300695c0863221461ad6ea1d8e4ee85}, intrahash = {5cb5d69c9ea1868e526dcc35adb1f491}, issn = {1839-3942}, journaltitle = {Australian Prescriber}, keywords = {CardiovascularRisk LDL-c hypercholesterolaemia inclisiran treatment}, number = 3, pages = {98--99}, publisher = {Therapeutic Guidelines Limited}, timestamp = {2024-06-27T09:08:38.000+0200}, title = {Inclisiran for hypercholesterolaemia}, volume = 47, year = 2024 } @article{Simon2024, added-at = {2024-06-11T09:07:33.000+0200}, author = {Simon, Gregory E. and Moise, Nathalie and Mohr, David C.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ea6fd103c7cfac7d30e3747d95a90a0e/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1001/jama.2024.5756}, interhash = {b62037ffa1c5762cde9a86857d6d26d6}, intrahash = {ea6fd103c7cfac7d30e3747d95a90a0e}, issn = {0098-7484}, journaltitle = {JAMA}, keywords = {adult depression review treatment}, publisher = {American Medical Association (AMA)}, timestamp = {2024-06-11T09:07:33.000+0200}, title = {Management of Depression in Adults: A Review}, year = 2024 } @article{chalmers1998order, added-at = {2024-06-11T05:40:40.000+0200}, author = {Physiotherapy, Ishas and Clinic, Spine Care}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29c496a2ea22980bd559c6b3d4379f598/physiyotherapy}, description = {In Jayanagar, Bangalore, muscle pain treatment emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach that integrates various therapeutic modalities to provide comprehensive care tailored to each individual's needs, promoting pain relief, functional improvement, and overall well-being. Patients receive ongoing support and monitoring to track their progress, adjust treatment as needed, and address any concerns or questions that may arise. Reach out to us https://physiyo.in/services/muscle-pain-treatment-in-jayanagar-bangalore/ }, editor = {Physiotherapy, Ishas and Clinic, Spine Care}, interhash = {96fb251b0ca6e4a4e1a3fc793d0d3ba2}, intrahash = {9c496a2ea22980bd559c6b3d4379f598}, journal = {Health}, keywords = {Bangalore Jayanagar Muscle Pain Treatment in}, month = {June}, number = 1, pages = {1-5}, publisher = {Elsevier}, timestamp = {2024-06-11T05:40:40.000+0200}, title = {Muscle Pain Treatment in Jayanagar Bangalore}, url = {https://physiyo.in/services/muscle-pain-treatment-in-jayanagar-bangalore/}, volume = 30, year = 1998 } @article{Hosseini_Siyanaki_2023, added-at = {2024-06-01T14:13:36.000+0200}, author = {Hosseini-Siyanaki, Mohammad-Reza and Segherlou, Zahra Hasanpour and Liu, Sophie and A. Azab, Mohammed and Khan, Majid and Lucke-Wold, Brandon}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26313ab7202fbb165ba9d28efaa70799d/bijnnjournal}, doi = {10.54646/bijnn.2023.08}, interhash = {c1ea972a81881020aa45b5fb5a725aaa}, intrahash = {6313ab7202fbb165ba9d28efaa70799d}, journal = {BOHR International Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience}, keywords = {chemotherapy hormonal meningioma recurrent surgical target therapy treatment}, number = 2, pages = {50–58}, publisher = {BOHR Publishers}, timestamp = {2024-06-01T14:14:16.000+0200}, title = {Recurrent meningioma: When to intervene}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.54646/bijnn.2023.08}, volume = 1, year = 2023 } @article{journals/scp/BerardinisFJS18, abstract = {Auricular perichondritis is a rare but severe complication that can occur in patients who have experienced ear trauma or are suffering from an immunosuppressive condition. Its treatment is difficult and time–consuming, and the prognosis is usually poor. We present the case of a 68-year-old patient with personal antecedents of ear surgery, type II diabetes, and signs of poor local hygiene who was admitted to our ENT department with a swollen, painful, erythematous pinna and treated empirically for 3 weeks with systemic antibiotics (cefuroxime), local drainage, and application of antiseptic medication (iodine solution and boric acid). Considering the long hospitalization time and the multiple comorbidities of our patient, the present case report is aimed to highlight the importance of a diversified approach to treatment in patients vulnerable to auricular perichondritis}, added-at = {2024-05-30T09:13:20.000+0200}, author = {Dragos, Stefanescu Cristian}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2848cfce48ef5d33e064e0ff627e5ccd5/ijrdpmjournal}, doi = {10.54646/bijrdpm.2023.08}, ee = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2018.09.002}, interhash = {7db9d7251a2aa36cde29ac275ccd0c34}, intrahash = {848cfce48ef5d33e064e0ff627e5ccd5}, issn = {2583-9276}, journal = {BOHR International Journal of Current Research in Diabetes and Preventive Medicine}, keywords = {auricularperichondritis diabetes ear incision infection treatment}, language = {English}, number = 2, pages = {45-47}, timestamp = {2024-05-30T09:13:20.000+0200}, title = {Auricular perichondritis in a patient with personal antecedents of type II diabetes and radical mastoidectomy}, volume = 1, year = 2023 } @article{Aaron2024, added-at = {2024-05-27T08:42:23.000+0200}, author = {Aaron, Shawn D. and Vandemheen, Katherine L. and Whitmore, G. Alex and Bergeron, Celine and Boulet, Louis-Philippe and Côté, Andréanne and McIvor, R. Andrew and Penz, Erika and Field, Stephen K. and Lemière, Catherine and Mayers, Irvin and Bhutani, Mohit and Azher, Tanweer and Lougheed, M. Diane and Gupta, Samir and Ezer, Nicole and Licskai, Christopher J. and Hernandez, Paul and Ainslie, Martha and Alvarez, Gonzalo G. and Mulpuru, Sunita}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/223b00412c9b1ba6d4063b855f917d156/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1056/nejmoa2401389}, interhash = {51474a52650c16a58da4943d4310565c}, intrahash = {23b00412c9b1ba6d4063b855f917d156}, issn = {1533-4406}, journaltitle = {New England Journal of Medicine}, keywords = {COPD ClinicalDiagnosis RCT treatment}, publisher = {Massachusetts Medical Society}, timestamp = {2024-05-27T08:42:23.000+0200}, title = {Early Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD and Asthma — A Randomized, Controlled Trial}, year = 2024 } @article{marwan_shamo_shekho_2024_11213126, abstract = {The review thoroughly examines current approaches to wastewater treatment, addressing the urgent worldwide issues of water contamination and shortage. Given that the majority of Earth's surface is covered by water, only a small portion of it is really appropriate for consumption. As a result, billions of people are at risk of experiencing water shortages on a yearly basis. The research examines several therapeutic strategies, including physical, chemical, and biological approaches, with a specific emphasis on their effectiveness, constraints, and current advancements. Adsorption and membrane technology are physical technologies that use developments in nano-sized materials to improve the removal of contaminants. Coagulation/flocculation procedures encounter difficulties in de-colorization and sludge generation, notwithstanding their effectiveness. Chemical techniques such as electrochemical and photo-electrochemical oxidation, Fenton's oxidation, and ozonation demonstrate sophisticated oxidation mechanisms that have the ability to break down pollutants. Nevertheless, the need for continuous improvement arises due to problems such as energy expenses and the generation of by-products. The use of microorganisms for the breakdown of organic colorants is a promising ecologically acceptable solution in the field of biology. Biofilm applications show potential in the treatment of sewage water, highlighting the capacity of microorganisms to adapt and their enzymatic activity. This review highlights the urgent need for ongoing research and technological advancements in order to address the global issue of water scarcity. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment solutions into worldwide water management strategies, in order to ensure a resilient future.}, added-at = {2024-05-21T08:21:09.000+0200}, author = {Shekho, Marwan Shamo and Hassan, Najmaldin Ezaldin}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24842b99026aa24b173cdbe6e3ec530fc/gscarrjournal}, doi = {10.30574/gscarr.2024.18.1.0005}, interhash = {700e9570906be3ef367d6f2e6f436ee9}, intrahash = {4842b99026aa24b173cdbe6e3ec530fc}, issn = {2582-4597}, journal = {GSC Advanced Research and Reviews}, keywords = {Wastewater treatment}, month = may, number = 1, pages = {118–128}, timestamp = {2024-05-21T08:21:09.000+0200}, title = {A review on techniques for the cleaning of wastewater}, url = {https://gsconlinepress.com/journals/gscarr/content/review-techniques-cleaning-wastewater}, volume = 18, year = 2024 } @article{Manson2024, added-at = {2024-05-14T09:04:06.000+0200}, author = {Manson, JoAnn E. and Crandall, Carolyn J. and Rossouw, Jacques E. and Chlebowski, Rowan T. and Anderson, Garnet L. and Stefanick, Marcia L. and Aragaki, Aaron K. and Cauley, Jane A. and Wells, Gretchen L. and LaCroix, Andrea Z. and Thomson, Cynthia A. and Neuhouser, Marian L. and Van Horn, Linda and Kooperberg, Charles and Howard, Barbara V. and Tinker, Lesley F. and Wactawski-Wende, Jean and Shumaker, Sally A. and Prentice, Ross L.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b4654a14096db09d63d109628be7f976/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1001/jama.2024.6542}, interhash = {7b55c523f4c0252cd6ae3cbdf7e4a8f1}, intrahash = {b4654a14096db09d63d109628be7f976}, issn = {0098-7484}, journaltitle = {JAMA}, keywords = {HormonalTherapyl WomenshealtInitiative postmenopausals treatment}, publisher = {American Medical Association (AMA)}, timestamp = {2024-05-14T09:04:06.000+0200}, title = {The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trials and Clinical Practice: A Review}, year = 2024 } @article{Wu2024a, added-at = {2024-05-14T08:42:16.000+0200}, author = {Wu, Ruiqi and Peng, Qinglin and Wang, Weiwei and Zheng, Jixian and Zhou, Yi and Yang, Qipei and Zhang, Xuan and Li, Hongyu and Meng, Lin}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26668ea1d4676b185c0332f76a776079d/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0298774}, editor = {Hoque, Ashraful}, interhash = {94df61e3bbb03b50d199638ec92d0392}, intrahash = {6668ea1d4676b185c0332f76a776079d}, issn = {1932-6203}, journaltitle = {PLOS ONE}, keywords = {GCSB-5 Meta-Analysis efficacy metaanalisis pain treatment}, number = 5, pages = {e0298774}, publisher = {Public Library of Science (PLoS)}, timestamp = {2024-05-14T08:42:16.000+0200}, title = {Systematic review and network meta-analysis on the efficacy and safety of parmacotherapy for hand osteoarthritis}, volume = 19, year = 2024 } @article{Wallach2024, added-at = {2024-04-23T10:19:19.000+0200}, author = {Wallach, Joshua D. and Yoon, Samuel and Doernberg, Harry and Glick, Laura R. and Ciani, Oriana and Taylor, Rod S. and Mooghali, Maryam and Ramachandran, Reshma and Ross, Joseph S.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/27bda7527d1a3215e561d3d630cdffd69/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1001/jama.2024.4175}, interhash = {6be3846af090a74fd0c84ed837e8de70}, intrahash = {7bda7527d1a3215e561d3d630cdffd69}, issn = {0098-7484}, journaltitle = {JAMA}, keywords = {ClinicalOutcomes Outcome SurrogateVariables treatment}, publisher = {American Medical Association (AMA)}, timestamp = {2024-04-23T10:19:19.000+0200}, title = {Associations Between Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments}, year = 2024 } @article{Agarwal2024, added-at = {2024-04-02T09:49:24.000+0200}, author = {Agarwal, Ank A. and Narayan, Aditya and Stanford, Fatima Cody}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d6a836c360694938cd3dbbb1978c1597/jepcastel}, doi = {10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.7733}, interhash = {56357a088e3aa24020dab8100a4cd2a5}, intrahash = {d6a836c360694938cd3dbbb1978c1597}, issn = {2168-6106}, journaltitle = {JAMA Internal Medicine}, keywords = {Outcome obesity scales treatment}, number = 4, pages = 341, publisher = {American Medical Association (AMA)}, timestamp = {2024-04-02T09:49:24.000+0200}, title = {Body Composition in Anti-Obesity Medication Trials—Beyond Scales}, volume = 184, year = 2024 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {The sand trapped in the sander at the wastewater treatment plant is removed using hydraulic elevators, and then the sand is removed by sandblasters (pulpers) to specially prepared sand fields. The sand area is a carded area surrounded by 1-2 m high earthen walls (valleys). The size of the area, the layer of dumped sand is taken at the rate of 3 m3/m2 per year, and dried sand is removed from time to time.}, added-at = {2024-03-23T07:34:25.000+0100}, author = {Mirkomil, Orzimatov Johongir | Xakimov}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2489a3d348f6fc1e40cb4db2ee90d4676/centralasian_20}, interhash = {453ea4afb0928e47a022faa1c4b57e04}, intrahash = {489a3d348f6fc1e40cb4db2ee90d4676}, issn = {2660-5317}, journal = {Central Asian Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science}, keywords = {Sandfield, bunkers, facilities, sand treatment washing waste water,}, language = {English}, month = nov, number = 12, pages = {250-255}, timestamp = {2024-03-23T07:34:25.000+0100}, title = {Calculation of Sand Areas and Bunker of Wastewater Treatment Institutions }, url = {https://cajotas.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJOTAS/article/view/1400/1450}, volume = 4, year = 2023 } @book{icold2005foundations, added-at = {2024-03-15T11:02:47.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {ICOLD}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c9c7a053b879e596018b8274bfc52561/glonga}, interhash = {a681239ecb627db895fb438322fdaa83}, intrahash = {c9c7a053b879e596018b8274bfc52561}, keywords = {Consideration Dam Foundation Geologic Investigation Method Monitoring Treatment}, publisher = {ICOLD}, series = {Bulletin (International Commission on Large Dams)}, timestamp = {2024-03-15T11:04:30.000+0100}, title = {Dam Foundations: Geologic Considerations, Investigation Methods, Treatment, Monitoring. Bulletin no. 129}, url = {https://books.google.com/books?id=wDzGoAEACAAJ}, year = 2005 } @article{Blo68, abstract = {The article deals with the cases related to the honor and value of the interrogated persons in the preliminary investigation and the presence or absence of criminal elements in these cases, as well as the grounds of responsibility for crimes related to the honor and value of the interrogated persons during the investigation period. This topic delves into the critical issue of cases involving the infringement of the rights, honor, and dignity of individuals subjected to interrogation during the investigation phase. The annotation seeks to examine instances where legal boundaries are breached, resulting in harm to the personal standing and self-respect of the individuals involved. It will explore the various circumstances and contexts in which these violations occur, shedding light on the root causes and motivations behind such actions. The study aspires to offer a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions pertinent to this vital aspect of the criminal justice system, fostering a fair and just legal environment that respects the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.}, added-at = {2024-02-28T10:21:35.000+0100}, author = {|, Sarsenbaev Ajiniyaz Mambetkerim Uli}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b5c3848078e247920c777a9c1fbaee86/centralasian_20}, interhash = {9c9eed699c466fdb991be31fbfc00dec}, intrahash = {b5c3848078e247920c777a9c1fbaee86}, issn = {2660-6836}, journal = {Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History}, keywords = {Interrogator, accused, and dignity, honor insult, suspect, torturedegrading treatment witness,}, language = {english}, month = aug, number = 8, pages = {49-55}, timestamp = {2024-02-28T10:21:35.000+0100}, title = {Cases of Violation of the Law Related to the Honor and Dignity of the Interrogated Persons During the Investigation Period and Grounds of Responsibility}, url = {https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/844/913}, volume = 4, year = 2023 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {In recent years, the orthopedic method of treating fractures of the mandible, along with traditional methods for the purpose of interdigital fixation, has seen the introduction into practice of using cortical screws, which are orthodontic mini-implants. The advantages of using these fixing elements for maxillo-mandibular immobilization compared to dental wire splints include the absence of damaging effects on periodontal and dental tissues, improving the eating process, and facilitating proper hygiene procedures for the patient.}, added-at = {2024-02-17T13:09:33.000+0100}, author = {|, Pulatova Shaxzoda Karimovna}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2aa3a58750431e9c782dfc9017a8b7355/centralasian_20}, interhash = {dcaeb3870da25b550f65843f0b5dbc03}, intrahash = {aa3a58750431e9c782dfc9017a8b7355}, issn = {2660-4159}, journal = {CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCE}, keywords = {cavity consolidationantiseptic fractures immobilization jaws, mandible, of oral the treatment}, language = {english}, month = dec, number = 6, pages = {1292-1304}, timestamp = {2024-02-17T13:09:33.000+0100}, title = {Cortical Fixing Screws are the Method of Choice for Conservative Treatment of Mandibular Fractures}, url = {https://cajmns.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJMNS/article/view/2227/2264}, volume = 4, year = 2023 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {The article describes the analysis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in premenopausal women, studies the causes and methods of treatment. The study was conducted in the gynecological department of the 1st maternity complex in 2022-2023. The study used general medical, clinical laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. The study examined the causes and methods of treating uterine bleeding and made recommendations for improving treatment methods.}, added-at = {2024-02-17T12:51:26.000+0100}, author = {Zafarovna, Bazarova Zarina Zafarovna | Bazarova Sabina}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26059e3bbd917b0fb6c9394200411a58b/centralasian_20}, interhash = {c7dc36af3595fba4cafaedd12cff5980}, intrahash = {6059e3bbd917b0fb6c9394200411a58b}, issn = {2660-4159}, journal = {CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCE}, keywords = {, bleeding combined contraceptives, dysfunctional endometrial hyperplastic methods oral premenopause, premenstrual processes, syndrome, treatment uterine}, language = {english}, month = dec, number = 6, pages = {1239-1242}, timestamp = {2024-02-17T12:51:26.000+0100}, title = {PROBLEMS OF PREMENOPAUSAL AGE}, url = {https://cajmns.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJMNS/article/view/2218/2255}, volume = 4, year = 2023 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {Relevance. A wide range of scientific research is carried out in the world to predict and identify early manifestations of caries in children during orthodontic treatment, as well as to optimize the effectiveness of diagnostic and therapeutic and preventive measures, existing diagnostic methods are already insufficient, therefore there is an urgent need for additional research methods. From these positions, it seems promising to study diagnostic and therapeutic measures aimed at improving the quality of orthodontic care for children. The development of the closest approach to the diagnosis and treatment of caries in the process of orthodontic treatment at the early stages will help to obtain a stable aesthetic outcome in the treatment of orthodontic patients, as well as to avoid relapses.}, added-at = {2024-01-18T12:56:53.000+0100}, author = {A., Nurmatov D. N. |Saidov A.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/276ffa563a5b012a633ae6420335334a5/centralasian_20}, interhash = {eaa563abec67a3de32f25c290c2444d2}, intrahash = {76ffa563a5b012a633ae6420335334a5}, issn = {2660-4159}, journal = {CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCE}, keywords = {Orthodontic Treatment}, language = {english}, month = sep, number = 5, pages = {865-870}, timestamp = {2024-01-18T12:56:53.000+0100}, title = {Preventive Methods to Prevent the Development of Complications During Orthodontic Treatment}, url = {https://cajmns.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJMNS/article/view/1934/1999}, volume = 4, year = 2023 }