@phdthesis{none2007heilige, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:22:42.000+0200}, author = {None}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/257e30794d48cb2335d280a085a7eb680/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {999597787}, interhash = {e655e721326616f3e3932f3b44d62147}, intrahash = {57e30794d48cb2335d280a085a7eb680}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni Kiel}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:22:42.000+0200}, title = {˜Dieœ heilige Birgitta von Schweden: bildliche Darstellungen und theologische Kontroversen im Vorfeld ihrer Kanonisation (1373 - 1391)}, year = 2007 } @phdthesis{dubois2008zentralperspektive, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:18:41.000+0200}, author = {Dubois, Monique}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/248767257e8609408be6aeb30283a98bb/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {994297483}, interhash = {5fffdab1ae28da90240f2293f1f36bd2}, intrahash = {48767257e8609408be6aeb30283a98bb}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:18:41.000+0200}, title = {Zentralperspektive in der florentinischen Kunstpraxis des 15. Jahrhunderts}, year = 2008 } @phdthesis{hirakawa2002pictorialization, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:16:48.000+0200}, author = {Hirakawa, Kayo}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/27e8b414b31a67f17fd9ca3c136d3924e/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {992331501}, interhash = {44a474926806c3bcec0e7452b712d1f5}, intrahash = {7e8b414b31a67f17fd9ca3c136d3924e}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:16:48.000+0200}, title = {˜Theœ pictorialization of Dürer's drawings in Northern Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries}, year = 2002 } @phdthesis{millward2003abstract, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:14:29.000+0200}, author = {Millward, William}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/286137f29a4a043910871d48f12e7f601/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {990055116}, interhash = {44618d9b3dc9e6dbd6b1635ccc82c637}, intrahash = {86137f29a4a043910871d48f12e7f601}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:14:29.000+0200}, title = {Abstract painting: the development and analysis of innovative processes}, year = 2003 } @phdthesis{ruhl2003moretto, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:13:32.000+0200}, author = {Rühl, Anna}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2f039baff961b6e653bc07bd059bd63ae/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {98931698X}, interhash = {2cbd9ebcfca95f4825003dd088165c6e}, intrahash = {f039baff961b6e653bc07bd059bd63ae}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni München}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:13:32.000+0200}, title = {Moretto da Brescia: Bildnisse: Studien zu Form, Wirkung und Funktion des Porträts in der italienischen Renaissance}, year = 2003 } @phdthesis{faistenberger2005faistenberger, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:13:14.000+0200}, author = {Faistenberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23490fce63dafb391d769c0e8ebf7384a/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {989093042}, interhash = {f1546b50878fdf80563ac362a80df6bf}, intrahash = {3490fce63dafb391d769c0e8ebf7384a}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:13:14.000+0200}, title = {˜Dieœ Faistenberger: eine Künstlerfamilie der frühen Neuzeit}, year = 2005 } @phdthesis{napp2004russische, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:12:55.000+0200}, author = {Napp, Antonia}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/227e0607392ac7f85eaeb11864556ed68/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {988817349}, interhash = {69d2fa341c60195597ecf1d72cdea700}, intrahash = {27e0607392ac7f85eaeb11864556ed68}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni Freiburg}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:12:55.000+0200}, title = {Russische Porträts: Geschlechterdifferenz in der Malerei zwischen 1760 und 1820}, year = 2004 } @phdthesis{zwetti2002friedrich, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:12:40.000+0200}, author = {Zwetti, Roswitha}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2033e2f955295138bd082fd4de429a29a/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {988655772}, interhash = {607caf270c61ce98e91b7b0f88baa0b8}, intrahash = {033e2f955295138bd082fd4de429a29a}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:12:40.000+0200}, title = {Friedrich Karl Krčál (1888 - 1983): Bekenntnisse zur sublimen Schönheit}, year = 2002 } @phdthesis{stahlhut2007ideograms, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:12:01.000+0200}, author = {Stahlhut, Heinz}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b9a4c7ea9a6249b30d4c8e6f7484080b/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {988176378}, interhash = {4f96b6a7fc8966b9934fca749d86e1a9}, intrahash = {b9a4c7ea9a6249b30d4c8e6f7484080b}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:12:01.000+0200}, title = {Ideograms in costume: Studien zu Aquarellen Francesco Clementes}, year = 2007 } @phdthesis{hirschfelder2005tronie, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:10:08.000+0200}, author = {Hirschfelder, Dagmar}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2a9483452ce56e1b96844e2ef49865c69/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {986834491}, interhash = {1ff8f279f45f42a16875238403875945}, intrahash = {a9483452ce56e1b96844e2ef49865c69}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni Bonn}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:10:08.000+0200}, title = {Tronie und Porträt in der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts}, year = 2005 } @phdthesis{lorenz2001bilder, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:09:24.000+0200}, author = {Lorenz, Katharina}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24ded4b9784752299daeb30d0ffe4399b/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {986209716}, interhash = {52d73b969f5d1e81523042f0d0c3ea09}, intrahash = {4ded4b9784752299daeb30d0ffe4399b}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni Heidelberg}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:09:24.000+0200}, title = {Bilder machen Räume: Mythenbilder in pompeianischen Häusern}, year = 2001 } @phdthesis{sentischmidlin2006rhythmus, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:07:11.000+0200}, author = {Senti-Schmidlin, Verena}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/20bcd15cbcff92eefbbb33ea7db87508a/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {984890653}, interhash = {df8abff1d6725f936625f279affc002e}, intrahash = {0bcd15cbcff92eefbbb33ea7db87508a}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:07:11.000+0200}, title = {Rhythmus und Tanz in der Malerei: zur Bewegungsästhetik im Werk von Ferdinand Hodler und Ludwig von Hofmann}, year = 2006 } @phdthesis{wolf2005sterben, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:06:23.000+0200}, author = {Wolf, Katja}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d6a6d0e73c6f61b7842cfc0aa0f7ec27/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {984208240}, interhash = {25c041a9658d41c19e9306dd48021c3c}, intrahash = {d6a6d0e73c6f61b7842cfc0aa0f7ec27}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni Trier}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:06:23.000+0200}, title = {Zum Sterben schön: Heldentum und Heldentod in der angloamerikanischen Schlachtenmalerei um 1800}, year = 2005 } @phdthesis{spies2005tragheit, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:06:11.000+0200}, author = {Spies, Christian}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/241764fcca321309ffb596d9f80c9d024/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {984101934}, interhash = {3ab67722bffaed5507fc28ab45f8ebef}, intrahash = {41764fcca321309ffb596d9f80c9d024}, keywords = {dnb Malerei Fotografie Video Computerkunst}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:06:11.000+0200}, title = {˜Dieœ Trägheit des Bildes: Bildlichkeit und Zeit zwischen Malerei und Video}, year = 2005 } @phdthesis{bernhartkonigstein2006raffaels, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:03:53.000+0200}, author = {Bernhart-Königstein, Gregor}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26c29998603d865f925a7cf859cfdff66/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {982519494}, interhash = {e3335b8e576987752bcdbb4dc6af3f56}, intrahash = {6c29998603d865f925a7cf859cfdff66}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:03:53.000+0200}, title = {Raffaels Weltverklärung: das berühmteste Gemälde der Welt}, year = 2006 } @phdthesis{kaufmann2005symbol, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:03:23.000+0200}, author = {Kaufmann, Bettina}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b5ed102cbd1bae4ab24b6049e10b9f73/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {98348693X}, interhash = {e0e1f8b7a1f9ec73fa2e49ef79740681}, intrahash = {b5ed102cbd1bae4ab24b6049e10b9f73}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:05:18.000+0200}, title = {Symbol und Wirklichkeit: Ernst Ludwig Kirchners Bilder aus der Phantasie und Edvard Munchs Lebensfries}, year = 2005 } @phdthesis{gludovatz2004fahrten, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:03:22.000+0200}, author = {Gludovatz, Karin}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b600dd00debf0c003325798d76515dc6/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {982064489}, interhash = {b60b4458f78b95ab7a9fa3b538d86134}, intrahash = {b600dd00debf0c003325798d76515dc6}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:03:22.000+0200}, title = {Fährten legen - Spuren lesen: die Künstlersignatur als poietische Referenz}, year = 2004 } @phdthesis{michaud2003johann, added-at = {2016-05-31T14:00:50.000+0200}, author = {Michaud, Cécile}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2613d16ce6dc4b4fcdb4739d4559d5a6f/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {980470080}, interhash = {efd2885880946b1b5444f3f01f2508a0}, intrahash = {613d16ce6dc4b4fcdb4739d4559d5a6f}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T14:00:50.000+0200}, title = {Johann Heinrich Schönfeld: un peintre allemand du XVIIe siècle en Italie}, year = 2003 } @phdthesis{cugini2001sieht, added-at = {2016-05-31T13:58:13.000+0200}, author = {Cugini, Carla}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2dc37d8f85b0487c9ff97d9744be958e6/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {978823346}, interhash = {59f95d6067b5e6f8052a6271c8575b9d}, intrahash = {dc37d8f85b0487c9ff97d9744be958e6}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T13:58:13.000+0200}, title = {"Er sieht einen Fleck, er malt einen Fleck": physiologische Optik, Impressionismus und Kunstkritik}, year = 2001 } @phdthesis{ganz2001neugier, added-at = {2016-05-31T13:57:57.000+0200}, author = {Ganz, Ulrike Dorothea}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/28ad0d45b8329fda10b46e650b4c933b2/genealogie}, dnbtitleid = {978708857}, interhash = {afe25ba4bd94d0c7e42038ccbff450d0}, intrahash = {8ad0d45b8329fda10b46e650b4c933b2}, keywords = {dnb Malerei}, school = {Uni}, timestamp = {2016-05-31T13:57:57.000+0200}, title = {Neugier & Sammelbild: rezeptionsästhetische Studien zu gemalten Sammlungen in der niederländischen Malerei ca. 1550 - 1650}, year = 2001 }