Descripció: mural del vestíbul d’entrada d’un edifici d’habitatges, situat a l’exterior. El mosaic està realitzat amb peces de ceràmica esmaltada, de pedra i tessel·les de vidre platejades. La decoració forma un conjunt de cercles i línies corbes de color vermell, blanc i beix sobre fons negre per crear una composició geomètrica abstracta.
Època: 1969 o posterior, any de construcció de l’edifici
Autor: Armand Olivè Milián (signat OLIVE MILIAN), mosaïcista
Font de la informació: equip de redacció de l’Inventari participatiu – El mosaic del meu barri
Arquitecte: desconegut
Època: 1969
Ús original: residencial
Polish painter, born 9 January 1894 in Warsaw, died 10 June 1988 in Warsaw. Stażewski was the pioneer of the classical Avant-garde of the.... Full resource library of info on Polish Arts and Culture - - Find information on Polish artists and major works of art.
Alta Alella, el celler familiar d’agricultura ecològica més proper a Barcelona. Una família lligada a la viticultura dedicada a la cultura del vi i el cava. Envoltats de vinyes, raïm, veremes i ampolles. Alta Alella compta amb un centre de visites que gaudeix d’unes meravelloses vistes al Mediterrani. Un espai exclusiu i acollidor. Obert cada dia per a particulars, grups i empreses.
The state has for too long played a dangerous game of running with the ‘secular’ hare while hunting with the ‘communal’ hound. Only a policy of zero tolerance towards violence can save Mumbai.
The collection and analysis of data is changing the way economies operate. Are these changes so fundamental that they can be said to have led to the emergence of a new form of capitalism – surveillance capitalism? If people’s behaviour is made increasingly transparent, do we become a society in which trust is no longer necessary? Are individuals a mere appendage to the digital machine, objects of new mechanisms which reward and punish according to the determinations of private capital? How is social cohesion affected when people become dispensable as a labour force, while their data continues to provide function as a source of value in lucrative new markets that trade in predictions of human behaviour? How should we understand the new quality of power that arises from these unprecedented conditions? What kind of society does it aim to create? And what ramifications will these developments have for the principles of liberal democracy? Will privacy law and anti-trust law be enough? How can we tame what we do not yet understand?
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